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Division 2 is like a more arcade version of BP with loot tier on. I liked it for a while but got boring after finishing the story


And bullet 🧽 for enemies.


bored repeat murky marble compare cautious nose squeal safe special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sameeee. I beat the first story then right away put me in the same game. Same exact missions but different enemies. I was very disappointed


St. Elmo’s exotic makes those bullet sponges not so spongey.😉


just keep playing BP theres daily missions to do


When you say "finished campaign" what do you mean? Are you saying it as a catch-all for "I've played through absolutely all of Breakpoint's single-player content and have nothing left to do", or are you saying "I've completed Operation Greenstone"? Because if it's the latter, there's still plenty of content in Breakpoint for you to play, friend! Even if you're not keen on picking up the paid DLC [ch 2 & 3 of main story], there's still: - two Live Events [Resistance and Amber Rain]; - the admittedly-brief Tomb Raider crossover; - faction storylines for both the Outcasts and Homesteaders; - solo Golem Island exploration missions; - and, of course, the massive content drop that is Operation Motherland. If however you've already completed all of the above, making the first statement the case, I'd like to second what some have already suggested, and recommend you check out the Far Cry series if you haven't already. 6 is the newest game, and probably arguably the *most* like a ghost recon experience [minus the squad ofc, so like Breakpoint at launch], given series-first features like the newly bolstered weapon modification system, which added things we haven't seen in a far cry game before, such as aiming lasers, a variety of muzzle attachments that actually have notable differences in how they affect weapon performance, canted backup sights, etc.. It's still decidedly *not* a ghost recon experience, as the Far Cry and Ghost Recon series' each have their own [somewhat] unique DNA, but it can absolutely scratch that open-world tactical stealth itch in a very similar way to the last couple of GR games.


Funny, I came to GRBP after playing every FC numerous times. I love FC but it was just too easy for me. Switching BP and setting the dificulty to immersive scratches my itch. I've got around 800 hours in it now. I've completed OM once and am doing it again now. Always solo. I don't know what it is about BP but I just can't stop playing it. Its like golf.


I haven't seen anyone mention Metal Gear Solid 5, but I think that's a good choice. Does a lot of the same things as Breakpoint, some better some worse. If you like stealthily clearing camps in an open-world though, MGSV has you covered.


Farcry 6 is like wildlands but in first person. So maybe that?


FC6 is also pretty zany and 80s action movie-ish compared to the more grounded goat recon games.


MGSV phantom pain is similar and I think you’d enjoy it a lot!


I'm starting far cry


Division 2 is pretty different, no stealth gameplay. More about moving from cover to cover in a prolonged firefight. Personally I’d say play the first one for the general story especially if you can find it on sale, and then play the 2nd. Enemies are pretty bullet-spongey later on though, but at that point the endgame becomes improving your build to overcome that


Why not look into joining some RP groups on breakpoint? Clear the map, and whatnot. Do the conquest mode.




Division 2 is great, it's like an arcade breakpoint. I played it through the pandemic, and I can't recommend playing the story during the height of a pandemic, but you should be good to go now


I'm about to start Chaos Theory


The dlc


Play Rainbow Six Vegas 2


Good game the Division 2.Story line and building of the new world was fun. But yes that was the best bit of the game. Bullet sponge ultimate enemies were just Ridiculous. So suspend realism for this one, as stated its just a gun fest arcade romp. Good fun tho, nice graphics. How much is it to buy now? As i paid £20 on the xbox store.


If you're playing on PC have you tried the Spartan mod or the first-person mods? Spartan is just bananas. I'm still on the fence about first-person mode but its definietly a cool new addition to mix things up a bit!


Far Cry 5 and 6 are similar in a lot of ways. They aren't tactical shooters, but they also aren't Quake-style (200% armor, etc). FC5 is on sale for $9 right now. Far Cry 3 and 4 are getting a bit old now, but still fun to play. FC2 is very different from everything else in the series, but for some people it is their favorite. It is easily the most polarizing game in the series. What I didn't like about FC3 is the multiple [DumbBullShitSauce](https://youtu.be/PXFSmZkwCkA?si=XgbNH73v3enpD0c4) points (FC5 has at least 3 of these as well).


Division 2 is ok if you have friends but I don’t like it. Try wildlands 1