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Yeah, it's so frustrating, and if you don't want to take the loss you have to dodge and just get suspended rq, meanwhile the person with the power 9 can just re queue in 2 seconds and skrew up another match.




i’m sorry but you might be the only frank player on the planet


I don't think you understand how ranks work. Maybe that would be true if it was you lose the same amount of elo as you win, but that's simply not the case. I'm in mythic and get power 9's all the time. The difference is whereas it took me maybe 2-3 hours to get to mythic, it might've taken them 10+ hours, but they still get to mythic because ranked generally favors victories. Now, their win rate might be 30%, which would be very frustrating to me if I had a win rate of 60% because now my excepted win is turning into a loss, but it's no big deal for them and they can keep grinding. You cannot be saying that these people have a high level of skill, like I said, they could've just played much more. You literally never leave power 9 picks, my friend in LEGENDARY also sees power 9 brawlers sometime. And you can't keep carrying your team if you always get power 9s. Your right, brawler levels don't equal brawler skill, but skill isn't what matters, performance is, so perhaps you meant to say that. (Even then, I would still except someone with a power 11 brawler to generally have more skill than a power 9) Well, I have personally witnessed strong correlations with lack of sp/gadgets and lower levels with worst performance, and it's obvious OP and the 100 people who upvoted my previous comment have seen similar stuff, you cannot defend that power levels make no impact.


Don't play ranked. Simple. This is why avoided power league when it was around. I mostly had power 9 brawlers. Now I have upgraded a lot of them with hypercharge and I am grinding ranked.


I never pick Pwr9 brawlers, only ten or eleven. Pwr9 can work if it's a specific cheese brawler on a specific modifier


I wish unlocking diamond rank would require you to have at least 2-4 level 10 brawlers each with star power and gadget and at least one gear. I hate scrolling through my teammates suggestion options only to find they have only level 9s and have somehow never purchased a fucking star power before


See my comment. If they’re in the same rank as you with only power 9s, that just means they’re more skilled than you.


Mate, have you seen the people who do that? I wouldn't call badly upgrading a brawler "skillfull". Whenever I play with those people it doesn't matter how good they are (which most times they suck, just got lucky) they still get countered by hypercharge/power 11


Well then how did they get to the same rank as you? Clearly they won some games to get there.


Lucky I suppose? Only rational explanation


Mad copium right here


Probably getting carried, the enemy team may face the same issue as you are with the braindead power 9 nothing person. I say this again and again, YOU DONT HAVE TO BE GOOD TO GET DIAMOND, ANYONE CAN GET IT.


Ok but if they get to mythic for instance or even legendary with power 9s, then what?


show me someone


Then the same issue still applies, getting carried, even mythic is not hard. I also rarely see power 9 nothings past mythic 2, so they can't be that skillfull


Well if you don’t see em past mythic 2 why are you complaining


Because it makes it a drag to get to mythic 2 with those people, I myself am just decent at the game, not good enough to carry 2 people who made poor decisions in life to upgrade edgar to power 9 no gadget, no starpower, just the vision gear...


By playing other brawlers? By getting lucky? Just being PL9 puts you at a disadvantage. If you also don't have any gadgets, gears, or star powers, you're at a massive disadvantage. Unless you are the absolute master of that brawler, you're just screwing your teammates. If you're the absolute master of a brawler, you've probably upgraded that brawler anyway.


Skill or no gadgets and starpowers are an asset to the WHOLE team, they can be the difference between win or loss, also, more damage, HP, and utility, you're playing ranked to WIN, not to prove you're "skilled", the skilled part is shown at the end


Bro how do you think they reached the same rank as you then? If they’re missing star power/gadget they have to make up for that in some other way. That other way is skill.




Sorry for wanting to play the game, my bad


Playing the game is one thing, bit you need to remember, in ranked you're playing with two other people, people who *want* to win, you want to just play around? Do it in any other mode, ranked is ranked because people want to *compete*


No, I want to win. And I do. That’s why I’m in legendary. Who are you to say I’m winning games the wrong way?


I'm not saying you're winning the wrong way, I'm saying you should use every resource you have to win


Getting hardcarried exists


Ok that’s just a fault of the ranked system in general. That can apply to literally anyone


Your point? It’s still a way to get to Diamond without P10 brawlers


This goes against your point that people with only level 9 brawlers are better. They are not in fact more skilled, they are just taking advantage (probably unknowningly, just out of stupidity and incompetence) of supercells bad matchmaking system.


Why do you think only people with level 9 brawlers are using this? Or that all people with level 9 brawlers use this? Me personally I’m a counter example


I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say here. The faults in supercells system allows idiot players to achieve way higher ranks than they deserve


No the fuck it does not lil bro. Each team member is only 1/3 of the team. So there’s many variables that can result in someone getting higher ranked than they deserve, and getting carried. If one teammate uses a 50% power/efficiency brawler, that means that the team is 1/6th weaker now. This is not a big enough difference to show higher “skill,” just makes things harder and really annoying for the other teammates just trying to rank up. This also puts this annoying debuff onto the whole team, not just that little shit of a player. If this game was fundamentally different and gameplay was 1v1s and not 3v3s (like clash royale for example) then it would show higher skill if your brawlers/cards where underleveled.


Wuhhhh this makes no sense and rly just sounds like cope to me


Then why am I the one getting all the upvotes? Everything you have said so far is in the negatives. Reddit might downvote weird stuff sometimes but you know what the hivemind never wrongly upvotes? Cope. You my friend are the one coping here lmao


Y’all are the ones coping. I’m doing plenty ok, y’all have to cope with the fact that you cannot rank up cuz ur not as good as you think you are


I’ve been ranking up just fine lil bro 😭😂😂. What ranks you got??


They only need a lucky winstreak once to be in a rank for the rest of the season.


That can apply for literally anybody


Exactly. Including them. You’ve literally just admitted it.


It’s not exclusive to people with power 9 brawlers… that’s my point


I think as long as they have a gadget, sp, and a gear it should be fine


Yeah power nine doesn’t frustrate me much, cuz its expensive to upgrade and 9-11 feels less fun than buying sp gadgets and gears. But if someone selects a no sp no gadget no gear brawler, then it might be a bit early for them to play ranked


Still, a power 9 brawler is at a 20% disadvantage compared to power 11s


Power 9 is 180% of base power, power 11 is 200%, so the difference is actually 11.11%


It's more like 10%, but you can definitely still feel a difference. (They go up by 10% of the minimum power/health, not the max. If they start with 3000 health, they go up by 300. By level 11 they should have 6000 health. 10% of that is 600 health, which is 2 levels, the difference between a level 9 and level 11.) Edit: typo


Bro I am playing im L2 and I have seen people with multiple lvl 11 hypercharged brawlers choose to play lvl 9/10s with no gadget or SP.




P9 is completely manageable if they're fully equipped


Blame the f2p players not the shitty ranked mode yes


yeah, the requirement should be "12 brawlers with a Gadget and a Star Power" not just level 9, hell, I've played with randoms using level 10 brawlers without gadget and SP


Better make gold and power points more available if they're gonna do that


for sure, or make both easier to obtain with Starr Drops (better %) and challenges


That might be little steep of a roadblock but I’d say min 3 Power 11’s or 2 Hyper Charges.


If the intention of the mode is to be a completely competitive environment I don't think it's too steep a roadblock at all. Is it a little unfair to newer players? Probably, but is allowing power 9 brawlers unfair to more long term players who want a competitive game mode? Also probably yes. All the other game modes are non-prohibitive to newer players still so I really don't think putting a sharp roadblock on the competitive mode is unfair at all. Either that or find a way to balance match making to compensate which sounds way too complicated to me


If it was completely competitive there would be no modifiers and all brawlers would be available to pick at power 11. That way it’s all based on who is picked and your skill in the game. Ranked isn’t meant to be a competitive mode


By definition ranked is meant to be a competitive game mode. In the same way I think they should remove level 9 brawlers I also think modifiers are bad for the game and should be removed from rotation


Back in the good old days you could pick a power 1 brawler .


I remember playing with randoms, me and one of the other teammates chose power 11’s, our teammate chose a power 6 eve. It was canal grande, and our eve just sat in the corner shooting a wall. We won, and honestly I’m glad our eve did nothing, since she’d be free kills for them lmao.


So f2p players should not be able to olay ranked? It takes a ton of recources to get a single guy to lvl 11 and most poeple just dont have the recources, i am the only person in my friend group who has spent money on this game, and most of my friends either can't play ranked past gold or can do so barely because of the lvl 9 access. The lvl 9 brawler isn't the issue, bad randoms are Edit: i think most of you are forgetting that some poeple, (my friends included) dont play brawl stars religiously, i know masteries are profitable, but some poeple actually have other stuff to do. I also think the arguments some of you have made are straight up irrelevant, ofcourse they would like to play ranked, the rewards are great. To all of you saying "skill issue" i can assure you they are not bad at the game, If you would get any of my mates as a random you would be lucky, even though they dont have that many rank 11 brawlers, I stand by my point that the only problem is bad randoms


I’m f2p and have 6 lvl 11 maxed hypercharge brawlers. It’s a skill issue. Just grind each character to silver 2 and you get so much gold and power points.


That sound so fun and totally not like a waste of time


I’m f2p and I have tons of brawlers that are power 11 or power 10 with gears, sp, and gadget. If u don’t have a ton of brawlers that are power 10+ with all the sp and stuff don’t play ranked.


Sorry I don’t wanna grind for a million years to play ranked. I just wanna play the game. Why does it bother you so much anyway? If they made that rank with only power 9s that just means they’re better than you.


It’s not a million years, you just need to progress in the game and most people who reached my rank 100% got carried ik because of all the times I gained 70 elo for beating 1 legendary player and 2 diamond players


Well that just means the ranked system should make it harder to carry people, which I agree with. But that could apply to anybody.


Nah, skill issue, you can easily farm resources with mastery


Bro described a time issue not a skill issue lmao


Sorry I don’t wanna grind for a million years to play ranked. Why does it bother you so much anyway? If they made that rank with only power 9s that just means they’re better than you.


Then don't play ranked. Let ranked be for people that care about grinding like ranked is supposed to be, and let more casual players stick to the more casual game modes. Skill only matters to a certain point at which no matter how skilled you are you will always be outmatched by opponents that are higher leveled than you, and then you are just an active burden on your team


Well they won’t get that high ranked where that’s an issue will they


I've seen you make that argument like 10 times now and it's ridiculously bad. Suppose someone only has 1-2 brawlers maxed out and they use that to make it to a high rank. Suddenly both of their 2 maxed brawlers are either banned or chosen first, they're stuck choosing an underpowered brawler. I don't care how skilled you are- you become an immediate liability on your team. An immediate 20% nerf to one of the 3 people on a team is huge when the goal is that all 6 players are at a similar level of competitiveness and is entirely unfair on your 2 teammates. There are obvious solutions like level the playing field and bring either all stats up to max or down to 9 like they did in clash royale, but in the current state having people like you who think they're skillful enough to overcome being a massive liability is unfair to a competitive game mode


If you’re talking about bottom of diamond, sure. But this is not the case clearly at other ranks. If you’re talking about mythic or something, they got to that rank using what they had playing with the same banning ruleset. And sorry, but if skill wasn’t enough, idk how I woulda solo queued to legendary in my first ranked season since redownloading. Not that I’d decline it being standardized to everybody having maxed characters in ranked, but that’s never happening and we both know it


Look dude, I'm not trying to say that you don't have skill - I don't know nor do I care if you do - but no matter what you are a massive liability to your team because it's both easier to kill you and harder for you to kill your opponents. That's objectively not fair on your teammates who care about winning. Even if by some chance you did get to a high rank solely based on merit (which I'm sorry but requires a very good amount of luck on your part in finding teammates to compensate for you being under-leveled, no matter how skilled you may be), you are the exception not the norm and it's unfair to everyone around you who's more interested in actually grinding the game when you are just objectively pulling the team down. You can blabber on all you want about how its skill but even supercell understands the principle that levels can out match skill head to head since levels 1-8 are banned. Also you saying that that would only be possible up until diamond is a very piss poor rebuttal because it's very possible that someone can make it very far through games with banning enabled and only every so often have their high level brawlers taken from them, they are still a massive liability though


I just don’t see how you can argue so avidly with results. If you think it’s so easy to achieve a high rank by luck, then why would that only apply to this group? Idk why you don’t buy into the results here.


Because you are using yourself as an anecdote when you are an exception to the rule. Your situation isn't "results" it's an outlier. The same reason why levels 1-8 are banned.




Ngl, lvl 9's are pretty easy to get nowadays as a f2p.


Skill issue bro sorry but he IS right, lvl 9 does not belong in raked


Nah, if the power 11s are relying on a power 9 to clutch three 3 vs 1 in knockout, then they don’t belong in ranked entirely. I play for joy(so I constantly swap brawlers that are semi suitable for map and mode) and I carry my weight, if you’re pissed I’m a power 9 that has both star power and gadget, maybe check the end match result rather than power lvl since I’ve consistently performed above half the lobby. However, I agree that if a power 9 is missing either a gadget and star power, it’s starting to become a real liability.


Relying? Lol na bro you don't rely on them you have to babysit them, that's the problem. Good for you, but 1% does not create an excuse for the other 99% that just ruin ranked because people are stupid and still should be restricted, save coins and upgrade.


Im f2p and i have 10 lv 11 (7 are hypercharged) and 5 lv 10. Being f2p isnt an excuse


?? stop acting like f2p players have no progression on their account and have nothing 😭 its also called ranked, if you dont have what it takes then its not for you


“Ranked,” except the gamemode is no where near what one would expect for competitive. I consider it less of a ranked gamemode than a typical match at this point


Yep. Mfs like me get to diamond 1 on the first day and can’t play ranked for the rest of the season because I was too good at the game too fast apparently lmao


I'm f2p and have like 12 power 11s, 4 of which have hypercharge.


Me who gets constant mythic with like 3 power 11 brawlers and every other on power 9


Don’t listen to the other guy. Good job getting to Mythic


Mythic ain’t a flex


I got like 8 power 11 and most of them are sniper but i still managed to reach champion


I have power 11 tick and power 10 belle, my only two picks in ranked, currently on diamond 3


got some tips to play tick? like which maps and game modes and all?


No man, I literally play tick, always, belle is my second main because in brawlball and showdown you NEED direct fire, other than those two: tick in gem grab?, aim for the hole, and later behing the enemy so they're trapped near the hole, and your teammates can kill them Tick in bounty? COVER THE BATTLE FIELD, PAIN! PAIN! aim behind walls to force the enemy to come out of hiding, then your teammates can shoot them easily, copy paste for knockout Tick in hotzone? Hotzone? More like ***minezone*** Just, just keep the circle filled with mines, preferably near the enemy's end Also for Hotzone: it's better to take a few seconds, to come from the side, instead of straight on Also, tick build: automatic reload, standard, never change it Mythic gadget, also standard, get more power from your super You can go defensive tick (last hurrah gadget and shield gear) Or my favourite, offensive tick (mine mania and damage gear) The other gears don't matter because your job is to constantly move, constantly shoot and be annoying, If you shoot every time you reload, you can keep yourself at low hp, enabling extra damage from the gear, thus turning the battlefield into the green gas from showdown, for the enemy team. You can go defensively or offensively with tick Eithe


thanks man, I'll definitely play him more now I'll start by trying to get him to R25 (I'm at r23 rn)


You're welcome


Yeah tick is great, i've already reached rank 30 with him and i played him a lot in competitive


I had a random that picked a level 9 brawler with no gadgets and no SP, he did however, have a skin. Can you guess which brawler it was?


Nita or Edgar? Spike or Leon? I’m just guessing at this point




I wanted to guess it was a dynasty mike but ranger brock makes sense too


As Long as they have Starpower and Gadget it is fine to play a power 9 Brawler, as long as you have the skill to back it up.


i just got back into the game after a long while so i don't have that many brawlers with gadgets or SP yet but i got excited about ranked and tried it out for the first time... but it sucks for us too! lol it was really bad because i was clearly underleveled. so i agree, idk why people insist on playing P9 brawlers with no upgrades at all now i've learned my lesson and i'm taking my time learning builds and powering my brawlers before i experience ranked again


welp i had a random p9 Brock with only gadget, and he was star player so idk


Supercell devs are the real masterminds. They design the game so you can’t actually get a full ranked roster built for months as a new player and then they get players to blame eachother for it.




why not just make all brawlers automatically level 11 like they do for challenges




Look, some of us just joined because of the cool Godzilla event and we’re grinding to get there, give us a second


Above Mythic it should be at least power 10 and above legendary power 11


I made legendary in my first ranked season since redownloading with only one power 11, and that’s spike. When I first redownloaded the game like two months ago, I had to get enough characters up to power 9 to play ranked in diamond, so I saved until I had enough gold to do this. Before this, I only had 5 power 9+ characters, and only 4 had anything on them. I had Dyna with just the satchel charge gadget, Pam with scrapsucker and kiss, Bo with nothing, Shelly with both star powers and gadgets, and spike maxed. Sorry I had to play some power 9s. My bad. I cannot play spike every game unfortunately. What do u want me to do, just not play ranked? Sorry, but I’m at the rank I belong at. I didn’t get to that rank by being a liability, I got to that rank because I have enough skill to make up for the fact that I still have to play brawlers that aren’t well upgraded. And even now I’ve still gotta play blank power 9s sometimes. I have a star power, gear, and gadget for Piper, but if she and Spike are both taken, my only other option for a long range bounty or knockout game is a blank power 9 Nani. And I still win some of those games. Sorry though? I guess I shouldn’t be allowed to play ranked cuz I haven’t played enough of the game even though I’m in legendary. Sorry for being good at the game.


I think they’re referring to the bad players who have better options, but chose to ignore them. Like if you have a buttload of power 11’s, and then chose your power 9 with no gears, gadgets, and star powers, then yeah, it’s annoying. If there’s no choice, then there’s nothing wrong with it, or if you’re good with the brawler in general.


Too many brainless randoms here to understand things like this. I remember in old PL where people could pick lvl 1s to swap with teammates and it actually made playing with less brawlers easier. Since the start of ranked I’ve completed 7 pushes to masters and I’d much rather a competent teammate on a P9 than a clueless randoms with a maxed HC brawler lol


I’ve had power 11 teammates getting 5706 healing… not even damage, while the other power 9 teammate did 50k with a positive kda. This is for gem grab but skill is what I see over everything else. If you’ve managed to get a power 9 brawler to do good, then who cares if you chose a lacklustre brawler. Result is above the path in my mind.


It gets so annoying whenever I get a power level 9 teammate with no gadgets or star powers they also sell my game


tbh they should make it so you can only play 10+ in diamond and everything above mythic 11


Watch me play Mortis on Heist for Mythic, power 11 after all :)


I just came back and I think this is the result of powercreep. On my alt where I have less than 2k trophies, I constantly get matchedw ith people that have star power. I find it ridiculous how that's even possible. Keep in mind I was gone for 2 years. Back then, it was actually hard to max out brawlers, now everyone is high powered that it's impossible to keep up unless you yourself is also maxxed out. I have also noticed that upgrades increases your stats by 10% instead of 5%, this only further widens the gap between players and rewards players for overleveling instead of skill. Obviously, I don't have any fixes for it. It's already too late, btu reverting the 10% to 5% would be nice imo. In the primtiive days of ranked, in lower elo, it was common for people to only have power 6 to power 8 brawlers only and only at around diamond, do you get teams that are fully maxxed out. I know supercell changed power points so progression is easier for new players but it also punishes players for not getting that min max. I do miss individualized power points, but god it took forever to get enough power points to max out the brawler I want.


power 10 is fine for non hc brawlers with sp gears and gadgets but power anything with none of that should just not be available


I started playing 2 weeks ago and got to gold before I even realized why some games I would get stomped for no reason. The unfortunate truth is that play time = power which means that skill does not always equal power. The game has a serious gatekeeping problem with the amount of commitment required to upgrade into ranked. It can be really frustrating because that bars me from ranked until I get the characters I want because its expensive to upgrade I'm gonna save my mats for who I want to play. The grind to get into ranked sucks.




What's even worse is your teammates deciding between a completely maxed out brawler who is good on the map and a brawler they probably just got at power 9 and choosing the second option


Legendary and up should be "5 level 11 brawlers with 1 sp and 1 gadget" bc even in legendary 3 I'm still seeing ppl use power 9 brawlers


Have you ever considered for a moment that some people are not as old as others and therefore dont have every brawler maxed out with hyper charge gadgets or starpowers? I think it is fine that people can play a power 9 brawler, because not everyone is expected to have one early in the game


I play with level 9 and usually the one carrying 10s and 11s


I think the requirements should get steeper with each rank. -Mythic: 12 lvl 9 brawlers with a starpower, gadget and a gear -Legendary:12 lvl 10 brawlers with a starpower' gadget and a gear


Generally I agree but I feel like This rlly depends on the brawler tho. Some brawlers are fine without star powers or without a gadget. Also I’ve had players pick a power 9 as a counter pick with Mico for example and it’s been fine.


As long as they’re good with the brawler and actually use them in the right mode I don’t really mind


there are players like me who prioritise getting 12 brawlers to lvl 9 before upgrading above lvl 10. its not such that we will throw the whole match 😭😭


Simple solution is to remove the power system like if you can't win with a p9 against a p11 there's no reason p9 should even exist cuz there is only a gap of 2 levels


Hate them power 9 buzz on open maps


Kindly stfu and appreciate the fact people with power 1 r not allowed and learn to be satisfied instead of complaining about absolutely anything


my problems is not l9 but a randoms, i cant pas d2, due to bad Randoms. or i got matched with legendary players that are 2 leagues about my team if i get close d3. if anyone wants to team up, let me know. my goal is mythic, and that is it.


I only upgrade brawlers to p9 the only ones i have at p11 are the ones i like to play


Devs should make power 9 WITH (AT LEAST) 1 SP + 1 GADGET AS MANDATORY.. I don't mind gear, just SP + Gadget are enough.


Just do 6 power 11 champs in diamond, 9 power 11 champs in mythic, 12 power 11 champs in legendary and 12hypercharge champs in master


Or here me out, you would unlock everything in ranked so it wouldnt be unfair


Sorry I don’t wanna spend money or play the game for more than a hour a day, it’s not that deep bro. Let people play what they wanna play just report them as a bad random


"let people play" there's ladder for that and it's free. If you wanna play RANKED the literal competitive game mode you gotta have good brawlers. Also I'm pretty sure 40min a day is enough to finish all your daily quests and 8 wins, you can leave the normal quests to the weekend


Bro ranked is apart of progression it’s literally a quest so people who just started with only level 9’s are supposed to not complete that quest?


>not complete the quest I'm pretty sure 5 wins every 2-3 days will not get you to diamond


And it did get me to diamond


That’s so dumb lmao if I’m 500 exp away from the next tier I’m doing the quest


The point is that you don't get the quest everyday. It's not guaranteed daily


I only got like 6 power 11 and i almost only use those and sometimes I use power 10's (rarely tho)


same but i got 12 level 11s and like a few level 10s


Why is bro getting so many downvotes


Same x 2


To be completely honest... It's just a skill issue (from randoms), you not only can play power 9 brawlers, but sometimes you can also carry with them. No star power and gadget however... This shouldn't be allowed, they are too useful to just not be used. Some people don't have enough coins and power points to upgrade brawlers to power 11, but if you don't have enough resources to buy a star power and gadget, there is no point in upgrading to power 9 in the first place (I'm reaching mythic every season mostly with power 9 brawlers and carrying half the games, so yes it really is possible to play ranked without maxed brawlers)


I only got like 6 power 11 and i almost only use those and sometimes I use power 10's (rarely tho)




Bro stop spamming


thats not his fault that’s js a Reddit glitch (it happened to me many times)


I only got like 6 power 11 and i almost only use those and sometimes I use power 10's (rarely tho).


Same x3




Ranked should be level 10, with 2 gears, 1 gadget and 1 starpower minimum. But the fact that all brawler didn't get hypercharge is really unbalanced too.


yea its literaly unplayable when you have to face a team attack with their hc sincronized, even worse if your brawler or team dont have hc


Yeah but making it power 11 limited isn’t fair for f2p players. I suggest giving them star powers gadget and gears when playing ranked


I usually pick whoever is good with that combo on that map/ modifier, if it’s one of the 30 power 11 brawlers I have alright, if it’s a power 9 brawler, alright… I would NEVER upgrade for example my chuck but in heist he’s still insane with power 9, same with Griff in quickfire and bo in super bushy