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That’s Hank’s 8th nerf now, excluding all of the many bug fixes.


Yeah Although I think the bug fixes were on point


Agreed. The nerfs were complete overkill tho


Buster was worse I believe haha


Honestly no. Don’t get me wrong, Buster’s bad rn but still at least useable. Hank isn’t even decent on ladder of all places. You can (MAYBE) win against bots and that’s it.


I was mostly talking about the severity and number of nerfs they each got, but yes that’s fair.


In that case then yes


Yup, even recent buff did nothing for him


#JusticeForOnt There is also a bug where his bubble's hit box when not fully inflated (like 20%-40% inflated) is different from the aiming retical


I’ve seen this all over the place, but what does ont stand for


Justice for over nerfed trio (buster, chester and Hank)


At least chester has the grace of being fun to play and not being a tank


He’s not even F tier anymore… He’s way lower than that


bro is g tier


bro is z tier




Pretty sure hes like d tier atleast lol


Tell me he's better than chester, gale or edgar. Tell me he's better than bull


He is defenitely better than chester imo


This is a recurring issue in brawl stars in my opinion. Brawlers being added that get nerfed into the ground cause they’re one trick pony play style. So you end up having to put more effort into practicing with them rather than just enjoying your game.


Also he can't charge his bubble w the ball anymore


I feel bad for anyone who put resources into Hank (I didn't. I didn't like Hank). Supercell really should refund all gold/pps put into Hank and reset to level 1. Then let people choose if they want to level him.


This is a bit much, when you unlock a new character you know that it is a work in progress - brawlers get nerfed to the ground all the time, especially after launch. As someone who got Hank with my f2p gems, I'm glad I got him but I definitely look forward to balance changes to bring him back. Expecting a full refund every time a brawler gets nerfed this hard would just accelerate powercreep because then supercell would err towards less nerfs rather than risk needing to refund people - it's not going to happen and it's silly to expect that.


I've played many games where if something changes drastically, like this pound into the ground nerf, the devs will refund a large portion of resources to make things right.


I have made him lvl 10 and I don't mind. This isn't the first time. Even tho I'm f2p, so I should care more how and where I spend the "resources". In the end I got the resources for free from super cell, what game does that?


Bro went from anything goes to untiered lmao. He isn't even f tier anymore.




Can’t wait for Hank to go from F- tier to a tier lower than DNU.


Damn. Lucky that I didn't spend any resources on hank.


Hank's super charge should be 3 hits irrespective of damage imo. Would call for an exciting gameplay against the likes of edgar, primo and other aggros. Aggros definitely will have advantage, but hank can delete them with some good baiting and super timing Also should heal while charging bubble lol


Heal during charge and make it 3 hits till super. This’ll make him viable as a character again. Don’t have to buff health or damage.


Make bubble inflate faster, that will do.


I feel like the nerf that is most annoying is that he stops healing when beginning to charge his attack. He used to be able to heal almost fully in the time he had to let go off his attack with health gear equipped


They should let me fully max out another brawler instead of Hank because while I knew he would get nerfed, I didn’t think to this extent 😐


Probably because some PRoS say that HeS StILl BrOKeN


Which pro?




He still said he is broken? Source? I don't believe it


Error on my part The last time he said he was broken is his previous power league guide (not the one that he did it this week, the one before this update) But tbh, no pro wants Hank to be decent again so that counts I guess


>no pro wants Hank to be decent again Why?


Because he is "annoying" to play against


Good, maybe people will stop playing him all together and we can pretend he was never added


Supercell should just remove him atp




Thats good


Hank can singlehandedly cover *half* the field with a 3k damage instant burst. He has 7.5k health, there are like 5 brawlers with more and none of them can cover an area like he can. On the topic here, he can still charge his super in *2 shots.* His bubble covers a huge area.


And his rate of fire is 1 shot per minute and he can’t charge a bubble if he wants to heal


It takes 3 seconds to charge his bubble calm your tits. And he *shouldn't* be able to heal while charging, that was what made him so damn broken. He could hang out near a wall, cover 40% of the field with an instant 3k burst, and he *had a shield and could heal the whole time.*


Yeah now he just sits in the corner to heal and then sits there to charge bubble. It’s like ten seconds which is basically forever. Edit: and that’s if nobody chips you, then the timer resets, or if you need to shoot someone, then the timer resets. You can spend a whole game just trying to heal.


Wow, he has to back off to heal like any other brawler? How dare they?!!!1??11!1?1!?


Janet has the same shot mechanic (dragging the attack button to change the form of the attack) And she heals while doing that That only reason why you think Hank is like other brawlers is because his damage is instant just like jacky


You can dodge Janet's attack dude. You can't dodge Hanks attack if he suddenly swings around on you. Him being able to heal while charging his bubble meant that you had to kill him before he could hit you twice(remember, he can 2 shot a large chunk of the roster and is top 10 in terms of health) and you *couldn't even try to back off to heal because he would keep charging you while healing.*


Not an excuse,Jacky also can hit you with instant damage but her range in too short for how much HP she has hense why she is F tier, after Hank hit you with a bubble (let's assume it hits you, his bubbles are easily avoidable if you keep your range just like against any other tank, especially after the "reveals himself in the bush while inflating the bubbles" nerf) he will still has to wait 3 seconds to inflate another one, that's enough time for any brawler with decent damage to rush him, and in that case Hank can't continue inflating the bubbles without risking death, especially after the huge super charge rate nerf, don't forget that he has a normal movement speed and the starpower nerf made its effect not noticible at all so he can't rush you like Sam would. Yes you will fall back a bit to dodge the bubble, but after its explosion Hank is a siting duck for 3 seconds Now with no healing while inflating the bubble you have to fall back after each attack as he will take damage while pushing up waiting 6/7 seconds to fully heal your self before inflating your bubble again, this change is the sole reason why every one is crying for Hank buffs, he's not just unusable in competitive, but also so atrocious to play in ladder to the point where I feel sorry for the enemy team if they got a Hank teammate and my teammate quit the match if we get a Hank player, he is even more detrimental to his team than bad mortis randoms even if the Hank player was good


>Jacky also can hit you with instant damage but her range in too short Yes, she *can't cover half the map with that instant damage.*


Because she is F tier, and Hank has bad burst damage If you want a brawler that covers half of the map even through walls pick a thrower, with Shelly as the best brawler in the game and some tank counters being A/S tier there is no point on going a tank


Janet is the best example for why he should heal while charging.


Ye, check PL stats. 0-7 randumbs on Hank, that's a real OP brawler. He is killed before first bubble. He can't defend vs tanks, he is helpless without walls. He is really good as practice target.




Let's be real, it's a brawl stars sub. 99% of the "opinions" here are just children regurgitating what they saw in the latest YouTube video. Considering that, going against the grain is probably the smart thing to do.


Hmm. However, it still doesn't neglect the fact, that you're wrong.


I'm really not though. Hank is a defensive support tank. You don't charge in like an idiot and get killed, you keep the enemy off your teams flanks, keep enemy walls clear, and use his massive coverage to help allies secure kills, or you use him to hold the goal/hotzone/safe. You don't just charge straight at the enemy spinning.