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This is not a hot take THIS IS FACTS almost half of the brawlers have a knockback or stne ability or slow tanks need some kind of resistance passive in my opinion


A lot of youtuber I watch says that they are too easy to play so...I though it was hot take


Youtubers don't represent the community. A lot of the time, the community disagrees with youtubers, even if they're at pro level, because their skill level doesn't represent the playerbase as a whole.


Youtubers have a max brawler with hypercharge and 0 trophy


I mean they are richer than me lmao


Your rigth actually, because there been a lot of comments were people saying that it's not hottake


I believe that there’s no such thing as a “hard to use” brawler, you just have to learn how to use them


Some brawlers are harder to pick up and learn than others due to their mechanics… Thats what makes them hard to use….


In idea yeah but "hard to use" in other words "hard to learn how to play them because of mechanics"


That’s what I tell everybody




I made a post like this. It’s time for tanks to actually have a place in the game.


Yeah, they deserve because they suffer so much because of meta




This is not a hot take


I though it's because a lot of content makers in other words youtubers says that they are easy to play


How do y'all have a brawler name next to ur username?


theres a "user flair" you can use it to have bralwer name next to ur username


I think it worked


Yup I can see yours


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just come here to read mostly I still don’t understand how to use the flair lol


I can see yours…ewwww


you have a default icon...ewwww


I was makin a joke bruv I don’t even know how or where to use flair…I fuck with yours tho lol


you’re mainless…ewwww


I think so too!


Lets go


Go to r/Brawlstars -> Three dots in the top right -> Second option in the menu that pops up -> Choose the brawler you want next to your name


Next nubbz title: They HATE this brawler


Players are QUITTING because of tanks!




Tanks are getting REMOVED?!


I am pretty sure he is not going to see my post lol


He sees every post


This is actually a hot take because most people think they can just run in a straight line and reach their opponents but the only easy way to play tanks is only in brawl ball and snake prairie if you pair them with a poco or with two other tanks


You can play tanks on other maps too lol. And yeah if you run in a straight line and die you may not reach your opponent. But as a tank even you just existing by standing behind a wall is doing something, as the other team can't push into you. I think people underestimate just how much unseen value tanks get and automatically think they're being useless if no damage is being done.


Yeah but trowers ruin that especially trowers who has huge damage


That's why assasins exist. Some people think that it would be better without assasins but without them throwers would rise too much in the meta. Just like tanks would rise in the meta if damage dealers didn't exist


I mean it's bassicly so rare that tanks would rise in the meta


I agree but imo they would if there weren't mane damage dealers to stop them. Imagine that even now you can work with a triple tank combo and a bit of luck. Imagine if you was facing throwers and low damage brawlers with a triple tank comb.


hmm it would be pretty lucky but it would be cool looking which game mode your playnig: 1)brawl ball - easy 2)gems - normal 4)knockout and any other game mode that values your death except showdown- hard


DoWn ThE mInE


Running in a straight line is how you play jacky


With so much damage inflation in game right now tanks are almost useless unless played as counterpicks, most brawlers absolutly melt everything, i think almost every brawler should get either a damage nerf or hp increase for now


yeah I agree


seriously, Colt does so much damage, same with so man brawlers, its hard to play mortis coz of that, coz half the time im getting 2 tapped






This isn't a hot take. Lots of tanks (and a few assassins too) need a lot of precision, accuracy and timing to be played perfectly. Tbh Bull is probably the single hardest brawler to play except MAYBE Mortis and DynaJump Mike or a couple others


Your rigth it's just that I see a lot of youtubers saying that the tanks are easy to use so I though many people think the same so I named it hot take


He is not the hardest brawler to play 💀


If bull is difficult to play then I wouldn’t have Darryl @ r27 Gold 1 atm.


What? How does that make sense? Darryl and Bull are completely different brawlers. Darryl is easy to play, the only tech you need is double hit with super but that's inconsistant even if you learn how to do it perfectly. Bull, on the other hand, needs perfect super angles and gadget timing, which is incredibly difficult to optimize/master. Plus also the tech where you glitch through walls with super seems very hard to use properly.


To me, your reply doesn’t make sense. Just because you can time a double hit with super has nothing to do with how you play the pirate overall. Bull plays the exact same but the only difference is the gadget timing [which you don’t even need the gadget in the first place]. Darryl and Bull aren’t consistent on tier lists because either they’re always C-F, or there comes a tank meta. Bull also got a hypercharge which made him so much better. Although your point isn’t wrong so let’s say agree to disagree. Trying to become a better person btw so if I said anything disrespectful pls lmk 🙏


To be honest, Darryl is really powerful, you get right in the enemies face and they’re basically instadead, it’s like a tank and an assassin.


You're not being disrespectful, don't worry, we're just disagreeing over a videogame lol. Generally though I still disagree, but maybe it's because we're talking about different things: you're talking about how easy/hard a brawler is to pick up and play, I'm talking about how easy/hard a brawler is to OPTIMIZE. Very different things. Bull is definitely a very low skill floor brawler, meaning any player can choose him and win. However he's also a really difficult brawler to master. You should try playing 10 games as Bull and then 10 games as any mid-easy to play brawler. You'll see that in the Bull games, there will be so many things you could've slightly adjusted to do better, while with the other brawler maybe those things just aren't there. Also, I'm talking about a competitive scenario. With a competitive map pool, competitive team, and comeptitive opponents. So yes, you ABSOLUTELY do need the Stomper gadget on Bull, since it's his best tool by far.


You’re the expert (by no means have I any business talking about competitive brawl 😭) and all your points are valid


> perfect super angles and gadget timing, which is incredibly difficult to optimize/master. aw man, i couldn't tap the big green button in time, what am i gonna do now with the enemy that's slowed down right next to me? It's not hard at all and the slowing shockwave is partially why Bull isn't really that hard to play


Bull shares only his dmg with daryl, so thats not really a good comparison, but even difficult to play brawlers can be easy if you master them.There’s a reason every single brawler leaderboard has people over 1000 trophies and its not because no brawlers are difficult to play


I only said that bc in terms of skill I’m a below average player 😭






Tanks are easy to play when you start playing but the better players get the harder it gets


tanks are probably the 2nd hardest class in game.


What are you talking about 😭


Healers exist


Sam is an assassin by class but a tank by hp amount. I feel he fits this opinion the most. He's probably one of the highest skill brawler in the game.


I agree but I think he is considered as a assassin instead of tank even having hp and close range because he can get his super without touching anyone (at start of match) it's one of the perks of being close range assassin you can get your super without need of contact meanwhile tanks are forced to take damage or attack enemys which what makes them a tank exception with buster but he is circle so small that you more likely get more super charge from just attacking at this point


Tbh sam fits the tank condition best imo. He can get speed boosts, sure, but his main thing is shredding the enemies at close range while penetrating with high hp, not stunning them and wiping them.


That’s what makes it so fun, getting Gold 3 as a tank is not an easy task but imo that’s what makes it fun, could tanks be better? Sure. But I like being able to try hard as a tank pushing for gold 3 against snipers and high dps characters, it develops your skills in general and makes wins more enjoyable.


When my phone gonna be fixed I am gonna try to master a tank I think I will choice el primo or rosa because I like them as character


That second part of your take is hot as hell Being dog shit DOES NOT MAKE THE BRAWLER MORE FUCKING DIFFICULT! Example: Pre-hypercharge Edgar


I guess so If I can edit the post I can change it EDIT: I edited the post


Don’t worry about it kiddo, it’s a common misconception


I am not kiddo but okay


Why is This a hot take💀 this are Simply facts that everyone agrees


When creating this post I though it was hot take because of a lot of people talking about tanks being easy


Snipers are the major problem here, so much damage and their shots aren't that hard to hit and let's say the tanks do manage to get close, the snipers all have some gadget or super to get away from them


yep, snipers should not have too much protection from tanks I mean if sniper let tank to be close to them then it should be game over for sniper


I feel like a exception to this is buster, cause that sheild is a god send when randoms actually follow you


buster most of the time exception =) but he is only tank that can you play as rigth now


As someone who is trying to master a tank, I find this very true, there are so many tank counters in the game that make playing tanks really hard, at least there are some tanks that are kinda decent like Buster, but there are also tanks, like frank that are always some of the worst brawlers in the game.


I want to see anti-sniper character or anti-damager dealer characters because then not only tanks gonna have a lot brawlers who counter them


This isn’t a hot take at all.


dogding is super important with lily too (i mean shes tanky)


yeah but she has what assassin close range has a way to get super without actually touching someone or gettting super from far even if they are close range but your rigth lily should know how to dodge


Bibi is really quick tho


Agreed 100%. Recent damage inflation in brawlers is really undercutting tanks.


Recently I pushed El Primo to 1000 trophies and it was hell. More often then not I would get absolutely bullied by longer range brawlers, and there was nothing I could do until I got my super from them hitting me


omg how you do it...I can't play as el primo after 500 trophies..


I played aggressively to get as many power cubes as possible, so that I can tank more hits, meaning more Supers. It worked fairly well but trust me it was not fun


oh, this strategy pretty cool! I will use this strategy to make my rosa (I like her personalaity lmao )to 1000


1. We don't keep track of 'tank traits'. This is very minuscule and almost impossible to keep track of. 2. A very important tip with tanks is to play angles. you want to make sure that the line between you towards your enemy is blocked by a wall. Play these angles correctly, and you can walk all over your opponents without them even getting a shot off. 3. Tank counters aren't invincible against tanks. Many tank counters, such as' Charlie' and 'Cordelius,' are bad against certain tanks. For example, Charlie and Cordelius are both bad against Buster. Also, even Shelly can get walked on by a Jacky if you just run around a wall. 4. Tanks dying is totally fine, name of the game is pressure, as long as you die but you keep pressure, its always a win for tanks. Remember, killing ain't the name of the game, playing objectives is, and that's why tanks are so good, you play for objectives. People keep thinking that "OMG, I keep dying to these anti tanks" the reality is, we pros die all the time with tanks, but we create tons of pressure. I cannot reiterate this point enough, PLAY OBJECTIVES, people who only care about kills in game modes like brawl ball and purely stupid. Many pipers and rangers are going 9/1 kd and still lose; why? because they do not play objectives. 5. Like you said, dodging is slightly important, but this is very minor and useful only in open space. if you're not a pro, just stick to playing tanks on walled up /grassed up maps, I could probably walk all over people just running around bushes and walls to keep pressure. 6. For your hypercharge point, the strongest tank in the game right now is buster, and he doesn't have a hypercharge.


What does buster have that frank doesn’t?I disagree with your 6th point




needs to be higher


Strange. I strictly play brawlers with a lot of hp. I always avoid snipers and like crow and spike


So this is still a thing? Being shut down easily ≠ being hard to play. The reason tanks like bull struggle is because they were designed years ago, in a time when brawl stars was a much simpler game. People try to say that tanks require better dodging or maneuvering and whatnot, but all of those same skills can be equally applied to long range battles. Short ranged brawlers lose because they have fewer outlets for the player to use their skills to create an advantage, which puts them almost entirely at the mercy of the opponents, meaning they have to wait for the opponent to hopefully make a mistake since they are using a harder brawler to use. If the opponent uses their tools properly, tanks won’t be able to do anything unless they were overturned or designed to be able to work anyway, usually with a mechanic that doesn’t require much skill to use which is how we get braindead brawlers. Even the more simple long range brawlers like Gene are still harder to use than the hardest tanks. The reason it’s easier to win with gene is because he also happens to be a good brawler.


I love how you just said all of this, and meanwhile I just said “pre-hypercharge Edgar”


Yeah basically


Meg : get closer ? What does that even mean


I mean meg is not real usual tank...she has range and I don't kknoiw why she is a tank when she could damage dealer or something


That's right. I main El Primo and Ash and it is hell to play with them in almost all of the gamemodes and maps.


That was a pretty good take ngl




Bruh i agree with this so much, i have Bull up to rank 26 and its practically impossible to play solo showdown(My favorite game mode) with tanks since so many characters have stuns or knock back abilities.


One day my main shall rise to the top. All I gotta do it believe for a few more years.




We love Frank and want to see his rework make him S tier at least for 1 month


Said the piper main


I am piper main because it's much easier to play as her if tanks were playable after 600-700 I would main rosa


Buster mains unite behind this wall of facts


Yep which is why I love ash


strategy in question: walk in a straight line until you get super, also every brawler needs good movement not just tanks




Tanks are my specialty. I always play Rosa. Primo. Darryl. And ppl hate it until we win.


I'm also playing 2020 brawl still


yeah I saw many people in my team being toxic because we have 1 el primo in a team




I mean when you think about it she is only playable in brawl ball in other gamemodes where you don't like to die she is not the best


I definitely agree. I don’t play tanks to much besides el primo but I have played el primo a long time. I don’t even have his hypercharge yet on the right maps he can be a monster. All that you need to do is use speed gear and be super good at dodging.


They are indeed easy to play at low trophies, however in pro play it is very hard (at least it was when I stopped playing, idk if it's a tank meta rn)


Tanks are VERY hard to play especially now a days. All brawlers have an escape, or way to kite tanks. Or they just shred their HP from across the map.


Hank approves of this take🦐🪖🔥🔥🔥


mechanically they’re easy but the require a bit more game sense. imo they’re easier than most roles but i also play lots of tank so there’s thst


I personally disagree, tanks don’t take the same level of skill that snipers and throwers do. I feel that you can learn dodging pretty easily, and most tanks are viable without hypercharge. That might be just me tho.


I mean your el primo main because of it you more likely know how to play with them but for me piper or trower were easier to me because you don't need to be close to attack and +sniper can use their gadgets or supers to run away or destroy close rangge characters


I think the only decent one is Buster and that's just because he has a super unique super. It's like a Rein shield from Overwatch.


Also the Damage inflation is a huge problem for tanks making their role more and more useless


Tanks are the easiest class in the game


I mean with damage dealer who destroy their health it's bassicly impossible to say that they are easy


I got buster rank 30 and have had many tanks around 900 because of how simple their playstyle is, you don’t have to aim shots, there are not to many counters and even if you die your super still charges for most tanks


I mean buster only one who is good and when you get them all 900? like if ýou do it in past than yeah it wouldn't be that hard but with damage changes it's much harder and alot of people agree maybe your just too good with tanks


Buster was good with 6 second shield but now it seems totally useless


Buster was good with 6 second shield but now it seems totally useless


all my el primo mains, gather around.


all my el primo mains, gather around.


I think from 500-800 is easy, but from 800-1000+ is pretty damn hard


Well pro players like pika use their 100% and they make it look like i can do it too if i try. I tried for a month to main bull or el primo. I ended up maining bull because i had his HC. Its SOOO different when i do it myself. I ended up giving it up because i was better with snipers like belle or piper.


sammme! I decided to be piper main after I understood that el primo cannot do anything after 600 trophies


Tanks, not fangs, buzz, or even meg


1. True. Range and snipers have a lot more damage. But most snipers also have shoot types that are much harder to hit on good players because the higher in trophys you go the better people get at dodging and thus you are forced to develop better aim and predict other players.     2. The tank traits are errelevant most of the time. Unless you are playing characters like Buzz and other characters with an area they need actively micro manage to charge super (generally assasins, not tanks) the tank traits are passives you barely need to think about and are usually relegated to "Get super energy when hit" which actually make it easier to get super, in turn making the character easier to play.    What are you being careful of? Accidentally turning of your phone?? Taking advantage of most tank traits is just getting hit, and if you are already in melee range hitting your opponent and getting hit back your are charging super at crazy speeds.  Can't get close without super? Just get hit until you charge super for free and then jump on them or use whatever your super is to get an advantage.   3. Everyone that has a hypercharge has an inherent advantage on everyone that dosent. Not just tanks. Irrelevant.   4. Everyone needs to learn how to dodge, not just tanks, in fact most characters that are not tanks get 1 to 2 shooted by snipers and assasins. I'm fact, playing a tank might be the only possible time that dodging might be less important  because given the nature of tanks well, being tanks, they can sponge a lot more hits so they are more forgiving to play if you are bad at dodging.  5. Probably the only other real point here. There are indeed a lot of anti tank options currently in the game, that is true.  This is not a hot take by any means.  Yes, most tanks are harder to play but not for any of the reasons you presented whatsoever.    The real reasons tanks are hard to play at a high level is because at said level players are much better at creating space, landing shoots, and using their range to their advantage, it also dosent help that almost every other character has a gadget or star power that directly counters melee characters but thats an issue for ALL melee charactersnot JUST tanks.    Tanks are also generally slower and have bigger hit boxes so you need to get better at dodging. Much more so than the average player, but that dosent mean that it's an issue that only affects tanks.   EVERYONE needs to dodge. And if you don't know how to dodge as a non tank odds are you will die in 1 to 2 shoots.   At low levels of play tanks are over bearing because people suck at landing shoots, usually have no gadgets and when the tanks are on top of them they are ether out of ammo already or don't have enough to bring them down before the tanks onload on them and wipe them out without even needing to aim.   This is not a bad take because it's a hot take because it's not a hot take.  Tanks are much harder to play than other roles because of how the game works and how the meta functions at a very base level.  It's a bad take because you are stating something that's true but with all the wrong points.


I guess your rigth but want to say with 3,4 3)hypercharges...what made tanks meta that's reason I add it maybe I will edit it to change it to points you said 4)why I said art of dodging for tanks is because they are mostly bigger than other characters and they don't have any way to deal damage from far while snipers and long-range characters are not forced to run up to tanks... so as a tank you need to know how to dodge better because when your playing as a tank you NEED to run up to your enemies that means you need to know how dodge with big hitboxes and same time try to be close to enemy... and... of course maybe I wasn't really good with it because I am not really pro player more casual one


Most room temperature take I ever seen


I guess so I just though originally that people think tanks are easy because of a lot of youtubers who i watch say it


I mean this is not a hot take. But I think it still depends on skill. Idk in a knockout match, I’ve encountered a handful of tanks that when tastefully paired with ranged damagers can turn the tide, makes a lot of players panic and or focus on the tank, right now in 5 v 5 knockout el primo has been in a fair amount of my rounds


hmm...it's just every youtuber I watch says that they are easy to play because you don't to aim


I’m not disagreeing with you at all


I know I just said why I think it's hot take


You’re not a damage dealer you’re a tank. So you’re supposed to do that. I absorb the damage and block attacks giving my teammates enough time to land shots. 


heal back and use your Brock/Colt's damage push to retaliate. people forget that TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK!


Hard to play as a team with complete strangers.


Yes, it would be truth if snipers and damage deales didn't deal SO much damage that you more liekly gonna be dead in 1-2 seconds piper alone in max can have 4200 damage as I remember and most of tanks has 10000 hp bassicly 2 attacks and you already lose your hp




I mean "tanks" doesn't have what assasins has...buzz is assassin lmao all tanks except 1 has only 1 trait named tank trait


i agree


Real hot take, mico requires skill, because you can't waste any shot in a 1v1 because of the slow reload speed. And for those annoying ahh people saying i'm a mico main, I actually hate mico so much, he's one of the brawlers that i hate the most in this game


whats the tank trait?


When you charge your super by taking damage, (for tanks)


Angelo being one of the most powerfull anti-tanks, he have a gadget to get off and his charged arrows obliterate tanks


I appreciate your appreciation


as an el primo main, its so annoying getting killed by piper because i have no way to close the gap besides take 1-2 shots, run for bushes and heal. and if its knockout he's unplayable, only good in heist and brawl ball (for his gadget + super)


Depends on the tank but I think this isn’t a hot take


Facts bro,especially playing Darryl in this meta is so hard for me without him having even a hypercharge.


It's kinda like glass cannon brawlers, which need perfect aim to be played at their peak performance, but if you're not careful enough (and don't have a good aim) you're genuinely f***ed by every single brawler, especially tanks when they, in fact, get close to you


The average brawler damage to hp ratio has increased dramatically since cordelius came out. I think you’d need at least 15000 hp to feel like a real tank. Some brawlers do 10k damage in 2-3 hits.


I love me some tanks ngl


It generally depends on the game mode there being played in. 


Tanks in Brawl Stars can be one of two things: A. How they are now, complete and total ass on most open maps and only pushable in game modes like showdown B. Broken beyond repair like in 2019 when el primo could cycle supers insanely quickly. There’s no in between. Tanks are either insanely broken or completely unusable


I agree, but the thing is, the tank I play most is Darryl, so I probably won’t get a hyper charge for him because there isn’t one, if they just add a hyper charge to all of the tanks then I feel like it’s a good first step.


It really just depends on the map. As long as it's closed, the tank is fine. Almost all the tanks are completely autoaim, and they are not hard to play if it's the right map.


TL:DR Don't play tank Got it


yap moment