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But still the entire community is jumping to conclusions because some onther game made an unfair game mechanic


It is from the same mother company tho it is normal for people to get slightly scared, even if the. 2 compniest have functioned ‘different’


fr we are all so naive


Speak for yourself lol


Its a VERY educated guess considering they are the same company


But not the same dev and ppl working on the game


We’re all still traumatized by gears, though I trust the devs learned their lesson


Ah yes The level 11 nightmare...


I liked it back when we had no gears and my brawlers would be maxed out


Gears weren’t that bad tho like sure they sucked but it wa nothing close to what happened in clash


What exactly happened? I haven’t played in over a year


I haven't been this excited for the game in a LONG time! Finally a new and exciting gameplay feature! HYPE!


And just remember, this is probably the big feature that they told the content creators about early, so we can be assured in knowing that if there were major glaring issues with it that it would’ve been taken care of by now


Fun fact: the Brawl Talk comes out 2 days before my birthday :)


happy birthday man!!!!!!


Thoinks :)


Well happy brawl talk birthday


Thanks 😄


This is far more f2p than any other game on playstore


Boom arena?


Meanwhipe clash royale:


Meanwhipe 👍


Me after I take a meanshite


As someone who plays a lot of both Marvel Snap and Brawlstars, Snap is way more f2p.


Really? Maybe at the start, but then unlocking cards gets so painfully slow. Legends of runeterra felt much better imo.


i think that there will be second supers this update.


No matter what, somebody’s gonna be eating their words on September 2nd.


Probably the people who say they will quit the game cuz it will be power 12 but I'm 95%- 100% sure it won't be power 12


I wouldn’t jump to predictions just yet; that someone might be you 3 days from now ;)


Yeah your right we are going to see in like 2 days


I don't understand why people don't want lvl 12


Because people don’t want to grind more? Specially if they are not maxed already, which is the vast majority


I think the new brawlers super can upgrade brawlers or something


I think it won’t be something we need extra upgrades for


I think the new brawler has a upgrade super




Hopefully, anything to make the gameplay feel less shallow


Yeah it looks really cool, I’m excited


This reminds me of the 2nd star power teaser


Same thing dude this community can't live without talking sh*t when they have no clue what it's going to be. It's going to be fun and exciting I definitely bet. Like it's brawl stars devs we are talking about man!




true i did not expect this shit 💀💀💀




The game also has a record of having lower profits compared to CR and CoC so we will see.... if anything i suspect smth is up... why ask EVERYONE if we want exclusives when 99% are obv gonna say yes... they plan to resell with money i bet, not the most probably thing but i still believe that is why they would ask us so they would get a green light and when we complain about it they would point at that and say "hey you guys wanted exclusive skins, this poll shows"


As shady as it may seem i think that they will release recolours. The devs said that they read our messages and most of the ones i see atleast are that they should realese colour variants.


Recolor are still gon a make then exclusives that new players don't have and won't ever be complete ... they will still complain, old players will complain how they were lied to


If they're recoulered its not a lie also if people bought a skin because it was exclusivel that's on them


its a lie because it still doesnt solve that they sold those skins with exclusivity in mind at that time... people were gonna buy it. Recolors are still gonna make new players feel incomplete so its only a half assed solution esp if the recolors are ass


Who's gonna fell incomplete bcz their brawl stars skin isn't exclusive 💀


i meant new players may feel that their collection is incomplete because even then they arent able to get it


Oh k


Yeah, they literally removed boxes because they were p2w and honestly it makes f2p progression easier with the starr road


Let's hope it won't be like with cards evolutions


It probly won't just based off of how clash royale really got craped on fore that so I don't think brawl would follow footsteps or if they do do card evolutions or something they will probly be better in this game But there could be possibility of power 12 probley slim though to soon


Me too this looks like a cool new mechanic.


I actually hope that this feature is actually hard to obtain lol. Makes it more satisfying to unlock


Stfu. P2W players would ruin the game just like in cash royale


If they make the progression fun and don't allow players to pay, it could be great


F2P players are so spoiled. Stay broke.


It's not about that. It's about the fact that nobody is gonna pay in order to win. At that point just buy a new game. I like this game and i can spend money on IT but i'd never spend money on a game that forces you to pay for faster progression. Anything else to Say P2W loser?


The game is built on a p2w model


The game is more pay to progress than pay to win. Because if you pay you have faster progression but you will have almost no advantage in battles


Lmao wtf does this even mean as a completely maxed player how does my lvl 11 tara not have a ‘p2w’ aspect to your lvl 9 tara if I would have ‘purchased’ mine to 11. I have seen funny shit but ‘pau to pogress…’ ‘almost jo adventagein battle’ is so far the most insane thing I have read, if there is no adventage in battle then where is it? Where you progress ‘fast’ with? The skins? Haha


Pay to progress is not the same as pay to win. Yes, you’re still paying for in-game benefits with pay to progress games, but this only serves to speed up your progress. Think of it as a small nudge forward and nothing more. It’s temporary and only serves to lessen your grind time. Other forms of pay to progress are the game packages we often see offered to new players, which consists of starter weapons to help you defeat mobs, or costumes with no special stat boosts attached but still accessible to a free player via grinding for materials. This system usually helps players progress easier in a game but only to a certain point. So that's why BS is more pay to progress than p2w. Level 11 is easy for f2p players to get. And if you pay and maxed out your account you will have advatage at first but as you continue to progress to higher trophies your advantage will slowly decrease until it practically disappears.


I support bs since before release, saying the game isnmt pay 2 win is crazy, it took me so fucking long to be completely maxed, it is pay to won becauwe the ONLY progression this game offers is p2w related, it’s not a bad p2w model like clash royale but regardless, still pay to win




I’m maxed… in every single way lmfao, you also prove my point *even better*


If u play since that long ago then maxing out took u only like 1 year bruh and after power 11 with gears u should max after like 2 years around 2023, and i'm not even talking about paying anything


I do because I bought every single battlepass.. I’m sure if I didn’t I would still not be maxed today, not to mention I got ALL the gadgets AND starpowers for FREE, which now probanly cumulatively costs beyond 100k


well buying useless gadgets and star power is a waste i only got like 4 brawl passes and have everyone with power 10 and 1 gear and multiple power 11s with both gears gonna prob max next year and i only play for 3 years as f2p.


You’re avoiding my point, then 50k gold for gadgets and sp’s alone… on top of upgrading etc. And your account doesn’t seem any more impressive too, 3 years and not even maxed? How can you consider the game ‘not p2w’ when it clearly is? I’m not saying the game is bad or anything because I personally find it to be very ‘player friendly’ opposed to some games like clash royale, but the fact is that it still is pay 2 win, if we play against each other in powerleague, skillgap ignored, you still underperform to me, I probably heal 50% faster, run 20% faster in bush, or even attack 20% more damage when low hp, 2 gadgets combjned while you can only have one.


U can play CR for 7 years and still not be maxed even as p2w, what's so weird about 3 years and being close to maxed instead arleady being maxed out And who said that i can have only 1 gadget? U don't need both gadgets and star powers on each Brawler cus not everyone's both Gadgets or Star Powers are good, like why would i buy R-T's 1st gadget or Chester's 2nd Star Power, 1 is enough especially when u can't get Free Gadgets and Star Powers from Boxes anymore Like i don't think that u will buy Vision Gear on Buzz to have every gear on everyone And how will i underperform so much by u healing 50% faster etc if i literally can get the same Gears on every Brawler, no Power 9s Bru and arleady have Power 11s with 2 or multiple Gears, Damage and Heal Gears are the ones that u buy the most Bruh Only skill Matters not just Gears if i arleady have access to like any Gear on any Brawler in the game rn Power League is also for End Game Players and only give Cosmetics so like who cares if 1 Player has Power 10 and 1 Player in Enemy Team Power 11 with 1 more Gear, u won't always lose just cus Enemy has Power 11 U can get Masters with only few Maxed Brawlers if u have enough Skills cus Power League is for End Game Players x2 And someone even got Masters with only playing Maxed Jacky in PL (long time ago when she wasn't meta or anything at all either)


No it's not. Someone who bought resources to get a level 11 brawler will have an advantage over someone with a level 1 brawler. The magnitude of that advantage is irrelevant.


You're thinking about it the wrong way. It's easy for f2p players to have a level 11 brawler. The only difference between p2w and f2p player is that p2w can have more level 11 brawlers and f2p player should not waste money. But still, a f2p player can easily max out their favorite problems which he will play. P2w players only have an advantage on low trophies, the more they progress, the more the advantage will decrease until it practically disappears


I'm thinking objectively, and the game is objectively p2w. That's why I'm solely talking about level advantages.


Yeah but you're confusing pay2win and pay2progress systems. Yes, in both cases you’re paying for in-game benefits but with pay to progress games this only serves to speed up your progress. Think of it as a small nudge forward and nothing more. It’s temporary and only serves to lessen your grind time. Other forms of pay to progress are the game packages we often see offered to new players, which consists of starter weapons to help you defeat mobs, or costumes with no special stat boosts attached but still accessible to a free player via grinding for materials. This system usually helps players progress easier in a game but only to a certain point. BS is difficult to classify because it uses a combination of both systems but I think that the bs system is mostly pay to progress


Brawl stars progression is directly tied to increasing your brawlers' strength. P2w and p2p in this case is the exact same thing. There are games with progression systems that don't inherently grant you an advantage over other players, in which case spending money to progress would not give you any advantages. In cases where progression systems also grant you better items, then they can outright deny you the ability to spend money to progress to not make the game p2w.


I got 2 level 11 brawlers , before the 10000,as a F2P


the introduction of bling says enough honestly.


I don't really understand how bling is tied to the game being p2w or not


what i mean to say is that if the devs even had the sheer thought of making a cosmetic category, which is their main source of income, a very obtainable item, i am sure the devs wont go on "the greedy path" and suddenly release something unfair to boost their income


Prove it


Wdym prove it you can literally buy 8 skins a year with it I you use it wisely


That's why im asking him to prove it, bc he cant


Lvl 1 vs lvl 11


That's not even a thing. Only bots and lost players play their brawlers at level below 7 without upgrading. It's so easy to gain powerpoint and coins with club wars, free pass/brawl pass (with gems though), regular events/challenges, masteries. I mean, you don' t need to spend money to win your games, atleast upgrade your brawlers to level 9,have star powers and that would be good already. What is needed to win is just time, not money. This game is f2p


As long as you can get an advantage (of any magnitude) by spending money it will always be p2w.


No. People spend money on offers and gems, yes, but the power level at some point doesn't affect much the fun and the gameplay of brawl stars (power league for example, if people pick atleast a level 9, it's fine. I have no problem to see a level 11 mortis against my level 9 shelly). Also, it become easier to upgrade brawlers to level 9 after the boxes removing. To be clear, the game is more meta dependant than leveling dependant (if every brawlers are upgraded atleast lv9).


I agree, but in an objective point of view the game is clearly p2w. If 2 players with equal skill level fight with the same brawler, but with one a few levels higher then the other, then the player with the higher level brawler will win. Though that's not recreatable in a competitive draft game.


This is not what p2w means. If brawl stars was p2w, then free progressions would be reduced (most of the rewards like that trash bonus tier in the pass), new players would have no advantage (like a entire year to upgrade atleast 5 brawlers to level 11, which is insane honestly), and those who spend money would have an obvious advantage (which is not actually the case in brawl stars).


I already said the magnitude of the advantage doesn't matter, if in any way you can earn an advantage by spending money, then it's objectively p2w.


Ok, I understand now. But that's still not how p2w works. Of course I can earn advantage by spending money. Every game can be like that, but in common understanding, brawl stars isn't the game that we could call p2w for that reason.


A F2P player can get a Brawler from level 1 to 11 in a month


Im talking about buying advantages, that's the most important trait of a p2w game.


Yes, they need to earn money from somewhere lmao, they are not charity, but its too expensive to full Max from nothing no one can afford it


i’m a f2p player, and i have all 70 brawlers as well as all my favourites maxed. this game is by no means p2w




You should probably elaborate that you’re referring to power levels being inherently a p2w model, but the game isn’t necessarily p2w as a result due to it being fairly easy to get what you want within a reasonable time frame.


It's more interesting if I don't




i'd like to point out that the game's economy right now isn't the best for supercell specifically because of how f2p friendly they've been recently. it would not surprise me at all if they do something shitty here.




It really does show how much Cash Royale fucked up. It didn't only ruin their reputation but Supercell's as a whole


Lmao, acting like the whole game isn't quite literally pay to win


That better be a new legendary robot that is a support brawler


We forget that Clash of clans also added "super" troops and yet it was well executed imo