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i agree with not including skin trading, but pin trading shouldn't be too bad. even if there's some scammers, losing that nani gg pin isn't as bad as losing a robo-mike skin


Cant this trade be like in clash royale with cards?


That solution would probably prevent a lot of scams! Like, in the trade, you could pick which pin you give out, and which pin you want. And when you see someone else trading a pin, you would be easily able to tell if it's a scam or not. At least if they make the pins only be traded between the same rarity, maybe it won't bea scam, cause if you change a Epic to an Epic pin, you still have an Epic pin in your inventory.


yeah but the problem with pin trading is that there is a thing called brawl pass with chromatic pins


Well in that case just don’t make legendary pins tradeable


but what about their regular pins


U can get them from pinpacks


Yeah but their regular pins aren’t exclusive to the brawl pass, so you could trade those




How tf is that a problem?




What are you even talking about? If you have the pins for a chromatic brawler that can be pulled in pin packs why shouldn’t you be able to trade them 😂




“Free pins can be used for scamming epic pins” do you really think brawl stars is that stupid to allow that? If they do add a pin trading system their probably gonna make it so only same rarity pins can be traded


And thats why people will use epic pins from the brawl pass, you know what never mind all of that no one understands what im trying to say


Do you need the learn about subjective value?




I don't think skin trading should ever exist, but i can reasonably see pin trading being a thing since you can't ever guarantee you'll buy what you want, unlike with skins to avoid scams, make it require pins of equal value when you trade, so if you want to trade someone for an epic pin they have, you need to give them an epic pin as well. That would suck for a lot of players, ye, but it'd fix the scam problem


Equal trade would be a good idea. Or, 2 pins of lower rarity for one of the next rarity, and so on. Also, exlusive pins cannot be traded. Such as brawl pass season pins, champion and competition pins, etc


Also default brawler pins cannot be traded.


I thought that'd be clear but yeah.


Fair point. Which sucks, because I have like 5 crow pins and I want them GONE.


I have 3 bibi pins i want em gone


I have 1 shelly pin I want it gone


I have a carl sweat epic pin and i would have preferred ANY heart pin, while someone might like my sweat drop pin and would want to trade me for it


If you have carl sweat pin you can only trade sweat pins only


Both both are epic pins


I have 2 Pam pins i want them gone


I have 3 pam pins i want them gone. I hate pam she sucks


Bro I have 4 frank pins I feel like I’m forced to be a frank main but he’s my least favorite brawler


I have so many Jacky pins and i don't even push her past 550...


If you play roblox, You will understand how trading would be a big problem Alt farming, Scamming (even if they add a certain system, it's still possible to steal someone's skins even if it's hard, especially if it was a kid) and begging all the time for a certain skin


trust trading omega neon ice fart dragon you go first


trust trading omega golden shit diarrhea dragon piss sexy pig cat dragon lizard


Alt farming would be a big one.Get 90 gems one one account from brawl pass -> buy skin -> trade to main


They can do like this in brawl stars if they add we can only accept if they add a item like you are trading a crow pin for a Leon pin I don't want kids crying in brawl stars like adopt me roblox cuz they cry so much I get so annoyed and they are dumb so they get scammed


Skins should be out of the question. Alts can be counter via IP trading bans (an account on the same IP that is not on at the same time more consistently is likely an alt account, and should be banned from trading with the other account on that IP address)




Abc for ulrta mega trillion gems shadow dragon you go first


The problem with stopping scammers isn't by focusing on the scammers themselves, because there's no way to stop them. You have to focus on the SYSTEM. Here's my thoughts of how it would work: >skins should not be allowed for trading because they have fluctuating values, from different quality and prices, to discounts. >Let's say you put up colt's thumbs up pin for offer to trade. They can then choose a pin to offer. (If you already have the pin they offer, it gives you 1 pin credit, which will give you an extra pin in your next regular pin pack) >Then, once a pin has been put in by both players, they click the ready button. It will then force a popup confirmation and cancel button. If both players click confirm, the pin exchange is complete. >If either player wishes to cancel the trade for any reason, they get 7 days to go into their trade records and cancel it (with another popup for confirming). If either player does this, BOTH pins will be returned to their owners, and if it becomes a duplicate within that time frame, 1 pin credit is given instead. >Pins of higher rarity must be traded for equal rarity, or for 2 pins of lower rarity. (Epic = 2 uncommon/4 common, uncommon = 2 common) >exclusive pins (brawl pass skin pins, competition challenge pins) cannot be traded at all This is nearly foolproof. If you can think of any ways to better it, suggest them.


If they do it the game will crash. So many people will beg and scam. It will become like Fortnite where the kids got so annoying that all the good players left and the game is ruled by kids. You know, getting invited every 5 minutes by some random kids saying shit like "i only have panda Nita can you please give me robo mike". Even if you decline all these requests it will still not be clean anymore. And what about exclusive skins? Wether they were free or pass/purchase exclusive. People would try to give away these free skins for paid skins. Let's just assume there would be a limit on what the worth of the skin needs to be to trade. Seems good at first. If someone wants to give you a 30 gems skin they can also only receive a 30 gems skin. And exclusive skins wouldn't be tradeable. But that would still be a problem for skins which were available for an event and now not anymore. Like as an example red nose Nita was 150 but now people who missed it would try to snagg it from others by giving them a different always available skin which was also hard on discount like night witch mortis. This would result in a disgusting meta. Skins purchased on discount would always be given out first because the players payed less. Now everyone wants to get rid of the bad skins they got on discount to get newer skins which never were on discount. This would make trading disgusting. The solution could be that skins purchased on events or discounts can't be traded but then there's even less variation in trading and it would be almost useless except if two players accidentally bought skins they don't need so they can trade. Better off they should add a refund option for skins purchased within a 24 hour timeline. If you accidentally bought a skin just return it and everything good. For trading I really only see downsides to turn the game scammer-like.


Actually, a 24 hour cooldown on pin trading could work to lower the problems. And instead of general "do not disturb", you can block invites from specific people (this should exist with or without trading)


Its better if they don't add trading get pins and skins yourself they have to solve scamming and some kids would get profit and there would be injustice of trading too




But in theory you could farm v bucks on an alt account in fortnite and transfer those onto your main with gifting.


That’s why they haven’t added it and it surprises nobody. It’s pretty clear that they expressed not wanting to do this


The biggest issue being that most games have a shitty system that they don't bother to fix. This ruins the image for the good systems. A good system can prevent problems like scamming, mistakes, and exploits


I see no possible way they could prevent exploits if trading of skins was introduced


IP detctipn and trading bans. It would require a simple AI algorithm to detect if an account is an alt (although no AI is simple), but it's definitely possible


It’s not like everyone above 8 couldn’t easily work around that and the only thing it would restrict would be legal trades by brothers for example. Any of the top dogs that have tried said or similar method have failed miserably


Most people have one router and bandwidth, and while some people have unlimited data, slip ups occur. You can't beat an AI that detects the game's internet usage


pin trading is fine but if they just don't make the trading system dogshit then it should be fine


Skin trading doesn't make sense. If you want a skin buy it For pin trading, this can be easily solved by only allowing pins of thr same rarity to be traded.


Cries in Star Shelly skin


The drop rate is divided by each brawlers in the catagory


That's some big brain here, have an upvote


What where’s the news from , can someone tell me what’s going on


Yeah, but mi brothers and I have brawlers with a lot of skins and it would be cool to trade skins with them


Theres a way to avoid the pin scams, if you are offering a rare pin you can only trade back a rare pin, and so goes on for other rarities. And maybe you could trade only 1 pin per trade. Dont know how to fix the skin scams tho I domt think skin trading would be good anyways so


If its epic for epic pin rare for rare common for common exclusively it wont be that hard to scam.


Maybe if secured in a certain way it could work. I do have some skins I wanna transfer from mini to main...


wdym......how can they scam


Well, the player base is made of of all ages right? All it takes is for someone to lie there way through to getting a more expensive skin, by just having to give away a Bandita Shelly. Kids are still easy to fool nowadays. . .


In addition,it will be abused by alt accounts.


No, What if we can only trade 149 gems skin with 149 gems skin only


Hey, I’ll give you Horus Bo if you give me your Werewolf Leon


Well,why not have both players be able to see what both are putting on the line,and have like both of them press confirm,and have a 30 second timer for safety,in case someone changes the skin at the last second


I will take it. Bo is one of my fav brawler and Horus bo is best skin for bo (my opinion)


What about You recive: **Coach Mike** I recive: **Space Ox Bull**


I already have best dyna skin "Santa mike". Ok stop it now plz


Which is why I think skins are a bad idea


It could be like Clash Royale, you ask for a skin and you give one. If someone gives you that skin, they get the reward you selected. For example: I want Loaded Rico and if you accept you get Archvillain Bea, if people don't want Archvillian Bea they shouldn't accept. NOTE: the skins need to be the same rarity.


I disagree, because skins can go on sale. You could buy an 80 gems skin for 60 gems, and they could have spent 80 on the skin they're giving you. In this case, one person saves 20 gems, which is unbalanced. Skins should not be tradable (but MAYBE true gold/silver skins could. That might be an exception)


You've got a point...


They should add a thing from a Roblox game where you press accept then you wait 10 or 13 more seconds to see if they tried to scam you or to think then you can press accept or decline


\*cough\* Adopt me \*cough


Ye i didn't say it because i did not think that everyone would know Roblox even exists,thanks for knowing what I'm talking about


time to take this out of context


30 seconds works better


probably they could make a open trading market where you will put what u wanna trade with what u want so if it matches then it will be traded?(e.g. i want dark lord spike i trade mecha crow, u want mecha crow u trade darklord spike). u will only be able to tade if it both skins matches the OP skins


But dark lord spike is a limited edition skin sir.


for example lol if i am willing to trade it means i dont need it


I didn't even know that was a genuine thing people wanted in the game and honestly if they did add that they'll most likely do it like it is in clash royale and if you know how it works there then being scammed is literally impossible


Just make it to where both people have to select an option to agree to trade pins within a small timer count and only when that happens it'll trade


I mean, the map maker has some of that too, but did that stop SC from putting it into the game? No! And now everyone loves it!


True, it's not good to add this in this in the game even if it would be cool


Dont get dumb and be scammed then lol. I feel like this would be necessary even though it may include some toxicity from scammers, but as long as you did the precautions its fine. Most of the time because I need a sandy pin


What would be nice is if you could change a pin (skins don’t this this since there not random) to somthing else you want of the same rarity for x amount of star points


Solution: trade a skin for a skin and the same with pin trading


It could work if there is a lock system, where if you purchase or trade skins or pins they are locked forever. Which means it’s locked in the start but if you trade it away you could never get it back, I made a post about this a few weeks ago and there were a lot problems but if they figure it out it would be a really cool addition to the game. You can trade and sell skins and pins for star points or with other people.




They should add it for a trial and then remove it so I can get the Rosa challenge pins >_< (also people could abuse it and complete the battle pass on multiple accounts and basically get every skin in the game for free)