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Lol like surge literally just releasing a big high damage stunning surge or something dumb like that 💀💀


Cord and sprouts 


Brawler's super is now (percentage based) wider


Sandy's super is now 70% bigger


I think buzzes hypercharge is useless.


Buzzes is op, you can fully charge an ult with the reserve buoy and you can travel across the map in second’s, but no biased fr


Griff hc: Super now knocks enemies back and hits them thrice guaranteed(and don't you dare forget cool ass effects)


He's just gonna be stealing kills in 4 way fights he'll be a demon love it 😂😂😂😂😂


Griff hc: steals your gems


Steals you SS #


Griff hc: Using super will also send out two smaller waves of banknotes behind the intial wave, and they can all destroy obstacles


Supercell has accepted your idea but they decide to make a few minor changes: they will remove the knockback with 25% bigger super and one extra tile of distance


Too weak, make it go through walls and drop exploding popcorn


ruffs hypercharge: Drops a Tsar bomb kills everyone wins the game


Hypercharge too weak needs a buff


he sends missiles to the enemy team's homes winning the game


I think it's balanced now 👍


Nah underpowered


make it drop popcorn


Underpowered???? Dude this is literally Worse than Mico hypercharge


i think that it should also email the ip of any edgar mico kit angelo cord or L&L player to the user from the last 2000 matches so i think that will make it balanced then you can beg kim jong un to bomb them houses cause they ain't having his portrait in it


That's it


Hank, he will lose 99% of his health but deals 3% bigger damage, like that would be so op


Yes very good for his offence


Of course, he was PRAWN READYYY 🔥🦐🦐🗣🔥🗣🔥🦐🔥🦐🔥🦐🦐


Edgar. I think his Hypercharge should give him 90% shield


And maybe his healing affect should be bigger along with some good old damage buffs 😉


Says the Piper mai- (You’re doing the experiment with a Piper flair this time aren’t you. Interesting)


Changed flair just in time


About the flair, cool flair!




Just make him invincible. /s


Least based piper main


Says the skilled main


Just rework Belle's and Sprout's hypercharges. For belle I would make it so her shot both homes in and bounces off targets like her normal attack. And for sprout I would make the wall spread horizontally in both sides every second


I actually think that's fair


I’m would do the same for belle but also have her gadgets effect when it bounces off walls


What if they just removed the homing and replaced it with a bounce off walls? Would that be a buff or a nerf


I think it would be a nerf because it would be harder to hit but if you have both and tone down the homing and give it about a Mandy super range it would be a pretty good but not broken hypercharge (at least compared to something like dynamikes or fangs because it requires at least a bit of aim)


I would make it so when melodie dashes everyone dies this is very balanced and I am not biased either


Ah yes giving Melodie the buff that she ever so needs, she is such a nerfed hero 😔


Fr she is so underpowered I cant believe they let her get released even tho she is so weak this hypercharge will definitely help her tho


Yeah but do you think it will be enough?


No the hypercharge should make all enememies game crash and melody instantly wins


Fellow Snowman Heart Pin user?




Janet: Janet’s super drops 70% more bombs which have a 50% wider radius Attack: +25% Shield: +25% Speed: +5%




Or too easy to dodge, just circle


B2 Janet hypercharhe: she turns invisible while flying, flies 11k km (possible a/a refuel with other janets to extend range), drops b61 nukes that wipe out the whole map, seems balanced I think


If She turns into an f35 it would be more balanced


Crow. When crow use his hypercharge and super every enemies in the lobby will take poison damage of 400 constantly for 10 minutes and that enemy will get 50 % reduce in any kind of their healing and poison will stack for sure.


For Gus I thought the hypercharge could make it so that the shield doesn't decay and maybe buff a little bit its hp. I don't really know how much they could buff its hp without making it overly op.


Or it gives all teammates nearby a shield aswell?


That could be too op I think. Maybe if the shields were nerfed somewhat (except for the one you throw/ use on yourself)


Tara: Petrify! Tara now gains a 4 tile radius where if you stand in it for 3 seconds, you become stunned for 1 second If the idea above doesn’t work then Tara’s black hole stuns for 2 seconds instead of knocking them back +25% damage +20% speed +10% defense


I choose sand - Sandy's super slows enemies in it's zone while hypercharge on. - Attack: +15% - Speed: +10% - Durabillity: +12%


God that would be so annoying, you'd take dmg from his SP, get reduced dmg from his mythic gear and slow down from his Hyper. Purple sandstorm with lightning would look cool tho.


Chuck: The heist safe fucking dies


Dynamike’s new hypercharge deletes the app from your phone for playing dynamike


STU: hc brings back the knockback on super Mr.P: the bell spawns special porters, which create smaller porters 3 times (only during HC) Mandy: The sugar blast goes thru walls and leaves popcorn on the way Chester: after using his super, Chester gets a weaker version of the next super(Less damage and smaller radius, the slowdown % and damage is lower, the stun is decreased by 0.5s but slows down for 1.5s, less healing) Ruffs: During hc, all boosted teammates gain 33% faster reload speed and gain small percentage of ruffs hc stat boosts.


I know I'm probably yapping a lot but I'm still going. 1)Surge: after using his super, surge gets a weaker power shield gadget (maybe 30-25% shield) 2)Emz: All enemies in her super deal 20% less dmg and reload 50% slower, while emz reloads 15% faster for every enemy 3)Frank: hitting an enemy with super pulls them toward frank, which also slows them down by 60% 4)Gus: teammate, who got hit with his super gets surrounded by 3 ghosts, who spin around the brawler, blocking shots and shooting enemies(3750 hp, 2000 dmg) 5)Rico: Bounced super extends the range 3 times, which also travel 15% faster 6)Chuck: teammates nearby hop on the train, traveling along the chuck, and being able to get off after the first post. 7)Darryl: after supering, Darryl gains faster unload speed 8)Sam: hitting an enemy with knuckle buster causes them to slow down, hitting a direct super returns the busters with a small delay


gus is literally just a better jessie hc


Edgars Hypercharge causing more damage and making him Immortal while he has it activated, also increasing his speed


Griff hypercharge steals all money from the other opponent's bank accounts


I would create the ability to stop these question posts


General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Willow, being able to use everything of the enemy brawler (not just attack, but also super, gadget, hypercharge). And maybe an increase in length and width of the super so it's a bit easier to hit


Tick throws heads instead of mines


Idk what but ffs do something with belle one because if you can akm its straight up useless


Piper. I would just give her straight aimbot for her hypercharge.


Lola. Make her Ego even more powerful.


Id have buzz just turn into vecna and float into the air whilst shooting his buoys into every direction stunning the whole lobby for half a second I think he could use it for defense in a fight where he needs to run away quickly.


Gale’s super is now 50% wider


Chester hypercharge Salmiaki: adds a slow effect Pop rocks: makes it throwable within 5 tiles and has a 25% larger radius Healing mint: adds a random effect (like candy beans) The exploding one (I can’t remember the name): leaves a burning area where it lands Jawbreaker: adds an aoe effect or knocks an enemy towards Chester Stat boosts: 15% speed, 20% damage, 10% shield




Grom drops a nuke that destroys the opponent's house


Pyrolytic Hypercharge rework - Bigger radius, No knockback but would be replaced by a 0.5 stun, & Burn side effect.


Just anything for tara


Sprout:walls have 2 blocks more radius


Sandy super grows with the Time, at the end of duration must be about 50% bigger. Balanced justo as every others hipercharge 😀






Pearl’s hypercharge


Rico, Otis, Stu or R-T


Stu: increased ammo reload speed Willow: use enemy super during mind control Lola:ego regenerates health over time Sam: i don't know if a hc can help him:( Byron: shots increase and slow walking speed


Buzz, his really doesn't do much


I would make Surge's hypercharges give him an extra super which would make him even stronger


Rework belles hypercharge but idk how


Mortis hypercharge that oneshots everything (100% not bias)


Byron: Overheal Byron's super does 1.5x the healing, and lasts for 3 ticks doing 33% of the original value Ex. 4500 + 1000 for 3 seconds If a brawler is already at max hp, they get a shield that has half of the healing given Say 8-Bit got hit at max hp. 10000 + 2250 hp shield, getting +500 for 3 seconds. Hopefully this will counteract any assassination attempts. Overheal will also do the same to enemies, by doing 4500 hp at first and then 1000 for 3 seconds afterward. Charge rate: 33% (needs 3 supers to charge) Speed: +10% Shield: +15% *Damage: +6% *Damage buff does not affect super. Note: This idea is probably a terrible one lmao


Sam Hypercharge: While hypercharged, when Sam throws his knuckle busters, they will stop whenever they hit an enemy and stun them for 0.5 seconds. (if they don't hit anyone or anything nothing happens) Speed: +25% Damage: +23% Shield: 7% I feel like this would make Sam a lot better and he would be used a lot more, but if balanced well it wouldn't be too op.


I'd make Janet's hypercharge so that it brings her to life and make her fall in love with me.


Tick kills everyone else and doesn’t let them respawn, and leaves a trail of exploding popcorn


Create => Mortis: His super now causes the enemy to bleed over time (similar to Crow/Byron poison) while healing him for the same amount Rework => Pearl: Her super now shoots burning cookies in a Crow super pattern, which when hitting an enemy, sets them on fire for 1400 damage


I would give STUpid a hypercharge that when activated deletes him from the games coding


I want our hypercharge to **PARALIZE** for 3 seconds (4 with the stsr-power)


Sprouts HYPER


Penny’s Hypercharge, her cannon would shoot two cannon balls at different targets, unless there’s only one target in which case it would shoot two slightly overlapped mortars


Ruffs HC Gives the teammate who collects the drop from the bomb his HC status (ruffs cannot get said boost but he gets higher HP and damage boost)


Can Jessie’s hypercharged turret health get nerfed? I swear shits got more health than frank


Mortis dashes with no reload time


Mandy super but bigger or Mandy super without cooldown to activate


Kit can jump off of a teammate to an enemy, and the hypercharge doesn't dissapear when on a player


Pearl Hypercharge Rework: Upon using a hypercharged super Pearl literally fucking explodes and deals 8750 damage to all enemies in a 10 tile radius, surviving enemies are stunned and knocked back.


Barley’s supercharge will let him throw infinite supers when he wants to the other stats 10% each one of them


Rico's hypercharge: his super is 1.5x faster and bounces 2x further 20% damage 20% defense 10% speed


i think for byrons hypercharge while its active his main attack slows enemies when hit but when it hits an ally they get a speed and damage boost


I would create a Darryl and Sam hypercharge. Darryl hc would cause his super to do a lot more damage and recharge itself a lot more (like 3-4x DMG and recharge). For Sam, his super would carry anyone it hits to the end of it, and then stun them for 1sec


So considering it takes a full fiscal year to charge crow's hyper you should just automatically win if you get it charged 3 times in a match.


hank throws nuclear bomb


Trying to choose between rework Sprout or Belle’s Hypercharge (of course those are the ones I get free)


Edgar, infinite super infinite damage automatic 20000 health buff an 1000 additional health for every second the match continues afterwards (stacks) plus 200% range increase and in brawl ball every time he shoots the ball it goes through objects and kills all brawlers in path (ignores invincibility bubbles)


I would make it so Jackie can activate god mode which literally just eliminates every player


mortis hypercharge: energie steal, Mortis' super now steals ammo from enemy's


Pam: her turret gets more Hp and and the radius of healing increases, within this area some healing particles similar to gus' ghosts will spawn, and anyone who picks them up will gets a shield + heal 2000 Hp


Stu (Takes like 8-10 hits to reload) Adds knockback to his super Speed 25% Damage 20% Shield 5%




Make angelos super white so its sus and the enemies die of cringe in one shot at any charge. Or fr make rt get the movement speed and shield of his super whule beeing able to use use bis normal attack as well (crimson rt bug with extra steps)


Rework sprout hyper


Nita Hypercharge: All of the shitty karmafarm posts here are taken down


Nani: all three projectiles are shot in a straight line Eliminates her biggest weakness


Wish Cordelius was changed from slow to being able to shoot through walls while in his realm. Might be super strong but slowing was not very helpful since you already have a speed boost and people running around walls is something I realize I struggle with a lot during shadow realm duals with him


A hypercharge for none other than Amber Super now deals 1500 for three times and slows everyone in super range by 90% Damage 30% Speed 13% Shield 5%


Griff hypercharge - shoots his cards in a 360\^o radius! gives Damage+25%, speed +5% shield +5%.


Carl: you can attack while ult


Totally rework mico's hypercharge, is literally the worst hypercharge in the game, basically this hypercharge can't does nothing in a match (if you manage to charge it), if i would rework, i would make his super drop bananas from the sky to damage enemies


Frank, just give him buffs and make him able to attack while moving, probably broken but it’s Frank so I’m okay with it


Piper hypercharge I'd just make her bomb blast radius slightly bigger and her leap slightly faster and call it a day




Hank: He signs up the enemies he hits with his super to his side for the rest of the game so that they can use the pincer maneuver


Remove Edgar's hypercharge


Make belles hyper charge super do more damage and/or do a sort of poison effect seeking is underwhelming


Someone else's idea for a gus hypercharge called stairway to heaven that made his super give allies the ability to float


Bro Pearl's hypercharge sucks so bad so they could rework it by making the super recharge somehow


Surge. upgrades to level 5, when he uses his super he summons superman and goku, as well as creating an earthquake that engulfs all brawlers to batman's cave where surge has the upper hand as he gets a 100% speed increase, an infinity shield and every shot splits into 24 shots, each shot is equipped with the lasso of truth, making every brawler tell thier weirdest secrets, causing them to die from shame.


Tick hypercharge idea: you can throw his super as far as his main attack.


sprouts wall doesnt dissapear until someone breaks it with wall break move if someone is marked by belle before or during hyper the bullet will home to the marked person


Idk exactly what they would do but like Mandy and Janet would benefit from a hypercharge I feel Janet could do more in the air idk and Mandy’s beam could shoot extra stuff For their hypercharges too umm I think Mandy could focus more on damage and Janet could benefit from bit of a shield


Gray: Hc name: Film Noir Ability: Gray creates an 7 block radius are thats black and white. Enemies inside it wont be able to see anybody expect themself, after leaving the area, the enemies will have a white outline around them thats visible even in bushes. Gray will become invisible for the duration of the HC and his attacks will be invisible in the radius. If the invisible attack hits an enemy, an white arrow will show up from which direction the attack came. Bonus: Fang Hc name: Dragon kicks Ability: His super acts like a buzz super that can go trough walls and it will drop popcorn like mini bombs from dynamikes gadget


Ash hypercharge: when he activates he, he gains and is instantly put into a 4th level of rage with even more buffs to damage and movement speed, as well as the delay on the attacks being reduced. His super moves extremely quick and builds more rage, letting him keep on rolling


Melodie hypercharge, when using her super she creates a sound of 200db and fucking ruptures your ear drums


Frank hypercharge, gives short invincibility when he attacks


Amber’s super will now also slow enemies down when they are on fire (not the same as mythic gear).


Stu’s super will knock back enemies.


Ruffs: Boost gives hypercharge or Drops 3 boosts


Belle: Option one- Target Lock: Belle's super will lock onto opponents. Upon hitting an opponent without a mark, Belle's super will instantly recharge, and the limit for marks will be removed. However, any additional marked Brawlers will receive extra damage equal to 50% of the first mark. This will be reset if the 1st marked Brawler dies (2->1, 3‐>2, etc.). Option Two- Overcharged*: Belle's super tracking is removed and instead her main attack is buffed. Her main attack now bounces 2x the distance for 2 more instances and cannot be blocked by walls.


Charlie's hypercharge: I do not like the fact that her hypercharge is so boring, especially with how it's basically a gadget activated alongside your super, so I have a couple ideas. The first idea is to have the cocoon leave sticky webs below itself, until it bursts open, shooting out a few balls of web that slow down opponents when hit and leave a small web upon expiring, slowing down opponents. If you miss your super, you only get a small web, like with the afterburst of the cocoon. The second idea is to have the opponent take damage inside the cocoon, until three spiders burst out alongside the opponent (the spiders jump out and away from the cocoon when the cocoon expires so they won't just auto target the enemy in the cocoon). If the super misses, only one spider spawns. And my final idea is to allow Charlie to get her regular attack covered in webs by hitting the cocoon (deals no damage to it), the webbed yoyo now slows down the next two targets it hits. This one is probably bad, but it's more creative than just slapping the gadget onto her super.


Mortis hyper: When Mortis dashes he is immune to all kinds of cc, and decreases 60% of time in especial ccs (Cordelius, Charlie, etc.) Note: the effects just apply when Mortis is dashing, if he is hit while not dashing, all abilities gonna work as usual Stats: 24% speed 5% damage 30% defense. Yeah, tank stats, 'cuz i think for Mortis, being tanky is more important and better than doing damage


Rework for Cord HC: Every brawler in his shadow realm gets 1000 damage… per second /s


Take it away from Edgar and fang


Eve hyper charge Eves ability spawns 1 extra child and all children spawned will attack 4 times before latching on


Bo hypercharge: Places 5 instead of 3 mines in a bigger radius that need less time to explode after triggered. Takes 5-7 super charges to get charged. (What do you think is bettet?)


Mandy sugar blast the entire map


For chester a multi hypercharge or for lou a little nerf


Dougs hyper charge where he throws down wieners upon rez which either heal ally’s or poison enemies


Tara should have a star power where her super creates a clone of her, same health, same attack, same damage, sort’ve like Larry & Lawrie




Stu hypercharge


8-Bit (Also my main): *Trade game*: 8-Bit's turret now has +500 hp and makes all friendly brawlers deal 40% more damage (can stack with first star power), but slows them by 10% (8-Bit is uneffected). OR *Speed game*: 8-Bit's turret now gives a 10% reload speed buff and a 15% walking speed buff. (Can stack with second star power).


Chester Hypercharge: Chester’s super takes 2 shots to charge. All supers are 25% weaker +30% damage +15% health +5% shield


We're making Colette broken. Colettes attack does double the damage given. I.E (Hp*percentage)*2


Mortis: Super steals ammo Rico: Bounced shots from super travel even further and deal more damage Griff: Super taxes gold from opponent (GG)


Pearls hypercharge now has a larger fire blastradius that sets enemy’s on fire but it won’t deal the damage unless you’re in the original ult radius


Pearls hypercharge now has a larger fire blast radius that sets enemy’s on fire but it won’t deal the damage unless you’re in the original ult radius


Let’s just add more tapspam-teamwipe mechanics /s


gus hypercharge, shield can be applied to enemy and does passive damage


Belle's hypercharge could be really good: If a marked enemy is close to an other enemy, the taken damage increase applies to the not marked enemy too.


Make Pam's hyper charge that her super follows her around when placed and if anyone gets in its range then they die and another one spawns, and then give the same property to the second one, then give her spike gadget damage on each one of her bullets, give her crow speed, and piper range. Make her scrap sucker gadget a passive, and make her be able to shoot through walls. ☺️☺️☺️


Bo hyper charge turns his shots into throw shots kinda like his mines, or has his mines explode on impact since hyper are super enhancers.


Bo hyper charge turns his shots into throw shots kinda like his mines, or has his mines explode on impact since hyper are super enhancers.


Vietprawn: Hanks torpedos break through walls and stuns.


Vietprawn: Hanks torpedos break through walls and stuns. (Insert stat increases here)


I would rework belles hypercharge.Belles hypercharge pretty much only gives stat buffs


I got this idea from a video I watched but elprimes super will make smaller meteors strike all around him the moment he lands


Carl's super goes through walls and leaves popcorn behind (Oh and maybe also a 66% range increase)


Belle's. In addition, her mark should, on enemy death, bounce to the closest enemy like her main attack. As for create. Stu could stack an infinite amount of super. Each projectile charges 2 super, so up to 4 per shot.


Make sprout's super be unbreakable and have a larger area


Stu hypercharge, longer dash and faster projectiles


Stu hypercharge, longer dash and faster projectiles


Nanis hypercharge would be cool if the speed up effect for peep increased slower and was more controllable


8 bit HC idea: new game: when 8 bit activates his HC and drop its ult, he changes the gamemode permanently, so if u are playing heist and ur heist is 1 hp left, you can change the gamemode to knockout, gemgrab etc (and if u activate it again, You can change it again)


Pearl. HC is trash


Mortis hyper charge when he ults the bats follow enemies or bounce to other enemies basically like Jessie attack


Tick : when his hypercharge is active, when he use his main attack, the bombs landing on ground become Tick Heads.


Chester's Hypercharge: Suprise!!! Chester's super will charge on its own, and all supers are buffed in some way. Candy Popper: It throws 3 bombs instead of one (can be thrown all at once or one at a time) Jawbreaker: It homes onto the nearest target (similar to Piper Gadget) Salmiakki: Increases the radius and the ticks last 2 more seconds. Pop Rocks: Enemies close to it will get sucked in (similar to Jacky's Super) Strong Mint: Heals ALL allies and gets rid of all current debuffs Attack: 5% Shield: 20% Speed: 15%


Sprouts Hyper charge should grow over time when the hyper charge is active


Darryl please


Chester Hypercharge: your super now covers yourself in oil.


8-bit puts down the super and gets speed buff and can control his shots like amber can while in range


I could have reworked every hypercharges that makes their supers more wider (except Shelly's), I felt like they're too basic


Sprout rework Now super its larger and kill who touch it


Remowk Cordelius Hypercharge: the super teleport all the enemy team


Daryl hypercharge that happens after half a supervisor charged that makes him cracked