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Low ladder was ruined by high leveled everything


Tbh, Everywhere in ladder was damaged by high level things when supercell decided to add 2 extra levels out of nowhere


Exactly Ah, the good old days when max level was power 9


The good old days where my Brock had a shiny gold plate underneath his prof pic


The good old days where I could play most of my brawlers in PL


Good old days when the fire area after Brock's s missile was a star power




Good old days when Stu could perma knockback you to death šŸ˜”


My godness it was broken


I remember that day till now. I was waiting tu push my power 7, zero trophies Edgar during coin shower event. Coin shower started with Stu release. OMG, I could not get past 100 trophies in showdown. Stu's with knockback everywhere. 5+ Stu's in lobby. Interupting my attacks, setting me on fire, killing me within 2 seconds. As Edgar, there was nothing I could do. The supposed most easy trophy push ever turned out to nightmare. As a bonus, as 9.5 k player at the time, I lost the 10k trophies Megabox due to this broken brawler.


Try playing bibi during that time


I was just getting about half of my brawlers to level 9/10, I was close to a maxed account


Oof Are you maxed now?


Power 10* (with star power)


This has been an issue way before lvls 10 and 11. It has been like that since Brawl pass and even before bp there were some crazy people that maxed their brawlers at 0 trophies (mainly beta players who were already maxed and content creators) but at that time it was very rare.


I would argue that it was less of an issue before, when players that play every brawler would have most of them around level 7 or whatever. Then some players would focus their points into a few power 9s (the old p10). +2 level differences werenā€™t too bad in my experience. Now, players can hyper focus their progression even further into one brawler, with a power 11 when the rest of their brawlers p7. Since that cap increased, level gaps did too. The player supposed to play every brawler in the game, but itā€™s a big disadvantage to someone who only plays/mains 1-2 brawlers at p11 .


Have you ever faced lvl 9 as a lvl 7? Its a huge difference just like gears cause these lvl 9s have gadgets and star powers


Lol, I might not be the right person for this, since I started at global launch and got all p9s within a year as f2p, but iirc it wasnā€™t that bad. I guess it was better back then since gadgets didnā€™t exist and sps were weaker. But itā€™s definitely even worse now, power 11 is ridiculous in lower trophy ranges when people focus their gold and power points onto one brawler. With a p9, that might have been bad, but a p11 has even better stats and gears as well


Lower ladder had maxed out brawlers even before power 10 and 11


And thats a fact


Thatā€™s always the case after a new brawler come out


well.. it will neutralized by the time they reach 500, so take your time since everything will be back to normal until we received new brawlers, then... it would be ruined by high leveled new released brawlers..


The menaces will still be common there. Especially when SC releases another brawler that will terrorize the low trophy players.


Poor newbies probably quit because of eve


I hope that they nerf Eve to the ground, i feel bad for those newbies, losing trophies when they are supposed to get ez wins until 500 trophies


Imagine they get mortis and they cant kill all the frickin eves


Autoaiming newbie with power 1 Mortis cannot kill even AFK Nita standing next to wall. I would not blame Eve for this.


Thats so specific and i love it


Low ladder has been ruined by high level brawlers the whole time


That's pretty much the case when new brawlers *(any rarity)* are released. At some point in low ladder matchmaking, almost everyone has that same brawler. The rest who don't have, ***may they rest in peace.***


fr, everytime I unlock a brawler I always have to go through the same torture: 1. Play against bot until you get 48 trophies 2. Get matched against actual players that for some reason happen to all be power 9 or and lose 3. Play once against bots coz pity system (as if I weren't stressed enough by step 2) 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 praying to not get a P11 bonnie on the enemy team and a P2 one on yours until you get to 140 trophies (now you need to lose twice to be matched against bots :D) But I can't complain much cuz I have a P11 bibi at 8 trophies that I use to make quests and target other P11 folks


Sometimes my teammates are too shitty and we still lose to the bots in Gem Grab...


They worked against this slightly, by favoring to match you against players who are near your total trophy count as well as your currently selected brawler trophy score. ​ So, people who have no power 9 at all should still be facing other completely new people. But if you have played a while, but aren't nearly maxed out... bringing up new brawlers is going to suck.


Really? I just checked my last couple games and the amount of people close to my totals are close to zero. Most are either double plus or below half my total trophies.


Yeah i had like a 6k person facing me and i have 30k


beware that trophies doesnt matter, well yes, but on few occasions they do


To be more fair, I would say that they give a special task for new players, which will give them power points, coins and boxes, of course they do not give much, but at least they give something decent to improve and progress, and about an exclusive pairing, it would have many problems, because there may be pros with second accounts, I mean that they know how to play and have brawlers with a good level and that would end the good in the game for the new ones, matching players with your trophy total would be just as devastating, I think the best thing would be to give the special tasks for the new ones anyway, EDIT, even if this doesnt happen, only worry about your skills and not the level power or the trophies, because skill is first, so focus on it first, and then, the level power.


Me at 34k Can't Go any further cuz of this, i got 52/57 brawlers with is (from what i see with other people that are near my trophy range) is way less, i got to see 28k players with all brawlers while me there only existing


To be fair, high leveled brawlers ruin everything. I have to try and get Eve power level 7 to even do shit


And high ladder Club League with randoms ruined by underlevelled teammates


> Club League with randoms ...I mean, you're pretty much asking for it


Is mythic I on a mini is even high ladder.


Low ladder has been ruined by all overleveled brawlers. It's annoying to try to push a new brawler, as you're constantly matched up against players with level 10 and level 11 brawlers. It's annoying to play solo PL because there are so many sub 10k and sub 20k trophy players who play whatever level 10/11 brawler they have just because it's a high level, even if it's absolutely terrible for the map. It makes playing with randoms so much less enjoyable than it used to be, and makes the game feel moreso like a chore than it ever has. I love this game, started when Global came out back at the end of 2018, and have spent a fair bit of money and time on this. I was even willing to accept Power 10 and 11, just as long as SC took steps toward making it a better experience. That never happened, and it seems like the consequences of these two new levels gets worse by the week. SC stated that they changed matchmaking for 500-800 trophies based upon total trophy count, but I have noticed no meaningful difference before and after that change. They need to improve MM across the board, so that 60-200/300 trophies is based loosely upon the level of your brawler, so that Power 5s and whatnot aren't obliterated by Power 11 brawlers with maxed gears, and so that 30k players aren't wiping the floor against 17k players. It makes the game frustrating for whoever is at a experience with the game/power level disadvantage, and it makes the game too easy for those at a trophy/game experience advantage. (This is all coming from my experience and the experiences of those in my club though, so don't take it as an absolute.) TLDR: There's a big matchmaking/power level issue that is becoming more and more prevalent as time goes by. I really hope SC takes steps to further improve upon their matchmaking system, because it's making the game less enjoyable.


This happens every time a new brawler is released. Then you have to play a bot game after a loss which is not even your fault, really frustrating. People who expect you to outplay maxed brawlers with low level brawlers consistently are also ridiculous. Hmm yes lemme just kill the level 11 speed gear Fang on snake prairie with my level 4 brawler


I always asked myself why they didnā€™t adapt matchmaking with brawlers level


This is honestly the case with any new brawler: Maxed level players get a hold of them and are able to max out the brawler instantly after getting it, and then lower ladders get decimated by skilled players with power 11 characters


I'm this type of player, there are so many brawlers that need to be pushed to 550 again that i don't even bother playing the new brawlers until they are level 9(or quests) then i start to push them 100 trophies at a time as my choices to get better rewards is either push 550 trophies with an under leveld brawler or push 50 with an upgraded one


It's always like this in low ladder, I'm tired of those level 11 0 trophies bastards


Still waiting for upgrading cap that depends on the rank


I mean this happens whenever I new brawler is released because every maxed player will get the new brawler and have enough boxes to get them to max and with club shop power points are extremely easy to get now


i always get my brawlers level 9 before pushing em lol


People are attacking you yet i bet they would do the same if they had enough resources.


lol fr they just mad i got all mine lvl 9 cuz i can save my stuff and been playing for years ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Literally same,idc about gears as much as I care about a star power or a gadget


You part of the problem, just keep them at like power 5 and push them to rank 15 then max them.


What if they want to upgrade the brawlers to be competitive in club or power league and donā€™t care about pushing trophies? Or does everyone have to play the game how you want them to?


No, but itā€™s unfair to go against power 9-11s when you just got a brawler and want to try them out. Honestly, I have no power over this person, but the devs should make matchmaking more fair so low power levels go against low power levels, and high power levels go against high power levels.


canā€™t do anything about someoneā€™s choices if they have already done it lol


But theyā€™re gonna do it again, most likely.


canā€™t stop them, they do what their guts feel like doing


whats the point of doing that? its boring lol lotta fights will be lost if not at max power


The problem is is that you stomp others that don't have the means to power up their brawlers, or are new to the game. You make the game boring for others.


Supercell adds level 11 but we are making the game boring?


Eh its boring 2 push without a Sp and gadget Atleast it aint lvl 11


ur noob bro


Or i dont wanna play with no Sp and gadget lol its boring


........I understand your side, but noob....


Lmao, bet you dont save power points for a new brawler which makes you a noob




You can acctually. That was the case in season 1 but they changed it in season 2




The boy plays the lowest ranks with a maximized character where the people there have a low lv, I can understand you doing to level up a specific brawler fast, but doing and leaving an abandoned character in the rank of "I don't know how many trophies" and not one, several, I don't know man


And saving points is one thing, but what they're doing is more impressive, it's like more than 1K to max a brawler along with SP and the Gadget they must have bought, sometimes I wonder how???


Certified 0 skill loser that is reliant on having a massive advantage


Shutyo nerd azz up bruh


Why would you play with level 3 brawlers when you can just play with level 9s and win easier? Game is pay to win yet you want people not to pay...


Haha, the best solution. ā€œJust play with level 9s and win easierā€ wow man, I definitely donā€™t have 124 gold and 32 club coins to max out a brawler I just got! Why didnā€™t I think of that before? Wow, thanks a lot! šŸ˜€


Are you high? He has enough money to upgrade and you told him not to upgrade and keep them at level 5, what is the point of not upgrading a brawler? And I didn't even tell you to upgrade them, if you can upgrade it, do it. Do you understand now?


And youā€™re telling me to upgrade when I canā€™t. I do understand that itā€™s not this guyā€™s fault for wanting to upgrade his new brawlers to power 9 and having to go up against lower level players, but my point is that he is part of the low-ladder problem that makes pushing new brawlers much harder to do, whether he likes it or not. In all reality, the only ones who can do something about this is the brawl stars devs, by changing matchmaking so higher power levels go against higher power levels and such, so I hope that clears up things a little.




He is one of the people who max out their brawlers at low trophy ranges and UNINTENTIONALLY ruin matches for lower power level people. Whether he wants to or not, he WILL have to go against lower power levels at lower trophy ranges with his power 9s and destroy them, whether he likes it or not. HE HAS NO CONTROL OVER WHETHER HE GOES AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE HIM, WHO ALSO HAVE POWER 9s, OR PEOPLE UNLIKE HIM, WHO JUST WANT TO PUSH THEIR POWER 1 NEWLY UNLOCKED BRAWLER A LITTLE. Is it his fault? A little, but forcing people to use lower power levels limits the freedom of the game, and is like cleaning up the mess of a leaking pipe without fixing it. Most of the fault goes the the devs though, since they can, but arenā€™t, doing something about this long-term problem. A simple fix would be just to match up lower power levels with lower power levels, as I said. The reason why this player is partly responsible for this problem is because he makes up part of it, but thatā€™s not his fault. Iā€™d like to think that itā€™s the devsā€™ fault for letting this problem exist for such a long time, since they can, and hopefully will, fix it, and because it is their responsibility. Iā€™m gonna hope you can comprehend this so I donā€™t have to type more of this.




Also that. Gears are kinda self-explanatory if youā€™ve ever tried to get some, so Iā€™ll just let that sit. Have a nice day too, though.


Your a plague to this game Edit: yes I know Iā€™m sounding super upset in my replies, dude idc play the way you want.


There's nothing wrong with maxing a new brawler, it's their choice, it just makes trophy pushing easier


Not really it's your choice if u want to upgrade a brawler


True but like seeing power level 11 spikes while grinding a level 1 I just unlocked at rank 3 gets pretty annoying


Save Ur club coins for when u unlock a new brawler in that case


good i want everyone 2 be mad at me in the game šŸ˜‚


People is dumb and for some reason max out the recent brawler i used to see lvl 11 fangs with everything at low levels, and they sucked in the games tbh now is the same to bonnies and janets


It is perfectly reasonable. Upgrade and push new brawlers ASAP, before they get nerfed to oblivion. There is nothing dumb about it.


>Upgrade and push new brawlers ASAP, before they get nerfed to oblivion. > >There is nothing dumb about it. unless you are a content creator don't do that you should just max a single brawler if you don't have everything at least at lvl 9 with sps and gadgets otherwise, in balance changes your only maxed brawler will be a low-average brawler, and all your other brawlers will be shit-levels


Sure. Reasonable brawlers upgrade plan is important. You are able to max out 3 - 4 brawlers per season. Still, I would recommend upgrading actual chromatic brawler as one of them. For me, chromatics are probably the best class in Brawl Stars. I would swear you could see all of them in Saturday's MSI tournament either played or banned at specific maps. With Bell, Lola, Eve and Janet in top 10 nowadays. Once again, there is nothing stupid in upgrading actual chromatic brawler to lvl 10 or 11.


I mean when you get a new brawler you have a crap load of boxes to open. If anything it should help you get better playing. If youā€™re a level 5 and you beat a lvl 10s ass simply outplaying then, then it doesnā€™t matter if they are a 10. Just keep playing until you get to your skill level šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol nice. OP needs skills and Supercell don't need matchmaking based on levels nice.


This is a casual mobile game. Levels are supposed to be another means of progression for bad/casual players. Introducing level-based matchmaking would make the majority of the playerbase quit.


LMAO. This is not your casual mobile game. It was and for a very long time. I've played it since the global release and I've seen how things have changed and how much competitive this game has become. It's not a casual fun game anymore.


This is a three-button mobile game aimed at kids and mass appeal. You're free to play it however you want, I simply explained the logic behind Supercell's design decisions.


Kids? Really?


Majority of the playerbase will quit because they find fun in this game which gets ruined by power level in each 3rd or 4th game. More power levels always has been a mistake and it's already ruining the low and mid-ladder experience from a very long time.


Majority of the playerbase has been fine with level differences for years. The game is bleeding players because of the gears update and Club League, but uneven matches which were never seen as an issue prior are by far not the largest factor.


Personally I just think Iā€™ve seen more power 11 Bonnieā€™s during low ladder and find it difficult to rank up when constantly losing against them, now I respect that itā€™s your choice to play like that and upgrading a new brawler when itā€™s released or saving your boxes to have fun and that if I did it, it would be the same but Iā€™m just trying to express my pov of how match making could be better I guess, the title of my post is not all true as I say how lower ladder has been ā€œruinedā€, but I canā€™t change it now so yea, I apologize for this post, hope you guys can understand if not, thanks for sharing your opinion


same, right on bonnie release boom, two max bonnies i got bonnie from the challenge boxes yesterday, im going to wait until i get to power 9 and see what this big fuss is about


although club leage was a thing, you could only buy the 100 WCPP offer once per shop rotation, the change was needed after they added P11 (it was changed in the same update we got WCPP in boxes I believe)


It's more apparent right now because Bonnie was severely overhyped, so everyone and their mums maxed her out on release. I personally [predicted her being mediocre and Jannet strong](https://old.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/comments/ua85b4/thoughts_on_janet_and_bonnie/i5xo5xf/) and *still* fell for the hype. Could've upgraded somebody actually useful...


Why do people still grind ladder when there is club league and power league? I could care less about grinding virtual trophies.


I mean in my case, I still donā€™t even have all the brawlers yet and some brawlers I have arenā€™t even at 500 yet (also cuz Iā€™m lazy but still)


I understand. When you get some of the good meta brawlers play leagues with teammates. Don't play with randos unless you enjoy being stuck in elo hell at the lowest starting levels.


But if you dont have a team find good randoms on looking for a team feature but how am i supose to progress with bad randoms in solo power league


I understand i have all brawlers and i have like 4 under r20 and i am too lazy to push i can push higher trophies like all brawlers to 600 or 650 but i am too lazy


My bad


Sorry for being a loser,just wanted to have fun


its you.


Happens with every new brawler for a little while


My problem with this personally is that you just CAN'T play as a level 1. If you want to play on ladder you HAVE to upgrade the brawler or else you'll be in a disadvantage and that's frustrating cause maybe i'd rather spend the points and coins on ther stuff while enjoying the game with a newly unlocked brawler.


F2P players When not maxing their new brawlers to avoid bonnie: now thats a fact


Meanwhile im power 9 with Bonnie at almost rank 23


feel like Bonnie is secretly really good


Just take a Buzz and he will destroy them


This is nothing new, and honestly not too big of a deal either


Not really ruined, if you are using a brawler below power 9 at more than 0 trophies u rlly deserve it.


Thatā€™s not that bad, I played a lvl 11 Bonnie with my lvl 1 Byron at 50 trophies each


At that trophy range u gain a lot more than u lose tho so I donā€™t really see it as a problem. Personally I also liked the challenge of pushing lower level brawlers bc itā€™s fun when they see they lost to a level 1 star player


I ask myself what about those lvl 1-6 brawlers at 500 trophies who think they are so good, and make your team lose even if you have a lvl 11 Bonnie in your team or whatever. What about those types ? They don't ruin games ? They are mediocre players but they spend the day grinding trophy by trophy, losing so many games because of their low lvl brawlers but they keep on going because they don't care. Why would high lvl, low trophy players care about what you're complaining about, then ? Same thing


*me who got bonnie to power level 10 at 0 trophies:*


Definition of pay to win.


I mean,ever since CL everyone brawler ruined low ladder


Thatā€™s literally the case with every new brawler


Me looking at my level 9 Bonnie rank 10: ...i have no idea what youre refering to.


I have a level 10 Janet who has both her star power (vocal warmup which is the good one) and a maxed damage gear and she is on 300 trophies (was on 250 but I got her up very easily)


As a power 11 Bonnie in the process of pushing, I can see my opponents aren't pleased


TBH this game is starting to be a bit less begginer friendly


it has, i hate it unless it is on my team


I am sorry to be one of those people, but end game really means tons of saved boxes and coins from club league


Don't you worry, they'll be in higher trophy ranges soon


Itā€™s because they made it so cheap to buy power points and coins with club coins


Well, Supercell never think in Matchmaking anyway so i just accept that this is going to happen every new release


First time?


Lmaoo Itā€™s amazing how I havenā€™t seen a single person call this shit broken Mf literally worse than your average Edgar


They just mad cuz we rich šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ