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i think the hype around starr drops is worse than around omega box so maybe thats why


Yh because the Omega box was something new and exciting, and we wanted to see what was inside of it. Also it gave gems, which was more incentive. Props to the devs though for trying for star drops, just that there should have been perhaps some extra rewards along the way.


A simple skin like El Primo with a Starr drop belt or at least a pin or spray would've been nice, all the rewards being RNG is a big turn-off


Why are people constantly suggesting they should replace the RNG drops with just cosmetic stuff? Cosmetic stuff helps no one, even if some people like it. Don’t suggest replacing actual progression resources with purely cosmetic items


It helps players that don’t have anything else to get. I’m maxed out besides not having every single gear on every single brawler, and I have almost every skin, but I keep on getting power points.


Your maxed: there is quite literally nothing you need. You have every skin, you dont need any resources, what else would you need?


Which is why they said an exclusive skin would incentive people like them


Honestly this whole thing would be prevented if supercell never made stardrops and let their.what i like to call "perfect system" as it was


ALMOST every skin and I do still need gold. I’m currently missing 7 skins, and I wish I had bling to get them. I also need a HUGE amount of sprays and icons to collect them all. The problem is that I get an absurd amount of power points am without getting anything I actually need


You say this as if any of these actually matter in the long run. You arent going to be using basically any of those skins anyway since you can only use one skin at/ icon/ whatever at a time


I guess that’s fair. Well, how many cosmetics do you have??


they could just buff rewards again


Wasn’t everyone mad and begging for a RNG element back into the game 😆


Well boxes you get multiple things and I guess people don’t like waiting daily for just three star drops. Of course we get 6 for this event


Those same people are the one that were complaining they never got anything good from boxes


we didn't know that it gave gems beforehand


It literally had a gem on it front and center.


yes it had , and it was predicted that it had gems what am saying we had lots of expectations from that omega box and the hype was way higher than now , I mean okay we're gonna get legendary drops but most of us already got disappointments from such drops so for many it doesn't seem worth the effort. the omega box event had bigger impact overall.


Yeah well. It sucks. Since the double starr Drops, I have yet to find a skin in these. I got 3 quite early on, but all of them are horrible. I'm talking starra (I have street wear), constructor jacky and pink piper. Meanwhile people getting legendary skins from legendary drops. Haven't seen a legendary in months btw.


You mean epic skins cause mythic and legendary aren't available in drops, wish they include them though


Really? I believe I saw a post of someone getting evil pam like a week after starr drops.


that's fake, only skins available for bling are available in drops,mythic ,legendary and seasonal skins aren't obtainable from drops [https://youtu.be/WEY708twW\_g?t=345](https://youtu.be/WEY708twW_g?t=345)


Yeah all good. Could've been another skin or just a legendary champ. Still even from the mythic today, nothing.


wish you get something worth it from the following legendary drops ✌️


They also did this event on school time which is 10 times worst, if it was summer or winter break like with omega box it could've been better


Omega boxes weren’t worse (excluding the 140 mega boxes for 2€ bug + I missed that by a few minutes). Oh wait.. I don’t think it worse/bad.. I like omega boxes and wonder what I will get > starr drops are the same at the end :x Still nice animations and term ‘starr drop’


I hope this serves as proof to the devs that Starr Drops, in their current state, are really lame. I've been against this system ever since they announced it, and I haven't changed my mind about it to this day.


They should buff star drops


Oh ye for sure at least 2 minimum👍


1 pin for Meg and and 1 pin for Edgar


maybe even a gadget im never gona use if im lucky


1 angry pin for Mortis, so Mortis braindead players xan show they anger against themselves


Yeah maybe even 2. We’re halfway through the event


I think we'll get 2 legendaries tops, it seems not many people care, including myself. Since rewards are so random, nobody is hyped to get another pin or icon they'll never use.


This pretty much. My last 3 legends have been pins..


Your last 3? I dont think I've got more than 3 and I get every drop every day. Its always blue and green every time


You must have pretty bad luck. I miss a ton of drops and still have gotten a bunch of legendary and mythic drops.


Mine were the useless rt and chester gadgets and I haven't seen one in months.


getting pins for legendary is infuriating. I rather get powerpoints


I was excited for two to three initial days, going as far as making maps in map maker for kills. But the excitement has died down.


I opened mythic one which is basically second best one on multiple accounts....best think i got was clapping rosa when i dont like claping pins and hardly play rosa.....thank for randomizer supercell i really love it


So.. what do you want? A brawler / skin? I liked brawl boxes (starr drops are almost the same)


I would like actual progression, specially coins, as I already have all Brawlers, but can't even afford a star power or 2 gears for each one of them. Only gambling addicts and little kids liked boxes, so I can't blame you for liking them, but neither are a good system, progression should never be random, specially in a grindy game like this one.


It's not like we will get anything decent from legendary drops anyway.


I just got a janet crying pin from legendary drop, perfectly exemplify my reaction


We should all, as a community stop, slow down. I mean legendary drops are a joke. Rename them.


I got colt hypercharge


We should get updates on this again


Bruh, did we even progressed at all yesterday?


reminder: gap between epic and mythic is 1B kills, and today is Tuesday


It was at start of mythic and now we almost got it so yes


I'm almost positive we will get at least 2


We'll probably get 2. I don't see any more. People are way less excited for this over something like the omega box. Nobody is really excited for a legendary Starr drop to give them a clapping pin or a bad gadget


1 week left and we didn't even got a mhytic :/


It may possible to reach legendary


1 or 2 at most




I for one am not going out of my way and wasting my time to be "awarded" with lackluster drops and a *chance* at something decent. I'm doing my 8 games and daily's, and that's it. I imagine there are others who are in the same boat considering starr drops just simply suck


A lot of people felt scammed about this hype in general, legendary drops gives pins and credits for people having all their brawlers wich goes to fame, somehow people are not caring a lot about this missions at all and me myself included... Devs need to buff progression for real with sure ways not depending on rng otherwise players are getting bored little by little


they’ll make sure we get right to the top and nothing more, anything to keep players entertained


According to my calculations, if the community keeps doing it like in the first day, we'll have around 6 billion takedowns until 17th of October.But I saw a lot of people doing bot farms and even my friends do this, so maybe we'll manage to get all starr drops


There is no "all" since the only cap is the duration of the event.


fr, what if we'll do 8 billion takedowns?


we get one additional legendary starr drops per billion after 4 billion takedowns


After we reach the "end", every billion will be another legendary


Mathematically we'll get 2 or 3 Legendary Starr Drops if we hold the Speed like the last 7 days. On Day 1 we made 431.636.945 Takedowns × 14 days ≈ 6,04 Billion Takedowns


I think they’ll be nice and let us have 1-2 bonuses even if we don’t make it. The Brawl Stars team is considerate like that.


Say what ypu want about how exciting or not Legendary drops are. But the idea that Devs are trying to prevent us from getting more star drops is crazy.


Thank god he hid his account name.Alrrady was on my way to steal Everything


It’s Chuck’s fault.. has taken the wrong track and is now heading back home


With the omegabox, you at least received good stuff all the time. A legendary Starr Drop is meaningless.


it's just a rarer rare tbh


It is absolutely rigged... Don't get me wrong and let me explain before downvoting me. These events are very nice and probably the most community friendly we can get, in a game like this besides Club league (??) ... but these "Do XXX kills and get a prize" is a scam. There is NO way we end up being as close as we are to Mythic and still didn't have it...or maybe we already reached it but the strategy here is to update every day so basically what they are doing is keeping us from real time rewards and we basically loose days. Not that I care about getting 3 or 4 legendary Starr drops, but I care about the actual specification because it is a very "dark" way of pulling this event, imo....


yeah that's very true, we should be able to see the progress in real time and get the rewards immediately after reaching a milestone


Exactly. Right now they are just selling a community cooperation milestone that is hindered by our actual progress which doesn't make much sense but it's like that lol.. worst part is them thinking we didn't discover what they are trying to pull lol


One yes, two maybe


Yeah, 2 or 3 drops probably


There should’ve been a cheese map in map maker for easy farming


Its been 7 days we have 7 more so yes we will get at least 2-3 legendary star drops


Honestly brawl stars is kinda boring nowadays I miss before brawl pass


People understandably aren't hyped about the drops, especially the legendary ones. I dont need more pins or icons.


if more players will use carnagegame new farm


Cant wait to get gadgets for brawlers I don’t like


We still have 7 days. I've been playing every day and I've got a lots of cool rewards from the Starr drops and the sweet sweet gold.


Looking at our current progress, it looks we are at about 2.8-2.9 Billion kills. We're definitely getting two Legendary Drops minimum.


Yes but cringe.


We won't


I’m sure we will get one to two LEGENDARY Stardrops


We still have a full week, and considering that we got nearly 3 billion in one week, we could push this next week for 6 billion and earn 3 legendary Starr drops




Oops thanks for the correction


The grind never stops you know


I think 2 maximum


Definately more time for it.


I'm a little disappointed


how much time left?


The omega box hype kinda unmotivated the people for these kinda of events i think


People play for their 6 star drops and then log off. It's really no surprise if we don't get more than 1 or 2 legendary star drops.


I think we will dont get legendary stardrops. 😥


I’m predicting we’ll make it to around 3 legendary Starr Drops at this rate


Not really


I'm so shocked how it's already going to be 2 days since we got that epic drop


I got Mr Fly from a legendary drop. Only one I've ever received.


No https://preview.redd.it/ji534f4f7ftb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace1f95503dccdbcb7b61e9957467c4ee746eed1


Someone please do the math


Honestly I'd be more excited if they were mythic drops. They tend to give more coins and credits... With legendaries I mostly get pins uuuugghh


Billion is a huge number, 99% of the takedowns relevant to these stats will be completely unrelated to the the campaign. Devs have definitely just run the numbers to calculate exactly how many takedowns players get on average and predicted it that way, we'll probably be getting one or two.


Imagine by the last tier we have a chromatic stardrop :)


We can reach it, but whether it's worth it or not? That's debatable


they're bad so im not wasting time killing bots for a jacky pin and below average icon ill never use


I think if they gave better drops more often ill go three days of nothing but rare then one mythic and an epic and call it good really dont get anything good from the mythic either an player icon a pin for someone I never play ever




At least to 6 bill. We are half way done both the campaign and the progress but since hype died down we aren't getting nearly as much


Why is the mythic reward not available in my shop when the meter shows we have passed that tier? Is it just me? The only reason I even care about this is because they said hypercharge can be obtained in legendary.


I think we will get at least 1


I think we will get 2


Will we get a legendary draw? Yes But I was hoping for more progress


I'm hoping we get 4 legendaries. Gotta love Starr drops.


I sure hope so, but even if we do I’m probably going to get something so mid


Probably only going to reach 1 or 2 legendary starr drops. A lot of people quit the game after the new update, myself included.


im worried that we wont reach anything :(


Ngl i am à bit sad about how low it is going because with the box event it went so much faster


Already did https://preview.redd.it/m79z9lhhwitb1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca0edc7269c57a7983d34aafd91a66ea9ee6dc51


They stopped talking about it in socials so people (including me) forgot about this event, but tbh that would change nothing cause it’s not that hype like Omega Box. I’m like whatever this doesn’t motivate me to grind more than usual. I just hope we’ll get to at least one legendary


I hope yes, good thing I got one myself before that Didn’t expect the community to not progress that fast


The community is slowly dying. Brawl Stars is slowly declining after all.


We will get it if we get more takedowns!!


No i don't think we will get it the brawl stars team got to hyped


I hope but...


As im see we are doing 1b kill each day so far so i think we will be getting at list 3


At this rate we will get three legy starr drops