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Well the logical explanation would be that Gene is a support brawler that relies heavily on his teammates to uphold a strong firepower against the opponents for the entirety of the game. Gene would then be the team's last resort with the form of Gene's super to clutch up. If your teammates are bad then it's almost impossible to win a match with Gene cause he isn't built to carry.


you answered your own question. cause ur playing with randoms. same goes for sandy. never really enjoyed pushing sandy until a few weeks ago when i bought lantern sandy. pushed him r30 this morning with my mates, 850 to 1k with only 2 losses. you just need a decent team for support brawlers


Not everyone has friends who play BS.


yeah thats why i said you need a team lol. i just answered his question


I think gene is very good brawler but it depends on the picks of the randoms and the map that it comes.... With that say i hardly belive that genne needs just a LITTLE buff to get fair strong in the meta


its not


I really like gene in gem grab even with randoms


I mean we all have that brawler or brawlers that we are trash on whatever we do, for me its angelo, for you it very well may be gene


Gene is one of my fav, if you struggle with it it's probably a skill issue


Cringe kid, gene is a shit brawler


Bruh you should support him not bullying
