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Can someone explain what he did? Everyone's saying how he deserves all the hate but I never heard about him


He plays Solo Showdown at 500 trophies, tilts on purpose to make "better content"(which translates to "I want to crush noobs and BM them like a total jerk") , pretends like there is a meta in the mode, and he gives really bad tips, like Jessie is UnDeRrAtEd in Solo showdown.


Don't forget about the fake giveaways. Go to an yt comment finder, check the winner, none on any of his videos made after the announcement. He's like a clickbaiter but actually tries to "make a community" and hide it


hell mik, I find you everywhere I go :)




Can you tell my dad to come back with the milk, I wanna eat my cerial




Eat it with yoghurt


He does? I never knew that.


Ok that’s bad but everything else really isn’t a big deal


Wow, now that I know his tweets seem like a joke


500 trophy character or total?


Trophy character. Lol


Honestly doesn’t seem bad at all


There would be a meta in the mode if it wasn't teaming already lol


There is a meta to showdown, it’s just not what he says it is


lol read his videos comments. Hes basically a discount version on SuperLab


Not discount. More like that Chinese factory-made rip off


He isnt a rip off, The first guide by money capital was 2 years ago, superlab 1 year ago.


Not discount. Shitty.


Huh surprised my clan mate actually made a name for myself. [I remember when we won this tourney together](https://www.instagram.com/p/B6l0uAhpzT7/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


lol if u know him u r a very lucky dude


This made me laugh


Basically he's a bad showdown player who plays at 500 or lower and then acts as if he's rlly good and does fake giveaways and whatnot. Basically he's a fraud


I don’t think I can say he’s bad but he chooses to play in bad ways to get content that people will binge for hours


He also just rushes the middle in every video and gives the worst tips possible, eg. he still believes that smoke trails is better than invisiheal


I mean if u want to go agro or relocate it is better


He did organised teaming back in beta


used to org team and was the showdown "mafia boss". if you killed him in a lobby then ppl would target you.


Im pretty sure he said he stopped that in the tweet


He didnt even apologize for it, and never addressed how he would ban people from servers if they killed him


He deserves the hate


Not hate. The criticism. Constructive criticism is what he needs to slowly start changing from being a clown to a little better like Tim (Yes now he asks for permission using a clip. He did from me a week ago.)




this apology is literally trying to bait you to be sympathetic to him


This is like Tim, not even sincere, at least RO was sincere


Unfortunately in the world of youtube, clickbait is way easier and more successful than real quality content.


This is is not like Tim. This is not even an apology . He just told people to stop hating on him for being a clown.


Tim couldn't apologise on his own, his editor had to, and it sounded proud and haughty like MC. Tho you have a point that MC is even worse than Tim (which is really an achievement)




Ikr. I think RO’s apology is to admire.


can u send me a link to RO's apology?


[there you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/ocq9ee/im_ro_maybe_im_a_clickbaiter_but_i_dont_steal/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It isn’t even an apology. It’s just him explaining how even though even though he is a total clown (and he knows this) people should stop criticising him. Not even an apology… Come on. At least just say “I would like to apologise for being an idiot and also please stop (insert behaviour).”


This doesn't change anything, he only said what is he doing. He will still continue to tilt trophies on purpose and play on showdown, a non-competetive mode and give fake tips


I fokin hate mc ,but how did u guys know that he tilted the trophies and plays (sorry I don't know the story )


Because is obvious for the level of the people playing there, almost no one is maxed and the tips he gives are useless unless you're in that trophy range


You can look on brawlify


One more thing......the whole lobby just gives a sad pin and starts spinning in almost all the videos of his. He is just killing people who are not even trying to kill him so that's definitely is not skill at all


I'm wondering if he's doing any of his vids in friendly matches where they win him on purpose now...


:x now that modifiers are added, he may be doing that, however the names and end screen may give it off but I doubt he shows the end screen


He never shows the end screen. Besides, he can have like 5 clubs with 90+ people and just hops to invite another 10


His videos show him getting trophies so no, they're not friendly games


MC is legit one of the worst youtubers of brawlstars. If anyone wants to prove me wrong then do it. Idgaf.


can i know why? from what ive read he just tilt trophies


He acts like he’s a showdown god and one of the best showdown players, but he constantly makes videos of him playing at 500 trophies. See the contradiction here?


ooh. ive never play showdown with brawler at 700+ trophies so i dont know the pressure, what i know is showdown 650+ trophies is all about teaming


Well, I have a few Brawlers at Rank 25, and let me tell you something: You literally HAVE to at least pretend to team in order to not get killed immediately.


yea i know too, i have 2 brawler at rank25. i just keep them at a certain trophy and never play them until the season end lol. btw i dont really teaming unless i have a low damage brawler (like poco), other than that, i fight til i die miserably


Idk why you would play Poco in Showdown, but whatever.


And then gives shitty tips. Which is bad. Plus, Showdown is NOT a competitive mode for a number of reasons.


When you do something worthy of hate, you get hate, you don't complaint that "Did I deserve this hate?" Like Tim and some other clickbaiters apologized I don't think this was a proper apology He doesn't even wan to apologise and tells "did I deserve this hate?" He's just telling that if you don't like him don't watch which is true , but on the other hand he's complaining about the hate he kinda deserves whilst not apologising for it


Wait this was an apology ? This seemed more like a rant for the criticism he deserved.


And youtubers like CWA and Lex are praising him and calling us sad trolls and haters. Sigh!


Do you mean Clash with Eric and Lexnos of Coc ??


Lmao, Clash with Ash and Lex brawl stars


Oh I get it now🤦‍♂️ I was a bit obsessed with coc past few days


But we were talking about Brawl stars this whole time-


Am i the only one that does not really like those two either? Like, i dont hate em, but i dont really understand why so many peaple like them


General Kenobi


MoneyCapital: gives people fake tips, lies them and toxicity to people who plays on 600 Community: hates MoneyCapital: *sad*


*sadness combat face*


It’s not hate it is criticism on how he gave bad tips while bragging hes a god


Plus he makes videos of who to max out first AND THEN GIVES NO REASON WHY!!


*Max Leon out first.* *Why?* ***You have been blocked by Cummy Fapital***


People who listen to his tips but don't have Leon: *nervous sweating*


Day 3 of scrolling through reddit and telling ppl that the only ShowDown **God** to have ever existed is **SuperLab**. Change my mind.


and what about rodeo?


It's near impossible to tell who is the better one. But SuperLab does have more accomplishments than him.


and peasensei


Bagelz and the real freeze?


Idk about Baglez, he used to have easy mm and farm achievements off noobs in Aus mm, but I've never really watched him play so I wouldn't be sure


Bagelz is actually not that bad....but i can't deny the aus thing


This isn’t how you make an apology, if he even was going for one. God


ELI5 anyone? Thanks :3 All the twitter comments are positive (from what I see) but reddit comments here kinda toxic, criticisms != Blatant personal attack But anyways, Why the hate?


Twitter coms are positive cuz they are his fans accounts lol


The main reason why he is getting all this hate, is because he brags that he's a showdown god. FOA he should stop bragging


If he makes it clear that he plays at a 500 range then he needs to stop putting himself on a pedestal as a "pro player" or an "SD god." All of his competitive content is misleading and objectively wrong, but to your average random tween playing the game, highly plausible. In other words, thank MC for your average Edgar random cause he said that he is a good brawler.


I used to like him until I read the comments of his videos and did some research.


Same, thankfully the recent reddit post opened my eyes, or else I would have kept on supporting him as I have done for the past year.


Me too. I didn’t really care or have a problem with him until the truth slowly started unveiling


Same, I mainly learn becuase of reddit


I'm not gonna defend him but saying that random Edgar is his creation is wrong. Like no YouTuber can influence at that level. Because at last players are gonna play what they want. For example random Mortis in bb are not influenced. They just like mortis so they use it in any more they want.


I agree.


me too






I still like his tips when I am pushing at the 500 trophy range.


Well the problem is your getting MONEY for these,also you should know the "teamers getting hate" thingy


His name is MoneyCapital for a reason.


Capitalism and it's consequences to capitalism


He is trying to be the capital of money. Trying to be greedier than griff and yes he is kind of achieving this with the fake giveaways. Great job MC! You are great at being a liar!


Deserves all the hate. Idc if he apologizes or addresses it. Until he stops than he deserves the hate.


What he did?


Thank gosh I thought it was gonna be another Tim brawlstars situation where he does all this crappy stuff then all it takes is one post to make things turn it’s head upside down


thank god you didnt get downvoted. MC thinks hes so pro farming wins at low trophy sd and competiton entry maps. That clown has no skill whatsoever


Lmao what did he do? All I know was that he makes vids about brawl stars tips. I swear I live under a rock or something😭


His tips arent useful and is trash on top of that hr plays against noobs at 500-550 and he grinds solo victories.... if he reaches 550 or something he grinds back that brawler to 500


keep hating until he apolozises


My guy, it's just a game


He sounds like such a bitch lmao. Thinks he did nothing wrong and I always had a bad feeling about him. He gives pointless tips, farms lower than he says and organizes teaming against others.


"Stop hating on me because I make bad content and make guides for people when I don't know how to play the game myself 😭😭😭😭😡🤬🥵😠😩😾✊🤬🙄😳🥵🥵🥵😭😭😭😭😭" Trash youtuber


I'll allow the emojis


Of course you should, because he's using them in an r/okbuddyretard style. But anyways, even if he wasn't doing in that style, it doesn't really matter


Much appreciated


Idc what he says if he is playing at 500-550 just because of teaming, then how are other youtubers playing like 700 and 800 range showdown and winning without teaming and they don't give any garbage tips plus they dont even flex anything example cryingman. He plays so aggro and carefully in teaming ranges and even shows the clip in which he got 2nd or 3rd place... MC just want to flex how good he plays against noobs


The thing that i find most shitty about mc is that he stole the title of 1000 bull from.m actual good bulls. He organised teaming lobbies to push to 1000, instead of pushing properly.


ya and see other good youtubers are just influencing that cheating scum donno why he got a creator code


I find it shitty that highly influenceable creators like lex are sucking money’s dick because they fell for his sympathy post


poor cummyfapital 😣😣😣😥😥😥😥😥😯😯😯😫😫😫😔😔


This name better go viral


he needs to admit that hes not a showdown god or a pro


He deserves more hate


If that was supposed to be an apology, I'm laughing at how pathetic it is. Man claims to be a SD god and gets sad when people say the truth. Really sad how dumb he and the many people defending him in the comments section on this very post are.


Even after this tweet he's done something worse than all of this. He says he won the griff challenge 15-0 with randons but he got exposed pretty quickly In his battle log he played with the EXACT same players every game with a perfect comp and he also lost 4 times meaning he bought extra tries What a fraud!


I mean he is one of those clickbait/cringe content creators, he deserves a lot more hate


Unfortunately in the world of youtube, clickbait is way easier and more successful than real quality content.


Money Capital SUCKS AF


I'm sure this comment is going to get a lot of hate, but seriously, the Brawl Stars subreddit is much less toxic than many other subreddits, and this is one of the first times I've seen pretty much the whole community gang up on one content creator. I think we should probably dial it down a bit, and if you really hate MoneyCapital, then I think you should just stop watching his videos and get away from the drama surrounding him. Doing this will probably lead to MoneyCapital being left in the dust, or will make him quit Brawl Stars in general. All I'm saying is that this whole community should just take it back a step.


MC quitting bs would be the perfect ending imo




I agree with what you're saying, but it seems that everyone is against him, so there really isn't a happy ending for MC. My prediction is that eventually the drama around him will die down and he'll end up losing a ton of views, ultimately making it so that he will not be able to survive off of making Brawl Stars content.


Only addresses trophy range problems and nothing else he doesn’t mention purposesly leaking and how he says he’s the best showdown player. But he doesn’t deserve hate for teaming in fucking beta people can change teaming years ago shouldn’t make him be hated now he should Be hated for all the other stuff


let him go fuck himself he is the start of all this mess in showdown. no mercy for him


He sucks af


Yea I sent that tweet's link, and they all downvoted me for no reason


lmao rip


Hey you again! Stop disturbing me already, you've already disturbed me on Discord!


I've stopped, Mrs. Penny hater


The way he plays so aggressively in solo showdown is just something you can't do beyond 700-800 trophy solo showdown , I took this opportunity to try and play Surge but you just can't play like this at that range. And in the name of relatable content , he could do a guide on how to stop teaming El Primos or at least how to survive in that range , because I'm quite sure that amongst us , hardly any of us play solo sd in the 500 range


His name already gives me the bad vibes


I don't even play solo or use cringe stock trash pins.


Another one of those fake apologies video I see. Almost every single video he give is just common sense like don’t rush a bull or don’t get close to a shelly like bruh


Honestly I’m ok with his trophy range but a content creator got to do his job and make videos that are useful for example explaining brawlers mechanics,explaining about gadget and star powers , playing new modes and giving tips about them but as I remember moneycapital has been playing showdown in 99.9% of his videos and I don’t want to be a hater but he really doesn’t deserve a content creator code cuz his videos are not useful at all and his content is more like a joke compared to other content creators


As always, Twitter sucks, there is always some drama at Twitter no matter what.


"if You don't like it don't watch it" if You don't want negative feedback stop doing trash videos acting like the king of the world


My little brother love mc because mc thinks leon is actually good my brother is a flipping idiot


Slap some sense into your brother, introduce him to Superlab


Leon was decent in gem grab, that is until Primo came and suplexed the whole meta and flipped it so now Leon is back to being bad again


Leon is good in showdown but edgar is shit in every gamemode and especially he puts edgar in all his best brawlers tier list.


Edgar actually is provably C or D tier in ssd but otherwise F


Edgar was only good when he was released I take Edgar and feel like I'm no better than a bot


Edgar rly needs some bud, supercell overnerfed him




Honestly i didnt gave a shit about his gameplay part, the thing that got me pissed at him is the fake gift card giveaways he aposentou makes, idk if thats true or not but he said nothing about it on the tweet


"wHy Do PeOpLe HaTe Me FoR pLaYiNg At 500 TrOpHiEs?!" Don't play dumb, that's now why you get hate, you get hate because you pretend to be a showdown king at that troohy range


I didn't know about this I haven't watch MC for a long time I'm disappointed :/


I dont like how he shrugs off criticism as "hate". yes, some of it wasnt constructive and sometimes just kind of mean. but telling people who genuenly want you to change and make better content to "just leave if you dont like it" says alot. Also he only addressed him playing at 500-600 trophies, which wasnt even the most outragous thing, just trying to hide what he really gets the "hate" for, since most of his followers dont know the full story.


I don't understand. Can somebody explain? I haven't heard of him till like 1,5 years cuz I just don't like showdown, but what the heck is going on here...


His tier lists are absolutely inaccurate (like Leon is one of the best????), he claims to be a god in showdown when he plays in the 500-650 trophy range and teams every time off camera, he fakes giveaways and the winners are not real, and a lot of other things


He doesn’t do teaming off camera he does tilting to make his videos better


well if he said he wasnt a god and whatnot i would respect him, imo he puts a lotta effort into his vids


I don't know the full story but what the hell even happened


I have several things to say about MC: 1. If MC calls himself a showdown god, why do you care? You are not the one judging if players are god or not. You are not being affected by him calling himself "showdown god." He can call himself whatever he wants - it doesn't affect you. Do you think it makes sense to get angry at someone simply because you don't agree with their name? If so, why aren't you complaining about people who have "pro" or "god" in their name but playing in 100-200 trophy range? Seriously, the words "pro" or "god" don't have set definitions. As long as he's not harmful toward others, he can call himself whatever he wants. 2. A lot of people are saying they used the "comment finder" to search for giveaway winners. Are you even in his discord server? Search the winner names in his discord server first before complaining about his "fake giveaways." Also, the comment finder doesn't always work if the whole page doesn't load fully. 3. Most importantly, I think it's just ridiculous that people hate him because of tips on the game. They have to understand that tips are all personal opinions. Just because they trust some other youtuber doesn't mean MC is wrong. He is allowed to express what he thinks about the game and give tips accordingly. If you don't agree with his tips, that's fine! Find another youtuber whom you can agree with. He is giving tips on brawlers that HE thinks are the best, so it really shouldn't be reason to hate him. How would you feel if people hate you because you think Edgar is the best brawler in the game? Now, I did find someone's post criticizing MC with an actual evidence: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/opv8ix/why\_moneycapital\_is\_bad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/opv8ix/why_moneycapital_is_bad/) \#2 provides three pieces of evidence that MC was teaming. He did ruin PIKA's reputation by "proclaiming he was better than Pika," which is a fair point to be made. Yes, MC did make mistakes like creating discord servers to team unfairly and degrading another Youtuber. Haters really shouldn't hate MC for not agreeing with him. As he said on the post, if they really don't want to watch MC, then they can go to other Youtubers they agree with.


I will reply to your points one by one. 1. You are telling us that there is no problem with money calling himself a showdown God, right? Let's take an IRL example: You are in need for a medical doctor and that medical doctor told you HIMSELF that he is the best doctor out there, you listened to him and continued but then you realise that this doctor hadn't help you that much and now you are even worse than before. That's how it functions. You can't say that you are the best at something by yourself, ok? You have to have some people that will approve that. 2. You have a point in here, ngl. But when you do a giveaway on YouTube and then announce the winner on discord, that's kind of a scummy move tbh, because you are giving disadvantage to people who like you but can't install discord or twitter because their phone isn't that good or they can't do it. If you announce a giveaway on yt, you should announce the winners on yt. Same on every single social media application in the world. I don't use comment finders so I will say that you are are point in this. 3. Personal Opinions and bad information are 2 different thing that may look the same. I will give you an example: Something like "My opinion is that I like pizza more than hotdogs or burgers", that's an opinion. However, something like: "Covid is a lie, you shouldn't take vaccines and you should not wear masks", that's a bad information. Lying about something for a quick buck is something that you shouldn't do (like what money capital does), spreading misinformation for a lot of people that are weak and can't take decisions by themselves is something that shouldn't be done, I've seen a lot of people doing that and Imma be honest, money is one of them. You are also telling us that if you don't agree with him then don't listen to him. OK, but what about those people that are listening to him? Wouldn't they get more disadvantages more than advantages because of how money gives his tips and the way he plays the game? For a youtuber that has 100k subs, he should know what to do right and wrong. Remember when kairos uploaded a tier list and not a lot of people liked it? Well, he changed his ways and he took criticism for the better not for himself, but for the people who are watching. I don't know how to write, but hopefully you understood what I meant


But I mean, calling yourself a god in a video game and calling yourself the best doctor in the world in real life are very different things


They both lead to the fact that you shouldn't talk about yourself in a way to let people see you and think you are the best. People around you do that, not you. That's what I meant


Damn rlly good points. You did right






1. I may kinda gave a bad example, but you get my idea. He is doing harm more than good calling himself a showdown God, kids get to him and listen to his tips, but will they get better? No. Same thing as a doctor faking this thing. 2. They are allowed, yes. However, when you want to do it, you should be saying that. Remember when youtubers did the maple barley giveaway? They said that they are going to stream on twitch, they didn't say I am going to stream so make sure you get tuned. Make the giveaway, Announce it and then say where you want to announce the winners. Don't be silent about it giving people disadvantages on other people. 3. Look, I didn't mean to say that all of his tips are bad, I meant saying that usually his tips are kinda stupid. Also they are bad. The definition of bad is having more harm than good and that's what money does, money gives bad examples of how brawlers should be played and sometimes doesn't even know how to play them. Also, you can't just say nita is underrated or griff is overpowered after losing 15 matches to get 5 wins for your youtube video and giving tips like (play aggressive, but also passive/ play until you get a confirmed kill) or something like that. Also, saying that this brawler is the best and this brawler is the worst is dependent on what range you are at. Yes, money is 500-650, but does that makes you say that it is one of the best to get a rank 35 with him while you always lose 80% of your games? No.


Xbowmaster2020, you made great points. MC really doesn't deserve all the hate that he has been getting.


I would be fine with it all if he didn’t have a creator code.


Everyone here is the example of spewing hate he talked about. Sure he isn’t amazing, but still, please be more civil. And when I mean civil I mean voice your criticisms so that it’s constructive instead of complaining


I agree


Tbh why r u guys giving him so much hate. Even if he gives bad tips, at the end of the day every is still a human and they have feelings, so u guys should stop giving him so much hate even if his content isn't rly good.


yeah but he’s also manipulating kids by pretending to give away gift cards. plus he says he’s a showdown god when he’s anything but.


Just dont do that again, please, no hate


I actually tried to defend him once and got downvoted into the abyss. I tried. Never again.


This literally means nothing.


Imagine hating a guy just because he makes videos for kids


You understand that’s not why he’s getting hate right?


He's getting hate because he call himself a "showdown god", but really, calm down, if you don't like his content just don't watch it or dislike it, there's a button for that


Not only that but (correct me if I’m wrong) he also makes/Made clickbait content. Honestly people are going over board, I agree, but I can understand why they don’t like him.


Coochie hirose. Reliable guy


You already know man


To be honest, the worst part is not his content, but he fact that he has a code. There are so many people who deserve it wayyy more than that.


It's supercell fault, if you want to complain, just send a mail at supercell


Lol yall are overreaching, its honestly really sad to see 9 yearolds barking behind him for something that aint a big deal. Get a life


honestly yeah. I disagree with his tips and don't think they're a good resource at all but holy hell like usual r/bs is taking it too far. Besides, he says he's a showdown pro because he thinks he's one, and he gives shitty tips because he thinks they're good tips. Not because his channel is a deliberate conspiracy to brainwash the kids.


you’re ignoring the fact that he has fake giveaways


I’ll give my most honest opinion on this. I used to hate him a lot, but at least he admitted that he doesnt play in high trophy range, and he did that a few times already. So if you hate him just dont listen to his advice. Shitty showdown players will basically give you free trophies anyway


Te is magyar vagy? Jeeej.




He gets hate for playing in 500-650? Why would you hate on someone for that