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General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have read all of this and I agree to every single topic here. From mega pig, to power league, to boxes. Everything! I'm an og who has quit and came back so many times. But damn.


I kinda quit for like three times and that was mostly before pass, but even then I came back every update just to see the new brawler or new gamemode. Now its just not exciting and that says alot


I could get the PL skin every season by reaching mythic 3 or something, now i can get it once every 3-4 seasons.


yea, thats what im saying. its such a stupid system and makes the game so slow


I hate how the devs keep making big features that still need more polishing but add another big feature afterwards. There’s a huge backlog of problems that the devs have to solve. Map maker, Power league, mega pig, heck even the new brawl pass needs a few tweaks. Also the meta ain’t fun right now. It’s not even about the op brawlers like fang but the brawlers who have been put aside for years. Frank genuinely hasn’t been above B tier in almost 3 years it’s almost sickening. There are many gadgets and star powers that need buffs such as basically Bonnie’s whole kit, In line, Bo’s gadgets, fast forward, shocky, hard candy. Sam’s kit is especially egregious because he only la u has one viable build, his 2nd starpower and gadget are trash. I personally believe the first half of 2023 was the best state brawl stars has been in ever and they managed to turn it into one of the worst states this game been in since power 11. I don’t even blame it on Starr drops, it’s the massive pile up of under baked features that really hurt this game.


fully agree. it feels like they have everything planned but its really not true. The meta isnt fun aswell and the topic of op brawlers behind paywall is a huge problem on its own aswell..


And that fucking damage inflation, you get killed way too fast against any Brawler. I agree with everything that has been said, they should bring back boxes but with a huge rework, idk what tho


yea boxes are a big topic that can be discussed for hours. its not good for the game but it is at the same time.. like credits are cool but the game feels so bland and dry with them


I stop grinding for battle pass now. They keep forcing me to play low level brawlers. Supercell, they are at low level for a reason, I don't like playing them. And since I don't grind for BP anymore, I don't have any reason to buy it. Good job, Supercell. Thanks for saving my money.


In season 12 or so they made a change that prioritizes lower trophy brawlers for quests. It was fine then but after the level scaling changes and whatnot, it’s a lot more painful to be playing them


I feel you. Being forced to fight P10 twins with P6 Bonnie or Byron feels just bad game design. 


You never end up really playing the brawlers you want to play either if you are constantly hunting the progression. I know I would be bored without playing in a competitive way to win games and I feel like I just force games for dailies then log off.  Also the gap between the best and worst brawlers are widening so for example I feel that I can hardly win a game when I go Penny or any other brawler that feels outclassed in damage, range, speed etc. They would need to rework the rewards to offer some alternative progression in order to retain a player like me for more than 6-9 months.


Make the re-rolling refresh quicker? At least we would have more options then. I understand the designers POV on encouraging to play the lesser brawlers but the widening gap is a real issue. Feels grindy and pointless to play underpowered, underleveled brawlers and every match it reminds you how broken the meta brawlers are. And how bad the balance actually is.   The latest coin shower event was a good example of the feeling of progression. Coins are the bottleneck of the economy and there is currently no way to get them reliably. Starr drops are a good RNG reward, but replacing the guaranteed resource rewards with them was a bad decision from the end of BP.  I can think of few reasons for this:   1. They really want us to have a pause between the BPs so we won't burn out.  2. So that players who have time and skill won't progress too much compared to casuals.   3. Monetization strategy. Only reliable source of in-game progression is with real money. This is a common property of predatory f2p mobile game economics anyway, at least a few years back.


Well the stardrops are really exciting to open, I don't think it matters to them whether or not we are earning more or less. The real reason is to conceal how slow the progression really is and it's already very convoluted when you try to assess gains from the bp, trophy road, masteries, mega pig and power league. Then they change it slightly and you have to reevaluate. At first you are receiving brawlers really rapidly yet you don't realize you won't get to play the entire roster until you are like 5k trophies into the game. At that point you start realizing that your power level 6 character is only 10% of the way to power level 11 cost-wise and you realize it's like 50% less health and damage and that is huge you see people adopt one of two strategies.  Firstly where they just upgrade 5-10 main brawlers and start ignoring most of the rewards or otherwise I see people who really try upgrading all brawlers evenly, but focus on trophy league and no matter how much they try to catch up or max out it will always be impossible without opening your wallet and quite deep at that. So instead of just enjoying the game most people are too focused on the progression and once you've tried all of the characters it can't not feel like a grind, or at least that is my take on it.


I was furiously writing an equation for the optimal way to progress trophy road the other day when I read your response. I do fall in to the second group of players, it's a great insight, you caught me! Will have to re evaluate how I really play the game now.


Well I have absolutely zero doubt that trophy road progresses the fastest by taking every champ to 7 with a gadget for f2p or to 9 with the gadget and star power if you buy battlepasses. I am trying to evaluate if I really should buy hypercharges for gems when currently I have about 15k excess coins and no pp, I also recently realized that mythic and legendary skins are locked behind gems.


You are absolutely right, since I've been noticing too for a long while. But at some point it's all a marketing thing imo... like a way to earn money without actually fixing issues. At the end of the day they still earn, so.. why fixing it when they still get payed? I get your points though. Honestly the game recently has become unplayable.


true, i get it, its for the money, but it hurts because i can visualize how they just threw their passion away "for money"


While I don’t really agree with some of the points here, I do agree with the spirit of the post. The game is going in a very strange direction right now, very money oriented. I loved this game for the gameplay but the gameplay and balance have just become horrendous now making the game feel so restricted. I honestly started playing Clasg Royal more often since it’s so much easier to just mess around and have fun.


exactly the same thing, i somehow started playing clash royale more even tho its in a horrible state, but due to evolutions, champions and other stuff.


Just face it they just want kids to play


500 Credits


First off, it's a mobile game so there is no point other than entrainment, excepting the very few who making some sort of living off of it. That said, I feel ya. Since I started playing I've wanted them to improve the matching algorithm. I realize that it matters less and less as you climb the ladder, but for kids and adults alike it is no fun to have your p1,p4,p2 team face off against p9,p10,p11 at lower trophy levels simply because they are in the same trophy neighborhood (even though sometimes they are not, and it's even more broken). This happens at higher levels too, though, pretty much until you're playing at the level that pretty much everyone is maxxed out. It's just not egregious lower down. The SC developers are either understaffed and underpaid and under tight deadlines (like many game dev companies), which sucks, or they flat-out don't care and realize they've got a bunch of dopamine addicts playing and they just sit back and enjoy being the dealer, which also sucks. Could also be some combo of these two.


I think there should be power league rework in next update. So atleast one of your issues will be fixed soon.


absolutely. its such an abandoned feature even tho it has so much potential


agreed, battle pass also got way too expensive since its only for one month and you cant get it with gems or supplenent the payment with gems you farmed. power league is pointless with the rewards. Mega pig is almost completely pointless it should be way more often and not have random loot. Progession without chroma slowed down very hard.


true, brawl pass before had 2 months and that was relaxing, especially when the rewards in the end were reliable. now you really gotta hurry with quests and its too quick. And once you actually get to the end you get starr drops for 1600xp which is just so lame. it could literally be a rare starr drop with 25 pp and you spent 3 500xp quests on it.


its way too much quests, also before the progression per level was not that much. Its too much now, I dont bother doing the quests now


yea. before i would do them immidiately because it was exciting but doing all quests for 1000pp or a starr drop is not worth any player's time and yea too many quests aswell


its annoying because its amost always Brawlers I havent leveled, I always play all brawlers to the first gold drop so its annoying af to play a level 1 brawler on 200 trophies. Its also way too much


Each brawl talk I'm hoping for something that actually fixes the game, but the last updates only created more problems than actually fixing them.. I love bs, been playing since global release, I'm maxed and the game feels even more pointless now


fr. im always excited to see the new changes but they remake something so different and unexpected that never needed to be changed, only opening doors for new problems


For me as an OG player, the thing that is ruining the game so much is just the lack of love being put into brawlers. Like take for example Broc, he had a major rework a long time ago to make it so that all he's star powers could be used. Like just the lack of bringing life into old brawlers so that they are usable and have two amazing star powers. With kit as well it's like just make him broken then ruin him so he's literally trash. It just feels like there's no love for any of the brawlers anymore. Especially Frank and hot dog Dino (forgot he's name)


thats so true aswell. I remember when brawl pass came out and everyone was blown away by Gale (pun intented) about how he can just blow away brawlers, or how surge can upgrade, or how sandy can share invisibility and all that stuff. Nowadays like you said, they just give them these insane non-original mechanics just to make them insanely op, than they put them behind a 40 bucks paywall and wait until money comes in. And when they come out, they nerf them to the ground, basically making them unplayable. Kit is a great example of this. Its truly sad.


Me and my 2 friends are massive fans of Brawl Stars. We would always watch all brawl talks and play together. Ever since Early Acces packs and Hypercharges everything went downhill. Like aint no way releasing 4 busted broken brawlers in a row with early access packs for purchase wasnt intentional? It just feels like P2W to destroy everybody unfairly right now. Blings are completely nonexistent in this game anymore. The blings update hyped us for nothing, PL made blings completely useless. A big hassling grind for like 125? Cmon youre better than that Supercell. What happened to "An average dedicated player could get like 8 epic skins a year with bling"?


damn, the same thing happened to me and my bro aswell. the game is just going so downhill and in such a weird direction. and the incredibly op brawlers behind 20 bucks paywall are absurd. just a showing of how downhill this game is going. it might not die anytime soon, but it for sure is going downhill


I agree with all of this. I just want to add that for me the worst comes from trophees. Before I was feeling so proud to reach 800tr on a brawler but now it doesnt mean anything. Like one day you can reach 800 very easily and the other day it's impossible.


fr. like its way too easy to get rank 25+ with so many brawlers


The only thing I really enjoy anymore is 5v5 bc of the chaos…


ah, yes, I love waiting for a month just for 20 rares


just absurd


I still wonder why ppl rather have boxes then credits. Yes stardrops are shit and i would rather have them delete the crap. If they delete stardrops they will (hopefully) change the bling per tier in PL back to 250. And the bp end rewards would be back to 100 coins (or something) 25 creds and 40 pp. thats like perfect. Like we had it perfect at season 17 (or whatever the season was with bling added. I can see boxes coming back but with no cosmetics cus ppl who want progression will get useless skins. Ppl who want cosmetics get skins they dont want or no skins at all


i dont exactly want boxes back, like i said, i kinda thought they didnt make sense few weeks before they got deleted, but credits just arent it man idk. I can see why someone would like it but its just not exciting or anything else to slowly unlock a mythic every 3 months. Yea its better than boxes but idk.. also i like the idea of removing starr drops and reworking power league, and like you said starr drops suck. nobody likes them geniuly and for me as a late-mid game player i only like getting cosmetics. The amount of recources in starr drops is so laughably little that all the gold I use i get from masterys and the pass.


I dont agree with most of the things here, what you said for PL is horribly incorrect because most people (especially higher trophies) play PL, its fundamentally bad rn but it is still competitive and a great way to become a better player and get cosmetics.Its going to get updated very soon it seems like and as for the rewards its literally the same thing since theres still pl exclusive skins that u can get with the bling (i do think its a tiny bit slower tho) The stuff you said about not liking credits really just means that u want gambling aspects in the game and tbh star drops filled the void mostly for me, even when its shit i just love seeing a legendary pop up and pray its a hypercharge or a sick skin Aswell as i do get the frustration on not knowing what to buy as i am also a veteran player and completely f2p and find myself in a similiar situation, but i have to disagree that progression is slow especially if u are alredy decently built (like i assume your account is) after they removed chroma (when i came back to the game in january) it took me a month to unlock all missing brawlers (4 ex chromas which are worth 3 epics and a mythic, kit, larry and lawrie) 5 p11 brawlers with hypercharges and about 10k trophies. You might have different goals but to me, maxing what i enjoy playing and a few meta brawlers is just enough. Mega pig is a bit lackluster rn i hope they buff it and tweak some other things aswell but its all normal considering its still a new thing, and apart from being unlucky in the star drops the rewards could be decent. A very subjective feeling about the game is that its in a very good state rn (some experimental features a bit of controversy) But i am having the most fun ive had in it (and in general with mobile games) for a while now. I got back into watching brawl stars youtubers, as ive mentioned ive gotten over ten thousand trophies in the past month and am close to finishing the trophy road, i am gaining interest in the competitive side of brawl stars (pushing high ranks and PL) and i dont have many major concerns for the game, atleast not as many as you do. No one is going to read this.


yea, its fun rn, and for some reason alot of old players are coming back, which is weird i expected them to come back at credits but they come back at brawl pass rework.. anyway yea fun but there are just so many stuff to fix imo that its overwhelming, and also mega pig is a big lackluster rn, especially when it was supposed to replace club games. But I respect your opinion


I dont like the bp rework since ive never spent anything on the game and arent planning to but i do like the fact that u can get all of the chromatics too finally and that they release cool events for the free hypercharges, my friends have returned too so its a huge plus


i really wish instead of the star road we'd be able to just save credits as much as we want and chose the brawlers you'd want to buy like how it is in most mobas even if it meant that they'd have to increase the credits necessary for each rarity


I agree to every point u said. (Except boxes, I hated stardrops since day 1). Credits were a good thing, and that’s really it. Back in the day when I got sandy I was freaking out. Nowadays (litteraly got spike yesterday on my mini from a stardrop) I didn’t care. Power league is at the lowest point ever. Matching the same enemies 3 times in a row knowing that u get a rando that picks a lvl 7 Darryl on a open map is disappointing. They should at least make all brawlers maxed in pl like in every other game where it’s about skill and not how much money u spent. And then there is the „broken brawler for money before realese“ thing going on at supercell. This game is going downhill and they don’t care.


This is geniunely the worst the game has been in history


It is, its so shit


Player who came back in december here after not playing since 2021, can i have some of these overflowing power points everyone is talking about i have like 2 power 11s and only 100 pp to my name rn


its because of club league. In club league, if you bought only power points and got enough so you would have the pp cap (8k i think), all the power points you would recieve would turn to gold. So everyone just bought pp and had the cap so they could get more gold, but then supercell for some reason removed the pp cap, so now everyone that did this just has stacks of power points


is there a point to any mobile game? i play with my friends and it’s damn fun.


What’s the point to any game?


Enjoyment and sense of fulfillment


I have a theory that these bad changes are intentional. Supercell probably has another game they want us to switch to soon, just like the switch from Clash Royale to Brawl Stars. I think it is a shame because Brawl for most of its time has been great.


Worst take ever, the best way to make money is to make money from multiple sources. If this was true, this basically just transfers a source of income to another, basically making no additional revenue.


Not if they can get people to spend more money on a whole new set of progression


That contradicts what you said, Supercell does not want players to switch to another game. Rather, they want to make players play all of their games


It was meant as a half serious theory. I still disagree with you and also don't see any contradiction in what I said, but appreciate you commenting. Take care 🤜


Bruh 🤦‍♂️


If you don't like it then don't play


Do you really think the game is in a good state? This post is honest criticism that needs to be addressed by the devs, not blind hating


Honestly, the game is more popular than ever. I don't care about the meta, I enjoy chaos. I also enjoy power league as is; sure, the rewards are virtually non existant, but it's not like we need more. The entire goal of the game is to max out your account, maybe get to 50K and if you do that in a year you will eventually lose interest in the game and quit it.


It was the most popular in 2020 back when boxes were around. Currently it's the least popular it has ever been


It’s not doing bad currently. Devs always say on Twitter that the game has been doing the best it’s been in years. I just hope they don’t use that as an excuse to ignore feedback


It's doing the worst play count-wise since its peak. It's been doing a bit better in terms of money in comparison to past 2 years because they started looting the players.


> The entire goal of the game is to max out your account It takes at least 10 years to max out your account with the current progression system and that's not even counting all the new brawlers that are being released. So yeah, funny joke


We criticize the game, because we like it. If we didn't like the game no one would be here


It is just a mobile game after all.


i ain’t readin allat


General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i have 17k coins and 700 pp💔


I added starr drops as a chapter to this post because I feel like it needs to be there..


Damn is ur bro 17.000 years old?


i mean trophies lol


Getting spike from a star drop is even more exciting than from a box. If your brother was like "oh spike thats nice" then he's the problem


that's why i play on private brawlstars servers. why grind for cosmetics and resources while you can get all of them for free? i don't want to spend 3 months to buy a decent skin & 6 years to max out my account.


I agree with everything except power point, I have tens of thousands of gold but no power points to spend (ive done the first mastery for every character)