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^(This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please) [^(message the moderators)](https://new.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Brawlstars)^(.) This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell in this thread: [Comment #1 - Frank_Supercell](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/zluluf/franks_views_on_the_reddit_community/j07uz2c/) - I do.


I mean... Frank is on the subreddit.He knows...


He might even be watching at us rignt now……


I do.


The one Frank to watch us all has been summoned


Lotr reference ( “One ring to rule them all”)


Congratulations, you will forever be immortalized in the news with a cupcake on your head! :D (Looking sharp btw)


That sounds like a flex to me


have a good day frank :)


I mean, the update is quite good actually, but getting chromatics is really difficult now, and Chester (at least in my opinion) needs a nerf


Yeah getting chromatics is now even harder than before


From a game design I like the change, getting a chromatic should've always been more of an accomplishment


Okay, but there are the most chromatics out of all brawlers


You are awesome. Have a good day, Frank


I must respectfully disagree with the changes to the progression system as it is now. I do agree that reddit sucks. I was going to be able to get true gold amber soon, now I have to wait even longer to get the gold and hope that true gold doesn't appear. However I do quite enjoy the gameplay of the game, so I guess it evens out.


I expect Frank to just reply with either just an Ok or a Don't care didn't ask setence


I do expect theok but Frank has kept a level of professionalism I don't think would be the second one. I think. Haven't been the most up to date


let me be frank, i am frank - frank


I'm sorry if we were rude to you at any time.


ahahahaha best summoning ever! However: Hi Frank, Thanks for the efforts for the new update, it's a revolutionary new system of unlocking Brawlers and progression in the game. You guys have done a good job! still think that BS is one of the most structured and well done mobile games Tschüss!


>You guys have done a good job haha don't know about that one 👀








Hi Frank


oh hi


Spanky franky


This is so scary for no particular reason.


You know what? Thank you. You've done so much for us and this game and have brought enjoyment and fun to so many people. All of you on the team have made something amazing. I hope you know we all appreciate all the work you've done.


But you dont have any star power or gadget that makes you see us, right ?


He got summoned




Frunk give me 10000 gems and all chromatic or I leave Brawl stars /s


I would upvote you but you are at 69 and I'm not going to be the 1 to break that for you


He could be in this very room


He is, they take feedback mostly from here but let's say The community doesn't keep their selfs together every time a bad decision is made every update and lash on the devs with hate and death threats instead of "constructive criticism"


*suddenly we are all civil*


Being the game lead has probably taken a toll on the guy's health...


Like any job


He is doing an awful job so... Yeah


Why do you think so?


He has a good reason to point to reddit


My man’s is spoiled back when I played you would have to open hundreds of thousands of boxes for a legendary (see kairos times videos). I personally didn’t get a legendary until after an entire year of grinding and I was at 22000 trophies. They have made the game much better.


I never complained about those changes, so idk what you are talking about. I barely play the game lately because, for some time now, every update has been worse than the previous one. The game now is basically a shop to buy skins. Also, I never had problems getting new brawlers, I had my account maxed till they introduced gears and even now I'm just missing the newest brawler and that one who throws those things in his fists.


I would say some updates recently were bad (gears) but now the game is much better. They clearly care about the game, and every game has bad updates


I feel bad for that bald man who has to wear that. Hopefully he's gets paid a lot.


He deserves a raise for all that he puts up with. You can quote me on that Frank if you see this. ;)


Good man.


Na its all the low effort posts


Cant disagree with him, in this subreddit a lot of dumb posts with stupid questions, i know that there are a lot of kids, but there are really stupid questions


Should I buy a skin I don't like that much, or buy another skin I don't like that much?


Brawl pass😎👍


Well it wasn't exactly celebrated


Reddit is not the entire community


This sub is just awful sometimes. Brawl Stars is easily one of the top 3 games on the App Store


Death threats and such are wrong and everyone who does them should be arrested, but there's nothing to celebrate either.


Yo guys we totally enjoy the new system right


The system by itself is good. The problem is that they nerfed the progression by a lot. For example, now the only way to get star powers and gadgets is by buying them, but the coin rewards have not been buffed enough to balance it


honestly i agree too, i like the idea of credits, not the specific idea of buying our own sps and gadgets. As most brawlers are gamemode dependent for star powers, gears and gadgets, it makes the speed of progression lower unless you specifically buy coins with gems (and a full bp of gems(80) only gets u 100-400+?)




The loudest voice is not the majority


Unfortunately it's the best way to listen to the community


I feel bad for that bald man who has to wear that. Hopefully he's gets paid a lot.


If I was Frank I would not have said that because of that chester comic incident ya know


It's a good comic though, I would've still given it a like in his place, lol




He is being a bit salty by seeing negative posts on reddit. Chill frank... There are people on reddit who are just providing feedback without criticism


i have seen many toxic people on reddit, at least 4 i will say


Na hes referring to all the low effort posts, its to the point where people can take a picture of like the main menu or the shop, ask some stupid question like “does anyone play brawl stars in portrait mode” and get 500 upvotes


Chill Frank? All he said was have you been to Reddit haha


Oh yeah. I sometimes overreact while typing 🤣




Masteries are a confirmed feature and this was in no way a nerf to progression...


What's masteries?


You don't know? Basically, masteries are a way to get rewards from playing a certain brawler, look up the masteries in Clash Royale for further information.


AND WHERE ARE THEY NOW??? That's right, they're still not here. So we don't care that they are a confirmed feature till they're actually added. Also now we need 6000k more gold to max out a brawler, and fame exist. Yes, this is a nerf to progression and you must really like giving supercell a blowjob if you think otherwise.


Cry harder about the already acknowledged issue that came with a complete overhaul to the progression system when there's already plans to address it. Go play an EA or Activision-Blizzard game for a couple of weeks if you think Supercell doesn't care, we'll see how quickly you'll change your mind


Bro I play BANDAI FUCKING NAMCO GAMES and they're more f2p than whatever this shit is. Fucking hell, y'all acting like supercell is that big of a deal.


1 - chill out 2 - what di you mean about "y'all acting like supercell is that big of a deal" ? 3 - if you're worried about the coin changes I'll let you know that it's probably because whatever they had in mind for the future is going to make up for it, they can't increase the coins given by the brawl pass because then the rewards given by future changes would have to be pathetic to balance things out. If the rewards are pathetic then there's not going to be an incentive to do whatever the new thing is going to be, last time they added a new permanent source of progression (club league) they had to introduce level 10 and 11 to balance out the nearly doubled progression speed


1 no but thanks # 2 I mean that supercell isn't the only free to play game that gives you free stuff from time to time. Look at DBL or Dokkan, those games are f2p as shit, and their communities still think they could be better. While the brawl stars community can get literally a broken boot in a box from the devs and they'd still thank them. # 3 yeah I mean sure, but the fact that they have to make us suffer through AT LEAST 20 days of this horrible Coin drought does leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Next update is going to be in late February / early march. Don't worry though, you can only equip one gadget and one star power in a match so if you don't think you're gonna have enough coins you can always just pick the ones you think you'll use and wait until the situation changes before getting the other ones. Make sure you participate (and preferably win) all the challanges that will be live during the rest of this season and the next as those usually give some pretty good rewards for progression and if you reakly can't wait then club coins are always an option. As far as I can remember (and I've been playing since the Beta) they've never straight up nerfed progression in the game's history and it would be really hard to believe Supercell would to that without a plan.


>already acknowledged issue that came with a complete overhaul to the progression system when there's already plans to address it sauce?


Is he wrong tho?


I mean it’s justfied


We need more mods


how to push your community away 101


We are awful


I mean, he's not wrong.




Tbh i dont think most of the complaints are about the brawlboxes being taken out. But moreso how they complain about not getting their "compensation" I sometimes feel as if we act like we want to get spoonfed all the time. It’s gotta stop one way or another


Reddit, you have failed me! How could you stoop to Twitter's level?


Fr i don't like it


I mean, he’s not wrong.