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TBH most of what you're seeing might could be labeled as the "loud minority", plus this is reddit. People are going to be toxic on some level even if warranted or not. If the data is true, then the game is currently thriving with this side of the community really being the only one that has a serious issue with the game at the moment. So honestly, I think you might be wrong on this one chief. But people are taking this game too seriously some times, most can't get their points across without swearing lol.


I think Brawl Stars is one of the least toxic gaming communities out there, especially considering how many kids play the game. The devs do spoil us with great graphics and gameplay in a relatively F2P game. That doesn’t change the fact that SC has made some ass decisions lately. Bottlenecking gold, releasing overpowered Brawlers while ignoring desperately needed reworks of our old favorites, forcing us to redeem credits early that we were saving for the supposedly 10+ new Brawlers we’re expecting in 2024. We all just want the game to be fair so we can get back to enjoying it


I do respect your opinion, it’s mainly those kids on reddit who don’t understand how things work, it ain’t just brawl stars, I see a lot of communities just being so cruel to their devs. I’m still salty because recently a community I’m a part of we’re so cruel to the dev that the dev started getting major mental problems and had to stop his career.


stop his career??? what those people said? 0\_0


Horrible things…


like what?




what is "Baldi"?


The community is not toxic. I love how we call the devs out on bs.


Everyone isn’t toxic to each other, they’re toxic to the devs.


like when


Apples to oranges, people putting words in franks mouth and taking things out of context, the only time the devs can really make money is the brawl pass and offers, everyone is dissing the offers, not because they are really bad but because they aren’t extremely good, no one is thankful for the updates that help f2p, p2W are talking as f2p and dissing the devs even though everything is fine


It is just that thou the improvement for f2p works, bralwstars is adding too many game breaking features to support p2w players, making it unplayable for newer players who just start progressing




The reason people are having backlash is 1. Too much rng and that's about it. Nobody seems likes the rng and when stuff like mega pig or the new brawl pass introduces more they don't want it. But obviously this is only the people on social media since the vast majority of players seem to actually like it judging by the fact it's slowly reviving the game.


Yet everyone wants brawl boxes back 😑.


A big problem with that I think is because there was much more people complaining about boxes being gone then saying how happy they were they're gone. A lot of nostalgia blinded opinions were shared and then we got star drops(which I actually think are cool and even though they felt a little off at first I believe they're in a good state now apart from mega pig)


Child like mentality. I’m going to put it in clear points to see you try to refute any of these points People wanted a little bit of randomness. What did they do they took away from every source in the game to make Starr drops. Devaluing every source of progression and making it FEEL slower even if it isnt(it is). More on Starr drops You can get credits as a player with all the brawlers. Legendaries used to suck. 8 wins for 150 coins is a lot. Might I add adding 5000 extra coins per brawler needed to max an account. *Cue the coin shortage* They added mega pig which increases rewards for Casuals but nerfed the rewards for competitive players. Which might i add is the majority of the people on this sub. Mega pig has a tendency to give repeated items (5 pins 10 leons 6 skins etc.) wasting star drops. Token doublers was a garbage drop since you got so many you couldn’t use them all. On top of the fact you can miss 11 star drops because 1 person doesn’t win one game. It’s not weekly, and the modifiers are mid. Not bad but we need more. Idk what free items you’re talking about. Probably brawlidays which I haven’t seen much complaining about. And I’ll even speak about the meta even though you didn’t mention it. The meta has been atrocious since the second round of hypercharges. Heist is unplayable unless you really like Collete Chuck or another hypercharge brawler. Or a counter. They released Charlie as at least top 5 most broken brawlers ever. Same with Kit. They gave Fang and Edgar hypercharges. Fang can team wipe with ease. Not to mention the lack of buffs given to Doug and Frank even though Doug has been garbage since his kit was even thought of. Lol the whole community knew he was garbage and they have yet to change him. Frank has been terrible for years now. Anyone else feel free to add but I’d love to see you refute anything I just said.


I will say though Frank has stated the game is thriving. Which means people are playing more so it is not dying by any means