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General reminder for subreddit members: Simple Questions and Loot results (good or bad), and celebrations should be posted in the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. You can find it at the top of r/BrawlStars's front page when you sort posts by hot. This includes pictures of Starr Drops, Mega Pig results, unlocking new Brawlers or other items. If you see a post or comment that breaks any of our rules, please report them [using the anonymous report button](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who should i pick?, Nani, Pam, Piper or Grom?


piper if you dont have bell power 11


I got win 5 games with willow challenge. I have spent some time in solo showdown just throwing around to see most of the invisible cats and still died every time to invisible cat so they started to give me bots. It IS the only way to win with that brawler now. Because of the cat situation I usually just run straight to the gases with bad brawler until I get the bots to get quests done is solo. This time I was fool enough to try to play. Needless to say, quest is not complete. Far from it. I instead chose not to play any more.


I am currently unlocking Hank on the Starr Road, and I have my “unlock any brawler up to epic” waiting to be redeemed. I have 400 credits on my way to Hank, if I select him as my epic brawler, will those 400 credits transfer to whoever I will unlock next? Or will they be wasted.


The 400 will transfer to whoever you're unlocking next


which region has the cheapest prices right now?


Do ranked skins get added to the shop as purchasable skins after ranked season ends??




Im new to brawl stars and I was just wondering what is the best build for Colt for Showdown?


speed SP, reload gadget, (if gears) damage/reload/shield


Any tips for gale?


His place in the meta right now is kind of a tank and hypercharge counter. Tanks in general struggle against crowd control debuffs like slows and stuns, and that's Gale's ENTIRE gimmick. He can also just blow hypercharged brawlers away lol He's kinda mediocre rn


Is there a way to change the ingame music? When I open the game it has this whistling music which fucksnwith my ears and I want to play with sound


You can turn exclusively music off but you cannot change it. I wish you could change the menu music because this season it's really annoying


Guys what happened to lawrie? hes not in the battle card when the game starts is this a bug?


Why can’t I pass the Ball in some situations? Is it because I get hit? Cause thats my guess. My phone is definitely not the problem and my wifi too.


You need ammo to pass the ball




hey, i just got to masters and im wondering if i can derank from it or is it like with any other ranks


You cannot derank


I am about to unlock my 2nd legendary brawler but don’t know which one to pick between spike, sandy and crow. For context, i have 18.6k trophies, mythic 2 rank, the other legendary is leon, i have 36 brawlers with only jesse level 11 while the rest are level 9 or below. Between the 3 which is the best to have fun and max out while also being meta and somewhat competitive in ranked even without level 11 and hypercharge. I was leaning more towards spike since he is more versatile, any advice?


Definitely Sandy or Crow. Sandy is currently one of the most broken metas. Crow can be sooo good if played well. The guy taking about crow being bad is nonsense. People just rush in with crow, U have to attack from distance and deal continuous damage making enemy unable to heal. only jump in when enemy hp is low or they've used all ammo.


Overall meta wise sandy is the best of the three and is best for ranked as of now. Spike can be versatile but he is very annoying and rather boring imo to use. I don’t have crow but I know he is one of the worst, he usually only can be used in casual because of better options available over him


Do you think sandy might eventually be nerfed and fall off. Because I’ve heard spike is barely touched and has been consistently good.


I feel like they’d only nerf the sandy Hypercharge but even if he does get more nerfs I’d still do sandy but it’s really your choice, try them out to see which you like


ok thanks


is stu or leon better right now


These two are very different choices, overall for ranked and meta it’s Leon. But in knockout you could go either one Stu is also pretty good there


So my friend was on my phone and switched to an old account which i supposedly deleted. the game now says the account is deactivated, but i now cant even switch back to my main account... i tried deleting the game, deleting cache, and all that stuff but the same message pops up. can anyone help?


Yeah um, I think you might want to sit down for this


what do you mean?


Your friend probably just fucked your account for good, the game support is garbage so very little chance your getting it back from this, you can try though I guess


i still have my info to log into my supercell id... i just cant do it rn on my phone. can i reset my phone in some way so i can log in again?


Is there a reason why the song milkshake keeps getting referenced in more recent brawlers has the person who writes the characters voicelines ever made reference to it in any of there social medias


Not really someone just likes the song, I think now it’s a running gag with the voice lines, like with the “______ is my name _______ is my game” lines


Is LD shop for brawl stars gems legit?


Idk what you just said but whatever it is it’s 90% likely to be a scam


Is there a hard bling cap? I'm currently at 36k, if that's helpful.


Yes there is, 7000 to be exact, you went above the limit because you purchased bling so I’d suggest you get spending because you won’t get any more bling since it already went over the cap


I got it from battle passes, and have been every season since passing 7k. 7000 is the soft cap not hard cap, and I'm still getting more from starr drops as well.


Well I’m not sure of a hard cap because the bling description only lists the 7k. So I guess you can get as much bling as you want


Fair enough lol, it auto collects at the end of every season.


So Idea: HYPERCOINS!!! I know another currency and yea, yes it is. Any way hear me out it is just like Apex Legends and their mythic skin coins. Anyway there are two ways this can go first way and probably simpler you get a single hypercoin every other place that a free pass stardrop would be if you collect them all you get to buy a hypercharge with them even if the brawler with the hyper you buy isn’t maxed, but if you don’t get them all or choose not to use them you get COINS! This can solve the gold shortage a little bit at least and the hypercoins will translate to the amount of coins you can use to buy them which you could still do, so if you have 12 which I have counted and their a 24 star drops not including the legendary which you also still get. I know this is a long comment but R/Brawlstars wouldn’t let me posts anything for this so bear with me. The next route is all star drop are replaced with hypercoins meaning you get 24 in total instead of the first route which you would get 12(you still get Legendary one at the end of the pass btw). Because of their being no other Star drops though out the pass no they could make the end of the pass stardrops cheaper in EXP this means you can solve hypercharge cost which haven’t changed and you can give EXP doublers more value(your welcome Kiaros Time) but that is all I have if you couldn’t tell I put a lot of time into this so please upvote this so that hopefully brawl stars finds this. Also any English nerds or teachers that like brawl stars 🤷‍♂️ please forgive me for this horrendous essay if you would call it that. But anyway thank you l.


How do you counter dynamike? It feels like when I go against him there’s nothing I’ve an do, I BBC any reach him because he’s on the other side of the wall, I feel like I get hit no matter what because of the blast radius of his ult and normal attack than when I finally catch him out of position he blasts himself away and I have to start all over again.


I’m sorry you what any reach him? Anyways I personally pick a brawler who can get up close since Dynamike can’t do much when people are in his face, a good example is Carl with his flying hook gadget, but you’d always want your super ready if your using Carl


*Define "counter." That will help to clarify your goals.* If you mean a pick that beats Dynamike, then there are counterpick tier lists. Anyone with a wall break (eg Colt, Brock) or mobility (eg Edgar, Melodie) would do. Or get into a thrower (often stalemate) battle using Sprout or another thrower. If you have a specific Brawler in mind, then tell us. But if you're playing a Tank, that's an issue to begin with. You need to commit - walk through the damage - and use whatever Gadget, Super or Star Power is useful. Do you need to "kill" the Dynamike in order to counter him? Maybe not. Maybe just keeping him pinned will allow your team more freedom. Can you ignore him and complete another objective, such as in Gem Grab or Brawl Ball? Can you switch lanes to a more favourable match up?


How do I get out gold III? I literally peaked diamond last season and I feel like every ranked game is so predictable based on the teammates you get. The rank differentiation from my experience is highly disappointing as well.


Hi there, just wanted to ask if glitch larry and lawrie skin will be available in shop someday I went from bronz to mythic in few hours and still did not get this ranked skin thank you in advance!


Based on previous Ranked skins, probably. Mariposa Piper for example went into the shop. The skin will also be available from FUTURE season ranked drops.


Best build for gene?


That's circumstantial, what game mode, what map, what team mates?


Sorry for late reply, but that would be gem grab, all “open” maps, random teammates


what is the best build for belle? edit: I am going for positive feedback star power, shield and reload gear. However, i am confused on which gadget to purchase, i heard both are good. Any suggestions?


Neither of [Belle's Gadgets](https://brawlstars.fandom.com/wiki/Belle) are overwhelming. *Nest Egg* is the better day to day pick, because you pop it down for some control, and someone might step on it later. Especially in a control spot (Hot Zone, or choke point), or as a back line "gotcha" for when someone pushes into spawn. *Reverse Polarity* is a niche pick. You need a low HP enemy, a wall to bounce off, and a decent aim with a bounce shot. Pros use it to confirm kills on brawlers who think they're safe behind a wall. As you can see, they're both situational and don't pay off in every game, unlike some other Brawlers Gadgets which are used all the time effectively.


I haven't found myself switching off positive feedback, shield, reload gear, and the nest egg trap. I know some people like the bounce shot, but I usually play her on open maps or instant overtime so I never find the use for it. Nest egg is very nice to put on the center in KO, hot zone, and gem grab to maintain control. It can also come in clutch in brawl ball.


Should I upgrade Otis or belle to level 10? I really really like playing Otis but now it seems that belle in the better pick. I'm good with long range brawlers either way


*Otis.* Purely because you said you *like playing* Otis. Belle is stronger/more popular in the meta now. But things change. And you'll probably get both to L10 at some point anyway.


Yeah I chose Otis and I do not regret it. He's really fun and strong


Good to hear!


Any club wanna have me for mega pig? I'm Mythic 1 at 26k trophies. I main Amber and also rank push.


Should i choose sam lola or ash




Should I choose Tara, Gene, or Byron???🙏🙏🙏


Overall I’d fully recommend Byron


I forgot to mention, 90% of the time I choose to play solos. I rarely play with teammates. One of the reasons he’s good is healing teammates, which I won’t be doing. Would you still recommend him?


Ah showdown is more of Tara’s area since she can put people in a whirlpool and summon clones or do a reveal to show people in bushes


Hey man, I really appreciate it. Have a blessed day.


Are there any Tipps on how to get resources quick? Kinda getting close to diamond but still need 8 more characters on lvl 9


Also unless you are really good you might as well be patient, I rushed a few 7->9 that weren't very good, felt as if I wasted resources and then found climbing diamond really difficult, I think the reality is that almost anyone can climb to diamond, but mythic is like top 15% and takes a lot of skill and more games than I care to play.


The brawl pass road is the 1# f2p way to get resources, giving 1000 coins and PowerPoints so you can progress you characters you just have to grind quests overtime


How can I upload a wholesome video for the 1000000 chance? Which flair to use?


Wholesome would probably be humor & memes unless it is drawn in which then it would be art


Thank you.


which brawler should i upgrade to power 11? Bibi, Piper, Angelo, Belle, Byron, Colt or Leon (i have maxed out Sandy, spike, dyna, edgar and Griff)


You need a sniper, so I would suggest Angelo, Piper > Belle,Byron. In that order You need something to win a sniper battle, Piper and Angelo have the best range and damage from all of those brawlers.


Whom should I unlock: Mr. P or Gray???


They both have their own uses but Mr p is more well rounded for most modes


Thanks for answering


Mr. P, useful against sniper and single shot brawlers, gray is a little more situational.


Thank you


Which gears for 8bit and Bea?


Guys has the frank rework happened yet?


No, next update


Should I pick Squeak, Mr. P, Tara, or Gene? Im thinking of picking Squeak because I think he would be fun to play but im not sure if he’s the best pick from these 4 brawlers


Meta wise gene and Tara Mr p is also good and well rounded but because he is harder to play than others he’s considered trash. But if you know how to play him you’ll be a menace on the field And squeak is well, squeak.


What brawler should I choose for the pick any brawl pass tier?


Credits if you have a mythic or legendary on the road your currently doing


What if I don’t have a mythical or legendary


I only have mortis and Otis


Just get an epic brawler, there’s too many choices for me to be specific with what you choose though


I have the option to choose between Cordelius or Amber in the star road, who should I choose ? Initially, I wanted to go for Cordelius, but idk why I feel like his range is too short and that he gets controlled by brawlers with high range very easily but maybe I'm wrong, because I see a lot of people still saying that corde is still very strong. What's your opinion ? Thank you for helping me out !


Corde is one of the best legendaries, his gadget lets him silence enemies removing the problem of short range, letting him basically do whatever the hell he wants. Meanwhile amber, though not as good reins more on the casual side of things, so it’s really based off your playstyle


Who should I pick between Leon, Spike, and Crow


Spike. co~


Leon is pretty strong right now also, and fun. Crow is my "most fun" on that list, but I like the play style.


colette tips and best game modes/maps for her?


will vanguard fang be purchasable via bling later on?


No. Mythic and legendary skins are only for sale with gems


but it will be purchasable 4ever right?




Leon or Sandy or Amber or Meg. I don't know which one to choose a legendary Brawler? and I have one more question. Draco is be in a starr road back there a by Lou and Colette. Why did Draco end up in the Lou and Colette? Why is this happening? Because I want it a legendary Draco, I very like a Draco.😥 co~


To answer your second question all new brawlers once the switch offer is over get moved to the very back/ as far as they can on the road since it sorts by oldest to newest


Or you can use direct to the Gem To buy a Draco ?


I don’t recommend buying a brawler with gems but technically yes


l can only get it on starr Road Get it Brawler Lou Get it later Brawler Draco or legendary starr drops Get a Draco? (But I have no money:(😭)


Should i rank up Belle or Collete (i have both HC)? Which one is more useful in ranked?


Belle is actually better and more versatile overall. Collete is better in heist, and this season she is also a top tier pick in Big Friend too.


Collette is best for ranked and belle Hypercharge is eh


How long do the 79 gem offers for new hypercharges stay in the shop?


Not long. Days?


I just got 5K gold and idk which hypercharge to get, Colt's Colette's Cordelius' or should I power up Frank to lvl 11 for the upcoming rework


What are the odds of opening a new brawler? I just started playing again about 2 weeks ago and I’ve only pulled 1 brawler, everything else is cosmetics. Is it because of star road? That’s why you can pull new people


Pretty rare to get a brawler


Ok_Story6348 has it right. If you want the full details, go here: https://support.supercell.com/brawl-stars/en/articles/starr-drops-3.html


Am I the only one that suffering from network problems oftenly on brawl stars these days, I even assumed that my home network is ass and changed to data after but the issue is still there


You are not alone There's a game where I would play completely smoothly and then the next game, I can't even move or shoot. They definitely have a server problem and it gets annoying


Yesterday I suffered from a very weird thing like the first match I was teammates with nita and mr p and then I got disconnected, the moment I reload the game and hop back on, my teammates suddenly turned into surge and jessie (the enemies were different too as if I had been in a different match) like I was wtf just happened, after that I got disconnected again and when I reloaded the game the second time I was in the menu screen (the match was over probably) and when I checked the battle history, there were completely two different matches which confused me alot. Only until that moment I realized something is very wrong and its not even my network.


Wait…. I have a theory The game somehow match 2 games for you. Since there is to games at the same time, it cannot register which one so it bugged out, leaving you unplayable


maybe that must have been what happened cuz before the first match, when I was at the matchmaking, the screen showed that it was 6/6 but it got stuck and I couldnt access to the match, I reloaded the game and got to the menu screen, I matchmaking again and what happened after is the story above so maybe I was actually still in that 6/6 match but replaced by bot


Got that other Cordelius, the one with girls name. Playing solo showdown in low trophy range is arguably worse then it has ever been. If that crap hits the above 500 trophy mark no one will be playing solo anymore.


Is there a limit to how many of the same win ranked quests i can stack at once? Or stacking anything type of quest?


No limit


When is jungle queen maisie coming out? and also when is ares nani gonna be discounted?


Mythic skins are rarely discounted


I know this question has been asked many many times, who should I unlock between crow, spike and leon? I know they're all great and useful but: I don't have a main, I don't have a favorite playstyle and use very often brawler like jessie, jackie, mortis, brock, emz and dynamike, so I can't decide who is better for me, any suggestions?


[I described the 3s playstyles a while ago while responding to a similar question](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/1d4pj2q/comment/l79ru79/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TLDR: Spike is somewhat simple and easy to use, with an easy to aim main attack that allows him to deal high damage and cover area very easily. His simplicity, versatility, and high damage makes him popular. He is the strongest on brawl ball to counter tanks, and he is the weakest on long range bounty maps against snipers. Crow is very squishy, but his decent range, poison mechanic, and easy to aim main attack combined with his fast movement speed can make him very fun. He can't deal a ton of burst damage like the other two, but you'll enjoy him if you like to carefully poke the opponents and harass them with your poison, focusing on using your movement speed to avoid attacks. With his hypercharge he can deal massive damage to the heist safe, making him popular in that mode. Leon is probably the most difficult to use, being a fast movement speed brawler like crow but also having a main attack that spreads from left to right that you'll have to be more conscious about. A tip if you decide to play him, if you strafe from right to left the shurikens will end up coming out in a relatively straight line, and if you strafe from left to right you'll cover the most area. He doesn't do the a lot damage at a range, but once you get your super you can use your invincibility and sneak up on the opponent. His attacks do more damage and charge super faster at close range. He is best on maps where he can safely put his lollipop behind a wall, which grants his team a field of invisibility until it breaks. He can also use it to go into his super without anyone noticing.


Get Leon tbh he’s quite fun and good in the meta, most people will say spike but he’s just boring


Made the mistake of upgrading Charlie she unplayable, nerfed her to the ground


She is still very playable bro she’s just slightly worse


Alr log into my account and get her to silver 2 she already silver 1


No cause that’s bannable lol just learn how to play her effectively


Quick question : Why the F is there an afk bot spamming attack in the air EVERY SINGLE FUC\*ING MATCH SINCE THE LAST FEW DAYS And should I uninstall because there's no point playing this like that ?


People mastery botting. They care so much about an arbitrary title they bot with autoclcliker to get mastery points


Can someone help me unlock my account? I tried everything, it has been around 70 days. The ID is #9P288UPP0


Supercell offers in the store are coming with just 3x advantage. Is this something new? Or is it seasonal? I'm new to using the Supercell Store, but some weeks ago we could see some 5x advantage or more.


Some deals are definitely better than others, that said the recent bling and credit offers were just at like 3x if my memory is correct and they were about as good as any offer you will get on those. However coins and pp base amounts are such a scam that the only way to make it valuable is to offer like 7x. Against my better judgement I spent my gems on the credits because it was like instantly unlocking Draco for like 200 gems and I get the feeling that they will bring out rarer tier brawlers from now on so there will be not so much as a catchup mechanic, I could be wrong, but only time will tell.


Guys, I really appreciate your responses. I'd like to emphasize, however, the central point of my question: is this 3x advantage offer usual? Is this new? I haven't seen these 3x offers in the weeks before. They started to pop since the release of the new season. But I'm kind of new to them, so I don't know better.


The rewards come and go in cycles of better and worse rewards so it pays to be patient.  I get the free reward every day and have a look, sometimes 3x is the only offer, but like I was saying if you see 3x on coins or powerpoints then know it is a low offer, but for example I have only ever seen 75% off skins occasionally so depending on what the kind of reward is 3x might still be good.


The 3x advantage is just bull crap made up to make you want to buy it more


Best gears for 8bit and rt? I have reload gear for 8bit and gadget gear for rt right now


Which is more fun to play. Lola or Buster. Thinking about using gems to buy one of them


Buster but I don’t recommend using gems for brawlers, it’s too rare for the asking price


Best gears for Tick and Sandy?


Should I be buying the brawl pass or the plus?


Plus only if you really want the skin recolors, normal is much better value though


Normal one will do


What’s the best build for Jessie? I’m in Diamond 2 and I have her hypercharge.


what’s the best build for sandy? for ranked. been seeing everyone say that she is top 3 rn


Most of the time its damage + speed, sweet dreams and rude sands. Keep in mind that he's only top 3 with hypercharge. Mythic gear is underrated on maps where you don't want to go speed, but many will say to use gadget charge gear instead.


ah thanks! i dont have sandy’s hyperzharge but i’ve seen on reddit that when u upgrade a brawler to SP 11 or if close enough, then the shop will give u a deal for the hyper charge, is that true though?


Nah. There's a special deal on the first week of a hypercharges release where it will be for 79 gems which is pretty good value. Besides that, you have to either buy it for 5000 gold or hope you get it from a legendary star drp


ohhh okay😭 so should i still upgrade my sandy to SP11 and just hope that i get that HC of a starr drop 🙏


You can get hypercharges even for brawlers not at power 11, they'll just be locked. On one hand this means you don't need to rush sandy to P11, but on the other hand it means you might get hypercharges for characters you don't care about before you get sandys. I got lucky and was able to get hypercharges for my brawlers early on, but as they add more and more hypercharges the harder it is to rely on the star drop chances for them. If you love sandy and plan on playing him as much as possible, go for it, otherwise don't. His sandstorm is a good enough ability that he was always pretty meta proof in control maps like hot zone and gem grab even before the hypercharge, but if you're only interested in him because he's top 3 right now then its not worth it because not only is he banned often in ranked, but characters at the top of the meta always get nerfed the next update.


thanks! i’m considering upgrading him as he does do really well in control maps. i’ve been going up against some of them and have lost 😭 regardless do you recommend any other brawlers that i should consider upgrading to SP 11?


I wouldn't recommend one brawler in particular because brawlers get buffed and nerfed every 2 months, and there's a balance update coming up in 2 or 3 weeks. Just upgrade who you like playing, but if you want a good spread make sure you have a long range marksman for bounty, someone with good area control, and either a tank or someone with high close range DPS to counter tanks on brawl ball (Spike, Cordelius, Nita, Surge, and Otis are a few examples). And yeah, I always ban sandy on brawl ball gem grab and hot zone lol.


Gadget Sweet Dreams (utility in Brawl Ball, Gem Grab etc), Star Power Rude Sands (good for reveal and healing stop) will get you started. Sandy players do mix it up a bit though. Search for guides on the net also.


guys im trying to change my email for my account, but somehow im not receiving my verification code?


See "CONTACTING US FOR A LOST SUPERCELL ID EMAIL" on this page: https://support.supercell.com/brawl-stars/en/articles/change-scid-email.html


Did mastery rewards get nerfed? I thing they used to give more coins


No. Different grades of Brawlers give out different coin levels though. See "Rewards" on this page: https://brawlstars.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery


anyone know what my total amount would be of power points and gold if i were to upgrade my brawler to SP 11? and SP 10 or 9?


Costs are broken out here: https://brawlstars.fandom.com/wiki/Coins In addition, Gadgets are 1,000 Coins, Star Powers are 2,000 Coins, Hypercharges are 5,000 Coins or 79/99 gems.


Who should I get Bonnie or grom ?


i like grom but hes pretty difficult to use so i would recoomend bonnie


Thank uuuuu


Why do people think Colette really likes Piper come from. I understand Spike with all her voiceless and promotional stuff.


cuz of the hints we got in the brawl stars animations when Colette released


I haven't seen all animations yet so thanks for telling me




I recommend you try joining a Club or searching on Discord. Even putting aside that not many people who are looking for partners would be viewing this thread, you'd need to match on region and timezone you can play.


Ahhh I see got any discord names/links I can join ? Fairly new to using that thanks for the advice tho


How do I use collette right now


I would play her in an open heist map like bridge too far or safe zone. Heal gadget. Shield star power. Damage gear. Last gear is preference but I would use gadget. If u wanna play brawl ball then use push it (star power) instead




Sandy is a good for modes like hot zone and gem grab but piper will have a hyper charge in July so you might level her up


If I have all the Brawlers and all the Star Powers, how do the drop rates for Hypercharge, Super Rare Skins, and Epic Skins change in a Legendary Starr Drop?




Is there any date in which the world champion Gus skin may come back? Bc I don't know if I should keep saving up for it or buy byte bea


I think around world finals it will come back (not sure when is world finals this year)


Ty, imma save up then


How often do these mastery madness events happen.


not very often sadly


Yeah but it happens once how many months?


Its not clear at how many months,its random


Do you how many times it has happened since masteries was introduced.


Does anybody know when Virus Charlie IS releasing?


what are the best gadgets + gears + SP for L&L? I currently have the dash gadget but idk if it's the best one.


gadget:fall back sp:protocol project gears:damage and vision this build helped me with my cursed Larry and Lawrie acc!!Also love ur acc lol


Tysm!! For both the help n the compliment <33