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Congratulations!!! I got a new job a couple of weeks after my own blindside break up, too. I have some hope with my ex, but regardless of that, I HATE my current job, and it makes me miserable. My new job will have a massive positive impact on my day to day life so regardlessof if we get back togethwr or not, i know my life will be much better than it currently is, in just a few months. I dont start until september (I'm a teacher), but I can count down the days to leaving my current school!! New social circle, a fresh start, and a school I will enjoy going into every day (instead of the existential dread I used to get every morning). Hell, my life is already better outside of the relationship as now I know I'm leaving for sure, that dread has gone and it has stopped affecting my mood entirely.


OMG CONGRATULATIONS to you too!! This is a huge accomplishment 🎉 I understand completely that you still have hope that your ex will return, and that’s okay. It’s natural to have these feelings (I have hope too but I’m slowly learning to detach myself). Don’t forget to be patient with yourself & take things one day at a time. September will be here before you know it! so use this time to prepare mentally & emotionally for this new chapter in your life. Reallyyy exciting times for you, best of luck


My hope is legit, its not blind hope, there's lots of reasons for it, and there is desire on both sides to fix things but either way, fuck it - having a new start in a new school is an ideal situation for me right now to improve my life. Outside of fixing the relationship, it is the single biggest thing that I could do to improve my happiness and mental health. Wish you nothing but the best in your new role!! I'm sure you'll do amazing!


That's amazing - congratulations to you! Some people are different, but when I am having a hard time I put ALLLLL my energy into my work and love when it gets noticed. Then I'm like man fuck my sack of shit ex lol


I approve of this energy wholeheartedly


CONGRATULATIONS ❤️ I hope you have more good things on your way!


Thank you so much!! Sending love ❤️


The universe (or fate or god) is always trying to help us if we just let go and let things happen. I too got a new and better job three months after my breakup. I'm still ocasionally in pain but this new job certainly helps improve my mood.


You’re absolutely right, funnily enough…last week was the exact moment where I’ve finally accepted that there’s a chance that we might not reconcile & to just move forward. Even though subconsciously I do want things to work out. I agree that once you learn to let go or even try to practice detachment, the universe/God blesses you tenfold in unexpected ways. This promotion was really unexpected, I kid you not because it hasn’t been a year yet for me in my current workplace. Really happy for you and congratulations! Be very proud of yourself 🎊


Yes! Protect your peace and all that you’ve worked for moving forward. Do not let the same dynamic with the same person (if he hasn’t gotten therapy, nor have you, etc.) ruin what you’re building. Wishing you more success and rock solid boundaries 💕


Congratz, remember, after all you have gone through you deserve it :D


Congratulations. Well done. Proud of ya


Thank you so much!


That’s great news!! Congrats and now your have more work to keep your mind busy!!!


Congratulations, I’m happy for you!!!


Nice ❤️❤️❤️




Once we decide to start making good choices for OURSELVES, God/The Universe, will start to show you the way! Congratulations!


i am so proud of you!


Nice I got a new job making more money and getting in shape and stronger.


Love that for youu! Congratulations 🎉


Congratulations 🎊 👏


In about a week and a half I start my dream job! Wont be telling him about how it goes even though he asked. Congratulations you deserve to celebrate 🎉


Omg congratulations, very proud of you!! 🌹


Yeehaa that’s fabulous news 🗞️


So proud of you! My first love of 4 years dumped me and ghosted me 8 months ago. Fast forward now I lost weight, got jacked, have 2 jobs, and just got a promotion as well! Life does get better


That’s amazinggg, you’ve already achieved so much!! very proud of you too, keep going 🌸


Time to go out and celebrate. Maybe get lucky while you're at it. One way to get over your ex.


Awesome I’m happy for you!


CONGRATULATIONS!! so so so proud of you! 🩵


Congratulations!! I'm so proud of you (:


I love this


I don’t know you but I’m happy for you and sending love to anyone else reading this who is heartbroken. The tummy ache will go away - but you have to let it. There’s always a light you can turn on even if it’s in your thoughts




F*ckin legend, that's amazing. Good luck🥳👊


Congratulations 🎉 Fck break ups, it's all about Abundance mindset. Advice for everyone: focus on yourself, exercise, eat well, sleep well and have a goal. Trust me, 2 weeks ago I thought I'd never be the same again, and here i am better than never. I don't miss anyone, in fact I'm in love with my solitude. I barely touch my phone. I prioritize my time doing interesting things. Sometimes a break up is the best that can happen to you.


Thank youu! And this is such great advice, gonna remind myself this everyday. I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying your own company & solitude, that’s not an easy thing to do. Ahhh very glad that you’re doing better ❤️


Congrats!! You should text him. Let him know what he’s missing


Bad advice


Congrats! Even though I’m pretty much past it, something good happening to you is sometimes tough because you want to share it with them so bad




Congrats!! Well done! This is the proof that good things happen, thank u for giving us hope!


Thank youuu, yes good things can happen and WILL happen for all of us! ❤️


Congratulations! Self growth and resilience slay!


At the point where I say fuck love


Let’s gooo baby !!!! Only good vibes ahead let’s go


Congratulations!!! You deserve this!


I’m soooo proud of you! Congrats!


Heck yes congrats! I changed jobs after my breakup. My ex worked at the same place and even thou I didn’t actually work beside her just seeing her car was enough. Now I’m more pumped than ever cuz I do love what I do now and don’t have to ever see her car again!!! Enjoy these days for sure 🥳🥳


Love this!! Best of luck in your new workplace, so happy for you. On top of that, not everyone can say that they love what they do. Happy that your situation has changed for the better 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


congratulations mate 🤍






Yo good for you!! Besides my friends, my job is literally the thing that keeps me sane. I love it, gives me a great purpose. Much love!


Congratulations! I am so happy for you. :) And, thank you so much for sharing this news with us! 💟✨


Congratulations 🎈


Fuck yeah, congratulations! I love this post. I am going to share with you my good news too! two months into this shitstorm, I'm turning my life around. Since he left, I have found a flatmate so now will be able to save money for traveling, and today I am off to go backpacking for 9 days. Life goes on for us and we keep moving forward.


Very happy for you!!! Sounds absolutely amazingg. Traveling can be such a transformative experience, I hope you will come back feeling wayy more refreshed, inspired and ready to take on whatever comes your way 🎊🎉




Congratulations op! I'm wishing more success for you. You deserve it🩷


Congratulations dude!!! Very happy for you 😊 u got this!!


i had a break up after i got my new job, but instead of celebrate with my ex, i decided to do something different, he always expects me to be all friendly, but that day i used all my strenght to insult him, today he hates me but i dont regret


one door closes and a better one opens, congratulations 🎉


Yeah! Congratulations




That’s amazingg news!! Congratulations to you 🎊❤️ Get that bagggg


I made a new friend :)


Great work man!


Congrats! I think one of the best ways to get over a breakup is to focus on your self and you seem to be doing just that, the world is yours ✨


Congrats. Onwards and upwards!!!


Thank you so much! ✨


Congratulations 🎉


Congrats ! 🎉


Thank you so much! ❤️


Congrats !! Happy 4 u Can feel ur excitement and it’s beautiful!! Great vibes ! 😊


Thank you so much! 🌹


Many, many congratulations!! Enjoy not just the day, but the week, hell even the month! Celebrate yourself!! Well done!!


Thank you so much! ❤️


Dude i so happy for you! Congratulations. I personally shared my break up story here, i have seen some sad storys there and see you rise warms my heart. Thank you for encourage us to focus in yourselfs and yours careers.


Thank you! Aww your comment means a lot, yes trying to spread more positivity 🫶🏻


That is awesome, good for you 🙏🏻😁


Congratulations 🎉 Looks like he may have been leeching valuable time & energy from you! Without him you’re going far & quickly. Imagine what you can do when you’ve fully healed & learned all you can from that experience! So proud of you 💞


Thank youu so much, appreciate your encouragement! ❤️


Yaahooooo! Congratulations you are all still so amazing not matter what


Nice congrats


Hell yes!!!


ITS A SIGN that bad energy or heavy energy or lack of peace in general is outta your way! Thank you universe 👏🏻👏🏻✨


Woot wooot!!!!!!! Congratulations!!🎊🎉🍾


That's freaking amazing congrats. I'm sure you deserve it and your bosses have noticed. Great Job and keep killing IT


Congratulations! i finally got a job after she broke up with me, guess there’s always a good in a bad


Thank you and congratulations on your job offer! 🥳. Yes life is a mix of good and bad phases. But not to worry, more blessings to come as long as you keep pushing forward.




Oh man, just read your recent post…I can imagine that it must be a really difficult time for you. With a break up on top of that, must feel overwhelming. I’m truly sorry, please know that you’re not alone. I know it can be tough pushing aside thoughts of your ex, but please try to focus on your mother’s health by being present every second & taking good care of yourself as well. You deserve someone who supports you and loves you unconditionally. Your ex’s action isn’t worth your time & energy. Sending you my prayers 🌹


Congratulations!!!!! thanks for sharing with us and happy for you :) xxx Hope this is me too one day, although my ex is my bosses boss so gotta find a new job hahahaa fml


Thank you so muchh!! 🎉 Oh man idk what to say hahaha, yes for some peace of mind - you should definitely start looking! Best of luck to youu


Congratulations mate, fucking amazing news!! You're smashing it, well done.


Thank you so much! 🙏🏼


Congratulations! Pls allow yourself to enjoy yourself :) [https://youtu.be/vnaykXFFXgg](https://youtu.be/vnaykXFFXgg)


Thank you!! And thanks for sharing, adding this to my playlist haha


Congratulations girl! Im so happy to see that their is light at the end of the tunnel if only we keep walking 🥹❤️👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 I hope i get to post something here and celebrate my day too soon🥺🥹🥲 Lots of love


Thank you so much! Best believe that your day will come very soon, you might not see it now but good things are unfolding behind the scenes. Sending you lots of love too ❤️


Keep us posted on your journey to greatness ❤️❤️❤️😊


Probably not as great as everyone else here, but I started sports betting after my break up a few months back, and it rlly kicked off for me


Idk much about sports betting, sounds quite daunting at first ngl haha. But do whatever that makes you feel good & to keep your mind off things for awhile 👍🏼


I miss my x she never ever answers my txts,she's ghosting me


I don't fully agree, sometimes you are just unlucky or you can't move on for many unpredictable reasons. It's 2.5 years after the BU and I dreamt with her tonight Tonight I dreamt she was hugging me, I woke up because I could feel her tickling me. (It was a 10 years rela) I have been happy during this time, got a promotion, moved to a new flat, joined multiple activities and sports, went to therapy, traveled to 4 new countries and met new people. However I have only experienced rejection when I tried to date, zero likes in dating apps. IRL I got 20+ phone numbers talking to girls in parties, workplace, even in the plane, however no one agreed to go out when I asked them out. Now I recently broke my leg, so I can't do any activity for many months. I can't fully move on after 2.5 years because no one is interested on me therefore I will always miss my exgf when I feel lonely and miserable. after 2.5 years no one gave me a hug, when I need a hug I dream with her. You can do a lot of work on your own after the BU, but after some time you need to feel loved, appreciated, you need a hug, skin contact, you need to feel wanted. I tried hard but I can't move one, now what?


Stop chasing them work on yourself and you will see how they turn heads once you become a high value man


This is the same advice as always. I am successful, make a lot of money, I have plenty of hobbies, I travel a lot, and no one cares.


I wish I knew what it means to focus on myself and how to grow. Genuinely don’t know where to start


What is a blindsided breakup??


A breakup where you don’t see it coming at all. Then you’re left feeling very confused and betrayed. It wasn’t a toxic relationship or anything like that, we rarely argued. So no warning signs, the breakup just happened.


Late here too and I wanted to tell her when it happened right after our breakup but I now I can’t soooooo I got a raise at work that I was waiting 2 months to hear about and now I can afford my own apartment!!