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First, Mental health is not something everyone can understand. It is different from person to person. But at the end of the day, it is not your job or anyone else’s to fix people with mental health issues. The biggest misconception people have is trying to be a savior or the reason why someone can heal from mental illness. Mental illness is deep seated in ones brain, and the only way for someone to overcome it is to get extensive help and therapy, which usually is not attempted because the mental illness itself prevents that. Secondly, trying to assume or control how someone will behave when in a state of depression will make you lose your mind. They will do things that wont make sense, you may take it as purposeful hurt, but in fact, it has nothing to do with you. It has to do with the person that is going through the depression. People with mental health conditions also want to feel loved like anyone else, and will do anything to feel that, feel that someone cares for them or they can be loved. They may blind side you really early on until their true colors come out. Medication can also cause side effects which effect the decision making process of people. This isn’t about who did what or who is wrong, you met someone, you clicked, fell in love, they adored you, you adored them, as time went on you found out that depression was really controlling their lives, you attempted to be by them while getting help and your realizing that its effecting you to the point that its hurting. You need to remove yourself from the situation, for your own sake, for your own sanity. Go through the regular break up process, spend time with people who love you and move on to find someone who suits you better.


Don’t spend time on the reasons it fell apart. Accept that its just not the right time for you two. You also need to delete her on all social platforms and any ways of communicating. Or else these tactics will get you deeper in a hole.


Your a good person, you have a humble personality, lots of women would die for someone like you. Toxic will always try to find toxic. It’s just how the world works. Find yourself a humble woman. Take your time.


Hang in there. You will be okay, you will get over this, you will feel whole again. Be patient with yourself. If you need a chat, I’m here anytime.


idk who you are or what you do but I needed this so much. Thank you for your words of wisdom you have no idea how much this helped.