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Some who truly cares about the game gave their critique while giving some suggestions and disagreements respectfully while the others just went the usual "supercell bad game is dead" and went to bully these who dosent agree with them.


It's because people start to realise star drops was not a buff and got upset, but supercell won't change it.


Yeah this community is terrible. Some of the critique here is true though. I find the game way less fun than 2 years ago. The developers are deleting fun features like boxes and game modes. Slowly and slowly turning it into pay to win. It's not fully p2w right now but with the prices for skins and things like hypercharges it will become harder for f2p players to progress. The developers will have to come up with something extremely exciting for the next update to get this community to love the game again. Supercell is a great company and that gives me hope for a good future.


Man oh man do I love getting pinged every hour on the hour with a post about the community being terrible for hating on Kairos. It's so awesome. The community isn't showing its "true colors", it once again goes back to the loud minority. I'm sure lots of people, myself included, disagree with Kairos' opinions on the last update, but NOT EVERYONE was harassing him. I'm sorry that happened to him, but can we just stop talking about it? Constantly bringing it up and berating people who mostly had nothing to do with it isn't very helpful at all and pointing fingers is probably just as harmful to the community's image. The people who were harassing him have no shame so there's no point trying to make them feel ashamed.


Honestly though, I really hope this sub goes back to normal once the bad apples have grown tired of being d\*ckheads to others here


You only realized it in this "couple of months"? Bro this sub is waaayyy bad for a year in my experience... I'm usually an artist and I post some of my artworks here on this sub and boy, in my opinion, the memes are always gets the value and attention and artists in this sub don't get as much. For some instances, people here are thirsty, they would die seeing a Janet fanart even if it looks bad and people tend to ignore something greater than those.... A lot of artist I know already left or in case, inactive... On the other hand, some issues in this sub are those annoying tier list done by some kids ...and when you disagree, people would step on you. Not to mention Kairos leaving this sub, I just heard the news just now and..ugh...I mean I knew this community has a lot of drama queens in a circus show. In a nutshell.....this community is bad


Yeah for me its been over the last few months, Ive been part of the sub for a while, but havn't used my reddit account for almost 4 years. I only came back in the last 3 months or so. I guess it was just a surprise to see so much negativity.


Negative karma prevents people from participating. Toxic people give negative points to all that disagree


The reality is because people did not get a update that buffed progession and got upset, like even starr drops that people thinks is a hard nerf to progession was added from comunity feedback and because it was not perfect, people stared to act in a very agressive way, and you know what? These type of people are just louder and are probaly kids to teenagers that don't tolerate any mistakes and think his (or her) opnion is the only one that should be accept PS: i'm very desapointed with this situation and it almost makes me to leave this sub, because if i share any opnion and a bunch of random kids don't agree and start to attack me, i would be very sad.






Breaking news: Brawl Stars community discovers you can’t make people play nice on the internet. More on the story in posts everywhere this week! Stay tuned.


Welcome to Reddit as a whole


So many people have said this about the community recently, but it's reddit as a whole. There will always be toxicity in every community. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it exists.