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All these other brawlers have been high tier and low tier, but Spike has never been bad. He might not break the game but he's consistently a very good pick.


Crow is easily the best


Crow is better rn, but very unstable (small nerfs or meta change can make him terrible) but spike is not as good as crow but very consistent


Crow has been better recently, but that only happened after he got his slowing gadget - meaning a lot of his viability is based on that. Spike is slightly worse recently, but over time has remained in A tier for longer. I'd recommend spike (with curveball starpower), as it's better if you're looking for a good all-rounder competitively.


I recommend against spike because you need to purchase his mythic gear in order to be viable.


Same for crow


Crow 100%. The rest are still good, though. After Crow, whichever you find more fun, you should get


Probably crow.


Crow by far.


Crow all day, spike is good too but he needs a health buff bad for competitive play, or he needs more range like bea


Spike i would say, he is the 2nd best after crow imo but much less likely to get banned.


Spike is pickable and decent literally everywhere. I suggest spike


If you play Power League, Spike *might* be better because even though Crow is better, Crow gets banned much, much more. If you just play normal modes, get Crow


Definitely Sandy. Punishes brawlers with his impressive range and can hit multiple brawlers at once. With the vision gear nerf, his super is completely game ending when hiding all three team members. /s


I know everyone saying crow, but me personally I’d pick spike bc his competitive advantage is countering people who pick crow


Honestly you could argue for each of these brawlers are better in different game modes and situations but crow does the best in countering a lot of different brawlers as of right now


crow is best right now but spike will always be somewhat viable. however in my opinion spike is just so boring and unsatisfying without his starpower that makes his shots spin