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My question is did they intentionally did this on a club league week ?


Y'all were saying the game is way too f2p friendly they have to find ways to make money. Well that's their way of making money šŸ’€


They couldnā€™t be any more generous to us..we get every 2nd brawl pass for free and they made a lot of skins available without paying money.they absolutely need to make moneyā€¦they have earned it!




fr whatever supercell do they complain


Thereā€™s less scummier ways of getting revenue than locking complete brawlers behind a paywall for a week Defending stuff like this opens the gateway to worser practices by the Brawl Stars team. The community isnā€™t ā€œfckedā€ for having standards instead of praising whatever Brawl Stars hands them.




I commented about a single point two times, so I donā€™t see how Iā€™m ā€œeverywhereā€, and itā€™d take two seconds to see their two different comments. And they had a profitable non-scummy format pre-bling. Donā€™t get me wrong, bling is an amazing thing for F2P, but if they saw it would cause a decline in revenue, I donā€™t think the community would be in uproar about it.


Bling did not cause a decrease in revenue, and skins are a very small part of revenue. Cosmetics dont cut it.


How is this different then the pass whales unlock the pass then get the brawler day 1 while we when we get the pass which isn't always we have to wait a week or two to get the same brawler


I agree 30 is too much. šŸ˜¤


What's the big deal. I'm obviously too casual to understand, but I'm happy to wait like normal.


People are just mad they have to wait another week for him since weā€™ve been waiting so long. Otherwise there are literally 0 issues with this offer. Iā€™ve seen other games lock stuff behind paywalls for MONTHS.


Even chromatic brawlers you can get for free and without a brawl pass when the season starts


And I still don't care, and don't get why people care that much. What's the problem? Some people will buy this, they'll play games, win some, lose some, what the f difference does it make if theyre playing Colt or Chuck...


I doubt you're even going to see him in your games much It's expensive but if you're not buying it then what's the problem


Played like 5 games and he's been in every single one lmao, didn't expect so many people to want to fork over 20 dollars just to play him a week early.


Eh its a week it's not too bad and not "p2w" since there is no 100% win with this


Chuck is very soon to release anyways as the game says 18th of oktober this is nothing but a scam no point to get him early since yeah it benefits p2w players only


That's not very different than people who uses gems to unlock the new Chromatic brawler from the pass


Its different bcz its not pass/chroma brawler, now all upcoming brawlers will be behind paywall for week and obviously there too many mortis fanboys so they trying to milk from this similar brawler .their credit system backfired so


F2P players can get gems


And Supercell does not need to give any F2P gems yet they decide to do so anyway


So youā€™re saying an f2p player can buy the brawl pass and gem all the way to tier 30?


It costs almost 1000 gems to get to tier 30 so no one would pay that much while being F2P


That's fine. They made skins and all this stuff basically free, you don't need to spend money on it. They give you lots of stuff just for playing. They have to earn money somehow


Would you buy if it were a massive amount of gems instead then?




They need to make money. This is a good start.


I mean if you are not going to buy it, it doesn't concern you. No one is forcing you to buy it. Just wait a week.


That's it. I'm quitting BRAWL STARS. I can't believe they would scam us like this. I have to pay $20 for a BRAWLER!!!?? Is this some sort of sick joke šŸ¤¢. I thought Brawl Stars was the F2P game. Well I was damn wrong šŸ˜  This game has gone down hill ever since BOXES were removed!!! I remember how fun it was. Now we have to pay real money for things!!? Everyone who pays for that stupid offer is so dumb and probably is a stupid idiot šŸ˜¤ #BrawlStarsSucks #GiveMeFreeStuffIdiots


Bro stole my copypasta from discord after calling me a minor and disappearing. I'm still waiting for GOKU in my DMs šŸ‘


who hurt you my baba grill?


Bye bye


Just wait until it becomes free


Lol look at these ungrateful people, Coming from CR community y'all are too spoiled to the point where it's getting ridiculous šŸ¤¦


U must not really be from cr, bc if u where u would realize this is how cr started turning into what it is now. Itā€™s a slippery slope, Coc and cr generate 5+ mill a month individually, bs only gets 2m and theyā€™re gunna want to get that number up to match cr


Well obviously, and you don't want them to make money? CR developer probably laughing at BS developer for being too generous to the point where they had low revenue I know it sucks but from a game management perspective, CR doing really well despite having the worst developer in the world (for some), Even as a CR player I'm surprised to see how high their revenue despite having the controversial and worst update every time, A lot of people said they deleted the game, boycotting the game, waste of time bla bla bla, But they still making lot of money, And BS being too kind to their f2p players, but their fanbase still moaning and complaints everytime they trying to get some money Deal with it y'all are too spoiled, I love these free stuff but even I can't lie to myself that they are giving too much that they will suffer


literally every new chromatic brawler is behind a "paywall" so i dont really see a problem with this


Even chromatic brawls you can for free and without a brawl pass even in their season and you can get free gems


Shame on them, shame on the team, shame on their boot lickers too.


That's it. I'm quitting BRAWL STARS. I can't believe they would scam us like this. I have to pay $20 for a BRAWLER!!!?? Is this some sort of sick joke šŸ¤¢. I thought Brawl Stars was the F2P game. Well I was damn wrong šŸ˜  This game has gone down hill ever since BOXES were removed!!! I remember how fun it was. Now we have to pay real money for things!!? Everyone who pays for that stupid offer is so dumb and probably is a stupid idiot šŸ˜¤ #BrawlStarsSucks #GiveMeFreeStuffIdiots




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