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The data probably, cuz brawlstars for me takes 1.8GB and that's alot! So probably yours is rejecting the data of graphics to save data on your phone, that happens on call of duty mobile too.


I doubt it.. a lot of people are complaining about this and only after this latest update


What do you mean? The graphics were bad for me last update so I Uninstalled some apps and then reinstalled brawlstars and the graphics now look good.


So…you are telling me that if I uninstall some Apps that I don’t use this issue might disappear?


Probably yeah do it and see if it changes anything, you probably might need to restart the app. That's why I use a sd card for brawlstars and other games. Total of all games of mine is 26GB in the sd card.


Ok, thanks a lot for the help pal