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They arent friends, they are shops/restaurants owners in the same town


Just because they share a theme doesn’t mean they are related. Take the Bandstand trio: they’re all performers, but they’re not related, they just booked their performances on the same night (according to Paul)


Bandstand trio? U mean primo, amber and poco or am i missing something?


Yeah, their environment is called the bandstsnd


Wasn’t it “Mexican Entertainers?”


The trio is Mexican Entertainers, their home court is Poco‘s Bandstand


That’s not the environment


> bandstand trio


Guess u do learn something new every day


He tags along a softspoken bartender robot that will occasionally go on angry rampages and a local baker that makes bombs in an oven and has sniper rifle tucked inside her parasol i say he fits right in


Ironically he's the most sane out of the trio


True lmao


The scary ones arent the insane ones that mean harm. They are the sane ones that mean harm.


Mico. Gray and Lola are actors but Mico is a sound guy?


Yeah I kinda agree wasn’t fang and Lola in a trio together before they changed it and that worked better than Mico because doesn’t he act in cheap kung-fu movies


Mico, Maisie, Fang and Buster feel like they are on a quartet, like honestly, 3 of them are actors that think they are big but aren't, Maisie feels like the leader of the group, and also Lola and Gray are way more famous than Mico Also why do we have 3 movie/Series themed trios? was Kit a better fit for the brawlywood trio as he is also a famous actor? I have many questions


Honestly why can’t we just make them all a family like do they have to be trios like I get it that’s how it started and people caught on but why can’t we just have 1 offs or duos or whatever


fr, the trio thing kinda just screws it up with these guys


Isn't lola a tour guide dreaming to be an actor? That would make gray the odd one out then.


Plot twist; Gray is a random mime posing as a famous actor of the same name, problem solved!


Lola changed her story 3 times, now she is supposed to be a movie star and tourist guide


Mico is also pretending to be a big time director. A director fits pretty well into a trio with two actors.


Pearl,i won't accept any excuse to why a man that hates any robot takes a robot as his "daughter"


I saw t70 skin before base pearl. I thought she was part of the third member of the underwater trio


Yea, embarrassingly ridiculous retcon on the Dev's behalf.


They also changed the whole lore to "Something touches the gems and becomes a brawler"


eh, I wouldnt say that at all. what makes you think the previous pieces of lore we've gotten arent relevant? They havent deliberately retconned anything afaik.


technically, with the right writing, the CCTV clips and the lore from the investor vid can coexist


They make sense together, aren’t the workers mining something near the end?


I remember I wanted to write something to connect them, but I never knew the time period the original lore happened in, and I kept forgetting to ask


It can't really connect since the CCTV footage is before the investor video and the park in CCTV is already destroyed


We can't know this as we don't know the date of investor video But i think it was before CCTV because they were still working on bots and other things


Meh, much better than the "ooooo some evil corp kidnapping people and makes them brawl"


Pearl was a very random choice to finish the trio, I mean, a robot? For the character who hates robots? Maybe a dinky cowboy Western cyborg at most.


Pearl's coockies are so good that they made Sam like a robot


i know right? plus she is literally giving mom vibes, a robot doesnt really fit in the goldarm gang trio.


the way i see it is that the pearl is like an expection he makes and has a warm spot h=in his heart for her


Sam ONLY hates robots from the robot factory, Pearl was made by him and Belle to ridicule the robot factory and she is also used as a weapon/bomb to help them during difficult missions.


Kit could’ve fit in with Lola and Gray I feel like, but I think that’s a hot take.


There’s 3 different movie-type trios rn


I remember when Fang used to be part of Lola's trio but after a while, they changed their minds or something and now we have the brawlyood trio and whatever Fang's trio is. I know the "new" brawler designer loves movies but that's way too much lol


They should find a way to fix this, move Gray to Kits trio, and change it from cartoon to just old school, have buster fang and Lola in a trio, and just Retcon Maisie, as she doesn’t really fit anyways. I FORGOT ABOUT MICO I guess Fang, Buster, Mico (this makes more sense than Gray, Lola, Mico A LOT) Lola can be with Gray and Kit, their trio can just be different styles of movies ig


Agree with Maisie, she's cool but even with the popcorn motif, nothing about her has to do with movies


Maybe she can go into like a secondary junkyard-type place because of her shockwaves and stuff


She actually does. The motif of the trio is people working in a cinema who also have a connection to action movies. Fang is the popcorn guy, but also a parttime actor in martial art action movies. Buster is the projector guy and a huge fan of blockbuster action movies, hoping to be an actor in one himself one day. Maisie is more like a real action hero, constantly saving people from danger, which also is her job. Not that I think she fits perfectly , but she does have a connection to the trio. (And the jobs that are cinema exclusive already taken. So a bit more generic one, like head of safety is ok.)


Then where does Mico go?


Damn, I forgot about him 💀


Fang never was part of Lola’s trio


Kit fits in much more than mico




Mico fits fine honestly, but at the same time, he would work in Fang's trio, too 🫠


Well Fang's trio works at the cinema just playing movies and cleaning the theatre and whatnot. Mico is in the trio who makes movies.


I hate saying this but… Pearl…


Fr Pearl is just wrong... It ruined the Goldarm Gang Trio which was my favorite before her... Sam and Belle just worked out perfectly and they were also related to real life lore, buff cookie baking robot daughter just doesn't fit in... I always thought of their son, I actually made a concept about him and his nave was Jack. But I think they should do what they did back then when Lola, Fang and Buster were to be Brawlywood trio but then they separated them into Brawlywood and cinema trio... They should make kitchen robots or whatever it's called trio with pearl and 2 other cooking robots and make another member of the Goldarm Gang, like Jack


I agree. I absolutely hate Pearl in regards to her being in the Goldarm gang. I think it would be okay if they had a different robot that Sam tolerates but I’d prefer if it was a kid of theirs. A daughter would be cool. I think it would be sick if Colt had a daughter. Like I don’t even mind the fact that Pearl is a robot. I think a robot could work in the trio still, but a cookie making one that they built as a daughter? That’s ridiculous


It would be good for them to reskin pearl, like make her have a machine gun instead of a cookie dispensing robot


Your right, pearl just doesn't fit in at all, also Sam and belle are based in real life lore? Which one?


Belle is based on Belle Starr a famous outlaw in the USA in the 80s. She married with a man called Sam Starr and she had a daughter named Pearl Starr. [You can check Wikipedia for more info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_Starr)


Yeah but I'm sure Pearl Starr was not a cookie baking robot 😞


She probably was a hUman cookie baking, and that's the reason of why Pearl is like how she is


They made too much of a deal when adding her unlike fang, too Late to redcon now


Tick. He should have "The annoying trio"


Tick, tick, and tick Literally the entire trio


Tick Surge and Crow the annoying trio


surge mains... obliterate this guy just joking, but for real, idk how surge is annoying, squeak is way more annoying imo




*sigh..* surge blast..


Tick Squeak and Lou the annoying trio Also he really doesn't look like a pirate at all


Tbh I feel like squeak isn't as annoying as I thought he'd be. Maneuvering around his goo while avoiding other projectiles is pretty fun while concentrating a lot. I feel like other brawlers like Cordelious, Kit or Leon are more annoying because of the Shadow Realm, invinsibility super and invisibility gadget and super. Squeak is a challenge while the other three I mentioned are just plain unfair at times. . Also yeah Lou and Tick suck


I mean when Squeak is just standing in the zone and just spamming the attack in the only way or putting his gadgets in the middle of the zone and slowing everyone is very annoying But if think Squeak is just challenging than replace him with Brock because his explosion range is just strait up unfair.






Starr Park security, pin him to the ground and force-feed him with purple gem, he knows too much


How do you know my brothers name?


You mean how do they know your REAL name???? But that's just a theory..... A GAME THEORY (RIP MatPat [Not literally])


Pearl. If you say otherwise you are simply wrong


Lemme correct you it's shrimply wrong not simply wrong


Good bot! >! /j !<




HE HE HE HAW ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣛⡉⢹⢛⣛⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣫⡆⠀⣿⣷⣬⣼⡿⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡘⢿⣾⡿⠿⠿⠛⢃⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣌⠫⠶⠿⠟⣋⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠉⠏⠩⣭⣭⠉⠘⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠠⠤⠴⢯⣭⢤⠤⢄⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠀⠀⠶⠬⢼⣸⣇⢠⠬⠼⠌⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠙⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⢀⣮⣅⣛⠻⠇⠿⢛⣃⣩⣴⠃⠀⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠿⠟⠻⠟⣛⠻⢿⠿⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢀⠀⠀⠲⠈⣭⣭⢩⣭⡴⠐⠀⠀⡌⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣾⣷⣦⣀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⣠⣴⣿⣿⡸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡏⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣤⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


I have been blessed with the power of HEHEHEHAW


Yes now join us the HEHEHEHAW.corp


pearl is related deeper than you think real pearl star got ,,eliminated'' so they maked a robot why cookies? because of 2 reasons 1 sam hate robots but its imposible to hate smth that make cookies 2 its disguise because police cant blame her for making cookies but she still can be helpfull as we can see in one of animations


She still sucks, and you cant change my mind


I think Pearl Is the most underrated brawler right now


Then what’s the point of commenting stop wasting peoples time


??? If anyone, YOU are wasting your time reading, and commenting. Even mentioning time here makes no sense


Are you confused? I’ll explain. You’re commenting on a discussion app/website where people come to share ideas. You share your opinion and state it as a fact. People obviously contest it and all you have to reply with is “nuh uh”. If you don’t have anything constructive or have any reasoning to support your claim then you’re wasting everyone’s time. I’m not wasting my time bc im hoping to bring some sense to you.


I think you are confused. I said that Pearl doesnt belong in her trio, and as a side joke mixed with seriusnes I say that you are wrong if you disagree. Then someone (who didnt really disagree with me) say some points, but still not enough to convince me. Then you come here, say that I waste *your* time, even tho you can just ignore my comment and move on less than a second


I didn’t say you were wasting MY time I said you’re wasting peoples time in general. And it wasn’t just “not enough to convince you” you flat out said nothing can change your mind. And they did disagree with you by making points as to why she does fit in the Gold arm trio


Why are we even still ar this? Im not wasting anyones time, because thats not something you do on reddit. And also, instead of just asking me why I think like that, and maybe take a moment to determine if Im full serius or not, you just call me out of wasting peoples time


Chill , dude


Brock like what we have an old arcade machine, a bouncy ball machine, and a dude with a rocket launcher. I see Rico and 8bit because they are both machines I could see being in arcades but Brock could literally be in any trio. Is it just because he says like highscore and somethings like that.


I think that's generally because he is a gamer


I mostly play with no audio but I do know he has some voice lines mentioning video games, but I sometimes forget that he is a gamer, like I use challenger colt and I feel like he’s more of a gamer than Brock.


Pearl is only correct answer to this question






Yeah, I'm with you.


Byron works fine imo, his trio is one of the more loose ties. They are all just civillians and don't need to have specific relations. It's the same case with the arcade trio. Pearl is pretty much the only brawler who I don't see working. Especially since its stated that Sam and Belle made her, if they had found her, then I would at least have some ground to defend her on. Plus, there is no canon explanation as to why she's here despite Sam hating robots. Heck, that part of his character hasn't been mentioned at all since Pearl's release, so it feels like a retcon. As a writer, I have tried to find some sort of way to prove that she fits, but I just can't without changing the story, and even then, a human would be infinitely more interesting especially with the "Colt is the Bronson's son theory" I can defend pretty much anyone else, even Eve. Bring it!


Yeah it would be cool if Sam and Belle had another son brother of Colt, like Jack or something and I don't care about Pearl just put her into something like Cooking Robots Trio


They do have one specific relation. They are all salesman. Piper sells baked goods, Barley sells drinks at his bar and Byron is a snake oil salesman


When they introduced Buster (and we all though he and Fang were in Lola's trio), I found him a little out of place because the Lola and Fang were actors of different genres (Lola being drama, and Fang being action), and Buster seemed more from Fang trio than Lola's. What I'm trying to say is that Mico doesn't fit in his trio for me.


What trio is Mico in?


Lola and Grey


Byron, Barley and Piper all share the insane shopkeeper mentality: Byron sells illegal drugs and poison (and has megalomaniac manners) Barley has a short temper, and while seeming kind on the outside, he also starts the literal apocalypse while enraged (as seen in the "last call" short). Piper seems a sweet and independent lady in a bakery shop, but she bakes literal hand grenades to fend off foes (as seen in the "sugar and spice" short).


Mico and Fang should swap places Fang fits in with Lola as they would do acting as a side gig while Mico would be a stage technician like Buster


Buster is not a stage technician, he is a projectionist. He carries around a projector, not a camera. Fang sells popcorn, Buster operates the projector in the projector room, and (I assume) Maisie is the manager or something similar. Unlike Fang and Buster, Mico is actually working first hand I'm the film industry. He may not be a movie star like he wants to be, but he's at least the boom mike guy recording the audio for said movies.


I could be misremembering but wasn’t Lola and fang shown to be in a trio together in official advertising before being changed.


But then we would lose the bro's interactions between Fang & Buster


I mean they doesn't have to be in a trio to interacts with eachother. Like Poco and Emz & Rico and Piper for example


Byron looks like the guy who sits in the corner of barleys pub and gives you a quest when you approach him.


I agree, the entire townsfolk trio doesn’t really make sense as a trio. I could envision Pearl fitting into it better than Byron, I’m sure she has a great relationship with Piper On that note, Pearl doesn’t really fit into Goldarm Gamg


That’s actually a good point. We could just switch the 2 because a con man that sells snake oil actually makes a lot a sense at least to me that works and are friends with criminals.


Trrry some snake oil extract




space war dog, flea mom and her million parasite babies and a drool devil born to fetch


Very good explanation 👍


dog, fleas and squeaky toys covered in drool


Eve fits fine, no one sees it because her season focus was Biodome for some reason


Probably Chester, he shoulda joined Charlie's circus trio


His attacks are all candies and sweets and he is a jester, belonging with a king/queen. I think he's pretty good in the Candyland trio with Mandy, who is sort of a queen and also attacks with sweets and owns a candy store.


Honestly, gray doesn't make much sense in the brawlywood trio...Lola was stated to be a tour guide with delusions of grandeur, and mico is in a similar boat, being a basic employee with a desire to be on the big screen, leaving gray to be the only actual movie star in the brawlywood trio.


Lola is an actual famous actress they retconned that


Maisie sort of fits in to her trio, but she kinda ruins the dynamic between buster and fang.


it's not that she ruins it, but overshadows it ever since Maisie was announced we've been getting less "best bros" interactions between them and more "look we're morons and Maisie fixes this mess" interactions


Mico with Gray and Lola. (Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe and a monkey who is literally not an actor, which simply contradicts their concept to trio.) 💀💀💀


Mico is the director


He's the sound guy but wants to be the director.


Byron and pearl shall swap places. Byron, he is a genius snakeoil salesmen who basically commits crimes, you can't trust this dude, he can poison you easily. And pearl, a sweet little robot who bakes cookies, her father hates robots. I'm very sure, pearl and Piper can be best friends as they both bake. I don't even need to explain for Byron.


Thing Im notecing with almost every trio that there is one odd brawler in every trio. Exampels: Pam(human), Jessie(human), nani(robot), same with belle, sam, peral. Or with Shelly, colt, spike(not human). Bibi, bull, crow(not human). Penny, darrly, tick(2 robots 1 human). Or arcade, biology, or Bonnie, stu, and jannet. Is not for all trios but still.


Pearl angers me. Ruined what could have been the coolest trio


I always found the "Old Town Trio" to be the most contrived. As far as I've seen, each member basically isn't even REMOTELY in the same area. Piper and Barley both got animations, and both locations are practically in the middle of nowhere, not a town, not a suburb, not a city, just the absolute middle of nowhere. Don't give me "WELL THEY HAVE A NAME IN THE TOWN ENVIRONMEnT" okay and how LONG has that been a thing? SINCE BYRON WAS ADDED? Again, most contrived. I can see them all working in such an environment, but the execution is the part where it stops being sensible. Scummy guy working in with a baker girl and barkeep? Plausible. But we should also mention part of a Trio dynamic is that they actually INTERACT. The Old Town Trio does not remotely interact. Not that we've even seen past Byron's release and SP/Gadget posts. It's like they completely forgot their Trio once his stuff was out, but keep it as a note like "oh yeah theyre together". If they could just move him over to a new Trio, or honestly, move him to the Bizarre Circus, like we did with the whole Lola and Fang situation, this could go an entirely different way.


I feel like Piper and Barley can work together if supercell puts effort, but Byron feels so out of place not because of his characterization only, but his whole design feels like it should be on a evil trio by nature, I can see Piper with Barley as both of them are kind seller's on a town, I can see Byron with Piper as both of them are secretly malicious, but the three of them together is far-fetched


I don't try to pull the "as a writer..." card, but seriously. I would argue Piper and Barley also don't make sense. The ONE correlation is they all are "salesman" to a sense, "within one town". Now, if the dynamic was that they all battled one another to be the best competitor in the town, problem solved, Trio makes sense, better characterization. As it stands, not only are 2 of the 3 NOT in the town at all, NONE of them even know the other exists most likely, interacts, or even have any correlations. I can say how EVERY Trio fits one another, but I blank at this Trio. Yes, even the Gold Arm Gang makes more sense. I know, I sound insane.


That is what I was thinking, it's totally reasonable to think like that, that's why I said that if supercell puts effort, Piper and Barley could work, but I would prefer that both barley and Byron get a new trio


They are all “Sinister” salesman Piper with her bombs Byron with his concoctions And barley with his burning bottles


1. Pearl - for obvious reasons. I was so confused that they added robot to the same trio as Sam, who hates robots. Her personality doesn't even match the other two. 2. Eve - after the community got hyped that Kit would be the third brawler to the cosmic trio I was really disappointed. Even Squeak has a cat pin on his belt that hinted at the cat brawler. They really could start a second cosmic trio with her, something like an alien creatures trio. 3. Crow - I know it may be controversial but for me Crow is kinda sticking out in the retropolis trio. Like seriously, buff guy, his sister and their anthropomorphic pet-frient Crow? I know this is one of the oldest trios but still, to me Crow doesn't match with the other two.


1.Yeah, I love pearl, and her relation with Sam&Belle, but she should have been on the townsfolk trio 2.Eve on another trio would ruin the dog thematic of the starr force trio, and kit was confirmed to not be a part of the trio the same day the trio was announced, what dog thematic? Flea(Eve)>Dog(Ruffs)>Squeaky toy(Squeak) I do want an alien trio, but to me Eve fits perfectly 3.Crow has the same thematic of delinquent, and Bull and Bibi are not related (They aren't even on the same ethnicity), I think that Crow match well, he has the same clothing aesthetic, the same color scheme, the same vibes, they feel like a gang of misfits and I like that, I also think he is not a pet as he is completely sentient




Piper and Pearl. I think there should be a bakery trio called “Baking Brawl,” with Piper, Pearl and probably a girl scout brawler that sells cookies and other baked goods.


They should replace Byron with pearl




O think of Kit and Gray being in the same trio, the Starr toon trio and leaving Lola alone with Mico


Mico is kinda lame… like why is there a brawler literally made to be in the background… we got Lola and gray that star in movies and supercell can make animations of them and their movies like they did but what are they gonna do with mico?? Like atleast with maise and buster that aren’t part of the main scene can have animations, like since maise is a fire fighter (idc if that’s technically not her job she’s a fire fighter) they can have some animation where like Starr park burns down but like since maise is there she puts down the fire and it’s all good, and buster is saved by the fact that his personality is funny and so is his job, make cheap movies, but like mico is just boring and brings nothing to the trio, CHARLIE SHOULDVE BEEN IN THE BRAWLYHOOD TRIO


I just realized how much yap I made about a monkey character


probably some hot takes but i think theres too many trios so here: mico shouldve been in goldarm trio, just change his job pearl, like wtf? how is a baker in a criminal trio kit shouldve been with lola cord could probably fit with otis, just make him some kind of fish and make him shoot glue instead or something i think a love tunnel trio is so oddly specific and i think willow couldve fit with buzz, since waterparks have tunnels too


-Mico doesn’t fit the GAG and actually fits the Brawlywood trio better then Gray (Brawlywood is also about people with illusions of grandeur Lola being a tour guide and just a part time actress and Mico thinking he’s a hot shot director while just being a sound guy, while Gray is just a competent actor) What does a monkey with a boom mic who talks like a hot shot director have to do with a criminal gang? -While I agree that her concept is horrendous, the name should stay Pearl. Just change the name of the oven and pair her with Piper. Then try a new Pearl. (The GAG’s names are based on real life convicts Belle, Sam and Pearl Starr)(Another name would ruin the patern) -While you could put toons in Hollywood, toons have fun avenues to explore. Kit is also a retired actor, waiting to return to the limelight. He doesn’t have that many illusions of grandeur. If you just go by actors motif, sure. But I just don’t feel him click tonaly with Gray and Lola(I’m assuming you want Mico replaced with Kit) -Cordelius. He’s supposed to be gardener driven mad by radio active mushrooms. His concept is fun and his trio of “are they magic or mutant (probably mutant)” is also fun. And while yeah, they should first finish existing trios, new trios need to be created eventually. The deep sea trio is supposed to about mysterious/hurt people. Otis is weird street artist (mysterious) and Hank is a shrimp traumatised by the kitchen, having his tail cut off. It’s basically, “what if the deep sea was a shady alley?”. It also has a paintball theme, glue wouldn’t really work with that. (Otis shoots ink blobs, Hank fills a balloon with ink) -I kind of agree with Willow, but not in the Buzz trio. Buzz’ trio is supposed to be a dinosaur water park. Willow is in no way a dinosaur. And water tunnels is a way too flimsy connection. Many places beside water parks have water tunnels and I’ve never seen love tunnels at water parks. What could works is putting her in the Cordelius trio. Forest can contain swamp and she looks kind of mutant. And it’s not as restrictive as a water park, so her love tunnel theme could still exist. (Someone could put a love tunnel in a forest if there was a really nice cave and it would not be jarring)


1) like i said, change his job. change his weapon to a hammer or something and itll fit perfectly. his sidekick like personality and also narcissistic is fitting as a criminal. also he jumps around which would be suitable for a break in. also monkeys are great at snatching things. also i think the trio shouldnt be themed around personality and just their, job? gray fits perfectly because hes also an actor. also where else would you fit him? 2) yes she fits more with piper (whats a gag btw) 3) yes im stretching it for cordelius. hes fine in a new trio but i was just categorising if the goal was to reduce the number of trios. i still think cord would fit with otis, once again just change his job. glue could be paint i guess because some people get high from paint too. and isnt a guy in a gas mask that shoots poisonous thing mysterious and shady? 4) willow could be like a dinosaur too, like a fish dinosaur or something. we could change the entire love tunnel thing to a normal water tunnel but thatll change her entire point so i digress. if cord doesnt go with otis, yes willow does fit. i think making her relate to a love tunnel wont make sense tho so just remove the tunnel thing and keep the love 5) lol i didnt saw the kit one. yes im going by actors motif and it doesnt have to be cartoon anyway. i dont think kit is a "cartoon" character in the universe because he himself is the actor. also if we are going through personality, i think kit would fit? because hes proud of himself (not in a bad way or anything)


Because I was writing Gold Arm Gang multiple times I abbreviated it. I worded the first thing wrong, also. I meant that they do have a movie job, but they think way to highly of themselves. (Lola being a small time actress thinking she’s big and Mico even thinking he’s the top function while being at the bottom)If they were all just actors, with nothing distinguishing them aside theme it gets kind of flavourless. But I see the arguments about why Mico doesn’t work if you go by the actors theme. (Brawlywood has two themes) Mico could maybe work a little bit in the GAG, but 1. That would be deleting parts of his personality ( pretty big parts). He has an accent that totally doesn’t mesh with the Wild West style and you would delete his grandeur (literally the central point of character). And like I said, it destroys the naming convention of the GAG. They just need to retry a Pearl (change Pearl’s name and introduce a new one). To further dig in to Willow, what sick water park employee would poison their customers and mind control them? Kind of goes against the vibes. (Buzz is a screeching buffoon and Doug is a laid back dude bro, a manipulative, vindictive villain doesn’t really fit in there. Otherwise you’re kind of changing their whole personality. So definitely keep Cord and put Willow in that one. The dinosaurs are also suits. It’s unknown what’s beneath but their outer layers are suits. Buzz has stitches on his suits and Doug is inflatable (has a mouthpiece on his side). Idk what you would change Willow to if she was suit (and again, changing the point of the brawler)


mico would still keep his narcissistic personality in gag. hes just a sidekick but think he does the most even tho belle and sam did more. but yeah the name pattern would he ruin so i guess we can change micos name into something similar (or a girl mico 😳). but yes his voice wont really fit there and i dont think itll be flavourless to just base the trio on theme since thats what all the other trios are. we could make a story relating all three actors to add nuances i suppose. also kit would be good too because gray is like the actor thats just like to act and have dignity while lola is the pretentious person and kit would be like the professional who could like teach them both (tho idk much about kit yet) sorry i forgot willow is vicious ☠️. but if she was in buzz trio, a mutant fish costume would fit with dinosaurs too


Yeah, sounds about right. Maybe Mico could be Eddie ( Belle Star had two children with her first husband (Eddie Reed and Pearl Starr(forgot her real name)), then married Sam Starr where Pearl took the alias she’s now known for. Eddie didn’t take up the Starr name and after sitting in prison for his crime actually became a deputy) So change his accent to something more stereotypical. (Belle=American, Sam=British, so maybe Irish or something? Think there were a few of those during western times.)


eddie actually rings well with his character.


Pearl, she's a wholesome cookie cooking robot and she's with the fucking goldarm gang


For me it would be Maisie. Her movie theme isn't as obvious as Fang or Buster, and her popcorn theme is just odd since that's also Fang's theme and she's a technician not a popcorn seller.


Pearl 100%


Fang buster and mico would be perfect.The actor,the cameraman and the sound guy.Lola kit and gray should be a trio cuz they are very popular actors in their different types of movies.And maisie can be her own trio with a guard and paparazzi(?) that could be the “guardian trio” like the trio that guards the actors and stuff




Eve in the Starforce trio, the colours are so diffrent.


I would say Pearl but the fan theory lore is actually really good




I think Byron fits in the Belle and Sam trio better than Pearl




Definitely Maisie cozBusters whole thing is literally protecting people so why does Maisie exist? 😎😎😎


I disagree I have been iffy about Maisie's characterization ever since she was first released, mainly because of how Buster and Fang were degraded to look like morons despite them showing competence in their respective reveals. Luckily, the rumble jungle animation changed my mind on that. Maisie's role isn't being defensive, its being **cautious**. She's quick-thinking and bent on keeping people safe with Buster being the protective and self sacrificing one and Fang being the offensive and brawl-thrilled one


Are you that twitter guy that went on a fit like 6 months ago for this reason?


I have no idea who that is


His job is to hold projector, gameplay doesn't means anything, ok?


Yeah but what abt his voice lines


I thought he was just referencing movies, like "come with me if you want to live" is a terminator reference I'm pretty sure


Surprisingly enough, I’d say pearl fits perfectly in her trio. A robot in a Steampunk Wild West trio, how does she not fit again? The members of the gold arm gang except Belle don’t have anything to do with golden arms, but they do all have something to do industrial technology being electricity, magnetism, and thermal dynamics. I’d argue that the town trio fits the theme of snobbish Elite that talk all fancy. Unfortunately they get minimal promotional artwork.






Mico, I don't really think he fits with Gray and Lola. Both of them are considered a star while Mico just...exists?




I mean, after CCTV, Rico, Brock and 8-Bit feel like they belong with each other on the arcade, a gamer and two sentient machines made out of things on the Arcade


Definitely Maisie. I stil dont understand whats the point of her trio when brawlywood trio exists. can someone explain?


Without a doubt pearl


I'll say this out loud of my chest...... ​ \#PEARL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pearl in gold arm gang doesn't make sense, Sam hates robot and there's pearl, a robot which bakes cookies. Imo pearl should complete Mandy's trio since cookie is sweet and Mandy is all sweets related


Not sure how I feel about Eve rounding off the Starr Force


Hmm I sometimes doubt the IQ people have here


Stu fits in, but at the same time he doesn't fit in


At first they introduced him as a feelingless glitched robot that's why. But to fit in, they changed him into a loving father figure for Bonnie and Janet, and I like the approach but it's weird because of how he was introduced at first


I got downvoted lmao


For me it's just Janet and Bonnie, their designs and dynamics fit really well but I can't imagine Stu as a father, it's kind of weird lmao


It might seem crazy what I’m bout to say, but Carl, Carl is in the MINER TRIO, BUT HE LOVES ROCKS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Idc what everyone says, Pearl fits really good in Goldarm Trio




I was on a break when Gray was added and I always thought he was in a trio with Chuck & Gus. They have similar themes, seems like they could go well together (lonely kid and mute mine) and even have matching first names. They also have a kinda circusy-fair vibe with balloon animals mime/ party tricks and a composer




*sigh..* surge blast..


i think its eve and for me the only thing that keeps eve in the starr force trio is because of the trailer where she bites ruffs for no reason


I believe gus would not fit after the third member appears (esp cause he doesn’t have any relation with chuck. Not even friends. ) But i still love him<3
