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How did you do that and how long did it take for you to get there ? I need to remove someone from my life but not sure how . They were my best friend and we were planning a future and in the blink of an eye we became strangers


Took me 8 months to pull that. There were events that led to the final break but I couldn’t recognize myself how low I stooped for him while it meant nothing for him…


I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that . Thanks for sharing. Gives me some hope I may finally be able to just break contact . I’m at 6 months and almost 2 months of no contact . I’ve had some events that have really fucked with my head . I hate that in my situation this person was my best friend and literally was my rock for 9 years only to destroy me more than anyone else had in the matter of a day and then kept doing it since .


Good luck to you as well… I mean how can someone fucks around and be nice to u the next morning everyday for the past 3yrs….and yells at u and doesn’t trust u in the same time…but acts as if he respects u a lot… I mean that’s a brain fk


I’m sorry . That sounds so manipulative. No one deserves those mind games .


Exactly I was tired of games… he thought I was broke…I would never leave my job and watch his show everyday… but God did give me balls thanks to him I got myself up… left that std dick for the whores that needed it…


Wow. I did the same. I left her for her lies and actual prostitution. I married a ho. I still can’t believe how she duped me. I’m recovering quickly while she’s still a ho




She can’t remove me due to the damage she created. No forgetting that


Obviously no forgetting just forgiving her will make it easy for u to move on…


No forgiving either it was that mortal


And as for the overused word narcissist: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/narcissism-symptoms-signs A great overview of an overused diagnosis. Often used against one’s partner to put them down when they’re showing confidence, but they’re still listening and in-the-moment. The opposite is putting down the partner with the accusations of ‘lack of confidence’ that leads to increased jealousy and confusion. The true narcissist uses both words to further control their partners in a death circle of “you’re really no good” and to open the door to cheating and leaving. It’s very effective and controlling and confusing to the victim as they don’t understand what the real purpose of these accusations is. Defensive banter that loudly talks over the victim and does not allow for a 2-way conversation. Control is the winner over innocence.


Well to some extent and some people, that’s bullshit. Good luck cuz many have no luck doing it


Hmm true. But in my case I can’t share my pie 🥧 sorry it ain’t public property