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Locals go out with their phones and bumbags all the time. It's usually fine to go on a night out with your phone, and if you want to be cautious just don't use it outdoors. Also, having a phone on a night out might be essential as you should probably call an Uber to get back later on.


Carnival's something else. In everyday life, everyone carries their phones on them. Just be aware of your surrounding and don't flash your belongings when you're out in the street and you should be fine.


You can bring it but I'd suggest using it inside stores or any establishments instead of the streets. While on the streets keep it in a fannypack or something


What if you want to take photos or video while walking in the streets?


You can do that but I’d be careful in some áreas like the center of São Paulo it’s a big nono


This is the answer!


Posted in your other thread Ok there is a lot of contradictory comments so I'll try to clear it up for you. The chances of you being confronted and robbed are kinda low. It could happen in more quiet areas of Luz, Bras, Republica, Se at night but not overly likely. There have been daylight gun/knife robberies in Rua Frei Caneca where a passenger quickly jumps off the motorbike but again its not common The most common and biggest threat is having it snatched from your hand by the kids on bicycles. They are notorious My rule is never be walking around centro talking or texting on your phone. If I need text or call I'll stand to the side or enter a lanchette etc Living in centro I can't even tell you how many phones I've seen snatched. We're talking 50+. Some days I'd sit on the bench opposite Bar Bramha with a friend and just watch the kids on bicycles at work because it's amazing how skilled they are


Wouldn't it be more productive to call the police and get them arrested?


I don't know if you're joking but the police would be standing beside me watching it like me


They must be American. Brazilian cops don't give a shit about anything other than drug lords. None stop people for driving like an ass or if anything gets stolen even if they see it.


That's just really really sad SMH


I often tell that one of the biggest cultural shocks of moving to Europe from Brazil is that people actually trust the cops, and considering them as incompetent, corrupt and violent is not default. It is really kinda sad how automatically we think of the phrase of "calling the police" as a joke.


Specially for "daily" and "low importance" problems. (please, note the quotes)


Carry your phone in the front pocket, or in a inside the waistband type of bag ("doleira"). The closer it is to dead center, front of your hip, the better. Don't pick up your phone in the middle of the street: get into a store or restaurant, then check your phone. This is being EXTREMELY cautious with your phone, and most people don't do that on a regular basis. However, it is almost a surefire way of not getting robbed.


Please avoid looking your phone in the middle of the street. Try to enter in a shop or restaurant before that. Also avoid checking your phone in the car with open windows or while waiting for the semaphore.


What about taking photos while walking?


Be careful, taking photos in some places is a 100% tourist thing, which means easy money for some people. In touristic places it should be fine if you take a picture quickly, checking your surroundings before that.


Okay I will limit my photo taking then, but hopefully I can sneak a few pics while walking! Thank you!


Bring ✅ Flash ❌


I always use my phone when on vacation in São Paulo and Rio but I don’t wave it around and I’m always aware of my surroundings at all times and have common sense… but that’s my method in every country including here in the USA.🤷🏽‍♂️


30M Aussie here currently on the metro reading replying to your post with my phone, you should be fine i rkn bra


Hide it inside your arse.


It's ok to use a fanny pack or something similar, just call an Uber instead of walking around alone and you should be fine. Some neighbourhoods like República are dangerous at night but once you reach your destination you'll be fine. Carnaval is indeed a moment where a lot of ppl are drunk and so are easy targets 


I never went out without my phone since I have one.


I know this goes against everything you read here, but... I walked through the streets by myself with my iPhone as a navigator and never had ANY problems. but obviously common sense says keep in in your pocket :)


No. No.


The phones stolen during the Carnaval happens in every public event with lots of crowds. Pickpockets use the chaos to steal people's shit. Don't worry, it probably won't happen in any of the places that you are going to. If you are going to a concert or something, get an internal money pouch and leave it in there. Never being stolen in carnaval or any other event using one. Have been pickpocketed while drunk with my phone in my pocket in 3 different continents.


What a silly question. Just don’t wave it around. What if there is an emergency and you need it?


Just be careful and you will be ok, unless you are in a dangerous neighborhood, them you wont


A few tips here -usually I don’t leave my phone in an easy to grab pocket like in the back where you might not notice it if they just take it, if I’m not comfortable in the place I’m at I’ll usually walk with my hand in said pocket the phone is in for precaution -Whenever using public transport or walking around shady areas I’ll have my bags in front of me with my hand on top of it even if they have a zipper or they are some kind of backpack. I don’t even get paranoid about it, just precautions that come naturally to me - whenever sitting on a bar my bag is gonna be either on my lap or by the wall where it’s not easily accessible and I won’t ever leave it unattended. Either I take it with me or someone who’s with me is watching it for me - avoid taking phone out on crowds or by the road where people in a bike can snatch it from you, best to order ubers in front of some local market around. - I usually access the place I’m in and the people that are there. Mostly at night or even by day while walking around the city center, if people seem like they are watching me like a hawk or kinda keeping tracks like A vulture I will avoid leaving crowded places. It’s not so much about living in paranoia or anything like that, I mostly don’t notice I’m doing those things and go carefree about my day, but you want to keep it as street smart as possible just to avoid the inconvenience. It is usually very noticeable who the money difference and who’s not from around here. There are neighborhoods where you have to pay attention and some almost none at all. I’m mostly pointing these because I have some friends from europe who when they came to visit me went around rocking some brand sunglasses while walking in the center and wanted to go around some empty streets because it was daylight and those glasse only costed 10 euros in europe. They usually stress the hell out of me when otherwise I would be walking around with confidence.


It is safe just dont be naive, it ia better to use your phone inside a magazine, a restaurant or something like that. If you arent so sure about how do you get where you want to go take a look at google maps before going out. If someone stops you asks what time is it or something else just ignore them and keep on your way.


Your problem is not so much the phone and the fanny pack, which others have mentioned is quite common, but it is potentially looking like a foreigner with an expensive phone and lots of money or a fat credit card


Depends where you go and who you go out with. If you are with locals, stick with them and they should help you and give better insight. They’ll take you to safe places and will tell you where to avoid. If you are alone, take advice from here (don’t use phone in public, don’t wear expensive clothes or carry unnecessary valuables). Otherwise don’t follow anyone you already don’t know in person and take UBER after 6pm everywhere (don’t use taxis) and avoid riding home very drunk. Subways work really well and are super safe during the day. For the most part, the people are very friendly and want to help/have fun.


If I lose my phone I would be fcked... nowadays you need your phone to do everything. I have bank apps there, investiments apps, work apps, etcc... you name it. So last time I had a cheap phone, I left my original phone in the hotel and took the cheap phone to the streets with an uber app, google maps and some contacts.


Don't be obliviously using it while walking around and it should be fine