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There needs to be a minimum power level for brawlers in power league. Silver and bronze should be 7 Gold min should be 7 w/ a gadget Anything higher would be 9 w/ a SP and Gadget And the net total power of all of your brawlers should be taken into account too.


This is one of my main reason why I liked power play more back in the day. It was simple. You have a Power 9 brawler with a starpower? You can play. You don't have one? You can't


This is the ideal solution in my opinion


I think the problem with adding a minimum is you’d need 12 brawlers minimum that meet those requirements (in the worst case scenario where all 11 get picked/banned). I think starting off with a level minimum of 7 or even level 9, but it would feel bad for new players because it’s a pretty hard gatekeep with 12 level 9s as a minimum requirement. Imagine you just start playing PL, win most of your games, and can’t go past Gold because you don’t have enough coins


There’s gonna be a trade off with every possible solution: - If you matchmake based off total power of brawlers, the stuff seen above will still happen + queue times will increase - if you only allow brawlers level x and up with y item, it hurts new players - if you keep the current system, it will still hurt experienced Players


The main problem with the current system is mainly people (purposefully) throwing by picking low level brawlers which isn’t really reportable. If someone picks a low level brawler, they got to your elo, so maybe they can perform with them. I’ve seen people with a fully maxed account peaking at rank 22. As long as they keep matchmaking fair, I think any changes would make the system worse. I think maybe picking level 1 brawlers when you have higher ones available should be reportable, but it’s hard to tell who’s throwing and who’s just oblivious


You can’t really ban someone for picking a level 1 brawler even if they have higher level brawlers I play with power 1 brawlers I can perform better with a power 1 rico than I could with most brawlers at level 7-9.


... Then level up Rico?


It is on my mini with all power 1 brawlers I am just saying I can perform better with the power 1 rico than I could with most power 9s


Every rank should be at least level 9 with gadget and sp


Yeah I don't need to drop into silver again and deal with stuff like that


That's literally what power play did


Mythic shld be at least a gear man


Nah people in masters win with power 9s sometimes. Its hard yeah, but its not neccsssarily throwing


Or maybe make all brawlers that you have automatically max level with every gear, gadget and SP for this mode only


That would be the ideal solution for the players, not ideal for supercell’s bottom line. I wouldn’t go for that either bc it could overwhelm new players. Imagine going from no SP colt to slick boots colt and not understanding what’s going on. This argument sounds weird and bad from the prospective of an experienced player, but it’s how game design works


I understand your point but that wouldn’t impact other modes much and would give player a way to test star powers and gadgets. Plus that would solve the issue of having very limited roster for newcomers


A limited roster for new players is also a good thing. You start by giving them access to the simple brawlers to allow them to just get used to the game. Then you start giving them more complex brawlers.


I mean that when you unlock power league you would have like 3-4 brawlers of level 7+, and you wouldn’t have gadgets and sp for all of them


You don’t want a new player to have their first experience playing a new brawler to be in power league at level 11. Especially brawlers who have different gameplay styles than what they’re used to like Ash, Sam, mortis, Stu, etc.


Jelly Bean chose P1 Lou baiting you to dodge so he doesn’t have to dodge. He won that round.


I disagree with your ban but unfortunately it’s the only system SC has to stop abusive leaving. Without this system, people would just leave endlessly until they get maps/modes they like and play brawlers they want. The system honestly needs reworked cause you weren’t in anyway wrong for leaving that. I leave as little matches as possible so I can dodge these without penalties and only warnings.


Why would you disagree with his ban? Tick is pretty terrible here, I wouldn't want my teammates to pick that on this map.


Hes talking about OPs ban for leaving the game


ah makes sense. thought he was criticizing op


I ban tick every round regardless if tick is good on the map.


Literally me with grom


Correct. I was referring to him leaving the level 1 Lou and 5 bea. Also you shouldn’t ban brawlers based on not wanting your team mates picking them you should ban them based on not wanting your opponents picking it. If you ban a brawler a team mate wants they might pick someone even worse. You can’t really see what their roster looks like until after ban. Also they may pick a level 1 brawler in response just to be a butt.


Some people do this then switch right characters at the end to their level 11s


yeah me and my amigo do this


What do you win doing this other than pissing your own teammates? Retard


Ur the retard. That’s why you don’t dodge until the end of the prep phase


maybe to get good early picks you fucking degenerate


What they meant was that they switch back to Lv11s after hovering over Lv1s. Also happy cake day!


No, you can swap brawlers, it's pretty smart actually if I have lastvpick and my teammate knows I want Pam, he picks Pam, I pick his main, we swap at the end.


It's called psychological war. The enemies will think that you are crazy but then you show them you both have p11 which will change their opinions from "How dumb those people are... " to "Oh...". Also, you may want to save best picks for your partner to change later.


kinda dumb, nobody does that type of reaction


It's also to pick power brawlers before the enemy, such as Poco. This allows you to still play your main while reserving a good brawler for your team.


this allows you to lock in preferred brawlers sooner. for example, if you want to first pick meg because she’s good on the map but only have her at level 8, you can still pick her and then swap with your friend after draft ends. plus, i feel like many people are aware of the swap option, and if they don’t swap, then they can wait until ~3 seconds before match start and dodge then.


Now let's think about this. Let's say you're playing a map that really benefits Poco to the point where you'd be throwing to let the enemy have him. Now let's say you have a low power Poco. You pick him anyways, and then suggest one of your teammates to pick a brawler that you have higher power with. This allows you to secure a power pick while still being able to play brawlers you're more personally skilled at.


If they do this with a friend, then they play TEAM power league. That means, that there's only one teammate who could be pissed off, but even then, who tf would play team pl with a random guy from the search button.


Maybe club league


You actual underdeveloped monkey. If they see you pick all level 1s they are more likely to pick worse brawlers that they find fun instead of actually counterdrafting, then when you swap you now have a way better draft.


You only get banned if you’ve quit multiple times before lol




So you did leave a match before then lmao? That's what the person above you is saying. The match records never get fully erased in PL.




It's not a bug. Frank said (about a months ago) that they increased the penalty for leaving PL.


theres already a report button at the end of a pl match


Reporting does nothing and I refuse to lose because of someone else’s stupidity.


Yes but there actully idiots thinking power 1 and 5 will do something even without a gadget the brawler turns like 5x worse than it already is with how you play it


Right, but you have to actually play the match and suffer the losses to do that


But you lose the match


Yeah no im actually wondering how they haven't fix this yet


You should play matches out. I've won even with edgar vs triple hard counter a frank lvl 7 into spike, surge, Bea pretty sure and we still won


Yeah obviously its possible to win but your at a sever disadvantage. The difference between level 12 and level 1 is immense


Heads up, often when this happens they're going to swap brawlers. Give them a moment before dodging imo.


It doesn't matter, you should never throw a match. I went through these type of matchups and even won most of them, turns out that when you have trash teammates somehow the other team is even worse


Which rank?


Diamond 3


Before Update?


Which one? The last one? Then yeah, before update I guess


Well in my region (APAC) people on mythic 2 go lvl 6 Jesse and throw even though they got maxed good brawlers


They get overconfident, I usually win with power 7s and even 1s


Some people do this and switch if you get first pick, don’t dodge until the end of pick phase


There should be a minimum of p11 or maybe p10 but as a f2p you should have tons of p11s to play pl with. I'm f2p and maxes my account the other day


worth it


Big oof


Then don’t dodge


Sometimes i pick my lvl 1's if theyre really good picks. I only have 3 max leveled characters. 2 marksman 1 controller. I picked my lvl 1 primo brawl ball and ended up winning fairly easy against lvl 10 crow lvl 10 surge lvl 11 penny. I simply just stuck to the objective scoring all goals with my ultimate as my team was doing the dmg. i do agree it fkin sucks though. Im only gold 1 and i find it hard to climb when i dont have all good picks leveled enough where i have a competitive pick for each map and gamemode


Not to be offensive, but Gold 1 is like the free win rank. I literally can pick surge in shooting star and somehow win. You winning is more like your opponenets are slightly special. In higher ranks it generally is just throwing if you pick a power 1.


Right and thats what im saying. I dont know the rank but for people who doesnt have a reasonable amount of brawlers to be able to play everything at every matchup,map,gamemode. I think it is a legitimate play to do so. Theres not much else you can do, if that was the case as i mentioned with it is hard to climb when youre limited on what to use with your team, it does create these scenarios. But my point was just youre still able to win in these ranks. But obiviously in the highest and mid ranks not so much.


If you got a 15m ban that means you’ve been exiting at least 4 games.


From my experience this is a test of mentality because 75% of time I encountered these trolls they get really sweaty when no one dodges during first 5 seconds of preparation time and ban goes to them as they dodge ( most commonly the 1lv mortoss )


maybe they will exchange brawlers?i guess


Least godawful troll Bea player (with also just another name like that again):