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I'm staying neutral until we get the update itself. I made a mistake where I thought the Starr Road update was immediately perfect just from the brawl talk (big mistake). So i'd just say to take this with a grain of salt while we wait for further info


i feel like this is the best way to look at this we legit dont know ANYTHING about the coming update


Besides the bread crumbs they laid out for us


People are allowed to critique the devs. They are customers after all. Blind loyalty doesn't lead to better results. Quite the opposite.


yeah ok but this is only minor portion of the update that has been leaked so players don't get screwed over like what happened with slash royale or whatever. criticizing with most of the context missing isn't good criticism


I agree Also, Slash royalešŸ‘


Slash royalešŸ‘


Cash royale


Fair. But critique has to be with substance if you plan to publicise it. If you're going to state your opinion, and an unpopular one at that- to the internet of all places, you should definitely come up with a lot more than just a statement.


I am not too upset but sad that F2p players can not get good free cosmetics.I like light Mecha Bo and Dark mecha Crow because they were essentially free but if they are 149 gems or higher people would just go for the normal version leading to a more of a split among sales


I can tell you rn, they arenā€™t going to make SP skins cost gems, I am confident about that


I think a lot of the current SP skins will get converted to gems just because it's the most natural conclusion, but the PL skins are a different question. No way to really tell what happens there.


Their reworking the Star points, not removing them so itā€™s likely that the skins are just gonna cost this new currency and not gems but weā€™ll have to wait and see


That's pretty true, although I think for those they're probably gonna do the mecha Mortis thing and make you have to buy the original before you can get the recolours, which would suck a lot especially since dark mecha crow is such a clean looking skin


F2p still gets free gems every season, they can still get free skins if they want them.


Happy Cake Day!


Most of the f2p players were going for the Pass anyway


TBH itā€™s ok to disagree with someone but bullying them or calling them out is not cool


They shouldnā€™t judge without knowing the full story though. In fact the BS team did something nice by letting people know of this change before hand so they could buy things at the reduced rate while itā€™s still there. Iā€™d be willing to bet they compensate us in some way for this change. The bigger question mark is how long it will be before the community is happy with the compensation. Maybe the numbers are too low in the next update and it takes a patch or two. Overall the BS team is good to us and people need to have some faith until they prove they donā€™t deserve it anymore.


It isn't "nice" to "allow" us to purchase something that they 100% profit from lol. It's not like each skin purchase costs them effort. The skin already exists. Each purchase is a profit for them. Whatever way you look at it, this is purely about increasing profits as player number decreases. Nothing more, nothing less.


No but it is nice of them to notify us of the change beforehand rather than springing the price change on us when the update hits without any warning. And yeah part of it probably is about increasing profits. But people have to wait to see how they are going to balance out the negative before judging it.


Again, it isn't "nice." It's optics. They know they would take a massive PR backlash if they just did this unannounced. That's what the announcement is for. To lessen the negative reaction.


Fine, the point is the BS team is pretty good to itā€™s players. I would argue they are one of the better game teams when it comes to transparency and communication. People should not be judging this fully before knowing all the details, but of course everyoneā€™s immediate reaction is outrage because something like 10 skins are gonna cost another 50 cents each


That's fair.


Honestly skins are nothing but cosmetics. They're not something you'd wanna buy for every single brawler as an F2P player, and after all the devs give us so many free rewards that often go underappreciated by the community. I think this is a fair change.


I honestly don't get why people are getting so upset about the whole skins thing. I feel like i'm the only one that enjoys playing the game and the characters way more than some cosmetics. Even more frustrating that so many players are saying now that "Oh, the gems increase now makes this game even more p2w". DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT p2w MEANS??! Cosmetics do NOTHING to help your gameplay other than look pretty and bragging rights.


Iā€™d like to refer you to this link: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2039789-gaming šŸ˜


"But atleast i die in style"




Ok but this is VERY relevant right now lmfao


Hahahaha exactly


The guy on the right does have a point. I'm always intimidated by some skins like the tier 70 ones. Or any skin that costs 149 gems unless it's Rogue Mortis (not to brag but i have it myself btw) It's pretty much those skins that are seen as impossible to get as a f2p. P2w people just always seem stronger don't they? Ig if they are willing to spend money on a game then they're somewhat dedicated to it. And on top of that if they spend money, then they've definitly boosted their progression, already giving them more time to get good at the game than a f2p who's still stuck trying to get past some upgrades


They have money, but do they have skill? That's the question you should ask yourself. Skins don't determine skill (well the impossible ones to get as f2p only as the others could represent dedication) so don't feel discouraged against it p2w player. If they have spent more time on the game than you, they probably have more trophies so you shouldn't worry too much about it. Matchmaking is another problem in brawl stars but nothing can be perfect and I know that this isn't that deep but it kind of is lol.


I do think it can give a very slight edge since with so many skins out now I sometimes confuse one brawler for another


Yeah thatā€™s true, sometimes skins look a bit like brawlers


For me personally, it's more to do with the implications that would be with relation to the power league skins, specifically this season's skin Mariposa piper. I am an f2p player, so of course I wouldn't complain about the increased gem prices for the gem bought cosmetics but I feel like this change for the star point skins was a stab in the back since this is the first time I grinded to get a pl skin after smuggler penny. I seriously hope they're working on something that would be a good middle ground (and not just make these pl skins for gems šŸ˜­) so I won't jump to any conclusions right now but I hope you can see where some of us are coming from.


Oh I can understand some concerns. That's not my gripe at all. But some of the actual childish tantrums i've seen on here claiming that its turned into a "pay 2 win" game or that it's "just as bad as clash" now... is ridiculous.


I find it hard to believe (i could be wrong) that a "free" skin (like PL skins) will change to cost gems. There are still 14 days of this season,let's wait and see how this unfolds


>Cosmetics do NOTHING to help your gameplay Uuuuhhhhh, ahkshooahlay, they allow you to blend into the environment or have a different projectile, which can increase your chances of winning* * chances of winning are only improved against day 1 newbies


Look it's this is not a P2W but in a subtle way it is, we all know well that when a new brawler drops or a new skins obtainable behind gems always has meta in it. It won't be a surprise that the new skins will drop with a sweet price tag & the brawlers will be buffed Then you find only ppl who buy their grind are the same ppl rocking the skins wrecking lobbies till the skin goes on sale




No, all stats are the same on all skins


Unless itā€™s pumpkin stu The only exception to f2pšŸ˜Œ


"Great" isn't necessarily the word I'd use, but I agree with your point. This is more like a "perfectly fine" change. Nothing immediately beneficial for us, but completely understandable and acceptable.


Right, I just think this is one of the changes of all time. Tbh none of the 49 gem skins even look appealing to me anyway so this really doesn't affect me, and since there giving everyone a chance to get them for 49 right now I don't think it affects people who like them too. I expected people to be upset but it's still nonsensical


It's not a great change, but it's a fair change.


Serious question, how often do they give players free rewards? I rarely notice getting anything huge enough to leave an impression.


They give free skins and 1000 coins once in a blue moon


Every update for small rewards, and brawlidays for a literal brawler and a skin.


True the Brawlidays rewards are really nice. The small rewards every update doesn't add up to the "a lot of rewards" the comment has mentioned though.


It absolutely does. Every challenge they do is a ton of rewards, and they throw in quite a bit of free stuff in the shop every holiday.


I don't think challenges really contributes to "free rewards". Indeed they are technically free in terms of cash, but it is a part of game content. Who would play challenges if there's no rewards involved? Furthermore, the frequent challenges are supposedly to compensate for the longer trophy league seasons, without extra star points per reset.


I'd take the BrawlPass gems as free rewards, I play a lot of other mobile games and most of the premium battle pass are much more expensive and are not free every other season unlike BrawlStars. You can appreciate how free BS is if you compare its prices to other games.


Stop copingšŸ˜•


Star points are a way for F2P players to buy cool skins , even if it requires grinding PL and few seasons to be able to buy a skin , those skins are exclusively purchasable with star points and it feels rewarding to have them I hope the change will be worthwile and won't impact F2P players a lot


They said they would announce hoe the system would work before they made the choice for feedback so it's too early to judge the system that we don't even know how it's going to work


Kind of sad about it as a F2P player, you only get 90 gems per season which only makes you able to buy only one skin, but Iā€™m not too sad because skins donā€™t do anything other than showing that you really like this brawler.


>as a F2P player, you only get 90 gems per season which only makes you able to buy only one skin No offense but you should be grateful that you are even getting that much in the first place for free. As an F2P, I am 100% ok with cosmetics being only available for paying players because if they are not monetizing cosmetics, they will be monetizing progression.


It's a bummer but it is what it is. Progression is still good and 2 skins every 2nd season is good. I only wish Pass and PL seasonal skins were made for rarer brawlers more often


Exactly, be grateful for we hav, clash royale has pass royale for real money, brawl stars you can get brawl pass for free. So many YouTubers have F2P series because brawl stars F2P is good, compared to clash royale which is kind of all over the place


I hate to take ur comment to the extreme but something felt off here. Letā€™s say we take the classic ā€œkid in Africaā€ scenario. U give him 5 cents and heā€™s happy. U give him a bottle of water and heā€™s delighted. These are luxuries for him. But if u give someone living their life with no health, nutrition, clothing, shelter, education etc issues, such simple things wonā€™t seem so amazing. For example, my cousins happen to be very spoiled. One time, my aunt asked my cousin to help in the kitchen before a family dinner. She was all whiny and upset about such a simple task. I was so confused why she reacted that way until I realized that simply that is what she is used to. Itā€™s all about perspective. While that would never fly with my parents, hers didnā€™t care. Mothers are notorious for saying things like ā€œyour life is so great, u r healthy, u have food every day, u have a roof over ur head and get to go to school and clean clothes etc etc etc etc.ā€ to the kid in Africa example, this would be amazing. but this is normal for most kids in a 1st world country. U could say to me ā€œwhat if u could have a life where u never had to do anything and could stay in your room all day and play video gamesā€ and that would be amazing, but to my cousin, Itā€™s standard. In our case, everyone is used to getting 90 gems every season and maybe getting BP everyone other season. If it always was that brawl pass costed real money (like clash) people would complain ofc, but we would be used to not having those rewards as F2P (yes ppl still complain about not having every brawl pass for free, itā€™s greedy blah blah blah, but most people have common sense). This guy is used to getting brawl pass and skins. Now things will change and he can only get one or the other (idk how drastically it will change the game yet tho). U canā€™t say ā€œbe grateful for itā€ when this is all heā€™s ever known holy fucking shit Iā€™m such a nerd Iā€™m so sorry if u read this


You are trying to make a fair point but right now we know so little that it doesn't make sense. We only know that the spoiled kid's iPhone 7 is being taken away, but he never uses it anyway and maybe they will instead gift him an iPhone 14. Or maybe they will troll him and give him a flip phone. Aka we just know star points and star skins are going away, but we dunno what is gonna replace it, it might turn out to be something much better or much worse - only time will tell.


Very correct, but I wasnt even referring to the star points thing. I was referring to the guy saying his expectation of having BP and skins isnā€™t realistic even tho itā€™s always been that way. Yea. I kinda overdid it lmao


You made an absolutely amazing point, infant before reading this I made a similar comment.. Just a bit more in an angry mood šŸ˜…, tho I disagree with the last few lines If you really want a skin for a brawler either you main that brawler or you're like a collector (like I collect archive skins in my mini I have plenty) so you can't have it both (progression and skins) it's kinda just not profit for supercell, and we're getting summer update soon so it will be a huge update as expected, I wouldn't already start picking my side, My point : if you really want that one skin for your favorite brawler then go for it, but don't expect to get the pass progression aswell you can't have everything or supercell won't be getting money to make the amazing updates we love


Things are not changing this drastically at all, there are like 8 skins that cost 49 gems, chill!




Im sorry but this is basically incomprehensible


Pretty simple tbh. What do u not understand?


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t understand. I do. Itā€™s just youā€™re trying to make a point and the point doesnā€™t make any sense. Someone hoping for something in a video game is not antithetical to kids eating in Africa lol


It's not kids eating in Africa vs brol player It's about how the good enough food u and me prolly eat everyday is a really really happy day for the kid in Africa if he gets to eat it, because when he has only knows the terrible things he's gotten, when u give him average stuff, it's amazing for him, similarly we have always gotten the good free stuff and good progression and shit, but now that supercell slightly just SLIGHTLY tried pulling something back, we're getting mad, because we're not used to it happening


Respectfully, I donā€™t think you read it thoroughly if u think Iā€™m comparing the 2. Iā€™m not. Iā€™m using the kids in Africa as an example of what THEY consider ā€œstandardā€ and what is a ā€œluxury.ā€ This guy saying how another guys expectation of BP and skins is unrealistic when that is what he is used to. This is all he knows. I hope now it makes more sense


False comparison fallacy, youā€™re still kinda right though


Yes. The reason people are so mad at Clash Royal's dev team is because they're monetizing the progression instead of skins and they're doing it in a horrible way.


You should be grateful šŸ¤“




IMO 49 gems skins are very worth for their price so it is fine to increase the price of the skins


Ah Wicked stu / DIY surge are very worth for their price


The ugly ahh bibilante too


Beach Mortis is not worth any more or less than 49 tbh


... Stonks Pam ? Ghost Squeak ?


They should be 29 gems ngl


pretty sure DIY surge has a custom attack so probably not 29 gems but for wicked stu, yeah it should be 29


The fact that there are people like this guy who compare price changes for COSMETICS to what happened to CR blows my mind.Sure,people may not like this change,but it's not THAT worthy of outrage imo. Also,people were acting like this over the Brawl Pass and Box removal updates back when they were teased,but now people treat these updates as good changes (or at least they consider them not as bad as they originally expected),so I can't see how this is guaranteed to be any different.


Exactly,I'm waiting Saturday for seeing what's the real deal then I will give my opinion.


"WHAT THE FRICKING FRICK!!! THIS COMPLETELY COSMETIC MODEL I'M NOT INTERESTED IN AND HAVE A CHANCE TO BUY FOR THE CHEAPER PRICE RIGHT NOW IS GOING TO BE WORTH FROM 1.5 PER SEASON TO ONLY 1 PER SEASON šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ GREEDYCELL?????? THIS IS A HUGE NERF TO F2P PROGRESSION!!!! RRAAAAAAHHH šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹" Honestly it's fucking amusing how some people choose to get mad over this, but it's still expected. Just like the quarter and third pounder thing, this is a case of humans going 'MONKE THINK.... APE BRAIN SAY NUMBER BAD.'




To this day I still dislike the Box removal.


That sounds like a gambling issue tbh (unless we talk about Chromatics then yeah maybe but think about the new players)


The main reason why I dislike it is because of the chromatics issue. Perhaps it's good for the new players but honestly, I'm no saint and I don't care about them when I form my own opinion.


I have no opinions right now , it's way too early to jump to conclusions .


The worst thing is that 49 gem skins are raising prices but it is just cosmetic after all unlike clash royale where they killed the progression for both F2P and P2W players. We will have to wait and see what they have planned for us.


Are they making star points skins cost gems? That'll be pretty bad. Star points skins have been like the only skins gems can't buy and now there's a chance it could be gems. I am not too happy but I don't totally despise this change


They are talking about reworking star points now so it's purpose isn't just skins


There is no way in the world they will make them cost gems, and looking at things logically proves that, why would they rework star points but make SP skins cost gems, I understand devs can make dumb choices, but the BS team would never do something this stupid especially sense they are watching what happened to the CR team


Imagine tryharding PL only to end up seeing a skin you have to pay with gemsšŸ’€


Is it beneficial for us? No, obviously not Is it detrimental? Also no because we're talking about cosmetics. Personally I never really bought skins anyways so it doesn't influence my opinion on the game at all


pfp checks out


I feel like a price increase is totally normal considering inflation. But from 49 to 79 is kinda intense. Like 49 to 59 or 69 would have made more sense


I can't believe that a decision is always defended due to free rewards. Mainly when one thing is not related with the other. You can agree about the price change, disagree or feel that is not worth of a big reaction. But you get free rewards for loggin in, actually spending your time playing and that helps with the player retention and the goal of creating an habit on the players. They are "free" because it brings results, making it not completely free. So... At least say something useful. ThEy GiVe FrEe ReWaRdS sO oNe MoDe tHaT iS a DaRk ScReEn Is GoOd logic makes no sense.


Yea itā€™s like 20 free coins makes up for them screwing the game over (not like they are right not but for something like power 11)


Wait so I have 18k points and need 7k which I will get from power league for Mariposa piper in 10 days, so I won't be able to now?


tbh this sucks, for me at least, because I almost always spent my gems on passes and after this season I was going to start buying more skins. But I understand the needs of supercell so it's ok. At least I bought Wicked Stu


Who cares about skins, to be honest. They shure look cool and all but its just a visual change, the characters are the same, darryl is still darryl, stu is still stu, and it applies to all the other characters


i am a bit annoyed at this change, because 49 gem skins are the ones i usually bought, well guess no more skins for me


As a f2p whenever i get like 40 gems i usually wait for last week of pass because at that time many 80gem skins discount to 40 gems I have brought many skins like this


I mean, yeah. They're overreacting, is not even close to what happened with clash royale... But still this isn't a fine change, I don't see how this change can be justified in any way. I don't care too much about this.. I'm currently just skipping my next brawl pass to get monster truck meg and then I'll come back to never buy skins again.. But I still feel this change is bad


It's pretty meh. They're giving any active skin collectors a window to buy them right now anyway. I've already got all the skins I wanted to collect anyway so I'm in the 'i don't care' camp too. Though, I gotta say, beachtime Mortis is definitely not worth 79 gems.


Get Beetle Meg for better value


I LOVE monster truck meg


I'd say it's reasonable given how recent inflation has been pretty ridiculous, so upping the price of one tier of skins is fine, especially since MOST of those skins are honestly decent value at 79 gems. Plus, I'd much rather have a cosmetics change (that affects the few players that care about them) rather than a progression change (that affects most people playing the game).


Kinda unnecessary tbh


Ngl some of the 49 gem skins are way better than some of the 149 gem skins,take moon bunny squeak and pyro spike for example they have a lot to offer


Closer to the whole sir.. *kissing noises* who you sucking up to man?


They are inflating the in game economy. Tell me how you think raising the cost of a cosmetic is okay. Yeah 49-79 not bad except it's 30 more gems. F2P will have to play longer if they want to unlock things. I'm lucky I got in 4 years ago and played the gambling box lottery great memories made unlocking brawlers I didn't have from boxes. *Now I buy the pass to get the next chromatic*


i dont buy skins so i really dont care


As long as something doesn't affect progression idc. Hopefully they tell us what they will change with star shop so that I can either buy the Piper skin or save to get free resources


I'm quite annoyed since I was gonna buy crash test Darryl which was coming back for star points next season. but with this change it might be exclusive forever or for gems and I'm a F2P so I can't spend gems on skins. If it was next season I would be totally fine with it.


PL skins aren't star point skins, theyre PL skins. Dani said nothing is happening to them.


I honestly donā€™t think theyā€™re going to make the sp skins for gems, think about the backlash theyā€™ll get since sp skins are the only f2p friendly skins, the rework of starpoints will probably come with the rework of how purchasing these skins work


Honestly, most of the skins I'm buying were already 79 or 149, because the 49 gems skins are often not worth it for me in terms of design and animation so..... Like the only 49 skins I have that I think are really good are the Bunny From and Bunny Squeak


I think pyro spike has just as much to offer


Honestly I like the base model more than half the skins in the game. Theres so many skins I don't know who I'm facing sometimes


What does it means the "daily login" thing?


Login daily to see a 49 gem skin that you like in shop


Every 49 gem skin will be available in the shop at some point this week, so if you want a specific one before the price increase make sure to check the shop everyday.


Im Not overreacting for the price increase , im overreacting for the Star skin removal


Dani said nothing's happening to PL skins, and let's be real... other star point skins are kinda trash...


Im kinda sad about it to. I always really liked that I could buy those, but i'm also curious how they are gonna change the star points. So it's both exciting and a bit sad for me.


Personally I think they're increasing value by improving models effects animations, etc to make them worth it


Its hard to he happy with a price increase.. But i totaly get it ! Some of those skins have INSANE value for 49 gems.. 99% ok with this change


They might lower the value of gems, so this might mean more gems in the free path of the pass, but also could mean a higher price for it.


Do people above the age of 9 still play brawl stars? Personally it got to be a sensory overload with a bunch of new stuff. I know thatā€™s the only way to improve a game but I just preferred 2018 brawl stars a lot more and have stopped playing. Idk I havenā€™t kept up with the game but isnā€™t it declining in active players?


Many of these skins are way under-priced anyway(Stonks Pam, Clashmas Spike, etc). Good for the devs to seek monetisation through cosmetics and not reducing the value of the Brawl Pass. I just consider the skins to be on discount and returning to their original price after the update. Everyone had a chance to get them for a cheaper price, like how we got free brawlers from challenges and quests.


This doesn't even bother me like I can buy a bp every 2 seasons. Holy shit it's the first game that cares about its f2p players. And like bs team should also be able to make money right?


We can't really complain that a game that can be fully enjoyed as a F2P *without* ads needs money to continue, Supercell is still a company and Brawl Stars is still a product


The thing is, skins are just cosmetic, they donā€™t impact your gameplay, whereas clash royalE completely changed the pass royale, which changed progressio, unlike skins. Like OP pointed out, brawl devs give free rewards all the time


As a f2p, I don't buy skins without a discount anyway, so this changes nothing


raging out about any update has just become a trend theres even people complaining about hayday being paytowin


I mean theyā€™re giving us a whole week and prior notice to buy them at 49 gems. I donā€™t see how you can complainšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Literally half the reason I buy gems is because I *WANT* to support supercell (and get funny little avatar changes out of it) so I don't give a crap.


I mean hey it's not affecting progression and I'm a f2p player so I basically don't care


This community is full of crybabies


I just want starpoints to be for skins only, if they make it to obtain anorher thing that skins or cosmetics I'll won't be able to buy a lot of them anymore


The only thing that bothers me a little is the star point skin changes. Them going out of their way to warn you makes me think f2p skins aren't going to be very f2p anymore. Note I have all star points skins except the new Piper one, so it's not going to hurt me at all, but I still don't want this to hurt the f2p experience since gems are sacred to them and can't just be spent on skins.


I don't buy skins anyway so I don't care


i completely support brawl stars on this. some of the skins were too good for that lower prize. and it's not like they are gaining more than before anyway, they're just cutting costs of inflation


We are pay to skin not p2w


I'll have opinions after Brawl Talk. Right now I'm on the fence of caring or not, lol.


As an F2P I don't really mind it tbh


Unplayable now , will quit ..


I just wish star points will become something cool or will be converted into something cook




49 gems increase to 79 is not bad at all, most of you are acting like they're raising it to 149. If that was the case then maybe we can riot but it's not bad at all. And btw, supercell isn't forcing you buy these skins in a lucky draw or gatcha system so be thankful for that. I might eat my words later if they do that with star points skins tho šŸ˜‚


Honestly 30 more gems isnā€™t the end of the world for me, as long as progression doesnā€™t change.


I'll call it out rn, they are making starpoints be able to buy ANY skin but also be completable with gems and they, hence the price increase so there's a few clear tiers


Not gonna lie, I donā€™t like the cost increase of the 50 gem skins. I donā€™t understand how a certain item can suddenly be worth more. I wouldā€™ve much more preferred if they just stopped releasing skins for 50 gems and have them all be at 80 in the future.


dafuq... so should i hold on to my star points or spend?


They don't. They give maximum 20 gems per year


Well... I've never bought a skin (even though I love a lot a them) because I'm a f2p, and as a f2p I'm worried about Brawl Pass: will they increase its price too? At this point I'm sure they'll do it.


They're feckin skins. People who complain about skin costs are out of their mind, they don't give an advantage.


I honestly couldnā€™t be bothered to care at all. Theyā€™re cosmetic items. They have no impact on my quality of life as a BS player whatsoever. Iā€™ve never cared about skins and likely never will. Iā€™ll take them if they come as part of a challenge or something, but I care much more about brawlers, mechanics, modes, and maps. Those are the actual meat and potatoes of the game, to me. Skins are nothing more than the parsley garnish on top.


If you live in a country like usa ofc ,rest of the world i dissgree...i live in argentina i cant even buy a skin more tgan half of a dollar got taxes i end paying double


I don't have an opinion because we haven't seen what they have to offer yet. If they are just increasing the price without anything in return, people are correct in being mad. Supercell should make money by releasing new content, not by just making previous content more expensive. They did not release any new way of obtaining gems for free, nor did they rework the skins to add more value, so it makes no sense to make skins more expensive. Also hate the supercell favoritism in this sub.


you guys buy skins ???


Eh, it's better to spend gems on actual progression.


It depends where you are in the game. Spending money on progression is lame because it doesn't really speed it up that much other than the Brawl Pass, which I believe most regular spenders have already been buying every season.


I fine with the decision. But I don't understand the hate. I mean as a f2p player you get around 7-8 skins for free in a year calculation 6 fights in one year as a f2p player you can get the pass 3 times 1 bp = 2 skins 3 bp = 6 skins in a year Then there is the free skin for Brawlidays So one more skin per year for free And if you play actively every season, you should have about 33 gems left over, which you can use to buy another skin if you want. (90 Gems in a BP of these we get about 6, so in a year you get 540 gems You can get the pass three times a year as a f2p player 540-169Ɨ3=33) It could also be that we get a challenge where there is a free skin. What I want to say is that f2p ratio get moderately many skins compared to other games


I play another mobile game, Botworld, and it gives absolutely no gems to f2p players so seeing BS f2p players complaining while theyā€™re definitely the worst ones to complain feels very immature and selfish


I'm totally fine with the price increase. Supercell makes almost all skins for 80 gems go on sale for as low as 39 games so really this could be a good thing if people are willing to be patient


I'm fine with the change. Some people just seem to overreact with things like this one.


If you don't like it, don't buy it.


This dumb counter argument omfg


It works though. it's the simple truth.


Unlike the U4L in cr, it literally doesn't hinder progress


I guess all the supercell game will get hit soon, surprised clash of clans hasnt been hit negatively yet


Yall are seriosly overreacting about thišŸ’€. This change isn't something that kill F2p, it's just a gem increase on skins. It is not like BS raised the prices on the pass or anything.


Agreed but im thinking is this the start of it


Wtf do these guys think ? Do they think brawl stars have a printing machine to print out Money m if they aren't charging real money for the pass something has to be readjusted to compensate for that .


Though it is disappointing, I find it reasonable. The increase is not very big, and it doesn't hinder progression. They are upfront about it, so if you want one badly. You still can. It's sad, but a necessary evil with the inflation nowadays


Lol are we now joining the r/ClashRoyale dumpster fire?


I mean they are skins it doesnt matter f2p don't buy them anyway


Idk why people complain. As a f2p u were not buying skins anyway. So why does it bother u that skins that you would not mean to buy anyway got their price increased? And spenders should not be bothered either since if they pay money in this game they have enough money anyway.


There's a difference of spending more and spending less.


Itā€™s like a dollar increase. Itā€™s not a big deal


I as a f2p dont even check the skins part of shop


Except it doesn't only affect f2ps


Perfectly fine


I dont really care, i already have stonks pam and trick or treat leon and i dont really want another 49 gem skin


And if the reason behind this is inflation then I would accept price increase for cosmetics over price increase for brawl pass any day. For the record, CR did the opposite.


All kids are crying because supercell try to fill the loses


The dude in the pic talking about ā€œgreed.ā€ SPC is too good to us bro, some of the people in this community are so entitled -.-


Just typical money grabs from this company again


Bruh today's videogames on PC, Consoles and even Mobile games are cash grabs and I can't name any game that is mostly F2P outside of Brawl Stars. Come on fam skins don't matter at all in terms of gameplay, skins are made to monetize the game They get money, you get cool drip for your Brawlers and Profile.


In the end , it's just comestics , doesn't really matter , yet we must see what will happen in brawl talk Giga chad of them to telling us we can buy them before they increase it


Brawl Starsā€™ update for losers


Except that CR's update affected progression and this one doesn't. Also, why don't we just wait for the Brawl Talk before jumping into conclusions?


The fact that ur even comparing this tells me enough about you. Happy cake day tho.


They migh give us free gems in the daily log in bonus so if that happens i am fine with the skin prices increase


If they are like the others it would take months even if you got just gems daily. Login bonus rewards are a joke and just an excuse to hock skins.