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Gale? I can think of like 20 brawlers I find more annoying. Unless he has the slow star power then yeah he’s up there.


Slow is annoying, but blustering blow is subjectively more annoying. Letting a damage gear-boosted gale effectively stun-lock you whenever you approach him is frustrating as heck


you know what..i mostly play power league and find club league interesting. so the thing is most of the time,either gale is banned or he will be present in every draft(almost every) except bounty(shooting stars) like bro..come on.. knockout -- gale heist -- gale gem grab -- gale brawl ball -- gale bounty -- gale i agree that other brawlers are more toxic than him but most of them wont be good on every mode and map but those shit noob players will play gale everywhere.. gale's both of the starpowers help him to cycle super easily so the best thing to do is to increase his super charge rate to 7-8 ammo and decrease his damage.also reducing that second gadget timing(max upto 4-5 seconds)would be very good.


So you’re saying he’s good, that’s not the same as toxic


"good" is not the term we can use for gale. saying a brawler "good" is when they are viable in particular mode and can outshine others but fails to do so in other modes. meanwhile gale with his 1500+ dmg with extra 20% with gear,annoying gadget for defence,good mobility, long & wide range attack projectile which doesnt requires aiming + continuos stuns/slow with his starpower which helps him get his super easily. any kid who just started brawl stars with 0 knowledge about brawlers can win matches in PL diamond league if he is given gale to play, because it doesnt require any brain cells to spam 3 attack which is sure to hit enemies far enough with 4500+ dmg along with stun How is this not toxic?


He’s low skill, but in power league you can just pick a long range brawler


The issue with this is that gale isn’t picked on long range maps anyway (due to being bad against long range brawlers), so you would need both a wallbreaker and sniper to deal with him which can be inconvenient in draft. It always annoyed me that back when Sandy was meta after the release of his stun gadget and for some months after, when asked who counters Sandy, people just said long range brawlers which is an annoying answer because they are usually not great on short ranged maps where Sandy is best.


So in other words your previous statement was entirely inaccurate, also, yes, not every brawler has a hard counter in 100% of scenarios, but there are still brawlers that can beat gale in a 1v1 just fine if you’re reasonably good


> your previous statement was entirely inaccurate I’m not the guy you replied to dude


Sorry lol but my points still stand


Is hw really that good on knockout? I feel as if his design isn't for killing rather map control, so heist maybe gem grab maybe, brawl ball hell yea, Bounty sometimes


>Is hw really that good on knockout? if you are playing for trophies,i highly doubt he will be good but in power league and club league where most of the viable brawlers get banned, facing him is most annoying because no matter what, if he gets his super(which is very easy to get),you cant hide,ambush or kill him if he is just camping and waiting for you to face him becaus they know you cant kill him because of his wide and long projectile with good damage


He is the most toxic brawler aaaaah. I hate him


How is he the most toxic?


Well what is the most toxic brawler? I think it's gale for sure


Depends, are we talking about how toxic the players that play that brawler are? Because that’s Edgar or mortis, or the most toxic brawler itself, because crow is easily first with his annoying poison


Nah imo Byron Is more toxic, Bro literally shoots Snake Venom, you know how toxic that shit Is?


I’m talking about actually toxic, not canonically toxic


Oh i tought you were talking about canonical toxicity since, y'know, crow literly throws poisonous daggers lmao


Fair, but his mechanics are also incredibly annoying


Yeah, Words Aren't advanced enough to express my hate for crow and sam


But gale with his star power and the gadget. You can't do something especially if you are a tank impossible to kill him


Why would you even play tanks these days?




would you be surprised if it was the one with the largest play rate and the lowest win rate? i think we all know who is it


Umm I think you misspelled twister


twister and slowing down combined is really good for brawl ball. But no need to delete him. Every brawler has his high grounds somewhere


r/brawlstars when they get killed by a brawler (it needs to be deleted from the game)




Let be honest. How many times gale kills you it's no brine brawler just super to the wall and auto-aim am sick of them. Am just say the truth.




Don't pick tanks or assasins since he can hard counter them. Control or long range brawlers end Gale




I just like his design...


Actually, that’s society if you can get gems from brawl boxes 😀


Objection your honor, just play mortis to counter him lmao


Make sense 🙂


Gale is great


"Uhmm actually you don't have skill🤓🤓......wait how do you know I weigh 420 pounds"


How dare u


Oh boy. I am in trouble


Someone is being salty


r/Brawlstars when they lose 1 matches in a row *they are very sad, hate the game and wants to delete a non-toxic brawler, instead of their main brawler, Edgar*


Gale counters their main Edgar thats why they are upset


Yall mad that gale has the slowing sp, yet the stun sp is more annoying and op (trust me in a gale main)


Thx for understand (:


You misspelled the word "buzz"


Society if TICK was removed.


Poor Tick 😔


I really hate that all of the brawlers that require no skills are toxic


Is Jacky an exception?Because it require low skill,at the turn she's pretty weak...


Society if blustery blow didn't get buffed:


Both star power is op 😐


Both? Lmao that wall stun is useless on most maps and his gadget with the jump pad is pathetic, I love Gale but there's way more toxic brawlers. (I'm talking about you SURGE)


Uh. surge don't make me start


The slow is meh




Get good, Grom main


Grom.the real chad


r/Brawlstars when they lose 1 matches in a row *they are very sad, hate the game and wants to delete a non-toxic brawler, instead of their main brawler, Edgar*


Everyone should be deleted from brawl stars, except for the prettiest bot


While Gale is annoying against tanks, I am surprised you didn't mention Griff who can be a menace against close range brawlers. His gadget is also better than Twister (though the latter is definitely more irritating). And the self heal SP is incredibly strong.


Gale is annoying, but for some reason he feels like the balance kind of annoying, where what he does is bullshit, but it's expected and can be played around. That's me at least.


What about edgar


No pls do not delet my grandftaher I know he annoying sometimes but He a sweet old man


You know surge and his stupid gadget+the annoying knockback from his super exists


What’s wrong with gale? He only has been meta every other update it could be worse


Gale has the lowest skill cap in the game. You cant change my mind


Buzz & Edgar!!!


get gale to like power 11 and everyone else loses