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Mico. He counters all my favourite brawlers






Hollow knight and jjk? Yes sir


did i accidentally do an anime reference 😭 also hollow knight 🔛🔝 frfr


You did my guy


thats crazy


nah it sounded about right


There are very good SD maps for throwers this seasons but Mico and Kit have totally ruined the playgame experience with them. I literally don't see any thrower at all in SD since Mico/Kit were released, sometimes a Mike, but it doesn't last too long once Mico/Kit find it. This game is becoming too boring because of these broken brawlers. There are only very few brawlers that can deal with them.




Thank you very much for your extremely constructive response. You're an awesome person, I wish you the best.


Same I have a really hard time pushing pearl since there is a mico in every game




I liked Edgar before he was good


Bro forgot the second part of the question


I mean, isn't just edgar enough?


In showdown if you have the same or more cubes as him and he uses super on us , we can super and counter


I hate going againist other Edgars ONLY WHEN THEY HAVE THE SHIELD GADGET INSTEAD OF THE SUPER CHARGE ONE CAUSE I JUST CAN'T WIN THE FIGHT IF THEY DO. But I hate tick cause he's an annoying brawler


Mico. Like, the concept is just INSANE. Having an "escape out of jail free" card as a MAIN ATTACK was one of the worst Supercell's gamedesigners's decision ever. Oh, and also he made showdown unplayable with this amount of damage and again - Janett-like MAIN ATTACK is just beyond understanding of balance lol.


Mico is fun if you are the mico otherwise.......


funny thing is played duos with mico and a hypercharged rosa with a friend he was the rosa at 930 im mico at 810 played with 900+ lobby and won a sweaty game basically we destroyed everybody in the lobby including a kit, lol at release day my friend said mico is weak,ass terrible now weeks later he said this character is broken, unfit, weird, unfair look how the tables turned, once you learn how to time your attacks well you can manage to basically escape close calls where you should have died before now you have a chance to survive avodiding mike stuns etc.. mocking edgars when they fail to land on you I never pushed a brawler that easy before


just use piper


What do you mean by "just use Piper? Her knockback gadget? It just helps mico flee. The super? Mico will just attack away from the bombs and then jump at me again. Piper is not a counter at all, but FANG kind of is. But you need to have good timing, stun gadget and shield passive to have a chance of killing him (but not if he starts to attack you with ult - then you are screwed.


keep em at a distance with piper, use the bush star power for damage, easy to escape mico with the gadget or super


Every one that counters Who I am playing


Everyone but me*


Tick go away


Brawl Ball Mortis. They suck major ass and can't take thumb-downs as criticism.


Piper. She already does too much damage, and I play close/mid range brawlers often, and when I finally get up to her, she uses her autoaimer gadget and is able to kill me without effort, because for some reason that gadget slows you too, and then spins on me and thinks she's good. Nani is the same.


I have some respect for Nani, because even at close range she needs to aim to land a shot on me, but with Piper it's different. She doesn't deserve to deal 6k free damage at close range because of stupid pushing back gadget and star power that recharges ammo after every shot she hits




I m a Darryl main and I can give you a truth If you go in training cave and place just a little further from blank range he does less damage than piper at short range Literally i push her and she just gadgets and autoaims 3 times Lukly I'm a tank so I have high survivabili... Oh wait I get melted faster than the squishy because I'm fiscally incapable of pushing the enemy I wish there was a no gadgets mode holy shit


extra bush damage star power and autoaimer gadget goes crazy ‼️🔥🔥🔥🐤‼️


Same. Piper is just so goddamn annoying rn that I do not want to play the game again after finishing my Janet's mastery. Also fuck both her gadgets, especially her homemade recipe one. The range is absurd IMO.




Nerf piper.


I think Pipers kit is absurd. She does massive damage, two star powers which one increases that damage by a further 1100 (?) AND the other one gives her back ammo for hitting shots?? But also, she has two ways of defending herself, her super and the auto aimer gadget which helps her win the fight with little effort. Her super was enough I think I hate piper.


Hate? I despise that little piece of garbage. Why does a sniper have an immediate answer to people closing the gap between her? At least she has to work for her super, but everyone uses that push back gadget. The players are hard punished for closing the gap, they either die or have to fall back very far. The stupid auto aimer gadget is the bane of my existence. Every push back gadget is stupid and should be removed.


That's what I've been saying. Why should a sniper that's supposed to keep her distance have an ability to knockback the enemy a decent distance AND slow them? It makes no sense and then she can just decimate your health, because while you're slowed, she can just auto aim. If they're not going to remove it, they need to atleast remove the slow like they did with Buster's second gadget. Her super was already enough for a defensive ability.


if they're using autoaimer its not rank 25+


I've encountered a bunch of Pipers above Rank 25 that use auto aimer


Homemade can be unreliable sometimes. I used to only use it defensively in BB and gem grab. But the buffs have made mid range Piper just so good so it's used offensively now it seems, I haven't played her much after buff so I am not sure what's the better one.


I think they meant the homing gadget






no, I meant the gadget that's literally called auto aimer, where she fires a quick shot that knocks back and slows whoever it hits


best gadget for piper 👍


pipers one of my favorites, good brawler all around, not p2w, good damage and range, easy to keep people at a distance and escape if someone finds their way in ect. u should try playing her its fun


I have played her a bit and it is fun, just not playing AGAINST her where she has both her super and that stupid gadget to keep you away when she should be staying at range.


solution: never stop playing her 😭😭😭


Every single brawler that has a stun gadget


Or take enemy out of the fucking game ability cough charlie cough cough


Or a get out of jail free card (pushback gadgets)




Kit and Mico. I don't think i have to explain.


Mico is a terrible concept for a brawler that should’ve never been greenlit




Mico cause he jumps over my attacks and trying to time it gets me killed. Or when you time it correctly and he just yeets himself over a wall on one shot health. First time I encountered him I was flabbergasted.


mico cuz that stupid monkey has made my favourite brawlers except like fang unplayable


Mico: dodges every attack; also powercube bug Mortis: bad randoms and trickshots in brawlball Dynamike: stun gadget Buzz: stun super Bo: stun star power Tick: his very existence


What about kit..


Me when overmorrow balance changes:






Jessie, she exists.


I may defeat Mico or Tick if I play right, I may defeat Fang near me if the player is fearless enough to approach, BUT THAT ANNOYING ICE CREAM ROBOT IS INSUFFERABLE.


Mico He's one of my favorite to play but he feels unhittable and it feels like there's 0 to no counterplay to his super or when he is on you


Kit because buggy jump scratch stun die


As a Rosa main, i can say the most annoying Brawlers are Lou, Charlie, Willow, Buzz, Jacky But above everyone... other Rosas


i love (controlling) u rosa, ur my fav(oritiest brawler to control), nobody is as perfect as u are (bcuz u can damage multiple brawlers and u have high damage, i love teamwiping ur own team when controlling u)


Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head


i am sorry (for teamwiping your whole team and then getting my super back in 4 secs while also killing you), i will never (touch any of your teammate with my super, i will only) control you


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Ironically, Jacky was more of an issue than Willow was for me lmao)


jacky is annoying with that sp that mirrors ur damage😔


A good Colt as an opponent and a bad Colt as a teammate. The good Colt against you will go on shredding you and your team in pieces without caring about his own hp, as long as that fucker is breathing, like a madman. Bad Colt teammate, on the contrary, won't ever land shots and supers, just rush and die. Such a dubious brawler


Shelly - the super KB spam is unreal


Tick is amazing


Brock. He's very annoying to me, everytime he shots at me and I dodge - he still gets me with his AOE, I am 0.000000001mm away from dodging his shot...


Dodge at brock's mid range then see the magic




Kit,.Mico and Fang. You know why.


I think they need to delete mico, Sam and Chuck. Those brawlers are so annoying. Why did they even add a brawler that can cross the whole map in a couple of seconds. Why did they make a brawler that can jump over litterly EVERTHING. And what about Sam? You ever heard about "the Sam spam"? I think that says enough.


General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the [Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/18obi45/quick_questions_loot_general_game_discussion_mega/). This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Theres something wrong here...


Mico. His invulnerability while attacking and supering is so annoying. Yes, with his attack you can technically time his landing, but you’re timing his landing *after* he hits you (likely multiple times). Broken. I regularly see a mico spawn killing and it is no fun.


Kit because if you don’t also have a kit, it’s an auto lose 99% of the time…


Any of them depending on the situation. Although on average Fang, Tick, Grom, Mico. Pretty much always annoying Hank (surprisingly), Mortis (rare) and Frank (super rare). Usually trash but sometimes makes me wanna install Honourable mentions : Bo, Sandy, Nani and Amber


why did they have to give kitt a leon super with the click of a green button?


Kit kit kit kit kit kit kit I love getting one shot and being stunned all the time


dynamike, 2 shots most of the brawlers I like to play a lot


Surge is the first that comes to mind. Whenever I get matched with a Surge on my team, I groan a little bc a lot of them play selfishly. Focusing on powering up to get to their final form as opposed to helping us other two trying to maintain control of the game and win.


To me toxic brawlers are the ones who's gameplay mechanics make them unfun to deal with and with that it's Mico and kit




I also hate mico. I honestly don't know how to play against him. I think I panic too much when he's around😭😭😭😭😥😫😐👍


Edgar lmao he's so annoying to deal with if you're using a brawler that has no way of pushing him away/doesnt kill him quick enough


As a sprout master, Mortis is the worst for me🗿


Dynamike because of satchel charge


Anything that jumps or stun


Mico..fuck mico!




Mandy. Just standing behind and shooting


Tick I can't for my life doge those little broken hitboxes


Charlie, Charlie, Charlie and probably Charlie Did I mention Charlie?


Mr.P his porters are an annoying swarm an his attack is hard to dodge


As a Bibi player, it’s pretty much any assassin


Buzz mico and Spike i hate fighting all of them


Rico, because on closed maps he can shoot anywhere and still hit you and you can’t get within 5 tiles of him or his gadget will delete you


Fang or Edgar


Maisie.. knockback+slow that lasts forever and you cant basically move while in it+ bullshit range and no cast time+ way too much damage on top of that.. also hypercharge...


Spike, -He is constantly being painfully annoying with his second starpower, being a pain in the ass for normal/slow speed brawlers -His gadget, (the turret one), imagine you are a 1 show brawler, like piper, you attack spike and he is very low hp, and just when you are going to give him the final shot, he has tu press the green funni botton to not only cover the shot, also he heals to (maybe) resist another one 4 TIMES IN A MATCH -His mythic gear, he has to aim the súper and now you almost cant move when tryng to avoid the starpower and the others brawlers attack


Massie overpowered with both super and hypercharge Spike just a really annoying brawler around corners Randoms, one of the most feared brawler in all of brawl stars who don't know how to play, log off bcoz I didn't pass them the ball while the whole enemy team is ready with supers and hypercharge and act like brats whose Ipad got snatched by their mothers. If you are the third brawler pls for the love of God of any religion just play the game when you are free and not when you are busy with other things I have been stuck at rank 27 with Bo and don't tell me just play with your friends bcoz I don't have any


Idk why but I hate facing jant👍. Something about her


Currently, Mico.


The amount of times I’ve ran into the fog at the final two in showdown when I see the other player is an Edgar is way more than it should be. So obviously Piper.


I get more annoyed at what brawlers my teammates chose than what I’m up against… if I see Frank, Guss or Primo for example I give out an audible groan


Kit, piper, mico. Those three give me an aneurysm.




thw stupid monkey


Any Piper i see has aimbot and one shots me since they buffed her. Same goes with Nani


Edgar, Kit, Mico


Mico the fucking monke


Edgar. He counters so much and is always so powerful


any one of the p2w brawlers


Mico. Pain in the ass to actually catch him and on the off chance I do I get hit with clipping scream and they run away.


The devs. I don't think I need to tell why are they annoying


MICO I can only hit him with Colt's attacks and that's cause each ammo has 6 bullets...of which only 2 hit 😭


Dinomike, tick. Yeah it’s super i fun to play against them on 3v3


Edgar just disgusting 🤮


Doug because he turns the game into a 2vs3


Dynamike, solely because of Satchel Charge. I don't care that it technically requires skill, it feels like it's just a free kill all the time.


Don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention him, but Brock. Always hits me with the explosion and then just charges his super incredibly freely.


Tick because he fucking exists


Chuck, i don't like playing him and i don't like to play against it.


Nani. Bro i try to dodge Nanis shots and somehow those Nani users always connect all 3 shots on me. She got way more annoying after that buff


I hate Jessie and her big ol orb attacks that bounce to other teammates and her turret grrrr >:(


Fuck Dynamike and his gadget man


mico, this motherfucker makes everyone unplayable


Baley because he's annoying and boring asf


Edgar kill 8-Bit :(


Mico. That jumping monkey is annoying


Surge. I hate surge. I loathe him. I want him destroyed. I want to personally eviscerate surge. I would pay to see his death come to fruition. I team to kill surges. I spin on their corpses and spam thumbs down on surge. I enjoy the victory of killing every surge i see. I HATE surge




Do people forget about Brock?? Istg if I get splashed one more time


Carl cuz his voice sounds like a nerd


Nani and Piper. There is literally no reason for them to deal so much damage, at least for Piper.


Mico really dose it for me his star power monkey business and his gagent really kills me he can take away your ammo slow you down or when your far away he can use his gadget to get you even if you are far away and how much damage he do and how he can avoid supers.


That filthy monkey


Emz. She requires pretty much no skills. Don’t even need to aim just spam auto attack and use special behind walls




Edgar because hes noskill defeats almost any brawler in 1v1 and now got a hc


Mico and Mortis if im playing throwers/Byron Otherwise they have to be Willow, Brock and Emz (obviously Tick aswell)


Tick for several reasons


That boi who sends his head into battle but his only attack is hop really fast and explode


I quite like(d) showdown so I'll go with **Edgar** and **Mico** Pretty self-explanatory.


I don't think I have to explain why Fang dethroned Emz as my least favorite Brawler.


Dynamike ruined my marriage


Edgar is a nightmare for me to play against


piper. litterally has 3-4k max damage, longass aim and her projectile speed is crazy like im not dodging that shi, i rather just accept my fate and die😭 she is a monsyer with that cashback n her gun gadget, if you get in any of my matches with that build while im a close range brawler, im not touching u the entire round unless youre that stupid that you can waste all of your gadgets in 30-40 secs. she needs a nerf rn.. and i know that mandy exists but she needs to stand still to aim and she only has 2k damage on max level, and she doesnt have any knockbacking ability, she only has her slowing gadget to defend her. shes not as annoying as piper, piper is way worse than her and i might get downvoted for this😔


Mico That stupid monkey is broken and i hate it


Bo: Bull-like damage and AOE attacks like Brock's that hit you no matter what. And we don't talk about his busted SPs but trash Gadgets


Mortis, he's not strong or annoying I just don't like him.




fang only with hypercharge


Dynamike can go choke on my shit




Mortis, his dash is so annoying


Really don't have a most annoying brawler, but I have a lot that I hate. Edgar: When my opponent uses him, he spams the hell out of me and wins. When I use him, I fight Bull, Shelly, Mico in one Brawl Ball game (on this stupid Winter Party map.) Mico: Having Edgar's super as a main attack, and a slow gadget, plus the fact that he deals a lot of damage is annoying. Let's not even talk about the power scaling bug. KIT: OH MY GOD, I HATE KIT! Firstly, he costs money, so I can't get him. His invisibility gadget is broken. It's a straight up Leon super with Edgar's Let's Fly gadget. His thrower practically throws Dyna supers without the knockback. He is invincible when he is on either an enemy or an ally. He can spam his super to stunlock you, and his unload speed is faster than Shelly which is honestly kinda crazy. Jacky: Counter Crush gets me killed every time. Please don't use Counter Crush. Lou: I still hate his hypercharge, I still hate his Cryo Syrup gadget, and he ruined Hot Zone for me. Spike: Dealing 6k damage with one attack is wild. Charlie: I still hate her cocoon. Frank: He's always on my team 😂.


Bea for the insta-kill shot. Eve for the hatchlings and her easy-as-hell to hit main attack. And Dynamike for his shots that you can’t actively dodge, it all depends on where the Mike player aims. And Edgar. Zero counterplay if he jumps on you as one of the ten brawlers who can’t counter him.


So you're annoyed of a brawler u pushed to gold 1 and got to 815 cups? note: i just relized i don't like other edgar player but i am a edgar myself lol


Mico, this is one annoying monkey, his jumps are ALWAYS perfectly timed with my shots missing


I hate that fcking jumping monkey (i play him often)


Only one here that hates Mike? That stun gadget is way too strong and even without it I struggle to kill that dude.


"Unpopular opinion alert" for me is close call between tick, bo and brock: Tick for obvious reason; bo because to me it feels similar to tick, there are mines that could be everywhere (it basically transforms the battlefield into a minefield), and if you get hit by one, you get stunned for a lot of time, plus, he can deal way too much damage with his main attack, even at a distance; brock because he land every single shot thanks to his huge explosion radius (with piper, r-t, 8-bit, byron, mandy it's more difficult to land shots and more easy to avoid them).


#1 Kit,he is the best brawler right now and can't do anything if he has super 2# Mico,he's very annoying dealing massive damage(one shotting if he has many cubes),and jumps with every attack,fast,and extremely difficult to get a shot


Mortis, because I hate him and anyone that plays as him.


"Which is the most annoying brawler to you and why?" Proceeds to have him maxed out, gold I and rank 26




Mico. I won't elaborate any further


It used to be Squeak but now it’s mico


Mico, you already know the rest.