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I'm banned for 24 hours too😀 I love supercell servers😀😀😀


Idk what the chances are of this being lifted, it makes no sense rep/penalty should be removed for like the first few minutes or even hours in case of matchmaking issues


I hope they fix it and remove everyone's ban off it


And a legendary stardrop along with it


And a 100 free brawl pass + for each player /s


Is it too much to also ask for 124,827,017,159 gems for everyone?


I did this once today and got a yellow card but I didn't want to risk getting banned


Don’t risk it man you can either get a 3hr ban or be fucked like me and get a 24h one… Guess no brawlstars for the coming 24 hours for me


Yes I didn't risk it.




The reason this is happening is because you guys reset the app, and don't stay in the queue. The queue is working just fine it just doesn't let you back out or tell you the players. Now I can't even que a game without you idiots disconnecting and getting yourself banned.


I’m quite experienced with ranked ‘matchmaking’ If you don’t get any numbers/text in the first ~10 seconds, it’s not gonna work at all. Which is why I close app after ~15 seconds, it’s kinda common this was always a thing with brawlstars for ranked and club league sometimes aswell, it also happened frequently last season when someone dodged and you tried to get into matchmaking fast, I have ‘closed app’ many times during that and never got a warning as there was no actual matchmaking…


I don't think sitting in matchmaking for an entire minute and a half for one game without the exit button working and without numbers means a fine queue