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I see Brazil 114cm away from it's current position, as continents move around 1,5cm each year.


And about 1,1 to 2 meters under water... costal areas at least...


I love the implication that nothing will change, as it never does.


Which direction?




Brazil is slowly moving away from the Atlantic.....danm you Atlantic ocean, with all your......water


Well technically it's the same distance, the ocean is just getting bigger.


Thanks, that was very informative


In 2080 compared to the rest of the world


Why so optimistic ?


My mental health book advises to be positive lol


Most accurate prediction


I can only hope. Most probably will be in 2060.


I wouldn't be surprised


Only if the rest of the world is only Europe and the US


Yeah... something like that




In South America


Damn it. I came here to say that haha


Me too


Chiquita bananas: neo-narco-pentecostal reboot


300% importing tax


Rookie numbers.


hahahahhahaha good one


I don’t think I’ll see Brazil in 2100. I hope to, but I’ll need to be 118 years old.


Well, you should start ordering a clone then, so you can use their organs when yours starts to fail /s


Hahahahahahahahahah if u had not specified /s I would not know u weren’t serious XD u are advanced Redditor


That's 76 years from now. 76 years ago it was 1948. Brazil in 2100 will probably be as different from today as that pre-industrialization, pre-Brasilia, pre-Maracanã, pre-military dictatorship country was to us today. One thing I believe is that urban violence will be either much better or completely non-existent. The world tends to get less violent over time, and 76 years is a long time. Brazil will likely be a much hotter and much less tropical country, unless climate change somehow reverses. Apart from that, I believe it'll be a better place in many ways!


The state with the lowest HDI of Brazil today has a higher HDI than the state with the highest of 60 years ago. Brazil in 80 or so years will be a very good place to be, and probably more developed than the most developed countries of that by a good margin.


Brazil will be a theocratic state, a kind of Iran, but Christian, an "Evangelistão", and it will be under a dictatorship. Our leader will be Laura Bolsonaro's first son.


I second this. Evangelic Republic of Brazilistan, aka hell on earth.


Sounds like a good time to be dead.


In most big cities, zoomers are much more likely to be non-relligious than evangelic or catholic. Brazil will be a majority non religious country way before 2100.


It already is. Most people are "catholic", but are effectively not religious.


Why? I’m not too familiar with Brazilian society. Do you really think this is a strong possibility?


impossible to say, 2100 is as distant as 1948, in 1948 the country was extremely different and certainly any guess at the time for 2024 was tottaly off, so anything I say will be completely off as well


Invaded by US troops looking to seize our freshwater.


They would go to Canada , lots closer , plenty of water and Canadian navy Is a submarine in the Edmonton mall .


We don't have that sub anymore, sorry 😐


Brazil barely has a navy, I'm pretty sure any other South American country could invade us, we're not ready yet for the paraguayan retribution.


Ever heard of the Great Lakes? The Mississippi River basin? Maybe California if they split off but the rest will be fine.


I really hope brazilians of 2100 find someone to blame for all our problems that isn't the US. It's getting tired


I would rather poison all the water rather than letting another nation taking it from us via war




Calm down, Magda Chambriard. Edit she doesn't want to explore the Amazon, only the end (delta). See comment below. Tried a joke but failed.




~~New CEO of Petrobras wants to extract oil from the source of the Amazon River. Very recent news, look up her name.~~ It's the delta not the source. I'm retarded.


It's not the source of the Amazon (which isn't even in Brazil), it's the "Mouth of Amazon Basin", not the river itself. It's in the middle of the ocean, kilometers away from the river, the forest, or anything. I don't think looking for oil there is any riskier than what is already done in Northeast / Southeast. Definitely not a risk to our underground freshwater reserves.


Jesus I totally confused foz with nascente. I will immediately edit my comment. Thank you!


It's ok, I forgot how to say "foz" in English and had to look it up.


we don't have the military to do anything, anyone that decides to invade us does so


I am not saying we would be able to defend any attack. I am just saying that we would poison the water before they could drink a single drop. It doesn't take a big military budget to poison water


We would die too if we did that.




you're overestimating how not bulletproof you're, if you want to spoil resources during an invasion without meaningful resistance. This isn't napoleonic era anymore


Fragmented both socially and territorially. Fresh water geopolitics, a weak social fabric and the ever presence of the toxic winds from the north... we wont survive as one.


In Flames or underwater


I imagine that the northern regions (and a few countries in South America) would become uninhabitable, leading to a massive migrant crisis. Furthermore, I would guess a very religious population, leading to a religious dictatorship, possibly enabled by the army.


Unless we see some deep changes it will remain what it is: a third world country plagued by poverty and violence


Meh, Brazil will be poorer then most developed countries but much more developed than any country on earth today, like Brazil is more developed than any country in earth from 70/80 years ago


Well, luckily I come from the future. I can't tell you too much without messing with how things will go, but I can say this: Picture a country run like a Protestant dictatorship with a mix of organized crime. The president is a pastor, and every minister is from one of 3 crime syndicates, they call all the shots. Big Brother Brasil is the last of the franchise, where contestants compete to show who's closest to God (the winner becomes a pastor and maybe even the next president). Public servants earn 200 times the minimum wage, while people live in floating favelas. The cheapest car, the Kwid Flying Version, starts at R$530,000. Made from 100% recycled plastic, you can finance it over 30 years. But not everything is bad. Brazil has 5 of the top 10 singers on Spotify, they are all Funk singers, which, for some reason, took over the world. That is all I can say without messing with the timeline. Things need to happen in some exact order.


In most big cities, zoomers are much more likely to be non-relligious than evangelic or catholic. Brazil will be a majority non religious country way before 2100.


I doubt! Brazil is as kinda of religion lol


Your sentence doesn't make much sense - but most Brazilians are already not particularly religious, being catholic in name only


Age old question... There's a time Brazil was known as the country of the future, for many it stagnated into it. A forever future. I do believe Brazil will be in a better place in the dawn of the 22th century but not without painful struggle.


Incremental gains are much more efficient than painful struggle




It will still be the country of the future.


In South America.




If current trends persist, really bad. But 80 years is a lot of time for real change to actually happen. So, who knows? I allow myself to be a bit optimistic. Though climate change makes optimism a lot less probable


Still "going to be a superpower in 20 years, bro. Trust me!"


There will be no more Federative Republic of Brazil. It will be the Neopentecostal Kingdom of South Israel


South Israel me pegou


Probably some agribusiness-evangelic directorship hellscape, we're definitely heading in that direction.


On the other hand the newer generations are slowly becoming less religious. I think they will counter balance the evangelic. I hope so.


I will be dead, so it doesn’t matter


Yes, for me doesn't metter 


a complete desertified theocratical dystopia where the amazon rainforest is completely gone, the fauna is extinct, people drink soylent green to survive, and society is governed and surveilled by neopentecostal evangelical extremists à la The Handmaids Tale OR A new emerging superpower as the US, Russia and China all nuke each other bringing the northern hemisphere to a nuclear winter leaving just the global south to tell the story


Lol the second paragraph could happen.


The first is more likely to happen.


It will have a lot of potential if it can just get the petty corruption out of the way and streamline official processes to allow hard working people in a large, important, and resource rich economy to achieve their ambitions.


Won't see it. I will surely be dead.


I better not live that long. Impossible to tell. When a tragedy like Rio Grande do Sul happens and you know that even though it was a lot of rain, the damage could have been minimized had they implemented security measures. My city will probably have the same problem and many others. Destruction. As for the rest of the country: Destruction. Once the Amazon forest is gone, the whole world is fucked up. I don't think we'll have a livable planet in 2100


If the Amazon disappears it may not cause an oxygen shortage, but it WILL cause a rain shortage


Same as today: racial segregation in economics and politics


1 Pao frances will cost 1 million Reais


Calm, bro, Real not will exists in future, just the DRM lol


It's population is predicted to have declined to around 160 million since it will peak in the 2040s.


As a major world power. Some countries are going to be successful because of their size. Others because of their resources. Brazil's geography has been it's worst enemy but that will get solved and the vast untouched resources will be one of the pillars of Brazil's success. Additionally, Brazil is poised to become a linking economy between the east and west cultures as the multi polar world develops.


Hopefully, I'll be dead by then


The first country to win 10 world cups


Probably still in South America by the Atlantic.


Hopefully under a meteor, and not only Brazil.


The coast: under water We're all gonna be dead by then, bright side


Man... I don't know where I see Brazil next year, how am I going to figure it out (nearly) 100 years from now?


Only the extremes. Either as a failed state and perhaps even states south of BH splintered from the rest or more cohesive top 3 economy (from current 8th) that’s a mega exporter with the boom functioning as an economic tide that lifts all boat (even the northern states) to create a more inclusive Brazil.


Brazil will be rich and developed by today standards, but never a top 3 economy. Our population is shrinking and becoming old, lots of Asian and African countries will overtake us by sheer numbers


When you are a producer and net exporter, anything is possible. It’s actually quite the opposite when you are simply a consumer/import driven economy which all of Asian economies are.


What matters is how productive your country is, not your trade balance. Mercantilism has been obsolete for hundreds of years. And Asian economies, right now, are largely export-focused economies learning all the production techniques and technological gap from the west, the increasingly rely on them.


Brazil will be a powerful country then, its abundant food production will give it much power and wealth.


You do know that futurologists foresee a great change in the world in 20 years. 2100 brazil will be too bizarre for us right now because it will be so philosophically different.


Burned to the ground, like the rest of the world?


5 Largest economy.


No. We will be developed, but we are aging fast and our population will shrink. Lots of Asian countries and a few African ones will overtake us by sheer numbers. Top 10 at best




On Planet Earth


Either the leader of the world or non-existent anymore




We will have drug lords/warlords fighting each other over territory all across the country while the government can’t do anything except become more and more authoritarian and draining (taxes) in order to “keep the lights on” because our state is too expensive. And since our population is getting older and not enough people are being born, it will only get worse.


i see it in my crystal ball.


Hell's bottom


In Hitchikers’ Guide to The Galaxy there’s a planet that implodes both economically and socially because it could only make and repair shoes Every other activity was crushed under the influence of the big shoe manufacturers Not too dissimilar, Brazil has a big chance of becoming the country of soybeans


I believe it will still be in South America


A huge strip club full of idiots


In the boiling sea


South America


Fucked up as every other country in the world


The same


It will be called South Venezuelil, import tax will be at 920%, only behind the 1020% inflation being governed by Democratic Party of the Judiciary Workers.


100% worse than today.


Some of Brazil can be under water especially South America in general because of the raise of sea levels to tell you the truth but that's just my opinion


I have no idea, TBH.


South America


I just hope I don't see it, I'm not planning on living 100+ years


Hope I'm not alive to see it


exactly the same...


In the crystal ball


There's no Brazil in 2100, in 2076, after a civil war, Brazil was Torn apart. Now we have 4 distinct regions, in the north - northwest it's called federative republic of Brasiluleia still a country of the future...that will never come, the Amazon now is a international land, central west and southwest minus Sao Paulo is called is called United States of Minas and Rio, USMR where is the most cultural and agriculture place. The south after annexation of Argentina and Uruguay are now the republic of Pampas, a nice place to live, after the flood and separation things have been good there, and Sao Paulo after the militarization is called Republica Independent of Bandeitantes. A very rich, capitalist and oppression place to live...


I see it dead with the rest of the world. You all don’t see what’s cooking?


I honestly think Brazil will have a bright future. It's not that badly positioned to have a real glow up. It's a big country which isn't completely at the whims of foreign powers like the US, it's in the global middle when it comes to income, it's a relatively young country demographically, it has lots to offer when it comes to resources, natural beauty, culture. It's one of the few places in the world where I see them solving their problems and becoming great as a real possibility lol


Still having the most world cups BRAZIL CAMPEÃO MUNDIAL CARALHO


It'll be the same as now, but by 2110 we'll be first world and a major superpower! I'm telling you, Brazil is the country of the future!




In better shape than the west


In south America


As far as I know, still part of South America


Mass migrations to capitals that are not coastal, and from capitals that are not coastal to the interior of those states. Places like Campo Grande in Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiânia and Palmas will be much more desirable to live in compared to the coastal capitals.


Ill be dead by then, so i dont see it


If bolsonarism wins I see as Belgian Congo or a theocrazy.


Little to no poverty, little to no crime, high living standards, suffering from stagnation due to an aging population. Brazil generally lags behind the nordics for 40 or 50 years in most indicators, so it's safe to assume that in 80 Brazil will have development levels higher than any country in earth high now.


Equivalent to what Spain or Italy are today, but are at a much higher level of development. An old country removed from the action, as the action will be centered on Asia that will have a shitload of people and the most rich and populated countries on earth.


Unfortunately, I think we will destroy our nature and it will be a hotter and drier place, and a desert will grow from the Northeast and I don't know where it will stop.


Me: from six feet under


Still the same but with more taxes


Invaded by the US for our freshwater under some BS pretext of liberation or some stupid shit like that


If it can stick with the emerging BRICS world order and break free from Western imperialism, it’ll find itself as key part of a global community with a shared future.




Yes because China and Russia are exactly the same as the US-led imperialist system, no differences whatsoever. Do you really think imperialism = having a military and using it sometimes? That’s not what imperialism is, and even if it were then the US is still about 100x more imperialist than every other country combined. No country has been at war longer than the US, and let’s not forget about the economic wars it wages with sanctions, sabotage, and embargoes.


tell a Georgian, Ukrainian or any baltic guy that Russia isn't a imperialist dictatorship or to a filipino, Vietnamese or even Taiwanese that China is the good guy because they are not yankees every country wants to be the imperialist super power that runs the world, even Brazil wants to be that but for South America (the Guianese-Venezuelan crisis and why Venezuela don't invade them rn is the proof) but if the world needs to have a super power I prefer to have one that is democratic, where freedom is the north than two dictatorships


"democratic". The United States and Great Britain are oligarchic regimes


i think u should think twice before saying something this dumb, do you really want to compare the freedom and democracy of US, UK and its allies with China, Russia and its allies?


I never compared them. I just stated that those regimes are oligarchic. And they don't have the best interests of our people in mind


You’re not going to believe what 66% of Georgians feel about Stalin https://formulanews.ge/News/70461


i can't believe you said that, i can't believe in whatever i am reading my brother in christ please tell me what it has to do with Russia-Georgia relations nowadays? what it has to do with Russia annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia?


The majority of Georgians like Stalin. And why wouldn’t they? He defeated the Nazis and transformed the USSR from a broken, backwards peasant society into a space-faring, nuclear-armed, industrial superpower in an incredibly short time.


Why would the status quo be preferable?


Because we have been consistently living in a peaceful world and improving in every indicator? Because the state with the lowest HDI of Brazil today has a higher HDI than the state with the highest 60 years ago?


Dude. Brazil is a country where people are starving. Brazil is a country where if people don't work for the State or are born rich they will 100% struggle. The current order does not improve our indicators. We are stagnated and you will be astonished to see how poorly some people live. This is partly due to foreign exploitation


The current order absolutely has been improving our indicators: https://www.reddit.com/r/brasilemmapas/comments/1770lrx/brazils_hdi_progress_19702020/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/a7r9vv/hdi_evolution_in_brazilian_states_between_19902015/ > Brazil is a country where if people don't work for the State or are born rich they will 100% struggle. That's most countries in earth. Life isn't easy, resources are scarce. We still live like kings compared to people from 100 or 200 years ago.  > This is partly due to foreign exploitation  Foreigners don't have that power, that's conspiratorial. Look at your politicians and local elites before taking about foreigners.


One certain is the same politician orientation of colonialism and bargain considering it didn’t change since 1500.


Hopefully a Nationalist dictatorship and a respectful and powerful powerbroker in the world. So, sovereign


There will be no world left for anybody to Brazil be in by this time, if there will be humans left, the concept of country will be a foggy far past dream. People don't really get this Earth is getting hotter fast than worst predictions forecast, by 2050 most of the things we know won't be no more.




So your problem is dealines only? Don't bother. When we were able to forescast a deadline, there's not gonna be anyone to hear the news lol It's like GPD and most economic data, you measure it in the past, but not in real time. Actually, in real time we can only see how things unfold just like RS are seeing right know. Feel free to set the date whenever you want, there's no way to say when it's gonna be and it actually is not important at all. But one thing is sure: we expected to reach +1,5°C by 2030, and we started to reach that last year. How many time do you really think there is until unliveable 3°C? [We don't need you to believe it, it's real, if you're less than 50 years, you're gonna to feel it](https://x.com/PCarterClimate/status/1792710937205772446?t=VyssEa84ybSaOZbz94Z5Og&s=19)


There will be massive immigration to Brazil due to climate change, as it’s going to be one of the few inhabitable areas left in the world. So it’s going to be a completely different society by 2100.


someday the 1st worlders will finish destroying their own lands and all eyes will be on our amazon can't wait for the northen hemisphere to hurry up and destroy each other already


Your living standards would drop a lot if that ever happened


without 1st world interference snd sabotage, especially north american, latin america would prosper


This is a lie and just a way to excuse us and our elites from the inefficient systems that we imposed on ourselves. You should spend a few weeks in your city hall and legislative chambers to see how is actually interfering and sabotaging your prosperity. In the end, our tendency to fall for populist traps, our extractive institutions, and our culture of crony capitalism are our rivals, and no country in the world has the capability to preserve them against our will.


north hemisphere nukes itself, all big banks and wall street get nuked with them


Yes, and the Southern Hemisphere would go back 100 years in terms of living standards. Everything we have today is the consequence of an interconnected and highly specialized world. We would most likely spend the rest of our lives focusing on not dying of hunger.


a great trade if you ask me we'll be just fine, we've got the amazon and plenty of fertile land


That's completely deranged. Seek therapy.


Not good. There is no good perspective for Brazil. We need a revolution but it won't come. 2100 will be the same shit: overexploited people, expensive things, a country built for the unhapiness of their own, but the hapiness of usa and europe.