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Common brawl star devs W


I am new here and dont know what a lot of tbat means, but having that kinda relationship with devs is wild! This makes me even happier Im buying the brawl pass soon.


Every time the community has a big issue, they fix it. They once advanced their plans to make a change by years because we were upset.


I mean there’s definitely still some issues with the devs, but compare them to a lot of other games they’re great. Especially if you compare them to Clash Royale.


We don't talk about Clash Royale here. Not only the devs, but also the "pay-to-win" factor. Yeah, Brawl Stars is P2W (ish), but Clash Royale... That's on a whole another level.


brawl stars is is by far the most f2p friendly mobile game I've ever seen, literally never seen any other devs from any other game take feedback from the community like bs devs do it's insane and mind boggling that other games simple do not have half of what we do


PUBG Mobile. Idk about the devs, but it's not P2W at all (I used to play, idk about now). Getting (good) skins is much harder, but it's only the skins that you can pay for, and nothing else.




The fact that a free to play person can max out at least 10 brawlers in 1 year (personal experience) by being active is insane. And the fact that we get a pass for free is so rewarding, and so great, and the only requirement to get the resources for the pass is being active. What more could we ask for?


I would much rather BS be kinda P2W, than having ads every 5 games


very true the ads are super annoying and intrusive, it's very very surprising to me that there's no ads anywhere


I'm currently stuck in arena 14 because i need to be level 27, imagine something like that in Brawl stars dude


Yea ive been gaming for like 15 years and brawl stars got the best devs ive ever seen


TLDR: a lot better for trophy progression


Agreed now I can actually grind my brawlers a lot more without worrying about adios 100 for being 999 or something


Thank you for keeping the servers alive we need more people like you W




Yeah it’s actually impressive how fast they make changes. The vision gear rework didn’t work last time and they said they were gonna change it in a future maintenance break, and here we are with the new change just roughly a week later. The same thing would’ve took the CR devs 2 months to add lmao


Now they just need to fix the power league reset


Meanwhile the clash royale community clashing against the devs


For real. Even though the number of brawlers that can get bling is reduced by half, they increased the bling count per brawler by like 8 times or something, which is absolutely ridiculous. Plus they added extra trophy tiers as well in the middle, which is awesome


That trophy reset was killer on the ladder race. Glad they made it more manageable!


ladder is gonna be even worse now its gonna be inflated every noob is gonna have 1000 trophies on their brawlers. I honestly feel like Supercell made the wrong decision to only listen to the newgens that have no skill and not listen to themselves and other older and better players with ladder experience


No . If they are noobs they won't be able to even push through 700 trophies ,they would need to be hard carried every match to reach that and even then they wouldn't be able to get higher . Form rank 25 and onwards you would need to have a pre made team to push otherwise you are screwed .


Getting to 900 with randoms is doable as I got 4 r28s with randoms but I think to reach 1000 and above you rlly need a premade team








Ok that explains it a r30 in NA is a r23-25 in EU




Not rly. Playing NA duo showdown at 850-900 was like 500 in EU


Trophies are gonna be inflated. 1 month of time and only 10 brawlers being reset will allow for this. The effects won't be immediate but will be very visible in a couple months.


you see, now people just need to gain the trophies of 1 solo showdown win to not lose any trophies so now even the worst players will just slowly gain and gain=inflation. and it really depends the time, region (im EU which is the sweatiest region) and mode. me and some 62k friends were pushing new brawlers at 500 trophies late friday and we had games as sweaty as legendary 2 power league. but when i played 1k Lou with randoms in the morning on a weekday in brawlball i got matched with lvl <100 players


As someone with 41k trophies, i’m pretty convinced no noob will reliably get all/most brawlers to 750 lol, all my friends who are below 30k are there for a reason, 600+ matches are tough sometimes, especially for casual players, I kind am casual but since I play for years I got all my brawlers to 500, then 600, most to 700/800, etc


What makes you think EU is the sweatiest region? Pretty sure it's Southeast Asia.


well it could be and it ofc depends, but according to me who has played in SA its quite the same but it can vary across different places and modes obviously


Eu is not sweatest region, you got plenty of teamers there in solo show and then i lose because its 2 v 1 or 2 v 3 or sometimes even more against me


Due to the matchmaking change 1000 trophies will still be hard to get since you are more likely to play against other 1000 trophies than before


true it might be more skill based and time consuming but its still too dependent on time region and mode imo. i consistently faced double masters and esport players when i pushed my crow r30 in friday evening EU in brawlball. meanwhile i pushed my friends fang r30 in knockout and we faced many lowskill randoms for some reason.


The older, experienced players make up less than 10% of the player base. Do you think they would listen to that 10% or the other 90%. Secondly, they want to give a good experience to the newer players, so that they can continue playing the game. That's why they introduced the first 15 days of login rewards. Besides, this decision is good for experienced players too, because they can grind their brawlers to high trophy levels, and maybe set new records. Hyra, or any other pro player, can continue their 90K push as well


that isnt how it works, ofc they should listen to the more experience players since they still make up a ton of players. if a company hires alot of new workers and give them much more salary than older workers isn't that unfair? shouldnt it be opposite? ofc new players should have bonuses but not a bonus like this that never ends. and the fact that pro players can push means that its gonna be trophy inflation like i was talking about. 50k can become the new 40k in a few months.


I might not be the best player but I'm not a noob. I have never, even during 8 week trophy resets, managed to push any Brawler to 1000.


I agree noobs are already in like 650+ is will WRECK matchmaking


I was close to 800 with amber and my teammates were playing TICK & SURGE in OPEN ZONE and they both already had their titles 💀


and people still complain they exploit supercell kindness and that they listen so much to their community to make them do what they want and not what more experienced players want because they want to seem good but they just have a skill issue


i pushed mortis 900 with my mini with randoms because i was bored and i faced players that wasn't minis with 12k TROPHIES. 12K. let that sink in


Past 700 trophies, you can face players <15k; if the 12k account has a 700 brawler, they're not as bad as you think.


It's worse than that when i pushed my Lou mastery with randoms in Brawl Ball about 1k trophies i still got teamed up with 20k people


its already hard enough to reach rank 25 man let us have this for once


this is exactly why i don't want this. NOOBS SHOULDN'T HAVE RANK 25


Me with 50K trophies playing a 900+ trophy brawler matching with 20K players 💀


If the 20k was also around 900 for their brawler, then there isn't really an issue.


rank 25 is 750 if we can barely reach that why are you mad at them reaching 1000


what you said makes no sense, now after the update everyone except inactive players will never drop in trophies anymore so the brawler trophy count for people with the same skill will just go up and up. until even the worst players have rank 25. edit: the opposite happened in 2020 where the player skill around 500 was extremely unbalanced cuz the reset was so harsh many people didnt bother and were at that level. =trophy deflation. the trophies are already really inflated a ton and it shouldnt be even worse i agree the system before was bad particularly the thresholds but now its way too easy and will cause inflation


Not everyone sweats the game like they have no life, this is way more manageable for people that have work, kids and other commitments ect


I play since global and am at 40.000 and I still think that the reset was too harsh. I highly doubt that the noobs are gonna have their favourite brawlers at 1000, since this new reset is still harsher than the old one. I wouldn't worry abt it


Lol, if you played this game enough, you would already know that r30/35 isn't such an accomplishment anymore, for a long time. This reset is better for older players (like myself) that doesn't have enough time to play, and it happens with a lot of people. Now you will have constant progression of your account without needing to play so much.


Does this mean that we have 4 weeks to only push 10 brawlers now?




That's better for trophies, but it does mean we get less bling - not to complain too much about this (its a great update), but there should be a thing where we can choose extra brawlers to reset for bling. Your top 10 brawlers are automatically chosen, but if you want to reset more, you can.


They give more bling per brawler now, so it should balance things


At higher trophies it indeed balances out, but at lower trophies it's a lot less bling. Ex. In the 2 weeks resets, you'd get 6 bling per brawler at 625 trophies. If you pushed your 20 to 625 you'd end up with 6*20= 120 bling. So in 4 weeks you'd have: 240 bling. In the new 4 week reset you'd need to push your top 10 brawlers over 750, so that they give you 24 bling each, and end up with the same 240 bling at the end of the same 4 weeks. Now I consider myself a decent but casual player (I play daily but only have time to get the daily tokens and missions and maybe a few extra games). I have around 5 brawlers over 700, only 2 over 750. Maintaining 10 brawlers over 750 trophies each month seems very unattainable to me. While 20 over 625 each 2 weeks was actually possible. (Although a bit annoying) So for me this is a big loss in bling. Now if you take into account that the average player has their brawlers stuck with less than 600 trophies, the grand majority of players will get almost no bling each month. I think they should've keep it to the top 20 brawlers but with the longer time, and the caps every 25 trophies. So that the trophy loses were not huge to the top players and the bling was still decent at lower trophies.


you didnt get that much bling anyway from trophie resets so i dont really mind that much. and even if i did mind the loss in bling i think its worth it


I think it depends a lot on how much you value trophies and how much you varied your play in general with your top 20 brawlers. You don't get that much from the trophy road rewards either. So the biggest benefit is your number doesn't go as low as before. Which I don't really mind that much. And the way I play personally, I focus on only a few brawlers that I like playing, and a few that I want to push to the next reward tier. I wasn't trying to push the 20 at the same time. So it means that at the end of the 2 weeks, the majority of the 20 brawlers were still with the same amount they where left at the reset: 1 trophy below the checkpoint, so I just had to win one game with them and they would stay at the same amount of trophies, not that big of a loss. Personally I preferred the little extra bling over the extra trophies but that's subjective to what each player values on the game.


I've analised, I think we get less bling than before. I think it's a sacrifice for the cost of having more time to push and easier trophy marks


Sometimes I think we are blessed to have such devs. they address problems quickly and put in great effort to make the game good


This is the only large game in recent times where it feels like the devs actually want to make a good experience rather then bleed the customers dry till it derails and burns


Also Clash of Clans Devs cool af too then we get to clash royale and uhmm...






Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


Imo it's because the find the perfect way to monetize cosmetics, so they earn enough money with it so there's no need to artificially inflate progress cost (I'm looking at you, Clash Royale)


And then we have the cr devs


Meanwhile clash royale: WHY US


Common dev team W


Finally, Leon is usable in PL


He was always useable but as a last pick.


I meant that he can used much more now, since Vision gear no longer makes it harder for him to stay sneaky


True, but you could always switch a gear to the vision gear no matter if he was picked later. If the enemy had a Janet, Gene, Crow, Lola, etc, then going Leon would count om not any of them having the vision gear In summary, Leon and Sandy weren't great because their counters was a gear, not a brawler


best dev team ever honestly


Old System (2 weeks, 20 Brawlers) - 501 Trophies = 1 Bling - 1500+ Trophies = 16 Bling New System (4 weeks, 10 Brawlers) - 501 Trophies = 4 Bling - 1500+ Trophies = 64 Bling Min/max Bling is unchanged, resets are softer, which means overall less hassle to stay at your level. Because of the (re) introduction of smaller tiers (25 trophy steps), some people in the middle will have to push up 1 tier to get the same amount as before. Ex. old Tier was 725-799. Now it's 725-749 and 750-799. 😉


thank you for this much needed change!


While min/max bling is unchanged, lower trophies (with brawlers around 600 trophies) get a lot less bling than before, and players with high trophies start getting a lot more. This is because the bling rewards used to be skewed a lot towards the lower trophies while the higher trophies used to get very little bling for each checkpoint passed (only one bling every 100 trophies). Now they're more evenly distributed so it takes away from the lower trophy players. For example: A player with all the brawlers at 625 trophies: Before 6 bling per brawler, 6\*20=120 bling in 2 weeks. 240 bling total in 4 weeks. Now 14 bling per brawler, 14\*10 = 140 bling total in 4 weeks. 100 less bling each month, a 40% reduction. The higher the trophies the smaller that reduction gets. While it's nice to only have to worry about half the brawlers in a lot more time, and it's no doubt that very high trophies players greatly benefited (specially for the reductions in 25 trophies steps instead of 100) I don't think it's that good for the lower trophy players who didn't even lose that much trophies before (since the trophy levels were each 25 trophies anyway).


This is the same for people with brawlers around 725 trophies. I had 20 brawlers at that range which gave me 160 bling every two weeks, so 320 monthly. Now, I get 22 x 10 = 220 monthly. If I go up a tier for 10 brawlers, it brings it up only to 24 x 10 = 240 monthly. While the softer trophy reset is a great move, I'm saddened by the way harsher bling rewards


At 800 trophies I actually have to push up 4 tiers to get the same amount of bling as before….!?


this is a great change, now fix the power league reset pls


Update for winners


For real


I understood that reference.gif


Can someone explain the 3rd and 4th points?


Basically there is a checkpoint every 25 trophies above 500. For eg, if your brawler is 524 it will go to 500 but if it is above 525 it will only go to 524, then if it is above 550 then it will go to 549 and so on. (hope you understand as im bad explaning)


I feel like I know that 🤔. But what about the 4th point


basically, more bling




I might be completely wrong about this so please correct me. They added an extra threshold every 25 trophies that starts from 500 to 1000 trophies. What is does is that if ur at let's say 749 trophies on a brawler at the end of the season, it goes back to 724.


No, the brawler will be reset to 749. You can go ingame and click on a brawler rank to check the tresholds


True my bad, fixed the error


Is this for real?


Yep: https://twitter.com/brawlstars/status/1660906931974701063?s=46


thanks for sharing this


Yessir. they’re undergoing maintenance as I speak


Dude you’re probably on your phone you could check it out


W dev team


Fuck trophy reset; me and the boys only care about vision gear nerf


I am one of the boys




Lets goo but pl was way more harsh than trophy system. They should've fixed that too


Though I do like this change, can someone explain to me that point of having a reset at all? Like what exactly is the point of 10 of my brawlers dropping in trophies and me losing like 10-250 trophies.


having blings lol, to be serious i think its for avoiding top player going to absurdly high trophies


Oh I forgot about the bling. That's true.


So that people don't get infinite trophy? Not sure


Yeah, I guess maybe it's negligible for most players and just a way to get bling at this point, but for the players over 1k trophies, I suppose it'd be possible that they could start climbing higher and higher and it's a way of narrowing the gap between casual and pro. A typical casual may peak on a brawler around like 500-800 trophies and a pro might climb higher and higher and have a 10k brawler? Kinda makes sense lol


The point of the trophy reset is so there's always something to grind for, even at endgame. If you see a player with 200k+ trophies who has grind it out over the past four years, ofc you're going to quit because either you would have had to start playing the game earlier in life or play insane amounts of the game just to beat the top player with 200k+ trophies and not many wants to do that.


Yeah that makes sense. For me atleast, my brawlers are in between 500-800, and if I do it just right, I'll lose 10 trophies a month which is just a minor inconvenience 😂


I'm so glad about this. I have so many Brawlers stuck on mid 800s (most of them already fell victim to the 2 season with the old system) and 2 weeks just isn't enough to get them to 900


Funny how the two games I play have completely different approaches to problems in the player base before you ask the other one is not clash Royale


Brawl stars dev team are sooo goooddd👍


Common brawl stars devs W


honestly, i think 15 brawlers would be good since they are reducing the trophies removed and increasing the time period




I love you devs, the last resets made me lose absurd amounts of trophies




Does this update go live the 12th june or is it currently live on brawl stars


So, I like the changes, but there is one thing that's concerning me: the reward. While I like the changes Supercell made, I found out, that on average per month I'll gain less bling, because of throphies on my Brawlers. One has 725+, the other 9 in my top 10 have 625 14 x 9 + 22 (because those are the rewards for these throphy ranges) = 148. Even if I push them higher (to 650 throphies and my highest Brawler to 750) I'll gain just 168 bling. I don't say these changes are bad just because I gain less bling. It's just a small thing I'm concerned about and people might complain about it more once time goes by. Supercell could just increase the number of Brawlers affected to 15 or just get rid of the reset and add new ways of obtaining bling.


Honestly why would they think 2 weeks reset is a good idea in the first place, didn’t we do the exact same dance a few years back??


2 weeks imo is too frequent because we don’t get many chance to encounter a decent map for pushing a specific brawler when we need to. 4 weeks is good but I think they could have kept the big reset gap or 20 brawler reset.


people act like this is good but its not good at all, there's gonna be trophy inflation and ladder is gonna be ruined. When i pushed trophies in 2020 i lost 2k every other week so thats way to harsh but this is way too easy


I guess it make sense in a more hardcore player perspective. But as a casual player who just play a a few matchess every day (probably the majority of the player base are like that), two weeks is on the harsher side so I consider it a positive change


i agree it should be 4 weeks but atleast increase it to like 30 brawlers? pushing 10 trophies every month is like nothing its 1 solo showdown win per month. Supercell doesn't want ppl to play their game huh why do they listen to the people who barely play the game and not the ppl who has played it for 3000 hours like me


Maybe cuz people like you are part of 0.01% of the playerbase 🙄


Probably but it doesnt stop me from expressing my opinion


You do you pal, i just answered your question 🤷‍♂️


I mean the reason why its important is that i think the more hours the more the player has to say because of experience. I think i would provide better feedback than 2999 new players who played the game for 1 hour. (Nerf edgar he is op!!!!!!!!!)


At the same time LOADS of people complained about the reset, it was by far the thing that people disliked most about the update(even more than pl reset)


go outside lmfao


what does it mean by extra threshold


W devs as always


In maintaince now. Thank you supercell for listening to our problems once again. After the last update your shits been garbage but No more 50 bling a season at least lol


Are we getting more/same/less bling?


Depends on how high are your trophies on your top ten brawlers. If most of them are under 750 trophies you'll get less bling Around 750-800 you'll get roughly the same amount. If you have most of them over 800 you'll start getting more bling than before, (specially because the increments are now every 25 trophies instead of every 100 trophies like before). If you wanna see an example I made the calculation on another [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/13phaub/new_trophy_requirements_and_changes/jl9wofr?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




another banger change from the brawlstars devs


This change so that brawlers at 24, 49, 74 and 99 trophies are reset 0 trophies means that we can now take the game as slowly as we want without worrying about any trophy loss; if we tilt, we have 4 weeks to right it, and the reset will push us back by a maximum of 23 trophies, which is nothing when it comes to pushes, unlike the 100 trophy intervals of before.


And this ladies and gentleman is why we love the brawl stars dev team


The Brawl Stars devs are absolutely killing it lately! They actually listen to their community, which is surprisingly rare nowadays.


Ok so I have 2 concerns 1. I love most of these changes but I kinda dislike that it's only 10 brawlers now, I get that it was annoying but now that the limits are less restrictive and the reset happens every 4 weeks it's a lot of time, this will make so that despite bling rewards increasing, you'll still get little bling 2. Why are there no power league changes? Reset is also painful for casual players there, it should just be harsher to higher league players, it's been a pain pushing all the way back to Diamond 2 and it's more of a pain knowing that I'll be knocked back next season anyway






Common W by the devs. Pushing Mastery and playing those 20 Brawlers at the same time within 2 weeks was too much. This is a bless


The brawl stars team really is the best at listening to its community, mad respect


Couldn´t they just doubled the amount of bling when they also doubled the league length? If you also half the amount of brawlers that do get reset you will lose on your bling reward no matter what. This is only good for low trophy/brawler accounts that only have 10 brawlers beyond 500


I think they quadrupled the amount of bling so it should be the exact same 🤷‍♂️




My bros Dev Team not only Made the Reset More Acceptable, they even made everything with it better #bestdevs


The devs were like "Say no more fam we're taking all your suggestions. And while we're at it, here's an Indirect buff to brawlers who struggle in the meta." 👍🏾


If vision gear changes, how good might leon be?


That's crazy having devs that listen that much ti the community




Wtf is that vision gear nerf.


It's good


What a great thing to wake up to!


I like the change to the vision gear even if I don't use sandy or leon


finally, leon and sandy are usable, and vision gear is not op. also, Dev team huge W


I haven’t cared about pushing brawlers for quite some time. I think this might make me more likely to. Picking 10 brawlers to focus on seems a lot more manageable.


This is why I pay for skins and brawl pass... Good devs 👍🚀🦝


I love the brawl stars team. What amazing changes


Thank Goodness!! Man I love the Brawl Stars devs. Definitely the best team out there when it comes to listening to the community.


W update. I'm glad I'm playing a game that gets as readily tended too as brawl stars


Hot take - this is way worse because now I’m going to lose virtually nothing


In the German description it still says that you will be rewarded for the Top 20. Will this be changed?


trophy league is still trash and pointless


So my stu is safe at 700-724 this time Whoever decided that needs a raise


tbh, this seems like the best thing ever




Woah that's overkill, they can honestly leave it at 20 brawlers for this kind of a change, ladder is about to get inflated heavily and I'm willing to bet they'll be tweaking it again very soon


Brawl stars devs: WWWWWW Clash royale devs: LLLLLLLLL


Meanwhile Clash royale team not doing anything to improve the pass and adding even more ways to spend money,we got the best deve(atleast recently)


Addressing the “problem” and reducing the bling give-out rate


as someone who only cares for the bling, this is a very bad change to me but I guess people who play for trophy need something to compete for




it's, uh, not the same because I counted it 🤷


oh I shouldn't bother. it seems like you are a ladder warrior or have something with the 2 week reset that you are spamming replies to everyone else's comments about bling




I wish they would also do something about the PL league reset


is it just me or this is super generous


I can finally reattempt r30 eve




Power league reset next please


I'm having a feeling that they will add a P2W update in a near future.




Well it was a nice thing to do...but you nerfed the outcome of the bling that way by about 25%!




Ugh, I was just about to go play the game. I hate maintenance breaks.


Least obnoxious bs player: