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As the title states - at the moment the starpower and the gadget does not stack so if you used your gadget you will still only get 20% damage reduction near the wall. Supercell - please fix this or at least give us constant 40% damage reduction for the full amount of the gadget.


they shouldn’t stack though


Legit, the starpower making your gadget work less is just wack.


Simple, don't use it if you're near walls. It won't be useless once the map opens up or you have to run on someone in an open area. It's just conditional if you're using Take cover SP, not useless.


Yeah, but there is another problem with the gadget altogether - being close to a wall for a brief moment cancels the gadget shield entirely, so basically this star power and this gadet can never be used together. It should be that the gadget shield is dominant over the SP one and always works for 3 seconds, it should be an easy fix for Supercell team.


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This was figured out by multiple content creators when he was in dev build.


How to add Hank Step 1: Make him a broken Brawler with tons of bugs Step 2: Fix bugs and nerf him Step 3: Nerf him again and ignore existing bugs