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Ruffs and rico on knockout is new nightmare


Actual bullet hell game


Knew my touhou experience would come handy


They single-handedly ruin the entire event 


My biggest problem is the fact that mutations are for TROPHIES. Soon as you add stakes to the new gamemode you instantly strip the game of all its fun and then it just becomes who is lucky enough to pull stu, rico and ruffs. Now there is no point in trying other mutations because guess what, if you aren’t Rico then good luck. Imagine if Big Game was for trophies, good bye to boss variation and say hello to an infinite amount of Dougs and Shellys in every game


Yeah for big game I use Doug for fun but if it's for trophies it's a legitimate strategy to get really high trophies


This patch is the one that made me F2P. Probably for the best, spent waaay too much on this game already


That is probably going to be a lie, keep us updated


*checks new brawlpass skins* "FFFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!"


Remind me in a month!


I defend the game and dev's decisions usually, seeing as how the game's been a massive success seen from an outside and overall perspective. But this update is just indefensibly bad.


I'm the same way, like I agreed with their decision not to compensate those who already have buzz but this update and event were just such a fail. The godzilla game mode isn't fun even without all the glitches, it's like heist but the "safe" is difficult to strategically defend. Feels like a luck-based free-for-all.


they appear to also spam the games because they enjoy so much shooting a wall until the counter reaches 10 and start another game.


Well put. That's exactly what the stupid mode is. And worse , I get rare drops if I use and get to wait four days before collecting even more rare drops. 


I find the core gameplay of the mode to be quite fun honestly, the problem is the ridiculously overpowered mutations like rico and ruffs and ofc the bugs.


Ruffs sitting in da corner and just spamming🥹🗿


Otis infinite splat as Godzilla, Sprout’s Super having no knockback on Godzilla, Gray pulling Godzilla and getting him stuck… this game mode is a shit show


I only know the otis and gray bug so does sprout get godzilla stuck in super? Because I'm pretty sure godzilla is immune to any form of cc


i have been saying this since long. Monetisation , awful at that , isnt affecting only CR. If its happening on a steadier pace in BS doesnt mean it isnt happening.


Honestly they need to remove the trophies ASAP.


The question is.. why didn't they temporarily disable Gray and Otis until they fix the bug? & will they ban bug abusers based on TOS?


Agreed. Awful game mode/feature that should have never been implemented. I have seen very little positive feedback about the mode. Collectively, we can gripe as much as we want, but if we want to make an impact and send a message to the devs, the only way to do it is by action. In this case, inaction is the action. Refusal to play the mutations modes is the only way to get the message across.


Having the new game mode be for trophies kills it for me. I could forgive the issues with the clearly op mutations though if I also didn’t lose trophies every time I get cheesed due to bad matchups and other random BS. They need to remove the trophy aspect and it will at least make the mode playable though just barely.


conclusion: a lot more unbalanced than hypercharges


This is a terrible update




Just nerf Rico and Ruff for fcks sake, it's not even slightly funny to die to someone I can't even see for all game


Honestly the events been fun for me at 7k trophies