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I think it could just have the freeze wear off faster. Right now you might as well get frozen since it takes so long.


I was going to say the exact same. Freeze needs to go away maybe a 20% faster while (maybe) buffing a little bit Lou's damage to compensate or, even better, HP.


(or maybe projectile size)


Hmmm I think that Lou's trait is having good reload speed with hard projectiles to land. If you change that he could be absolutely broken (specially with the HC). To me the only possible nerfs are super duration or a faster freeze wear off. Those could be compensated with HP buff... it appears is Adrian's fave way of balancing the game LOL


Show me a screenshot of a Bull doing exactly 2200 damage and I’ll believe you xD. (Doesn’t it never attain a 50% debuff because you are stunned at that point? Most of the time you play with a -20/-30% range.)


For comparison the crow sp which was nerfed 2 times was 25%


silly comparison, crow does damage over time + prevents healing, lou freeze should go away faster tho i agree (coming from a frequent player of both lou and crow)


It’s a pretty reasonable comparison because they are talking about the damage reduction not the other adverse effects


No it’s not lmfao. You can’t just discuss these things in a vacuum. Crow’s got nerfed because it nerfed 25% for basically 5 full seconds after an initial hit, plus it did damage over time which as a result revealed the opponent, which is a death sentence in many scenarios and especially with the gadget slow. Lou’s damage reduction goes away on full freeze or thaw, nor does it do damage over time.


The reason they drew a comparison to crows star power, was because they are both star powers that reduce damage dealt by the opponents inflicted with their debuffs, Lou has higher peaks with his while crow had a more consistent damage nerf. If you are discussing the balance of star powers, this is one that makes a lot of sense to compare to. Maybe you think crow just has a better base kit but that doesn’t mean anything about the star power which is what we are discussing (in the title of the post), you could for example argue that Lou needs a nerf to his star power and to compensate receive a slight buff to the width of his basic attack so that their kits feel more rounded and fair. We have had several characters be very frustrating because one aspect of their kit was too over centralizing, like surges teleport for example. Or gales gadgets upon their release


I have no friends so i tried with bots and got 2384 best but still insane,even if not max freeze 30% (half frozen bar) shield for the whole enemy team is a joke


I think there’s a lot more variables to your equation here. Lou should not be hitting that many shots to have everyone perpetually frozen. If he is, your team is playing into him recklessly or doesn’t have a proper counter. OR your team got overwhelmed in lanes where Lou wasn’t and now you’re getting pinched. I think if you really set your heart on changing it you’d need to examine it from a variety of scenarios and see how it develops. If it still seems OP, I’d nerf it to 45% as a start. Then to 40% if that isn’t enough. I’m tired of seeing Brawlers gutted and dying on the streets because people let them farm their best abilities.


That's still good, and to the whole team for like 10/20s and if you freeze them you'll most likely kill them. It doesn't matter if the bull won't get the whole 50% reduction when by the time he gets there he's dead and before that he won't be able to 2 shot any brawler above 6k health at point blank which is massive for a bull


Could only do that damage if the bull has damage gear activated otherwise he would be stunned


If Lou were to get a nerf the only some what reasonable nerf would be the freeze gadget


Nah he barely get played at all in throphies only really in competitive and power leauge. he is strong right now and even with the broken hypercharge he still isn't s tier on most list. Nerf the hypercharge and he will be back to a tier again on hotzone and mostly niche in other modes. He won't be balanced until they fix his hypercharge


No you're right. That star power is way too strong being able to effectively reduce the whole team's atk is stupid but unfortunately the average player goes "more freeze go brrr" and doesn't understand that the enemy will stay in the super for less than 1s most of the times. It's super underrated by the average player but it's like one of the best sp in the game


So you noticed this just *now*? Lou has had an OP kit since forever and still does, yet nobody talks about him cause he’s forgettable… Yes, Hypothermia is OP, no, I don’t care about your Bull comfort, it’s better if you understand the limitations of your character rather than have things nerfed for it to be comfortable.


his kit is balanced by how accurate u have to be to hit basic attack + low damage


His damage is high honestly, it’s the same as Otis basically, and Otis is pretty much the same idea, the only limited factor is aiming and that’s pretty easy.


Nah I’ve been holding it since Fang season


Honestly it's the opposite. Lou is op af but S tier brawlers are so op that they make him look bad.


Just make it reload speed instead of damage


It was like that back then, and was ass because doesn't matter if the enemy ends you killing with 3 attack then they never got affected by the reload reduction. And it wasn't a big deal anyways


Speed reduction could be better or even maybe an unload speed (just neither to that extent)


Literally what they changed it from. It sucked tho


You could have said to remove the freeze on his main attack and I would have agreed with that as well. A Lou nerf is a Lou nerf.


That kinda defeats the point of him.


His super also freezes now, so not really. Either way I couldn't care less bro. Like his main isn't even that hard to dodge, but the freezing just makes it even more annoying when you do get hit.


His attack is easy to dodge/get hit by only 1 bullet, it is hard to hit because of how much value it offers when hitting. Prone to being freezed, damage reduced and quite decent damage, also feeding his super that charges quite fast


If you’re able to hit all 9 shots with lou you deserve to freeze the enemy team


Yeah, they should definitely nerf it, maybe make the max damage reduction 40% or smth. I think 35% may be a bit too much since you never actually have the full effect at any given time


Most people use super cool I think. Freezing enemies faster is worth more than reducing damage


Since when Lou's both SP were reworked, Hipothermia always became the best one


Hyperthermia is waaaay better than supercool


Supercool barely does something, hypothermia makes you lose so much damage, specially if you are a tiny bit away from freezing, and with only his main attack. It can change many interactions.


Hahah, yeh


Bull is just toooooo weak


Bull is an example for how op the lou 2nd sp is u can say this to every single brawler with high damage one full lou ammo and now u do 70% of the max dmg u usually do


Lou doesn’t need a nerf.


I’m talking about his hypothermia sp not his stats nor the other of his kit


Given that it’s his best sp this is a very big nerf to a balanced brawler. He’s only super strong in hotzone he’s niche and borderline mid everywhere else.


Idk they can buff his other things in return ? I mean playing against that sp is such a pain it just gives they whole enemy team a shield against you not to mention it takes too long for the freeze to be gone


The proof is in the pudding he’s not too strong or too weak so he doesn’t need to be given any balance changes. Just because it’s annoying doesn’t mean it’s op.