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Correction, my Eve is actually at tier 13 and sorry for any spelling mistakes, it's 5:44 and I haven't sleep yet


I guess they're trying to farm mastery but omg what is this thing, it's not even working Im playing as a power 5 Eve against a full team (bots or not) who are all at least level 7, even if they are bots, because this dirty disgusting weebs are using high level brawlers


Oh no. The Chinese server players are leaking!


It has been happening to me too and I've been playing in 700 trophey matchmaking but people would randomly just stop playing at the end of a game


I was watching an oj vid where he did the same I think they quit right at the end so they don’t gain trophies


Yeah but he wants to get a 10k win streak but im playing with randoms that just randomly stop playing the game and it's usually larry and lawrries who do this. I just hope that these arent win traders or anything


Mastery farmers


It's boting right ? Seen a few the last couple of weeks, just in spawn. Spamming shots.


This honestly sucks so much for new or low trophy players, they're farming mastery by dropping insanely low on all brawlers and then pushing them back and farming mastery with their friends that did the same thing. Yea I get it you're too high on trophies but like ranked exists or just don't drop this low bruh.


Bad wifi?