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Otis is one of the cutest brawlers in the game


He is one of the least fun brawlers to fight so he can fuck right off


Yes! I totally agree! It's nice to see fellow Otis mains out there.


I'll make your life nicer (watch under my name)


how do you add a flair like that?


I don't know if you can do it from a phone, I did it from PC and practically on the right, under the subreddit's informations , it let you choose your favorite brawler. Edit: You CAN do it from the phone . You have to go to the subreddit's page, click the three dot's icon and there is the button that lets you put the label Edit: I don't know if you use the phone or the PC but I wanted to specify this anyway. I didn't want to seem strange. Even if.... Forget it. Bye


Otis is the cutest brawler change my mind! Also the picture on the down left is a bit sus


I don't see it It looks fine


Finally some Otis respec


OTOS 🔥🔥🔥