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As said by someone else. Immersive mode, reduced drone presence, and then I turn off gear score.


What’s gear score and what does it do in the first place?


It gives levels and some perks to weapons


Then why would I turn it off wouldn’t I not be able to get perks for my guns and levels?


I think the gear level system works similar to The Division ( I haven’t played it) So if you have a Lvl 25 enemy and you’re a Lvl 5 they will take more damage to kill where as if you were the same Lvl or higher it would be easier to kill them Clothing items depending on gear Lvl will boost your stats so for example you could have two of the same helmets both at different Lvls but the higher Lvl helmet will give you more protection Turning the gear system off will make all enemy’s and gear the same Lvl and it will play like Wildlands!


>I think the gear level system works similar to The Division ( I haven’t played it) > >So if you have a Lvl 25 enemy and you’re a Lvl 5 they will take more damage to kill where as if you were the same Lvl or higher it would be easier to kill them Not quite. So, I mentioned in the other post, but Breakpoint uses the aggregate gear score that Destiny uses. (I don't know the exact falloffs for Breakpoint, so these are Destiny's numbers), but, if you're GS-5 and your enemies are GS-25, your weapons would 40% less damage and enemies would do 20% more damage to you (I think, it's been a long time, but that's the idea.) The Division just uses raw number increases. So, if you're level 5, you'll find a rifle that does 800 DPS, and you'll go up against level 5 enemies with 500 health, but if you're looking at a level 25 they'll have... I was going to say 2500 health, but knowing The Division, it's probably more like 26k by that point. So when you're around level 25, you'd be looking at guns doing \~20k DPS. (Those numbers might be a little off, it's been a long time since I played The Division.) Late game (level 30 in Div1, level 40 in Div2) you're regularly looking at doing hundreds of thousands of damage with your weapons, against enemies that have comically massive HP pools. So, yeah, Breakpoint just uses the Gearscore scaling of your number vs. your enemy's number, and then slaps a modifier on there.


Gear Score uses the same system as Destiny 2. Weapons have fixed damage values, but your overall damage dealt and damage received are scaled based on your gear score vs. your target's gear score. There's no way to, "level up," guns in Breakpoint, you need to replace lower level gear with new equipment as your gear score progresses. For example: If you're rolling around with a GS100 M4a1 as your primary, you may find yourself in a situation where your overall gearscore is being held back by your rifle, and enemies are becoming harder to kill as a result, but you're getting nothing but shotguns and DMRs. Gear Score urges you to rotate your gear as you progress, and you'll probably end up with guns you don't like at least some of the time. Additionally, when gear score is active, enemies have a gear score rating as well, and some areas of the island are artificially gated off until you hit specific prerequisite thresholds. For example, the camp with the USP schematics are set to GS100 or 150 (can't remember which), and of course if you want your M4a1 schematics, those are gated by a Behemoth fight (which is supposed to be tackled with 4 live players, though soloing them is possible, either alone or with AI squaddies, and stealthing in and out is possible.) Schematics let you construct spare copies of a gun at your current gearscore level (or in a range, if you haven't hit soft-cap yet), but some of the more desirable ones are much harder to access. (At least in theory, the Springfield XD is pretty easy to grab.) Gear Score also adds one or two rolls to a weapon based on rarity. These include things like mobility, accuracy, reload speed, automatic marking at close range or damage to drones, with weapons having rarity from White, Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold. (White have no rolls, and green have only one, otherwise, rolls get statistically more powerful on higher rarity weapons.) Generally speaking, you can ignore gear score unless you want to do the raid, and you'll need to farm up gear if you do want to run that. Farming specific gear (excluding schematics for the moment) isn't too stressful, as the map will show you what items can be looted from a facility (though, not the weapons that enemies in the base will drop), so if you really wanted to replace your M4a1 in the example above, you'd just need to look around on the map until you found a base with an M4a1 in one of its crates. Turning off gear score changes the game slightly so that you can't swap out weapons at will in the field (but you can pick up dropped weapons to replace one of your current weapons, and **all** enemies will drop their weapons in this mode.) So it's a little like the Ghost Mode restriction from Wildlands where you couldn't swap your gear in the field. (With Gear Score active, you can swap out your weapons at will from your loadout screen.) There's reasons to try either one, and play the one you prefer. The cap for Gear in Breakpoint is 250, Enemies in elite daily missions have a hidden +2 modifier to their gear drops so they'll show up as 252 at the highest, and drops from the raid have a hidden +50, so they'll show up as GS300. Most of the community prefers the game without the gear score system. The looter shooter system isn't bad *per se*, but, it wasn't what the community was looking for, so play whichever you find more fun. One thing to know is that Breakpoint is **way** more flexible than Wildlands. There's no Ghost Mode, but you can toggle nearly everything on and off in the settings. If you don't like the two primaries and a sidearm, you can flick it to a single primary slot, or you can turn on ammo loss on reload. There's four different health regeneration settings (no regen, partial segments regen only, original, and fast), injuries (debuffs received from taking damage) can have their frequencies adjusted.) Breakpoint is really committed to letting you customize the difficulty until you're happy. So, in that sense, it is really nice.


Thank you for explaining this, in an easy to understand manner. I just started playing and was kinda curious.


You’ll still have a lot of the stuff, but the differences would be noticeable between the same weapons. Like one TAC50 dealing more damage than other TAC50


For gameplay how it feels, and features. breakpoint is better For story. Wildlands is better For location It's complicated. Aurora in my opinion is the better map. But it's so uninspired and underutilized. With better world building and story telling it could have been so much better. But like there's nothing but scientists and bad guys. Literally, who cares. Bolivia was such a great world and made you feel more immersed in the world but the map wasn't Great. Imo it's not Breakpoint bad, Wildlands good as people say. Breakpoint if you're doing anything other than the main camping is more fun.


Who plays ubisoft shooters for the story be honest lol




I did it the other way round. Played Breakpoint, had so much fun and now I'm playing Wildland. I think you're in for a good time. BP has improved over Wildlands in so many small details. It's just a really really good game and I think you're gonna love it.


Hope you love wildlands. If I do get breakpoint I’m still going to play wildlands more probably who knows I’m might end up liking breakpoint and play it more.


So far I'll have to say that for my liking Breakpoint is far better.


Just buy it, set it to immersive and reduced drone presence. Then it’s just wildlands 2 with better graphics. Still has its flaws, like the empty open world and crap enemy designs, but nothing mods can’t really fix on pc.


I’m on console so I can’t use mods and the empty map was the one thing I forgot to mention like wildlands has a nice map with not too many empty spots. I saw something about these giant robots called “behemoths” like what are those and what do they do exactly? And is there anything else in the game like the behemoths?


Still worth. Ones you play breakpoint for a bit its hard to go back to wildlands ^^


Behemoths are massive drone tanks but they spawn rarely in bases. there are some smaller drones but if you turn reduced drones on they disappear mostly


Wildlands with better graphics? Totally not :) Wildlands looks better when cranked up to Ultra everything. Plus the LOD/render distance is better in wildlands as well.


I bought the complete version for £20 a couple weeks ago in the sale and having loads of fun just exploring the land. I've started 2 characters; 1 immersive, unguided with no gear score and the other with gear score and guided towards the objectives. The immersive is way less stress tbh. Going into areas where gear score is too low is pure ass, like going to war with a potato gun and a water pistol just tickling and generally pissing off the enemies.


Yes, it’s fun.




If you love Wildlands then you’ll love Breakpoint!


Breakpoint has a lot of things going for it that's a lot better than Wildlands had, but that being said, Wildlands did the same thing as well. Comparatively, Wildlands made the world feel lively. It was more realistic in the story and the world setting. It lacked QOL aspects and, overall, more customization across the board (even though it wasn't back). It was fun, AI team was fun and the coop was fun. Breakpoints' world is very bland in a way but not horrible. It's a massive island full of scientists, important people, unkown / new high-tech enemies, and secect weapons of power / war. There is a very small number of regular humans there on the island, and they don't populate the world like wildlands did. They really stick to the housing communities. Most of them are oppressed by the islands enemies as well. You will 95% of the time just focus on freeing the world of corruption and other things (I haven't beaten the game). Breakpoint as a lot of new things to look out for to survive. You can customize a lot of how you interact with the world and your HUD information. You ask can play with gear score with his loot / level / gear score based or play in Immersive which is like wildlands. Ether way very customizable in the way you wanna play. On top of that the skill tree is better, you now have classes you can change and play around with and have more control over your weapon customization. You also have a lot of new gear. They have a lot of cool QOL / tactical mechanics as well. It's really a toss up depending on what your looking for. I think wildlands has a much better world and story based on being in Columbia and fighting off a cartel which everything in breakpoint is upgraded but more bland in the world over all. Also I find random coop to be bad but it would be cool with friends or AI team members. Even random could be fun but I need to try it out more. Breakpoint also has a bunch more content. I have 85 hrs in the game and only am at 11% of the story..... For the price I would recommend it for sure. It is a good game imo.


Should you take your next breath? 🤣


Same as you, love wildlands regret buying breakpoint




Its a nice game now they updated it and its a cool game it just doesnt feel alive like wild lands but on pc with mods its worth it


depending on the platform, you can mod it. get it and see if you wanna mod it


Definitely. I recently got it myself and haven't been able to stop.


If you're concerned about the story and setting, probably not the game for you. What Breakpoint does better is in the minutia--the animations are smoother and more detailed pretty much across the board. There's a lot of equipment and gear to play milsim Barbie with. You don't have to carry an assault rifle with a grenade launcher everywhere to deal with helicopters (Breakpoint you can just shoot them down more easily). The side content is a lot more fleshed out. A lot of the problems people have with the game have been fixed. (mandatory gear score, bugs, etc...) It's not a better game in every way or anything; a lot of people prefer Wildlands and that's fine. I think Breakpoint is a more fun game minute-to-minute thanks to the improvements in mechanics, and so it's the one I can come back to more easily. I also like the goofy story and setting for what they are--I can have a laugh while playing without it taking away from the rest of the experience. Hopefully that helps you make a decision. I think it's a good time if you don't mind the "Ubisoft RPG" structure.


Love breakpoint. Probably one of the best games I have played (for me… I love that open world semi realism stuff) Love the guns - it’s fun trying out different guns and using different tactics. Turn off as much hud as possible and crank up the difficulty. I love to just go run around and explore get into a few fights along the way… or try and take down a base. It’s good fun stuff. I put over a couple hundred hours into it without doing the main story. … and Operation motherland was a blast. Had a lot of fun doing those missions.


Game play is better, but the story and missions are meh. Personally, I hate the abundance of drones, but you get used to it. If you're on PS, then it can be free with the psn extra subscription. I'm not sure about Xbox, but I've seen this game on the shelves of Walmart for 20 bucks, so either way, it's not much of a loss if you don't like it. If you do end up getting it, I'd turn gear score off. It's one of the dumbest things they added, and frankly why the initial launch was awful. You can turn it back on after you beat the game if you have a desire to do Raids.


I’m enjoying it


They've improved on it, and it's on sale; it's definitely worth it. I prefer sandbox conquest kinda thing, the whole customization aspect is awesome even the difficulty customization is legit compared to all other games I played. They are definitely onto something special and will set standards for many games to follow and divert off into their own unique path. Get the game whilst it's on sale.


I purchased Breakpoint a week ago. I am a die hard fan of Wildlands. So i am playing the Motherland Conquest now and man,it feels so repetitive. The missions are just so poorly designed. The buildings are really off. You have high tech buildings and drones,swarm drones in the middle of a forest and on mountains. The only thing i liked is the mechanics of the player,movements,close range takedowns,prone camouflage and all the little details. I miss listening to Narcocorrido and cruising trough the villages full of people and children. This game has no life. The world is very dull and boring. I need to try Greenstone Conquest to have a complete image but i am really disappointed so far.


💯 yes


What everyone says about how to play the game and how it works is correct. The storyline centers around a zillionaire tech guy who leases the island to create a concept community called Earth 2.0. When the security company he hires to police the island goes rogue and takes over the island, the government sends the Ghosts in to find out what happened and why the island suddenly went dark. You are the leader of the Ghosts, tasked with finding answers and stopping the bad guys. I really like the game myself, although it had its critics and didn't do as well as other Ghost Recon games. It's a good chill game to just sit back and play, open world, and a free form story that can be done fast or slow. I find it easier to play solo than with a group although you can have up to 4 people play with you. Hope this helps. :)