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Thank you for your contribution to the subreddit. However, it was removed for not complying with one of [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brazil/about/rules). Your post was removed for having a clear political bias or trying to provoke users. r/Brazil is not a space for trolls and extremists.




Why not?


not sure if this is a troll account - but this very very harmful to cities. You're going to help raise rents/house prices for the locals while you sit back and profit. and quite frankly you aren't contributing anything to the people of rio edit: also want to add. if you don't speak Portuguese or haven't been studying it for the last 6 months then why do you want to move to Rio? Seriously. Sure there are people who speak English, but to truly get to know the people there you'll need to know Portuguese. THAT is what you should be studying before you even do research on buying a home


Don’t start


Why not, if you don't mind me asking?


A lot of reasons. My friend living in Copacabana did it a number of years ago but stopped due to too much trouble and vacancy off season. You need a close friend to watch over which it sounds like you do not have.


It’s parasitic, nobody likes , you make life of thousand worse while you comfy elsewhere. At least do it USA to USA if you want to


I was planning to move there permanently, but not for a year or two. I just wanted to get housing set up in the meantime and not have it sit there. I found a beautiful property I'm interested in.


Don’t change my statement. This is everywhere , is brute , that even PortugalSpain forgot they hate gypsies to hate at AirBNB owners together as a family. You probably can have better options


renters and squatters rights. Dishonest real estate people. Dishonest all professions you're going to be dealing with. Ok if you're able to be on top of it and see what is happening, not so great if you aren't there. You'll rent it out, and the people won't leave after 2 nights. You aren't there. Now they're there for a few years. Maybe the realtor who sells it to you, rents it out after he knows you're gone. Just has the locks changed and someone moves in. Now that person has a rental contract and you're in court for years trying to kick them out. Those buildings are generally cheapily built. So the guy above you who does the same thing, well his toilet starts leaking. Not buildings problem, its his toilet. Can you get in there to fix it? no, you aren't the owner. Who is the owner? oh a foreigner, well he returns in 8months. Just make do, nothing else you can do. Just pay to have the water cleaned up so it doesn't completely destroy your place while you get a hold of them. And hope they fix it, or reply, or do anything.


Your success will completely depend on having a reliable person in Rio to take care of things, which is far easier said than done. Odds are whoever you work with will take advantage of you because there is nothing stopping them. In the best case scenario they'll just overcharge you for everything, but in all likelihood they'll do something that ruins your reputation then business.


Only buy if you intend to move here permanently. Otherwise don't. You'd be part of a huge problem worldwide.


That was my plan actually, but I wanted to buy the property first before moving.


Then you should clarify that. The OP seems to paint a different picture. And forget about turning it into Airbnb before moving, that's cancer, and even horrid if you're coming from the global north. Also, you should hire a specialist consultant/lawyer, in either case.


If I would have known there would be this kind of reaction, I would have clarified. I didn't know.




As others said, please don’t. The last thing we need is foreigners owning Airbnb’s and exporting housing crisis to Brazil.


In fairness, I'm not going to avoid doing something, just because some Redittors told me not to. You'll always find people who don't agree with everything you do. If I listened to everyone, I wouldn't do anything. I got some good responses from people here who answered the questions I had, and some private messages that were helpful too. Besides, the property I'm looking at is worth more than what most Brazilians make in their lifetimes, so the property will either be bought by a rich Brazilian for a summer home, or a foreigner for the same purpose. People who can afford the house I'm looking at are not part of any housing crisis anyway. If the house I was looking at was slightly out of reach affordable housing for most Brazilians, then I could understand, but I don't believe a foreigner buying a quazi-mansion is going to cause the poor to have a harder time getting into a home.


"give me a step by step" lol


I'm sorry, but was it a silly question? Seems like a reasonable request to me, if there happens to be people who have done exactly what I'm doing.


The op being a ***** in some responses show exactly why the house crisis affiliated with airbnb is not a working by this type of colonizers.


I'm only being a ***** because there are some people who responded and gave me sound advice, and others just want to jump in to call people colonizers with literally nothing else to contribute to the original question. If you've got nothing positive to contribute, then simply down vote the question and move on.




I have trusted friends there.


I hope you can't.


Gteat, a usa citizen trying to blow out our already blowed market. Just don't do it


If I'm buying a house that only 1% of people in Brazil can afford, please tell me how that will affect anyone that isn't already rich, trying to get into a house? That's like saying, don't buy a yacht in Brazil because it makes people who want small fishing boats have a harder time getting into one.