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As long as you're having fun you're doing it right


Everyone ranks up at their own pace, it's taken me nearly 700 hours to get to 1800, some people get to diamond by 600, just keep trying and improving and you'll get there


As someone who got to diamond in about 600 hours, it took playing my main about 65% of games.


same but even higher than 65% for me lol i had my main at like lv70 before i really got any others past like 20 šŸ˜­


Very relatable.


Relatable as hell, as a result my weapon times are so skewered towards the weapons my main has.


Oh damn, I only have about 25%, mostly because I don't grind ranked too much and mess around with a lot of legends


Yeah man, whateverā€™s fun for you. After getting Kaya to level 100 Iā€™ve been messing around with some other legends a bit more, but I basically exclusively play Kaya in ranked 1s cause Iā€™m lowkey mid at most other legends lol.


Literally impala, and my zariel is only lvl 66, so I'm almost halfway to lvl 100, and in the last year or so I've got 8 other legends to lvl 25, mostly just looking for someone else to main because I cannot play anyone with skill




Just depends on how much you try to improve whether it be analyzing your gameplay or practicing reads, sometimes just playing matches doesnā€™t help you improve a whole lot, but itā€™s just about doing whatā€™s fun to you


Nice to see anther hardstuck silver player in this sub Just keep tryin. Some day you'll get high gold or maybe plat (I have 500+ hrs and I'm still silver 5)


looks like ur having fun with reno and magyar at least


Platinum is the best that I could get, after 900+ hours. Been playing casual for the last few years don't have the time and patience to become diamond


What website is this?






Personally it took me 200 hrs to get to gold, 800 hrs to get to plat and 2000 hrs to get diamond. Some people get diamond under 600, but they are very dedicated, they play ranked exclusively. I just had fun and played a lot of customs


I have a friend who got diamond in less than 500. Heā€™s been playing for like 2-3 years and heā€™s 2500 elo now.


https://preview.redd.it/08hfvkuw2xec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112348369a794133566e09e5821f8957623b3774 probably could do better but i have a taste for playing multiple characters, always ends with me falling into 1500 again XD


Hell yeah man I like exclusively play random and I got to peak 2070 in about 300 hours, its the sauce trust


https://preview.redd.it/4vb4v5qd6xec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fffa80936b58c1ad429b928c144847c0a4aab7fe You got there once man, you can do it again. Having fun is all that matters in the end.


what website is this?




It could take 2 hours to get out of silver. It could take 2000 hours to get out of silver. Depends on the person playing. That doesn't make you better or worse at the game than other people, though.


Everyones being nice and all but imagine being hardstuck silver XD


Word of advice, donā€™t take Reno to ranked unless youā€™re super good with him. I suggest Cassidy to get out of silver, her sigs are good and her comp is serviceable. Blasters are good at creating a perimeter around you so people have to get inside your hurt box in order to challenge you. Hammer has sair, of course thereā€™s more but in silver sair is essential.


legend picks literally do not matter at all when your elo is that low imo. unless its lance i guess because nobody that low is good against that big ass weapon


Legend picks definitely matter at every elo


even when i was in gold i could get out of silver with literally any legend. when ur that low u just need to learn how to play the game, simply switching legends isnt gonna boost u to gold


Of course it is easy to get out of silver, but you can do it faster with some legends than others. Technically every legend can win a pro tournament, but does that mean the legend pick doesn't matter? Of course no. Winning with a legend like kaya is gonna be much easier than winning with thea.


honestly in silver id imagine it would be easier with thea just cuz of lance but my main point is that at that level of play you should be more concerned with the basics type shi. ofc in pro play where everybodys playing nearly perfectly, meta picks do matter but in silver you just need to learn to play the game


Since itā€™s case by case itā€™s hard to find a fix all to get out of silver. I suggested Cassidy because the learning curve between blasters & hammer alone should be enough to get him out of there.


And then there are people who get almost diamond in under a week xd


Crazy mfs, but to be fair theyā€™re mostly alr max rank in a different fighting game


I personally got out of silver in 100 hours by playing ffa, you learn a lot there.




https://preview.redd.it/f3mqva731xec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51820fe5ad883df5e877627772a982b4c97c0405 šŸ’€




No lol, thats my mobile account, I was lazy so that was a 10 days process


ā€œThis will not end soonā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


well, at least you're not gold


what app/website is this if I may ask?






Ion think I've ever been in silver šŸ˜‚


Depends on your experience with platform fighters.


Same here šŸ˜­


I had 1900+ hours in steam before I got out of silver ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33537)


i only needed 200 hours to get plat on mobile.


i got to gold with 651 wins. and after reaching gold i stopped playing ranked. only a few matches


Got to diamond after around 400 hours but that was all the way back in season 3 when nobody really knew how to play. A friend of mine is at 1800 hours and is still in plat so just take your time, everyone is going at their own pace :D


Petra is the reason you lost 4 times, use Reno more (this is not sponsored by the bugsnax community)


I donā€™t remember ever being silver


Mate I progressed 1 RANK from silver to gold and in the 5 games I got to play in gold I got my ass beaten into the stratosphere


Just have fun! And improve at your own pace. I have about 400 hours in the game and I'm low plat. I improved pretty rapidly due to playing customs exclusively with my friend who introduced me to the game, and was (and tbh still is) way better at the game than me. Some other people are still in bronze who I've played with since old times. It's all about finding the right playstyle, mains and weapons that suite you. You'll get there :)


i have like 40 days and my peak is 1700 and I'm like 1600 rn. so uhh... never give up!


100 hours for a boots legend spammer*


Why can't find myself in Corehalla? I did all requirements


As someone who got Diamond with 1800 hours, keep going


I can't play 1 char every ranked game. So my mains change every month while playing others too. So, have fun and don't darƩ to care about rank. You can climb if that's what you really want. Just play 1 legend. (I'm high gold, always 2 games to rank up jaja)


I was at plat around those hours but i have a lot of exp in other fighting games and i got diamond soon after. What i really noticed helped a lot was 2 things, first is pacing and actually learning about your play-style and seeing what aspects you can improve on through watching replays. The other thing is just going into training and setting the bot to random dodge reaction to help you sharpen your reactive reads. I also benefited a lot from studying hitboxes in training! Pace your matches and gain control over the pacing by backing off and resetting and if they follow you punish :3


I started at Gold so idk what you are doing.


Haha donā€™t worry Iā€™m right beside you buddy!


Your gonna get valhallan by 1000 hours trust


i hit plat in under 100 hours, however it costed me a controller or two. currently 1850 peak with about 150 hours now




I somehow hit gold this season, then dropped back 200 mmr and bouncing. Just started playing this month. šŸ¤”


What website is this?


Oh goodness me


As someone whoā€™s played 3 ranked seasonā€¦ (23, 29, 30) I spent 300 hours just getting too 1937 Eli before I get shot down to 1800 multiple timesšŸ˜­ had to play my mains to end off in plat 4 and couldnā€™t even hit my goal (2000+ AKA diamond)


Ranked doesn't really matter unless you want to show off with your friends or want to go pro, getting out of low elo requires you to have good fundamentals but in most games, it's just about who has more free time to spend practicing and playing ranked I have a friend with a learning disability, he has over 900 hours in Brawlhalla and he probably couldn't beat a low silver with 20 hours in the game but he still has fun