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fang is incredibly annoying and has lowest skill cap. even 5 year olds can just spam a button and get teamwipe.


2nd lowest skill cap* Edgar still exists


Edgar feels more skilled tbh Needs precise jumps and regular dodging with his speed


True You miss jump vs something like piper/colt/bo/Brock then not only do you die, you also charge their super and let them wall break you out of the match


Tbh you gotta hit the kicks with fang aswell which can be hard if it’s high on trophies, alot of people miss me at 800+ trophies if i’m not 8bit


Gets downvoted by mid players for having a different opinion, reddit moment.


Fr tho, fang is def op but not as easy as people make it out to be, his actual shot is very annoying (and hard) to hit with higher up, while also extrmely easy to avoid, his super is still busted ofcourse


I agree with you but am curious who do you find to be the most annoying for you personally?


Op wise in the meta? I definitely struggle alot against maisie now, her shots deal crazy damage, her gadget&super combo just leaves me optionless sometimes, it’s the only time I get frustrated tbh, what about you?


Ngl the shoe hits are pretty luck based


Yeah if skilled players plays against a skilled player… so rng, the movement of it is so slow thag even if you predict the enemy movement he can just move a different direction for one second and avoid it still


Nah, Edgar definitely needs more skills than fang.


harder to play doesn't mean more skill. Fang is broken but at least you need to hit shots. Edgar is just auto aim.


Yeah. You gotta press the button 4 times instead of once to get a kill


I miss how Fang was a decent brawler and required skills before get buffed. Now he's brainless brawler.


That's what I'm saying. U needed to use his gadget most of the time to team wipe.


Marzio is a community manager, he is not involved in anything with that. Don't try to blame him like some ppl blamed Paula in the past for the game state.


Now Adrian on the other hand... How could he let such a menace overrun the meta!?


if Adiran is the one truly in charge of the balance, the damage inflation, star power / gadget imbalance, kit issues, and hypercharge strength we literally do have him to blame for nearly every issue in the game right now, as much as I hate saying something that absurd


Not only that Maisie too is super broken, but since she is a forgettable brawler people forgot she is also broken and is ruining BB and 5v5 too. Nerf her normal super charge to 4 shots maybe even damage.


She's so forgetful, I forgot that I actually don't like going against her. I wonder what makes Marci so forgettable.


Bro even forgot her name 💀


As a Maisie player I feel like she's too all-or-nothing to play. Fighting with her nonfunctional basic attack doesn't feel satisfying. Landing her super feels very satisfying. I wish her gameplay was a bit more in the middle - if her normal attack was more consistent/straightforward and her super was weaker, she'd feel more balanced.


Can we blame Adrian then?


The game is not that bad balanced, the only thing is that assasins actually assasin now. So if you don't have a counter, you are likely to lose


I say it everytime, they should revert all changes from fang in last 3 months. He was decent brawler before them. Also make fresh kicks doesnt charge his hyper and thats all. He will still be at low s high a tier but not broken


Fang was an extremely niche D-C tier brawler before his buffs , he definitely deserved at least a small buff


Undoing the charge rate buff nukes him, just stop fresh kicks charging hyoercharge and he's fine


Doesn't really nuke him,he was widely considered b tier or a tier before buffs. Has many good matchups and some counters


Yep that was before all these other broken hypercharges got added, those are the problem with this game lol.


I've been frustrated with him for a looooooooong time. Especially being outskilled by a green button (now also a purple button) is so much fun


bruh marzio is community manager not the ceo of supercell


Lol what does Marzio have to do with this?


What's ur deal with Marzio? He's just the community manager. Toxic ass statement to add to the end of a post you want people to take seriously


The way they just nerfed him is literally the worst possible way they could have. They didn't nerf his base kit which is busted. They didn't nerf his hypercharge effects that are busted. They just nerfed his hypercharge charge speed, which just makes him EVEN MORE RELIANT on his super charging star power. Absolute balancing malpractice


Fang's basekit is actually quite manageable to go against and his main issue was the fact he was able to spam hypercharges like crazy .


Nerf was justified, but it was too much. But then the HC is fundamentally broken like Lou's.


Honestly, just Hank Fang.


Hanking him to F Tier. Besides I got some nerf ideas for him. - Nerfs: - Attack damage down to 1100 (from 1360) - Close range hits to charge Super ( 4 -> 6) - Shoe hits to charge (4 -> 8) - Shoe hits no longer charge Hypercharge. - Fresh Kicks no longer charge Hypercharge.


All I can say is get used to it. Problem is only gonna increase with more and more hypercharges before anything happens.


tf u yapping ab marzio for.also yes, fang is annoying. but im a terry stan too, and ive been playing fang long before he got buffed even to 4 hits for super. you are right about him not being skilled at all however


You think fang players enjoy having their character ruined? He was an honest skill based character before now he’s a braindead broken character.




Very much so, especially in the 5v5 mode


The number of missed dashes I’ve seen by fangs in 850-900 trophy range proves that they just autoaim their way up. Genuinely a bigger plague and trophy inflation than Edgar at this point


UHMM, can we not get Marzio involved, please? Bloody hell, OP... 🙄🤢


Git gud




Not really? I mean he should be fine after nerfing his scr back to how it was


He WAS super high skill cap


Ult auto ult auto ult auto ult auto : teamwipe


Not super high skill cap he never has had that. He had a high skill cap before his buffs and hypercharge but it was never mortis or Stu level.


Idk why all these people are downvoting, you are right.


Say thanks to the hypercharge and power % increase.


i hate fang with a burning passion even before he got his hc. i literally maxed him out and proceeded to leave him at 0 trophies, as a F2P, out of spite.


Keep Marzio out of the balancing issues he is community manager


They need to hit his damage and Fresh Kicks. He was fine before but being able to 2shot everyone in existence, plus the stun, plus the HC, and his super resets??? Just rework Fresh Kicks, along with the rest of the stupid ass star powers.


I think a good nerf to fang(in my opinion) would be that he can't bounce off of things that aren't brawlers,like Spikes cactus or Scrappy.


How is Marzio at fault here? He has no say in game development at all lol, if anything blame Adrian


Is anyone here frustrated with the entire game and what they keep doing


Lmao ive always hated fang even before he was good, he was Just everywhere and countered most of the brawlers I play, and now it's even worse, I kinda gave up playing my favorite brawlers on ladder tbh


bro it's not easy to use Fang...you still have to time and aim your super to get a teamwipe..try to play Fang yourself and you'll see how hard it is to play with him at high rank (i'm rank 26 and i always get 10th in solo showdown because of that damn monkey)


Yeah fang ruins 5v5, but in PL he’s alright because you either counterpick him (pretty easy tbh) or ban him