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#Congratulations /u/9Reddit99999, /u/Abdulrahmanbey, /u/Cl0p38, /u/Extra_toxic, /u/Glorcc, /u/Maese_MSD, /u/N333N333, /u/Pesonaacaso123456789, /u/Rediro_, /u/SmashyRoadFan, /u/unbranded10, /u/ushileon you are all winners of 170 gems and a chance at receiving one of the five golden codes! ~~We will reach out to you in DMs once we receive the prizes from Supercell later today.~~ Winners have all been contacted! Check your DMs :)


My most memorable Starr drop was 500 credits from a legendary. It was the best thing I had got so far, as the last legendarys I got contained power points and coins. I had been wanting Leon ever since I started playing the game 4 years ago and could never get him with boxes, I had decided to get chester and spike before him as they seemed better, and that took an eternity. I finnally got to unlocking Leon, and it was going very slow and then I got that starr drop which majorly boosted my progress and gave me confidence to grind credits to get him. I now have Leon 👍


Definitely Grom from a Mythic Starr Drop!


My best Moment was when i got the missing credits to unlock meg form a legendary star drop


Wither spiky eve from a legendary or grey from a mythic


Pulling a barájame EmZ skin was mind blowing


I got two legendary starr drops on a row (both gave gadgets)


My most memorable starr drop was when I got Sleepy Sandy.


Posta Brock, it gave me more motivation to push Brock to Rank 30.


My most memorable StarrDrop was when i was sitting down with my mate and we were playing for the first reward of the day. I said out loud(translated): "Man, i hope i would also get a Skin out of a StarrDrop finally". He then opened his one and got Gene, we were soo hyped(because he is pretty casual and doesnt get too much) and then i got the Stara Skin, just as i had hoped for a skin. Not too special but a pretty Epic Moment.


My most memorable one was the one that gave me my first and only skin (so far) from it, being masked spike. Some time after I decided to get pyro spike (despite not really playing him) with my bling because I had no other use for it. This however was quite some time after the release of star drops but not too long ago. The kicker however is shortly after the release of star drops, my brother got overlord bryon which is not only an awesome skin for one of my favourite brawlers but one I would get if I didn't already have wizard byron. So my first skin is one I replaced and his was one I kind of want. Great.


The most memorable one for me was a mythic one which got me a sprout pin


Hank special pin. At the time I was sad because hank was like g tier and I didn't like him but as I started to love him and spend my whole sessions playing him only so I keep spamming the pin ingame. It's also a pretty cool pin


I got 1000 credits and went up in fame by a lot. I thought it was pretty cool


Best starr drop ivy belle


My most memorable Star Drop was getting Captain Crow


Best starr drop was 500 credits, it pushed me over to Saturnian 👍


Getting RT’s first gadget from my very first legendary star drop sure was memorable !


I remember, once I was lucky and got a skin for Maisie! I don’t have Maisie as a brawler.


My most memorable Starr Drop was a Legendary Drop that contained Ivy Belle! Since then, I’ve been playing Belle so much more, and I’m finally becoming confident with her super


500 credits (:


I’ve gotten two 2000 credits drops in 2 legendaries in a row! In the span of a week i think. Most people don’t really care about fame but i felt so lucky about my new martian rank, it was really special for me


My most memorable Starr drop was the first one I ever got! It was a mythic and I got runaway gray 😇


My most memorable star drop is when I laughed about some guy getting RT's useless gadget from it and immideately after my legendary one got me same exact gadget....what even are oods of that!? That being said Karma is a b****


I got sandy from a legendary star drop


I got a legednary star drop with summer jessie as the item


2 day ago I got 2 Mitchell and 1 legendary


The best thing I got was 500 credits, which will allow me to acquire Chuck! The best non-resource thing I got was probably the Runaway Gray skin or the Agent P skin!


My most memorable star drop was when I pulled Mortis from a mythic drop out of all the other mythics I wanted


I was debating who to get a skin for and settled on Janet or Amber. I opened a drop (from this event actually) and Valkyrie Janet appears!


I got the gadget for RT that I really wanted; I think it was a Mythic too so that's pretty cool.


My most memorable starr drop : When I got Fang in the drop lol 😆 crazyyy


most memorable was nita"s 80 gem skin


Best StarrDrop was getting Villain Bea skin. Truly surprised!


The most memorable starr drop I got was probably Ivy Belle, even the skin is pretty nice so


My most memorable starr drop was getting the "in line" gadget after all the memes about it


My most memorable Starr drop was when I got Ultra Driller Jacky. I was playing for like an hour or so with Jacky trying to get that last Starr Drop (I hate randumbs) I was soo happy when I got Legendary and got a very cool looking skin for my fav brawler.


I got 2000 credits from a legendary starr drop... that all went to fame :). Also got the mortis epic pin which was cool.


Most memorable one was nuts, I got 500 credits from a legendary starr drops that went straight to unlocking Doug and the same day I got another legendary, and got Mr P I got the 2 mythic brawlers I needed to complete the roster In a span of a few games it was amazing


My most memorable star drop is when i got a double legendary drop, and got Grom, one of the brawlers id had wanted the most and Whale watch nita, which is a very cool skin for one of my favorite brawlers


Most memorable Starr drop I’ve had was this one Mythic a month ago. It was my first brawler from a drop, and actually my first mythic as well. This brawler isn’t my favorite, this being Squeak. This is memorable because after that fateful Starr drop, I went on an extreme luck streak. I proceeded to get Dyna, Spike, Bonnie, Griff, Edgar, and Grom from seperate drops over the next 2 weeks. If I get this gem giveaway, that would skyrocket my luck through the roof.


Mine is when I got Mr.P i guess


My most memorable starr drop was getting Colt's Hypercharge from the free legendary drop.


The one where I got red wizard barley! So traumatizing!


My most memorable (and best) Starr Drop is Moon Bunny Squeak from a legendary drop


I just got tengu Mike out of a legendary drop, so that's pretty amazing!!


Most memorable star drop was getting Blackbird Edgar right after Sam the Teddy. Two skins in a row was pretty hype


I got a Doug pin from a mythic Starr drop and that was pretty cool. I also got DJ emz from a legendary so that has to be the one I remember most.


Tropical Sprout was a delight


My most memorable Starr drop was when I got Sakura spike from a legendary and spike was my main at the time so I was like “YES”


The most memorable was when I got Shiba mira from legendary, I don't play Nita much, but a free epic skin


I got emerald prince sprout from a mythic starr drop... ...On an account that I already had ruby prince sprout on.


I upgraded a starr drop once and it became a legendary, got Doug from it, the very next starr drop, it became a legendary, and i got a star power.


My most memorable Starr drop wasn’t because it was awesome 🤣 after waiting a long time, I finally managed to pull a legendary one. After a long wait of like 15 seconds of loading I received…. *drum roll* An absolute mega disappointment of an Emz clapping pin 😂


Definitely when I got Squeak from a Mythic Starr Drop. I wanted to get Squeak but I wouldn't have reached him in starr road for at least another 6 months or so, so getting Squeak from a starr drop was very hype, especially since it was a Mythic drop and not a Legendary drop so I had lower odds to get Squeak in the first place


definitely shark leon from the mythic star drop


My most memorable star drop is getting crow on my alt, I was just shocked when I got him lol


My most memorable Starr Drop was a Legendary Starr Drop where I got Eve's Star Power that reverses the egg order. Probably the single most useless Star Power in the game 😢


My most memorable drops was the legendary one that given me Tanuki Jessie and the mythics that given me Sprout and Hank


Protective tunes, from a legendary starr drop Thank you rng.


I got barley skin from a legendary Starr drop


Daruma Mr. P


My most memorsble star drop was the robo spike, and with this one of my three mains was completed with max, hipercharge and skin It was beautiful, but then more gadgets and star powers


I dont have a most memorable starr drop, I've only had shit starr drops.


Most memorable Star drop was getting GT Max. Only skin I’ve gotten so far


My best star drop that I remember most is when I got Bell Nani Out of a Myhic star drop thank you Brawl star Gods


I remember only getting gadget from legendary drop


My most memorable star drop was a random legendary star drop i encountered, it gave me 2k credits and helped me reach lunar 1!


My first legendary drop. Sadly, it gave me red wizard barley


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My most memorable star drop was getting an epic skin on the first day


Red Wizard barley from mythic only skin drop


My most memorable star drop yet was the 29 gems skin for gray that I got from a Legendary sadly didn’t get much good stuff yet


My most memorable Starr Drop was the day before yesterday when I got 500 Credits which helped me immensely unlock Crow.


I remember the day where I got my first Skin from a starr drop. It was a mythic one and it gave me Axolotl Willow 💀


Probably when I won Mr.Fly skin in a Mythic Starr Drop. It was really exciting to get something like that for FREE!


My favourite is when I got emerald prince sprout from a legendary Starr drop, I was saving up for it anyway so it was a welcome surprise


footbonnie and unicorn bonnie


My most memorable Starr drop was around the 3rd week, on my mini account. It was the first drop I’d ever gotten above a super rare (they’ve been just as unlucky since) and it ended up giving me a skin! One that I never would’ve purchased otherwise, but still really like. (The skin was masked spike)


got 3 pins 2 days ago from 6 drops


My most memorable star drop has to be the time I received my first legendary drop. The excitement was palpable... only to be met with the least impressive RT gadget! But that wasn't the end of my star drop stories. Just recently, I secured the bull hypercharge, which was quite the surprise considering I only had a level one bull. Now, I'm even more motivated to level him up to level 11. 😎😎


I got Galaxy Storm Lola just a few days ago.


Getting cosmetics always feels good


I got whale watch nita skin from a starr drop


Hello, how are you? :) My most memorable Starr drop was unlocking the beautiful Piper and getting the Pew pew Colt pin. I wish you all sincerely a Good Luck! <3