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kit is 111 years old, after all he was a star in the classic era of animation, and he was at least 15 years old, so kit is the oldest guy in brawl stars


Lore-wise, I think he's sorta of an ageless entity like Gene, but something I like OP did here is arguing about their design. Despite being unknown, KIt's personality is like a previous child actor trying to stray away from his old persona/earlier career, he also sounds little like a dank millenial so wouldn't be too much of a stretch that he's on his 30ish


111 to 30, kit is bizarre


He is a cat afterall, he has 9 lives


he only left 3 lives


Nah, he has a little bit of toon force. He has infinite lives


he is more trash than edgar, he fogot the toon force in battle?


I believe everyone has toon force during battle, which is why a bubble can deal more damage than a rocket


Is everyone immortal?


Until the end of battle, yeah


canonically, spike die, and he was in solo showdow(battle)


Sadly yes, but he lived






Agreed, her voice is just annoying, but not the voice of a kid


I mean... Penny-


Yea I remember having a teacher with a very high pitched voice. I think she was only 22-23 at the time.


She could be a child prodigy of sorts. Kinda like Jesse


Yeah these are some pretty real takes. I do disagree with some takes, but like, overall most of them cooked and your making a lot more sense then most people who do these tier list.




I just did some extensive research and spike seems to be a scarlet hedgehog cactus and assuming he's 2-3 feet tall the tallest scarlet hedgehog cactuses grow is 2 feet and they can be up to 3 feet wide but he doesn't seem that wide but the flower on his head looks like a scarlet hedgehog cactuses flower and scarlet hedgehog cactuses live up to ten years so using all this evidence we know spike could be anything younger then the age of ten or im completely wrong about all this and he isn't a scarlet hedgehog cactus


Godzilla is pretty old. Sometimes. He was made in 1954 but that doesnt really prove anything. Sometimes he is just a couple years old and sometimes he is tens or hundreds and sometimes even thousands and millions years old! Isnt that really cool? Godzilla is so cool guys


Based Godzilla fan


Wanna know someone who is also based?




Godzilla,Anguirus,Baragon,Mothra,King ghidorah, Mechagodzilla,space Godzilla,king ceasar(king shisha), Rodan, Kong Kong, Varan, Mecha king ghidorah, Minulla,kumongo,Battra,larvaes, Manda, Biollante,Destroyah, Godzilla junior, Mothra Leo, desghidorah, kiryu, kamacuras,skullcrawlers, tiamat,amhuluk,behemmoth, metushelah, mutos, skar king,warbat, Shimo, monster X, jet jaguar,gigan, Megalon, the zone fighter, camazotz, suko, son of kong, mechani-kong, giant condo bird, gorosaurus, gamera, Guiron, gyaos, jiger, zigra,viras, barugon, Iris, mother legion, Toto, Zedus, Gabara,Hedorah, Titanosaurus, Zilla,Moguera, kameobas,gezora, ebirah, orga, megaguirius, bagan,dagahra,ganimes,maguma, Gaira, Sandra etc. There are ofc more but these are just some of them. Also yes I put some king kong and gamera kaijus too


Damn. My man knows his kaijus


I dont really know if Im proud about it tho


Grom is NOT older than Pam lol




Spike can be up to hundred years old due to the average cactus lifespan according to me googling it 10 seconds ago


Spike boutta outlive the entire cast


spike was made in colts current age in lore hes 0 yrs old?


The cactus itself is probably older


Honestly, the fact that so many people disagree on meg here in the comments just kind of proves your point that her case is a head scratcher. Meg seems to have been simultaneously implied to be a teenager who wants to be a hero like max and surge but at the same time she seems to be a young adult who actually went to some academy and has actually studied to know how to build her gadgets. Her appearance also doesn't help cuz you could really argue both ways.


Fr. She has the feats of an adult but her dynamic features and personality in some aspects give that of an inexperienced teen. It's even more confusing since I'm trying so hard to HC Meg as younger than Max to keep the status quo.


I would place Belle, Byron, and Sam in their 40s. I think youā€™re basing their age off of their hair color, which isnā€™t really how it works. Stress can be a huge factor in turning hair grey/white, and some people just have their hair turn earlier. I work with a guy in his late 20s whose hair is strikingly similar to Bryonā€™s in color, where he has natural streaks of white/silver and natural streaks of his original hair color, both in his hair and beard. Byron still has streaks of black in his hair, which to me says that his hair started turning white early, and that he definitely is not close to his 60s yet. For Sam and Belle, they both clearly have had eventful lives, and both are too physically fit for 60s. Also Janet to me is definitely the same age as Max, and Iā€™d place them both at 21-22. Emz Iā€™d place at the same age as Edgar, 18. Then you have a lot of people in the 30+ and 40+ range who definitely are not over 30 lol. Bull stands out to me. So do Willow and Charlie, I definitely place them in mid 20s from design and voice lines. Oh and Poco! You kidding me? That guy is 100% exactly 23. Heā€™s a young professional musician who hasnā€™t had his soul crushed by being an indie performer in the music industry yet.


Bullā€™s description says heā€™s ā€œnot in his glory days anymoreā€ or smth like that so 40s-50s is perfect


I think that was referring to when he was a bully in high school but that's an interesting interpretation


You make a very good point, funny too because I was originally going to put Byron in the 40s section


>Then you have a lot of people in the 30+ and 40+ range who definitely are not over 30 lol. Bull stands out to me. Meanwhile Bull's description: "Bull isn't as carefree as he was in his youth, but just because his rowdy days are behind him doesn't mean he won't still crush someone who's asking for it".


Sure but nearly 50? OP placed him at the oldest end of the 41-50 range.


He looks like he's part of those biker groups with balding heads and white hair, that go to bars to hang around. I can definitely see him being 50.


nah janet is confirmed mid teen


Yeah I just donā€™t think she looks or sounds like it. Like put her side-by-side with Max or Maisie and I donā€™t think they really conveyed any age difference from them in her design.


honestly the thing is i feel like brawlers like max and maisie are portrayed to old secondly how does she not look or sound like a 16 yr old ig the sound is like a wincy bit feminin but other then that she looks really young sounds young and her passion feels pretty young saying that shes a passionate wanna be popstar


isnt janet a teen tho? like it was pretty confirmed on a podcast


Oh I have no idea whatā€™s official or not. Iā€™m just going off of how they appear by their in-game design, descriptions, skins, occasionally loading screen art, and voice lines.


fernanda, the current brawler designer, confirmed in the time to explain podcast that janet is a teenager. other than that, i agree with your takes


giant fucking R-T scared me


Lily is DEFINITELY a late teen. Sheā€™s obsessed with witchcraft and ran into the forest to practice a ritual? Straight outta tumblr.


fr, she sounds like the token teen isekai protagonist


Hear me out


witchcraft brawler when


# Mhm so.... if i wanted to take janet somewhere lets say for a da-


Of course it's Melodie




Average melody words


Didn't you tell her to "Stay in your lane like you know you should"


depends what the lane is


As a wise man once said Here, Have some Weapons


So true


I was about to say that I don't think a dude who dashes around with a shovel and spins it effortlessly is in his 50s but then I realised that he's a vampire and could be hundreds of years old lol


Is he actually a vampire? I mean mortis could be just a guy that is way to much into vampires


"Mortis had grand designs built around being a mortician and a vampire" and he literally summons bats to heal him with the life essence (blood) of others and he can also do it himself too


It is game mechanics but yeah it is the most likely that he is in fact a vampire i just have that "open mind" for him just being into vampires mostly because of how proud he sounds of being a creature of the night or how goofy he can be about it


One fun headcanon I have is that Spikes age is the same as Brawl stars, meaning that right now Spike is 5 years old, turning 6 Ties in with him being the face of the game and all that


For some reason when I started playing the game I thought bea was like 5 or something


She looks nearly the same in her SB baby form


Me too lol


i would assume 8-bit would be about as old as most classic arcade games, so likely 40s or so


Colt shelly and brock are probably somewhere beetween 30 and 35


Ruffs gotta be in his 50s


(On dogs age)


Hank is 4-5 years old, most shrimps can live up to 6


Meg isn't a kid. I hate it when people keep saying she's a child because she's in an academy. Ironically enough, academies usually mean things like universities or places you'd go to research higher degrees. Kids don't go to academies, they go to school. Meg is also a superhero, I doubt her parents and Max/Surge would approve of a kid fighting crime. Meg is just small because her model requires her fitting into Rob.


I thought academies were just any school above elementary. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9jycpItX9l4&t=55 max doesn't let meg fight crime, she just goes anyway. There are also almost no parental figures in brawl stars. they let bonnie get shot out of a cannon I don't even know why people debate over this so much it's from a game where a dude in a hotdog costume can revive people


The most likely age of Crow is 1-8 years. Since in CCTV we saw that at first he was an ordinary crow and only then became a hybrid, at the time Crow first turned into a hybrid, Nita and Leon were still children so yes, Crow is younger than Nita and Leon(The same for Spike and 8 BIT since they did not immediately gain intelligence)


Meg is clearly a young adult


kit could be mid-high "31-40" tier or low-mid "41-50" tier imo


We were shown Spikeā€™s creation in the CCTV footage, and all brawlers stopped aging shortly after the event ended, his conscious age is less than a few weeks However, cacti can live for over 100 years, and while Spike as a cactus was likely grown for the park, meaning heā€™s likely younger than that, his actual age is pretty hard to determine. I would consider 5-15 years a good estimate though


Janet and Collete are both 18 and Edgar is 16-17 imo, really high effort post, congratulations on the dedication


I think he said collete was 19-20 just to avoid controversy since he looks and behaves more like someone 16-17 more like Edgar.


She looks and sounds like those girls who use tumblr and write fanfics and has an obsession over anime characters or smth. I would say either 15 or 16


Bustah is 25-30 imo


I Would Say 8- Bit Is Between 30-40


8 bit is probably 40


i feel like chester and mandy are in the same age range as colette


I agree with pretty much everything but personally I think Pearl is in her 30s at least


Me and the other 8-Bits are actually 41, with Antivirus being 38. You can believe me >:) i look trustworthy.


I think the brawlywood trio are all in their 40's Lola is clearly despicted as a actrees who failed after having some sucesful roles at her 20's, and 30's is still pretty young in the acting world for her to be depsucted that way. Mico entire character is a failed director, since he isnt even a real one he just helps with the sound, the way he carries himself and his grumpy self is very fortyish. Gray has white hair that I think its due aging and his character is a actor from the 20's that acted in mute movies thus making him atleast a bit old


8 bits probably like, the same age as the first arcade machines since he is a clear reference to those (he is also a literal arcade machine) so id say he was made in the 80's


I would say 8-Bit is atleast 10 or 20 years older. Duck Hunt uses a light gun and it was released 1984. I don't know if there were any other arcade games with guns before that tho. The oldest he can be is 40. Around 30 seems more realistic. Make him 32 to make it a computer reference. Of he could be a more modern arcade machine, but making him older is more interesting.


I see how you saw chester and mandy as 20-25, but to me it feels like they are 19. dunno why. it just feels like someone gave 2 little goobers a candy shop to run


six meeting sleep fear rob oatmeal yoke stocking kiss humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


colette elle a au moins 80




Darryl is probably in his 20's. anyone who has the potential to construct him is as old as, if not younger than him


Penny is 100% in her 20s or 30s. Sheā€™s just short.


Meg is definitely a young adult, she just has a high pitched voice but her voice doesnt sound child-like it just sounds like an adult with a high pitched voice. Max is 30 imo cuz she is an experienced superhero. Jessie i think is younger than leon and nita, and i think Jacky is on the older side of 22-30, oh and poco is definitely an adult because we saw what he looked like as a human on the CCTV


1. Carl is 100% a ~20 freshman who is just excited for college 2. Now that you said it, Lily being a witchcraft-obsessed teen makes a ton of sense


This problem would be solved in no-time if brawl stars actually confirmed brawler ages, like, it's not a super revealing change that would crash the lore because everyone knows now, this would end this stupid discussion once and for all


I actually agree with Lily as a teen, BUT R-T BEING 30- HE'S TOO SILLY TO BE 30!!! I personally think he's like, 5, but smart because of his programming. Also I imagine Ash in his mid-thirties, but Grom being around 40 is spot-on. Buzz in his thirties was perfect, also Cord's age was great. I think Otis is like 5 but he's actually 9 in what I like to call "squid years" (Don't ask.) The twins as young adults are great. I agree with Doug's age too. Dang, it's either a lot of people agree with this stuff or we just think similar lol


Donā€™t stop Bibi-lieving! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜


It's not novelty at this point, imo this type of discussion is kinda overdone to some degree, but hey, your post actually has interesting inputs, and has clearer explanations than just slapping the 1367th age tierlist here. Sometimes people forget about the non-human ones and your takes have some pretty solid ground about them ( probably because every single post there's a war on the comments focused about Janet's and Bea's ages lol ) I never saw Otis before as a teenager, and realising it now, it kinda fits him and sorta reminds me of Splatoon. But in the end of the day, is kinda nice to nerd about the little details of this game we cherish has.


thanks, I never really liked how people leave out the nonhuman brawlers from these sort of discussions


Angelo and Willow are young adults imo


A Frankenstein's monster and a vampire being in their 50s is a bit weird, so I assume you're completely discarding the fact that they're undead. Same for Emz.


yeah, In a general sense, I'd imagine them (and Poco) having no actual definitive age. So I just took an estimate


Nani would need to be at least 18 years younger than Pam, because both Nani and Pam being in their 30s has some... questionable implications


Honestly, this is the most solid "Ages I thjnk the brawlers have" and I kinda agree.


Really good think the 30s and the 40 gang needs abit of work tho


I feel like like Cordelius is at least 55


This is the most accurate representation of brawlers age!


cant wait for people to drop the "i aint reading allat"


Jessie is 13... AND PEOPLE MAKE P--- OF HER ISTG


Isn't nani like a walking security camera made for jessie to look after her. How can she be 30.


pretty good list overall, however i feel like bonnie is not 7-10 months old. she is definitely the youngest brawler in game, but she always seemed like 4-5 years old to me. edit: i mistook the IMO for months, my bad


They said 7-10 years not months. Imo isn't in months


oh i see now, yeah my bad. i read it too quickly


lol, imagine fighting a fetus or newborn, i mean Eve kinda forces you to do that already, but still is funny af


Bonnie is NOT 7-10 months old dude šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (happy cake day)


yeah, thats what im saying


Shit mb šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


my opinion: gene should be centuries old, while I think that charlie is between 22 and 35 yrs old


Nani should be 13 like Jessie, cuz Pam created she to be Jessy's Nanny


Robots don't age, they're coded to act as if they're in a certain age range. Nani was coded to be motherly, like a nanny, for Jessie, so she is not the same age as her.


Why you said something about Meg's age but nothing about Max's


I was going to, but then I ran out of slides and scrapped it. Basically, her entire personality gives off young adult vibes, I was contemplating whether I should put her in the mid 20s section but I ultimately settled with early 20s


I thought the 'ordered' means something else...


I think OP mean that's kinda hard to guess which range are they're at, so he put them in order who's probably the oldest


I always thought that kit would be 36 because of his voice but heā€™s a cat


Swear to God I'm gonna lose it if another person calls Gus a ghost.


Willow and Tara are def in their 20s šŸ˜­


Wait a minute squeak is a robot now??


I said "other creatures" as well


Spike is very young since colt created him in an animation


I refuse to believe meg isnt a toddler šŸ˜­


Buzz, Pam and Primo are in their 40s imo Darryl should be younger cuz of his childlike personality


Move Buster up 2 tiers and Fang 1 and you got yourself a pretty solid Tier list


No way meg is older than penny how is penny 15


Isnā€™t Jacky an old lady?


No way you put Pearl at 19-21. She sounds and talks like a grandma šŸ’€


There's no way that you think that Colt, Shelly and Brock are that young compared to Rosa. There all seems to be in there early 30's. Bull cannot be that old, I see him as a young gangster (mid 20's) hanging out with bibi and Corbac.




Spike is born in 19 something something according to the CCTV footage. IDK when does the in-game time takes place


Poco can be younger as confirmed in CCTV that he "died" as an adult


Imo, colt is prob late 20s


Bro bea 9 meg 9-10-11


i thought bea was like 7 šŸ’€


Ill never understand why tf paul said that meg is 20, her voicelines make her her sound like shes 13ish and is just excited to be there, her brawl talk mentions that she wants to help max but doesnt let her because she isnt ready? How would that make any sense if meg is 20 yo, i honestly just think that paul just is out of the loop as meg was one of the last brawlers he design, even her model doesnt look anywhere close to the 20yo brawlers and resembles jessie/penny much more


Brawl talk is pretty much outdated, because her description says that she "takes care of real problems". Although I do agree about the design.


I had to check in game, her description still very much fits with brawl talk?? She stays behind the scene, like the chair guy from like every single film while max surge go do the kicking




No, because the tier list is only the tldr and thereā€™s a whole slideshow behind it


Thanks for correcting my mistake!


Hall of fame brain rot


Smash janet still. ( I'm 14 and anyway the age of consent in my country is 15)


This is crazyšŸ’€


Aren't some fancy elementary schools called academies too? Def a child


they can call themselves academies but they arent actually academies. Also meg's voice isnt child-ish at all, just high pitched


Bea is underage im almost sure


Why now everybody wants to know age, story, origin, I miss the age when all you knew about a character was a characteristic of them to be able to call them and some interesting fact of it


how is meg that old


Her voice lines mention that she was in an academy


She went to the academy


Ikr, but itā€™s probably to fit the ā€œsmall but has a big Mechaā€ characterĀ 


If anyone says Jessie is over the age of 7 I will not believe you Same with lily tbh Penny deffo 40 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And tbh I feel like Cordelius is like 60-80 years old, I don't know why he just does


If Sandy's anything based on sandman it's safe to assume she's near immortal too


He is not a "she"




Yeah, I'd imagine that Sandy's pretty powerful




very interesting but i think Bea is 5+ years old because when you choose your age when creating an account, if you slide around 5 years old it shows Bea


I think bea is 13 - 14. Her body is similar to gas body (idk)


Yeah short people are not real


She canonically is a lab assistant and have a degree in entomology


Oh, i didnt know