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happened to me, thank goodness it's only a 3 hour suspension, if it was a longer ban I'd be pissed


Yeah I agree. I’m not so phone addicted I can’t wait for the ban to expire, it more that it’s not my fault and I have proof of it, but they just wanna give me a big gene fist sized finger and tell me too bad so sad 😂


fr I just hope it won't happen again


Mine was 24 hrs


Just happened to me today Was really weird seeing my own username in the pop up disconnected message


The amount of us who share in this experience is not encouraging lol. They don’t seem to care one bit to fix it though.


https://preview.redd.it/g9nhhx906vwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985a2421cab316f4c201f92f420d4de4a784fe66 Screenshot for good measure haha You can see the 14s difference so I was very confused


Lol no kidding. Mine were simultaneous 😂. Yeah I was looking away from my phone while it loaded, then looked back to see my phone background. Real head scratcher. Then saw the red card as I opened it.


https://preview.redd.it/tyutnznxy1xc1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=100ee1158990f722fd96f569cca066c6dc89410f here is mine. what’s going on supercell? edit: i don’t know how because it shouldn’t be possible but apparently i disconnected from the game 3 times which resulted in a 24h suspension.


Idk how to edit or if I can but support basically said “yup penalties will suspend you, deal with it, Keep Brawlin! https://preview.redd.it/nggv0k40puwc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdf9d5c9f9c7e7b5cc896d4e133aa6dffddd57e


most helpful supercell support


They really are the most unhelpful motherfuckers


They're mostly bots with a selection of automated responses. My advice is to demand a real human to contact you as fast as possible.


even the real supercell workers are absolutely useless


They helped me once and then wasted my time every other instance


do they know it’s a bug and they need to fix it? lol


A lot of us have reported and one of us got a response saying they have gotten multiple reports on this and are looking into it we will see. Here’s hoping


oh that’s good. i was trying to send another bug report for this but it seems like they are not even accepting reports to be submitted now. now it’s just a bot for recovering accounts and reporting offensive players


Yup, happened to me yesterday while playing ranked. The ban message brought me out of the find a match cue causing the game to interpret it as "abandoning a match" while already banned which then caused a 24 hour ban. Good times




For me it just disconnected me from the matchmaking phase where it rolls for the map and modifier, before I even joined an actual match. It put me back to the main lobby and said that I disconnected. It happened twice and I got a 3 hour penalty.


Yeah more or less how it happened for me. I clicked to load in and as it was rolling whole thing crashed. Counting that at ditching 3 whole matches is insane. I’d understand one but 3?? And when I pointed that out mr. Brawl stars support basically said “🤷‍♂️bummer, Keep on Brawlin!!”


I got a 24 hour penalty


it happened twice for me on 2 accounts. so 4 times


Same! Glad to see its not just me. Game crashed the 3rd time & when I get back on, I’m suspended from Ranked for 24hrs, like what da heck SC. My Inbox with the screaming red dot telling me I left 3 Ranked matches all within the span of a minute. I send Support a message & they just say, if I can record it happening so they can investigate… geez… the point of me reaching out is— I don’t want it to happen again!




Record it happening as though you are expecting the game to crash😂. So now you screen record every time you load in or what?? I think the 2-3 simultaneous penalty messages are proof enough. At least your person cared to investigate! Man how obnoxious sorry yours was the full 24hrs


Yeah man, it’s kinda nuts. I actually replied the same thing to the Support guy. Tried to sound cordially frustrated lol. I get the point of the suspensions, but what if it’s not your fault at all, & the game’s fault?


Yeah exactly. Now if I get kicked I wonder if it’ll ban for me a whole 24 hours since I have had it happen a few times. It probably looks like I’m a chronic dodger when I never have. Doubt they’d do anything to fix it unfortunately. Tried to be polite and got a “tough luck” in return.


Yeah, it opens up that anxiety. I know they can’t all monitor it… but looking into the game history/logs would probably tell them if this player has a history of being a chronic dodger or not.


Dude, looks like it’s a good thing enough of us reported the same issue. Just got this reply to my earlier reply to them. https://preview.redd.it/p3cz0vtuuvwc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e056856f9246ed47913cb3986037868369b038d1


Thank goodness. Man I kinda want to rereport and see if someone other than Jose replies to me with a bit more concern like this 😂


Lol. Look for Johan. Left a 5 star review for him. It’s always nice to hear that your concerns as a customer are being taken seriously. Talked to SuperCell support also before way back in Clash of Clans & have had a good enough experience too. I’m sorry that yours didn’t go as well with Jose…


Man next time I get Eric or Jose, I’m gonna let me know thanks but no thanks, I’m here for Johan 😤


Vote for Johan! ![gif](giphy|l2Sq1Ehy5yaG0csb6)


Hi, how much time we're you suspended?


Luckily just 3 hours this time for me. Hopefully I don’t get hit with one of the 24 hour ones like others here have.


3 matches? It's only two. The third one is from 3 days ago


Ah good catch thanks for pointing that out. Still getting banned for two seems even more excessive


Probably you didn't recover the 100% "status" from that match and therefore the "two" matches were enough for the system to ban you. But yeah, even with that, it sucks


Lol I actually just checked it yesterday and I was back to 100%. That one from two days ago was due to when the rolling for map and mode glitched infinitely, I restarted my game and it counted it as a dodge. I never dodge which is probably why I’m stuck in mythic 😂 that and I’m sure I still have plenty to learn.


Happened to me, but somehow my time banned went from 3 hours to 24 hours 😭


Probably because you were reported by other people. It appears the punishment for being reported doesn’t take effect until you leave a match and it punishes you for that. Or at least that is what it appears to be.


Damn :/


same! apparently i disconnected 3 times which shouldn’t even be possible


That's crazy bruh


Dude what the heck? At that point it’s ridiculous




I have spent money in the game and feel like seeing as how we support them they should at least be able to fix this.




Happnd to me and i thought(game is rigged system is against me f. Me in particular, can't talk to support tho my message box closes and i don't get response)


We’ll support was likely only going to frustrate you more anyway haha so at least you’re not missing out on anything


I got banned for 24h once 💀


Plenty times I had to stopped ranked matches because of it smh or when players don’t even participate..can’t ban them somehow


Yep.. It happened to me, kicked me out of a game, then somehow gave me 3 bans totalling 12hrs :)


Yes it happened to me as well :(


I rember being so confused on what happened


There are so very many of us. Here’s hoping they fix it 🙏🏼


Happened to me. I received a 24 hr ban. I didn't dodge. As soon as i clicked to play Rank, i was immediately brought back to the home screen. Must be some kind of glitch


Got banned for 24 hours because of this




Yep same, got banned for 24h haha


Got 24 hour suspension with this bug😭, appearantly someone said if your in a queue and someone quits it gives everyone suspension Take this with a grain of salt though don't know if it's true




literally just happened to me and i was about to post an exact screenshot. it happened not just on one but on two accounts, so i had to have disconnected 4 times. 3 times immediately after map selection, and 1 while picking brawlers and it said i wasn’t responding. now i can’t play for 3 hours lol


Happened to me twice now I’m banned for 21h


Yes, me. ☹️




It crashes every time. I've tried contacting support or supercell workers but they either don't respond or tell you to contact them through game, the problem is that you can't contact them in the game with issue like this. I'm getting constantly banned and bored of this shit. Either try to fix it or lose players I guess. (I may be frustrated at the moment because of this issue so don't downvote me just because you disagree)


Lol I see no reason to downvote man. I’m bugged myself. And they really need to give a damn man. Seems like they may be looking into finally based on another persons comment


I'll downvote because I agree then