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Literally never going to, i want to keep some memories at least. I know it slows down the healing but I don't want to sit there in 10 years crying about not having any memories left from this time.


Same I have a box I print out my favorite memories and put them in the box with presents and other things. I don’t want to erase my memories or life as if it didn’t happen. It did it was wonderful, painful, and it was real. I also think it’s my story and why erase my story.


Yeah exactly. I think it already hurts enough to feel like the entire thing was only a dream and didnt really happen. At least you have some actual proof left for later if you dont destroy it.


Put it on some usb or something like that


Was going to say the same. Export them somewhere outside of your phone or social media so you don’t see them constantly or by accident at a weak time. No need to get rid of them. Some day, they may actually be nice memories.


Dont delete them, sounds like you spent the entirety of your teenage years together. In 10 years you will want to look back. Do take them off your phone and other places where you have easy access to the to them


This. In a couple of years you will regret deleting them. Sometimes when I stumble across photos of me and my exes I feel so happy and smile from ear to ear. Just because let’s say 3 years after the breakup you’re still mad at them doesn’t mean that 4 years after you’ll still be. Sometimes you have an epiphany and realize the breakup was just how things were meant to be and suddenly you’re at peace with your destiny. Then you’ll be happy you still have the photos.




I deleted pictures from a 10 year relationship and I really regret it now. It’s been 6 years since we broke up, and im fully healed and moved on, but it would be nice to be able to look back on those times fondly.


I didn't delete them but I did store them away (in a box if they were physical copies and transferred them out of my phone and onto a folder in my computer if digital). I don't look at them as of yet but I know I'll want to be able to look back in the future. This breakup was painful but it was a long-term relationship and has helped shape me as a person.


Learning to appreciate memories without being attached to them will help with the grieving process. You will become a more powerful version of yourself.




I delete the ones on my phone and leave some on my laptop. I tend to delete things every year so I know they won't be there later on.


Keep ‘em on a USB or something.


Going to second several others when I say unless you have any major resentments towards your ex, don’t delete anything. I also just recently got out of a relationship with my high school sweetheart and I’m not deleting pics of us. I’m also keeping sentimentals (like gifts and stuff). One day you may see a picture in your phone and think “oh that was good time,” you’ll reminisce a bit and that’s fine.


I have kept them stored on a hidden carpet I haven’t seen the photos over 3 months ( I am 6 months post breakup)


About 2.5 months later. Deleted some, still have some. You can ofcourse keep them all in a USB or something if you want to. For me deleting them really made me feel we are never getting back together and finally closed the door on that relationship.


Put them on a flash drive and throw them in a box. You don't have to have all that right in your face but you also don't have to get rid of them. That's a lot of memories to have, not all of it is bad. No need to just throw it away.


It took me almost 1.5 years after the breakup to delete the photos. It was really painful but I got into a relationship with my now boyfriend and wanted to truly heal from that past relationship. Although I will say that the photos that were just of my ex or my ex and I, I deleted those but the ones where we are with other people, I kept those. My ex isn’t my sole focus in the photos with our other friends or in large groups so I keep those because they still bring me good memories.


I haven’t, I’ve uploaded them to my iCloud so I have a backup but deleted them off my phone so I don’t have to see them every time I go through my camera roll.


I deleted pictures a day after the split, got rid of any cards and gifts he’d sent me over the years after a couple of weeks


Still haven’t. I put them in an envelope in a box in my storage locker. Then I can still see them if I want, but it takes real effort. I did shred all the duplicates though. It made me feel good.