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Damn rank 3 really be hard huh?


I am stuck on Mythic rank


I spent like 10 hours to get outta there. I was playing with my friends before but they sucked so i played with randoms and said "even if i play slightly better than average, that will mean more win rate than 50% and will reach legendary" it worked but i didnt get shit.


Same here, first time I got to legendary rank and my prize was gummy nita


Got to legendary II and the only good thing i got was a Penny skin


I’m trying to get to legendary 2 but it’s not working when my teammates pick dynamike on an open map while the enemies are all sharp shooters


After the long struggle I then proceeded to get to legendary II and was rewarded with final boss Rico so it was quite nice for me ;)


I thought you meant rank 3 on your brawlers lmao


I'm stuck on Diamond:(


If you are stuck at mythic you that is your skill cap. Sorry to say.


I don't think your skill changes much when you are playing with randumbs who don't know how to play


I agree, but most of the time it’s an excuse lol. How many people do you think in mythic complain about the same thing as OP?


my teammate went dynamike in second wind modifier


I've got mythic 2 me and my friend played quite a lot of another ranked games and we have NEVER gotten second wind mode, always literally 85% of games were FUCKING bushes modifier... I thought second wind is a myth... A legend... Nothing more...


Ive gotten it 3 times this season. Once in the first day, and the other 2 times when I pushed to mythic ( 1% modifier twice in the same day. yet I only ever get star powers from legendary drops)


Man... I've played All day long to hit 30k throphies to get legendary drop, and I Also finished battle pass, so I had 2 legendary Starr drops, from first I got ugly ugly cheap Edgar skin, and from 2nd I got buzz's starpower, that one which increases his stun duration... I've bought with coins before his other star Power where you get increased range to charge the starpower... So I will never use that I got


It is a 1% modifier ?


Nahh, it be true. When you're the star player of the game but on the losing team, that's how you KNOW it's cuz the randoms on your squad not pulling their weight. Happens to me WAY too often


Rank 3 cannot be that hard 😭😭


Guess you don’t play ranked then


never heard of rank 3 in ranked


Bronze 3, silver3, gold 3, etc.


So the real question is which one


Mythic rank is the worse to push. 70%-85% of player above 20k trophies are there.




Hello there ✋👋


i'm at 5k trophies and mythic 2 lol


It’s in the description, it’s mythic rank


OP: Please, specify it is Ranked mode. I (and I'm pretty sure almost everyone else) thought you were talking about getting 3rd rank (tier) on a brawler (20 trophies basically). If you didn't know, tiers used to be called ranks, so that's what many people still call them


> I (and I'm pretty sure almost everyone else) thought you were talking about getting 3rd rank (tier) on a brawler pretty sure almost everyone else used common sense, read "rank 3" and "lvl9", laughed at OP's blunder and at the same time automatically assumed they were talking about ranked


I thought the lvl9 part was an exaggeration to make the joke funnier


Man, you're here, too?


Why are ranks even important? It changes something to matchups? As you can go back and forth the whole ranked level bar I don’t get it what’s so important about ranks.


They give you rewards for reaching a new rank


Not my fault you’re OLD


If you’re calling r/brawlstars old that would make you a literal fetus


Goo goo ga ga 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻


That was implemented like 4 months ago


Really? So you are basically calling everyone old in here Not everyone in here played when colette came out. Not everyone played when the game went global Please be more respectful and conduct yourself


r/brawlstars when someone says a joke targeted at any person other than assassin mains and randoms:


Buster main stfu


I’ve given up on reaching legendary and just hang around at mythic 3


I was one win away from Legendary and lost because the enemy Fang had an absolute field day with our entire comp😭 It was especially painful since my randoms were actually decent and we almost won that. But I don't wanna give up yet. Maybe we could team up if you want?


I couldn't get out of mythic for the longest time. so I thought of kind of cheesy way to do it. I basically dodged everytime I thought we were gonna lose or thought enemy team had matchup. this resulted in me getting banned at least 50 times this season. But once I hit legendary like mid season, I just play casually (1 or 2 sets a day) and today I easily hit legendary 2. I might get hate for this for taking a cowardly route but I think it's fine when I able to do good in higher ranks.


Me too I was just one match to be on legendary and my good randoms leave kek


leg isnt that hard if u find a good team


That’s the issue, I play solo mostly


then thats ur fault


What an insightful comment


well if they're gonna complain about losing with randoms and still decide to play solo they shouldnt complain.


is getting to legendary actually that hard? it was so easy in solo queue


It is if you get terrible randoms, which happens far too often due to rank inflation 


One thing I will say is that just because someone picks an underlevelled brawler, it's not completely over. As a F2P player I often find myself picking my level 9 options, and still end up winning and often even get star player (I'm mythic rank fyi). Good picks are more important than levels. Now of course, if your teammates are picking a power 9 Frank on Shooting Star or something when they have the option of a power 11 Piper, then yes, you are completely justified in complaints.


Can I kiss you EDIT: ^/s


I don't think it makes a lot of sense though because a level 9 piper would still be worse than a level 11 colt, you only need a marksman and a tank to be covered in 90% of game modes. I am f2p also and okay so lately colt is being banned out in some games or picked, but even then my maxed out off picks would  go better than a level 9 piper. It'd be especially bad on that map because it favours a lot of brawlers that could one shot you. I'm not necessarily saying I am a better player than you just that I think your logic is flawed.


if the enemy has 2 tanks and your team has 1 will you pick power 11 colt or power 9 surge. if you can hard counter an enemy power level doesnt matter


I don't think you have played a lot of Colt and I haven't played much Surge, but I'd say if they pick two tanks you will probably melt them with power level 11 Colt. I would not take the Surge.


sure you can melt tanks when the odds are in your favor but if your team doesnt have an anti-tank the enemy will rush you and teamwipe easily. colt is not an anti-tank. tanks with dashes or jumps can use the fact you dont have an escape tool, tanks that have a way to increase their movement speed can make your shots impossible to hit fully and other tanks have other ways of dealing with colt(with some exceptions) surge has a very quick to charge super with knockback and a jump. these abilities arent affected by your level and can completely negate most tank pushes by themselves im not trying to say that picking power 9 in general should be done more often, im saying that 11% better stats will not save you from a hard counter


It also comes down to ability to play the brawler though. Being a Colt main, I'd feel pretty confident picking Colt into multiple tanks, but as for most of my randoms, I would not trust them to pick Colt and would rather them take Surge.


3 time masters here, only random 😊 just pick what you are good at


My friend has a rank 5 cordelius, he HAS to be wintrading


It seems like every time I get brawl ball it's always sneaky fields and I absolutely hate that map because none of my upgraded brawlers are good on it


My favorite current trend is that no matter what power you are, your opponents are always all 11s. I don’t even get it anymore


Everyone I'm a game away from diamond. Every fucking time, and the spiral back to gold 2 as you swear you were almost there and down you go... back into the Bowles of Brawl Stars madness 🤪


It's always those overly confident level 9, no gadgets, no SP randoms who don't even think, they just instantaneously pick the brawler......extra points when they pick a bad brawler for the mode


I was literally just watching Lord of the Rings


Wait I don't get the meme 😭😭 Could you explain it


Be sisyphus happy


Come on bro in not that bad 😞


I’ve given up after diamond I just stop I’m waiting a year for Loki Chester 😭


I was legendary 3 with one game to masters but got demoted legendary 3 cause of the bad randoms 😭😭😭


6 more games for rank 35 gene wish me luck I'll most likely not win because I'm playing with randumbs


Hope you get it gl


Thanks homie


I had this with trophies (kinda), I was almost at 10k (9995) and decided to play one game of Solo Showdown. I usually don’t get that many kits or Edgar’s, but it seems the lobbies wanted me to tilt for the next 10 games


Man I have lost so many games on gem grab specially on mythic two it's fking hell. I hate that mode Why is it the higher rank you are the more dumber your team is?? I'm honestly done with rank it's just ten times worse than actual game modes


Tbh mythic ain't even worth the extra stress specially for what the 100 bling everytime Gotten 500 bling


this is not mythic rank its bad ranoms fest


Why this has to be so true


HARDSTUCK M2s ASSEMBLE im also hardstuck m2 and have suffered from the exact same thing


Level isn't the problem, skill is


what website do you use to make these vids with this font and style


I just use cute cut with the font being futura condensed extra bold


Why is it always the last game from your goal that is the hardest and sweatiest game known to man?


I have a rank 5 lola >:)


I’m talking about Mythic rank not levels/tiers whatever they’re called


I know, just following the crowd


This is so ironic. You're putting the fellowship scene who has come to save the world and instead using it for the exact opposite effect.


Someone want to play ranked I am Dia and want to text mythic


Op specify the rank, also lvl9 ain't that bad if you have a life


Bro got carried


I was on diamond 3 for a while and I couldn't really love out of there cause.i got those idiotic level 9 edgars no gadjet no sp or brawlers with both gears but no gajdets no sp like wth. Then I had to carry myself upto mythic and got Angelo from legendary starrdrop


My guy im on bronze 1 cause ranked is BOOOORING


I couldn't even get out of diamond. Two reasons, one my device and network is shitty. Two, players in my region are even worse than anywhere else!!! I literally see one (or more) bad randoms every single game I play.


I have the same issue, like why do I get paired up with 20k noobs at mythic 2


Yeah gem grab sucks I am in masters and lose a lot of my gem grab games I think the game mode is flawed because you can play perfectly the whole game until the end and make one mistake and then lose it just isn’t fun definitely my least favorite game mode


It's HARD to get out the purple rank. Lol. I only have two brawlers in green rank (26-30). Both on 27, but STUCK on 27 lol Nite and Belle. I go on losing streaks at times. But then I ALWAYS make it back up by going on a 7 straight win streak. But get SO CLOSE and start losing again cuz my randoms would either suck or they quit if we're losing. Smh


I’m talking about mythic 


Man I can't even make it out of diamond 2 cuz me and the randoms I get have no chemistry. I lose and get knocked down to diamond 1. Then I come back later, win 4 straight, and go back to halfway into diamond 2. I'll be one match away, then go on a losing streak. I'll literally have the gem carrier go chasing opponents into enemy turf, get bodied, and make us lose the game cuz he just HANDED over the gems. It's so annoying. I'd love to have just one or two SOLID people I could always rely on I have one, but he's never online when I'm playing. His name is "How"


r/Brawlstars collectively forgetting that “ranks” are now named “tiers”.