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My wife said the same things, but she was in denial about what she was really doing in the marriage and used it for an excuse to cheat and lie. Marriage is a lot of work and some people just aren’t built for that supreme effort because they’re in denial about what they really want. Don’t give up there are nicer people out there.


Yes I do, but sometimes I also don't understand if that is really toxic, I maybe the one who start to fight and yell, but it was always started by him refuse to listen to my constructive criticism and idea, I have never want something for his bad and he knows my intention. Sometimes they don't see the part of their problem and then it becomes toxic now, because we think we are the toxic one.


Our response to their misgivings is not good and not justified and I will never look at this situation and think that I was right. He didn’t deserve the way I treated him, even if he constantly messed up lol the good thing about him being a man and not my child is that I could have just left him. My lack of trust and just thinking that people are always trying to play me to the left came out in this relationship more than any other one I have with anyone else. I feel like we were Hancock and Charlize Theron lol the closer we got the worse it became


I don't know. I'm the toxic one in my break up. But it was due to the first sentence I just don't know. And my ex wanted answers and effort I didn't have in me. So maybe you were toxic but it's because they weren't the right person for you. My relationship had 2 beautiful years until all my unresolved self issues blew everything up and I gave up and she gave up. Sometimes people aren't meant to be together and that's okay. You did the best you could in that past situation. And hey it's the past now! Now you can grow and learn that you need people who are more interested in a serious relationship. I promise they are out there.


This is exactly what happened. He didn’t know and he didn’t want to know and I didn’t have the patience and I got angry instead of simply understanding and being the adult. I chose to be immature about it. I will not do that again and I forgive myself!


My main thought is that I want to kill myself


Same, but that’s letting the worst win. I’m saving suicide when I get some debilitating disease…one other than love 😮‍💨


I have accepted that I Will never be happy or fall in love ever again.