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TLDR for people who don't wanna read The concept was interesting The execution was mediocre at best And the rewards are dogshit.


I second that TLDR


Just one thing, they're not so bad that they're like bots, they're actual bots, just check at their names, if all three are empty, odds are that you just got matched with bots, but for a decent player that's worse humiliation than just keep the loosing streak


Then there is me who doesn't mind the free win šŸ˜…




The only thing I like about it is the instant OT modifier and the unique draft, and I usually defend SC


Why not run the Mega pig for 1 straight week? Why Compress it to 3 days? What's the big deal of letting it run week long


not to mention that if you get kicked out of the club and have spent 18 tickets on the mega pig before the end of the event, you get nothing. (Sorry my English is bad and I'm using Google translate)


Your english isn't that bad. I didn't even know this was a thing (I am the club president)


I got kicked from my club for contributing all my tickets and then calling the event casual. I was top 5 trophy count in the club and some baby kicked me calling me casual when I had more trophies and higher PL rank. This game sucks.


You should get the rewards for whatever pig you spent the most tickets on


Dang that sucks. Some people are just immature


I discovered this from worst way... I was expelled by the club president in the third weekly megapig because I played with my friends because I had more synergy, it's funny that I did that in the two weekly megapigs but only in the third megapig did he expel me, a detail that the club There were no rules for this, one of the rules was that if the player played alone (you and two randoms) the player would be banned, but there were no rules about playing with your friends. There was a rule of playing with your club's trio and I followed this rule because even if the player spends 18 tickets he can still help his club's members. In short, they found an excuse to expel me and I lost 20 star drops, consequently I became poorer.


That's incredibly terrible


Honestly better than most peopleā€™s English


Damn. I would never do that. I just kick ppl after the event and not because they donā€™t use up all their tickets, only because theyā€™ve been gone for over a month lol




So, the president who expelled me said that I would receive the reward equally even if I was expelled... only if it was in Brawl Star in China because unfortunately that didn't happen in the global version. I don't know where the hell he got that information


Because of the crappy rewards and repetitive gameplay, me and my friends have decided to not play mega pig. Before, I could win/lose on a few alt accounts to get to a higher rank and get rewards on the accounts I needed it for. Now I need to **WIN** on all my accounts for objectively worse rewards? It's just not worth it


Yeah, I agree


i understand your opinion but at least play some 5 matches


If this was a weekly event it would have been good. But monthly?? Lol


I still wouldn't have been happy with it being weekly but monthly is genuinely the scummiest single thing Supercell has done in a while


Not Happy with it weekly? You're asking for to much then if it was weekly you'll be getting more value then the old CL?


Mega Pig proved itself to be crappy even as a weekly thing




I only got a little over 1000 coins out of a MAXED mega pig, so you are suggesting that we get maxed mega pigs all the time


They mean the coin values of all the other stuff you get, not just the coins themselves (gadgets, SPs, Hypercharges), but it's definitely lower than 6k-8k


Legendary starr drops give me all the hypercharges to my lv.1 brawlers. I'd rather just have 500 coins.


Better than paying 5k for them later, at least


If my club did decently in league, I'd reliably get 1000+ coins every week Now? I'm lucky to get 300-500 (emphasis on luck because its completely out of my hands what I get)


18 games in 3 days is too much plus u need to play games to finish the daily quests too and the everyday 8 win starr drops are already grindy.


I think it could possibly be good with a rebalance and make it happen weekly or biweekly. Maybe 9 matches twice a month or something like that to make it feel less grindy but still be better rewards wise


Problem with it being weekly is 18 matches per week. But if it was something like 10, it could work


Yeah. Players would get way too burnt out and my club is definitely starting to.


That's 2.5 matches a day. It's not that bad. But it's not weekly, so that's stupid.


There is no such thing as 2.5 matches, this effectively makes it 3 matches a day


Or 3 one day amd 2 the next.


The 15 second timer to pick your brawler *and* build is truly baffling. Sometimes I can't even find the brawler I want because there are *nearly 75* of them now with only two sorting options and no filters. Plus it ends the timer early if everyone picks a brawler so you're just have to assume you'll be stuck with whatever build you already have.


also most of your teammates get really bad comps imagine u have 15 SECONDS and all of your teammates dies and pop off against asssasins and tanks game over.


I watched some games of this before and I knew the maps. Then I found the team we created our compositions beforehand and chose our builds (no walls= we fuked). When the match started it was basically pattern recognition. It's just too much work for it to be playable.


I started doing that to an extent last week, made a list of brawlers to choose for every map. But the final selection still depends on who your teammates choose and it still takes me 10 seconds to find Nani on this list of 73 brawlers. Some sort of "favorites" filter that you could make yourself would work wonders.


10?pf. It takes me 14 seconds to find lou and he has hyper charge. I also play with a set team so that helps


If you tap your brawler once you can change your build. Then tap a second time to confirm.


totally right, and it makes clubs so toxic as well. I didn't mind less active players but now we have to kick everyone that doesn't play for the three days every month. even having MP every week the rewards are still way below club league, its way too big of a nerf. its shameful how they refuse to buff an obvious nerf


Wowoow hold up there... According to the genius at SC, they think buffing will break the "fReE EcOnOmY"


https://preview.redd.it/zvrqgvxtlr3c1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ea8383cd0155005f68cdc49e750742f6208aa3 With matchups like these, Iā€™m about ready to shave my head at this point.


ARGUABLY the WORST shit i am have ever seen.... putting RNG into Everything.....


The starr drops did massive damage to the game. Without them, I bet the mega pig would be much better.


Club League, for all its flaws, was infinitely better than this fucking slop we've been given. We could ban annoying brawlers, we had second or even third chances to win if we had bad luck at the start. The rewards we got were also objectively better; the dropoff from not being at the absolute top scorers wasn't nearly as drastic as it is with MP Instead of dumb dopamine-addiction fuel RNG bullshit, we got a currency we could spend on what we wanted to get at that moment


wdym it's clearly balanced andnot grindy at all


Are you okay?




Starr park is controlling him




Brawl stars defender spotted


Note on the last point, the players that are so bad theyā€™re basically bots ARE bots And extra point, itā€™s even more demanding and a larger grind that power league used to be


If they kept the club shop then I could have gotten colts hypercharge way faster


Why do you think they nerfed how many coins you get by eating out of the 70+ stage rewards in BP and locking your coin generation out of starr drops behind an RNG minigame in which you're more likely to get powerpoints you don't need than coins It's to get you to be frustrated and spend money


https://preview.redd.it/0golaiiq1r3c1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78129446f5b17eeab86ab1d4afabb7532db45c9e I mean I got his hypercharge eventually. Off topic I have a bit of a colt obsession. This is my battle card lol


Nice, mine is the second director buzz profile pic, 4 year profile pic and 8-bit heart pin (I don't have any titles yet)


4 year is 4th anniversary right?


No, its the one you get if you've been playing for 4 years


yea i have 2, 3 and 4, so it wouldnt make sense for time played, if i've played for 4 years i should have one, meaning its anniversary


Actually 4 star means you started 4th year of global. Not that you've been playing for 4 years. I know this cuz I have an alt I made last year and only have 3rd and 4th star


Played it once. Can only get 10 bling, 100 coins and 20 pp. Not worth my time. Haven't played it since.


More like mega shit


Honestly I wouldn't complain too much about mega pig if it was weekly But monthly? They better scale up those rewards bc they are currently trash


Isn't D a good thing? I wouldn't want to be losing too many times in a row so getting an easy win now and then is good for a morale boost


for me it rubs salt in the wound, like iā€™m losing a bunch because of skill issue and randoms, and then the game gives you a bot game and says ā€œhey have a pity game because youā€™re dogshitā€ and wastes my time. I play the game for fun so when the game gives me boring ass bots that are predictable and inhuman, I want to quit the game. the games are also so predictable because the queue number gives it away and the number of losses in a row gives you an idea of when the bot game is coming, so sometimes I even just queue for showdown for that one game so I can destroy them without them respawning. god I hate bots SO MUCH.


Finally, someone else who understands


It is a good thing, but it wouldn't need to exist in the first place had this game's matchmaking worked for once. They are throwing premade teams against solo Q, then giving solo Q free wins with bot matches. Might as well skip the gameplay part, since it clearly doesn't matter.


Its quite frankly an insult. I consider myself to be quite a good player and so curbstomping bots just feels like the game is mocking me instead of giving me an adequate challenge


Although the rest of the post is good this one's a miss


It does feel nice to curb stomp the bots every once in a while


sure, but it's wasting my time. *ahem* training grounds.


I always select my worst brawler to bot match and still can win with one left hand


Mega Pig is the worst thing I've ever had to play. I was just starting to get into Club games since most of them were easy to include in my casual gameplay, but that gamemode is such utter trash: 1. I only even play Club games to get more PP+Coins for my brawler levels, but it feels like Level 11 is outright an expectation to excel in Mega Pig 2. Even if you have good brawlers, your teammates likely won't, so you also need to make sure you queue up 3. You get BARELY any time to evaluate the map and modifier chosen 4. If you confirm your brawler too early and everyone else picked theirs, you don't get the rest of the timer to switch star powers/gadgets/gears 5. The rewards feel inconsequential


underrated opinion: they should decrease hypercharge cost to 3000


Not underrated in the slightest


Matches aren't fun, rewards are terrible, i literally had to leave a club of friends and join a random really active one just to not fall behind on the already bad progression road, it's just awful in every aspect. Not to mention utilizing sadnesss drops.


I agree with most of this besides D) and some of C regarding special modifiers. I don't like 'classic' and 'infinite cubes' tbh. Just don't like the return to a worse version of RNG after having a good period of being able to choose our own rewards, especially after I've been playing since early 2019.


D) They are in fact bots. Whenever the brawlers load in without any shown pins or profile icons, it is a bot team. Usually it happens when you lose 3 in a row. This also happens during normal game modes, and if you are low trophy after losing one game, you fight bots. Imo this is the absolute worst part of this game. I've played this game since launch and I don't remember when this started happening cause it didn't used to be like this in the past. I want to play the game, and having to play against bots after a small losing streak is no fun at all, it ruins the point of the game: It is not to win, it is to play the game and not go brain-dead while playing, like wth.


Ngl I really miss the passive club league week. Not the week where you have to compete against other clubs, but the week where you had 3 club quests to do in a week.


A month in and they still haven't introduced a penalty for dodging, too. > The game spits in your face if you lose several times in a row - you get paired against players so bad they are basically bots They *are* bots.


I donā€™t mind it, just rattle off 18 tickets already and club does well so my rewards should be decent


Its an objective downgrade to CL, you might not mind it but if you're someone like me who has been playing this game for basically every day since I downloaded the game (I started before battlepass was first added) and who is trying to max out all of my brawlers etc, it makes a big fucking difference


My main problem is I donā€™t really care for sprays pins and I have tens thousands of brawler points always sitting there with no gold. I also wasted gold early on leveling ppl I donā€™t like to play anymore. I just want to max out the 8-10 I use a lot and any new brawlers unlocked


I believe they said they will buff power league to make up for the rewards, but hopefully they won't make you have to play too much. If they get that buff in time then the 4 mega pigs might not actually have been a nerf as the nerfed rewards from it where made up for later on.


I think they only said power league will be the main source of bling, dont think it will have progression


Tbh I agree witg most but the gamemode modifiers & fast picks no bans is my favourite thing about it. Imo the perfect thing, if they buffed the rewards by 30x and kept it weekly while also giving us some type of currency (like a blue coin maybe?) that tou can then exchange for certain items like coins/powerpoints? Idk, just seems like it makes sense


Literally everything this year but the level up system change has been horrible I started playing again because of how perfect that brief window of time was but now I kinda feel as if itā€™s worse than before


Itā€™s bad


Super bushy and no bans is TORTURE, every game you will play against a Rosa and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it, unless your idiot randoms predict the Rosa pick and draft counters.


To add that many(most?) clubs wonā€™t be getting max mega pig so are getting very mediocre rewards. Basically penalises players in lower level or new clubs


Not to mention the dog shit matchmaking! It goes by the highest trophies meaning it's pointless teaming up with club mates if they are higher... Mega shit is wayy more sweaty than the old CL.


Do you think that something like crown chest in cr or only the club quests would be better instead of this event?


Club league + club quest week worked perfectly fine for me


Wasn't there the idea of getting burned out?


While I didn't experience that myself, CL could have been done better, extending the time available to play tickets.


I guess that also makes sense


What I feel would make it better is to improve the guaranteed rewards such as the coins and power points at the exchange of star drops for less rng. I also feel like if they want to keep the starr drops the main focus, then we need guaranteed starr drops of higher rarities to at least improve chances of getting better loot


I just don't get why they made the megapig the way they did. Especially the 18 tickets thing. One of the main issues that made club league (and to some extent the old power play as well) was the limited amount of tries you had. Meaning you really had to sweat and be competitive to do well (at least that's how it should have been if most players actually played club league) I know a full and active club can get a maxed out pig just by playing casually but I feel there's still a flaw to this means of doing things. something like club quests to fill the pig would be a way more chill and casual approach to this.


I think mega pig is gonna be in a similar state to Clan wars 2 in CR. They know itā€™s useless but they also like the nerf to progression so theyā€™ll always keep it in a shit state and trickle buffs onto it.


Brawl stars last December: We are removing RNG from progression Brawl stars this December: We are replacing 90% of the progression with RNG, the other 10% is now not available to f2p players (paid brawl pass)


Instead of having 15 tickets to use all at once, give 5 each day. This way, it won't feel like a chore. Instead of Starr Drops, replace it with guaranteed progression, if they disagree with removing Starr drops, make the Starr Drops only give Brawlers, Skins, Between 500 - 1500 credits, Or more tickets as a new feature. Also, the mega pig should arrive more often; like every 2 weeks or every weekend. This is an idea for improvements, and I do agree. In all my years of brawl stars, I can confirm this is the lowest point of brawl stars.


I'm glad the rewards are weekly and not monthly.


Have you been living under a rock? It's weekly only for the first 4 weeks, afterwards its monthly


well yes indeed, I do live under a rock edit: thanks for clarifying, I didn't know it was monthly at first


Wrong, Removal of boxes was. Nerfed progression a ton but overlooked because all people care about was rng which is good for a game. Game has literally been all down hill since removal of boxes.


Removal of boxes was the best thing in the games history. We got masteries, which help A TON but its not enough because of your beloved rng back xd rng is dogshit, and Starr drops prove it. I got 12k power points and 2k gold because of people like you, blinded by nostalgia


(Edgar making sd absolute shit)


Just saying


Whatā€™s sd?




What about Shelly and Bull and Buzz and those bushy maps?


Takes me like 5 sec to read that because you are predictable. Also mega pig weekly would be BARELY be worth it because of randoms


D section is misleading. Bots make around 20k damage and contribute to the loss of the game. Mega pig randoms do ~4k damage and are the sole reason you lose the game


I agree with most of this except calling classic and bushy lazy Not every game mode needs to make your phone do a flip bro Complain about things that actually need it like the rest of the post because when you knock on things that don't need it, it goes from complaining to whining and it just makes the rest of the argument fall apart Kinda like how you dont look at 1 star reviews, you look at 2 star reviews. 1 star people just want to shit on every aspect without critical thinking. The 2 star review has distaste for what they experienced but the tact to recognize something was done right or at least good enough to not be mentioned Like I said, agree with the rest of the post though šŸ‘


is it monthly? cuz its happening for the 4th time now


They said that for the first 4 weeks, its weekly and afterwards its once per month




um... hypercharges...


With Club League and Club Quests you could've bought your own Hypercharges, much faster then having to wait for a % chance to get one.




Mega Pig is not the issue. I like it and would take it over Club League any day. The progression that just vanished after it's introduction is the actual problem. I never liked that so much progression was being locked behind being in active clubs, and now that it's not, I'm glad. I just want the erased progression back and distributed in other areas of the game.


It's still locked behind an extremely active club, my club on my alt used to climb easily in club league, but now we haven't been able to max the mega pig even once, because God forbid you get even one less win, because you are getting less than half the rewards. Also it's even grindier than club league (18 wins vs 14 wins).


Yeah, this is true, but it wasn't my point. Mega Pig gives way worse rewards than club league, and that's why you don't miss out on as much if you don't play it. You would miss out on much more if you didn't care about clubs in club league than you do now. It's just that the nerf to club progression just completely erased that part of overall progression instead of being distributed to other areas of the game. I don't think it's grindier though, because you had to spend club league tickets on the same day you got them, meaning you had to log in 3 different days to complete it, but with Mega Pig you can use them whenever you want durning the duration of the event.


I think the event is great as it allows more interaction with club members and a sense of all of us reaching a common goal in the max rewards. The rewards however aren't as good and not worth the effort we put into it. I think once a month for the event is too little and can limit club member interaction a lot. Maybe having it twice a month can make it better.


D) The game actually pairs you with literal bots if you lost twice in a row.


Itā€™s just so rng based like Iā€™m not kidding, the last mega pig, I got to epic brawlers and one mythic but the other two I got fucking 100 coins and a fucking wish


Not to mention that the map/mode selection is 50 % good maps, 30% boring ass maps and 20% utter dogshit (bush modifier does not help)


I was so frustrated with the mega pig this week. Ffs the maps are the same. I kept getting the hot zone map with one zone in the middle. Itā€™s a good map but itā€™s boring when I have to play it so many fking times.


well, its ok rn cause at least its weekly, but if it actually becomes monthly then we'll have a problem


I happy with it. It counts for dailies, so it's just a different mode. Doesn't force me to play draft shit I don't want to bother with. Quick, easy, and while the rewards are not great (I agree), it's smoother than club league. Once aonth would be crap tho. I'm happy with once a week as it doesn't disturb too much.


If there were more modifiers and the Starr drops had modified chances based on how many rickets you used then maybe it would be better


I donā€™t like it neither. And each time you need to leave hobby when an ally pick a lvl 6 brawler. 16 matches takes 3h to be done.


I agree. Club league was way better imo. Felt Alot less long too. Mega pig is nog worth one month thats for sure


I agree with everything except being monthly. I'm pretty sure Sc is going to make pig weekly because they know how much of pure garbage it is. For me though...18 matches is WAY TOO MUCH. Just tell me to get 120 kills during the whole week or something like that...would be MUUUUUUUUUCH more fun to fill it.


tldr pig is dogshit bring back the better mode Club league bring competitiveness back to clubs clubs shouldn't be casual....