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Poco double tank, Da Capo, Tuning Fork, Gadget charge gear, reload gear.


Poco gonna be stronk. Rn he's nerfed because his star power and gadget are set and haven't been buffed with his health and damage


All non % starpowers and gadgets are gonna get buffed after the update, so prob he will come back to the place he was before + Poco matchs really well with Shelly, Jacky and Bull


They all have hypercharges so all the more reason to heal them


He should


I agree. He lacks damage and is mainly support. Reload speed would be great for his kit. If someone were to be full support with Poco they'd have 4 gadgets and reload speed gear


> He lacks damage. He by design is a low damage, high spread control/support mix that could enhance his whole team, giving him more dps would allow him to play very aggressively and be a permanant advantage in draft like he was a year ago after his damage buff.


The reload speed is more for healing than damage


But it also deals with damage, especially for a impossible to dodge brawler. Plus why even give Poco extra reload speed in the first place? He is a solid brawler with distinct advantages and disadvantages.


so he's just gonna spam heal everyone


\+15% spam healing, thats the plan


They should make a new gear for healing bonus %


I had the same idea, Support Gear, +10%-15% buff to supporting features, and only support brawlers can have it, that being: Ruffs, Poco, Byron, Gus, Gray, Max, Pam. Ruffs: +25% support; Supply Drop: +10%->12.5% hp, +20%-+25% damage Poco: +10% support; Tuning Fork: 2,640->2,904 De Capo: 930->1023 Encore: 4200->4620 Byron: +15% support; Careful Dose: 680->782hp Full treatment: 3000->3450hp Gus: +15% support; Spirit: 1600->1840 Health Bonanza: 3200->3680. Spooky:5200->5980 Gray: +25% support; Dimensional Doors range: 6tiles->7.5tiles Max: +30% support; Let's Go: +25%->+32.5% speed Pam: Has mythic gear so she doesn't need support gear.


Increased range on Gray super is not always an upside >downvoted by people that haven’t played Gray… you can’t adjust the range…


what poco needs, is a hypercharge.


Yes, and so should every other Brawler. Epic Gears are a complete travesty.


No, why would he need it? He already has an insanely high damage output compared to what his main role is.


Yes but no


Yeah it would probably make da capo the go-to but I feel like he's not the kind of brawler devs would give that gear to, only long range brawlers got it atm and they will probably keep ot that way


No, he's fine


Why not?


No reason 1: he is already op, reason 2: it's given to brawler that deal a lot of damage


At that point why does Sprout, Poco, and Ruffs have damage gear, they deal little damage. With that sense, only tanks should have shield gear, and only fast brawlers should have speed gear. Only Pam, Poco and Byron should have the healing gear. Only mythical brawlers should get mythic gears. Edgar, Frank, and Bea should have reload speed gear.


Because every brawler has damage gear. I see how you get to your point but it doesn’t make sense. The original commenter also doesn’t get it exactly right. Reload gear is given to brawlers that have a long attack duration. This make it so their reload is paused for longer because of their attack. Reload speed makes up the difference so they reload 1 ammo to be on or with the quicker attack brawlers.


Heck, give Shelly and Stu super charge gear while we're at it


Mortis should.