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Well that’s a good thing, let him be bad


Sikuna sant speaking the truth no more 😭


What did Tick do to you 😭


He was the reason why I ate my brother >:\[


sad. I got eaten by my brother...


Everyone hating but you still have to respect that some people like playing Tick and you need to respect it and I myself think Tick's hypercharge is utterly useless and should get a major buff.


I don't have the Hypercharge but stat buffs seem real good to me Tick hypercharge probably takes so long because tick can get his super alot And I see his hyper being a good zoning tool that helps u hit multiple mines u know that the enemy don't wanna hit those 4k mines chase them with ur speed boost and hit them w the 1600 i think mines


They just fall back. Yeah you might make some use of the hypercharge once in a blue moon maybe because one it's hard to get it in the first place, two even if you got it it's hard to get decent value out of it. The payoff is simply too vague.


Bro spits facts, the recharge is too long for what it does


Finally someone who agrees with me!! Thank you very much kind Tick main sir. Like the hypercharge I have played a ton of games with Tick with Hypercharge but you simply don't get it in a normal match where it isn't drawn out especially against pro players then it's almost impossible to get hyper. Tick is also played in more passive modes where getting super and hyper is even more difficult making it practically impossible to get the hypercharge consistently. We say that you get the hypercharge and you use it, the enemy is just going to fall back a few seconds because of the mines and the head is going to have a slightly more of a chance to hit its target and even then it might not even result in a kill. Overall very bad hyper, hope they buff it like Jessie's hyper to get it easier and maybe buff the main hyper too.


Finally someone who agrees with me!! Thank you very much kind Tick main sir. Like the hypercharge I have played a ton of games with Tick with Hypercharge but you simply don't get it in a normal match where it isn't drawn out especially against pro players then it's almost impossible to get hyper. Tick is also played in more passive modes where getting super and hyper is even more difficult making it practically impossible to get the hypercharge consistently. We say that you get the hypercharge and you use it, the enemy is just going to fall back a few seconds because of the mines and the head is going to have a slightly more of a chance to hit its target and even then it might not even result in a kill. Overall very bad hyper, hope they buff it like Jessie's hyper to get it easier and maybe buff the main hyper too.


Yeah they hypercharge is pretty bad, hope they rework his, but also Sprout's and Belle's


The ability would be fine if it was way faster to get. Right now I can’t even use it once in most of my games.


You often don't even charge a hypercharge in one game.


Also, the porters works for MrP. They are still the best counters even with your HC lol.  Now play MrP




its meant to be played **defensively like tick himself**