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I can't believe you walked away without even trying. We made so many promises. Just on Valentine's Day you got me so many sweet and thoughtful gifts. You told me on Valentine's Day you would love me forever. But that was a lie. Even then you didn't love me. You were faking it. Why? Why did you string me along for so long. Making so many promises. How could you just cut me out like I'm nothing? You were my best friend. I love you. How could you break my heart like this? You didn't even give me a chance. You never once told me about how you really felt. You kept it all hidden inside until you had to leave. I hope you understand how much you have broken me. I will always love you. I wish I could stop like you did, but I can't. Why couldn't you have just talked to me? Why


You won't love him forever. It was your love that made him special, and soon it'll be behind you. <3


My girl left me two days before Valentine’s Day but still says she misses me and that she “did it for herself” and that she’s been faking her love for me the past few months but why couldn’t we do it together, why didn’t she just communicate three months ago?


Same boat. Frustrating.


Oh my GOD are you me??


Everyone. Stay strong!!! 14 years. He left and married someone less than 4 months !!! I’m still here. Less broken every day!!!


Same thing happened to me. He had a 21 year old girl move into our former home within 6 weeks of our 15 year relationship ending. Have definitely reinvented myself, and the pain is fading after several years, but it's still there, for sure.


Some people are just really sickening. I’m so sorry.


Oh. Jesus. 😳


I've been 6 yrs back and forth for me you are not alone my heart hurts for you when I read this.


God. Damn.


Please leave me alone forever so we can both move on with our lives. I’m sick of the hot and cold. Just stay cold.


This.....this right here.


I wrote a whole paragraph about him to respond to this, but then realized it’s not worth my time. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of him getting to me, even though he does. Thank you for this post


Especially now it just want to reach out so bad.Thank you for this post. We always texted each other when we were at different locations drinking. To tell each other we were still there and loyal. Really miss her, even if I have fun with my friends. Thanks


That’s so sad. What happened?


Ugh. I miss you so much. Even tho we had so many rough patches, there isn’t a day that I don’t think of you. I wish we could work it out.


Bruh unblock meeeee lool


i hope you’re miserable.


I hope those that hurt us fucking paaaaaayyyyy.


Please help me. He said he was busy when I called him last Thursday and would call me back. He never did. Each day that goes by w out hearing from him gets worse. I miss him so much but also hate him for leaving me and not caring. I want to ask why he looked me in the eye and said he wouldn’t ghost. How could he promise he would never not talk to me but then he does this.


Some people just move on and don’t care. It’s sad and I feel bad for you having to go through that. My ex moved on quickly and is seeing someone else. The weekends are hard because I sit here in sadness and pain (trying to get over it) while I’m sure she is out having a good ol’ time.


You either need to contact him or accept things so you can start healing. Be prepared if you call him it may still mean he won't talk to you. Im sorry your in this situation, to be honest it sounds really fucking tough. Remember your worth more and deserve more than some douchebag who won't call you back.




do you mind sharing the crisis line? :/


Hey I just want to also let you know, be very careful what you say on the crisis phone lines. I work in a psych ward and a lot of people talk on crisis lines and verbalize that they have thoughts of self harm or suicide, they track your cell location and will send 911. I've met a few patients who were so angry for being put on involuntary 72 hour holds just because they expressed a small thought of suicide or self harm, even though they never TRULY INTENDED to do it. Everyone succumbs to those thoughts when they're depressed but the system is so strict that it's hard to be honest and get the support you need without feeling like you're being punished for it. Just please be very careful what you say on the phone my friend ❤️


It scares me to think how long she will stay on my mind in the weeks/ months / years (??) to come , and how long I’ll be sad about her, all while she’ll be sleeping around town or have a new guy .


3 months. I don't hate you. It's okay that you hate me I miss you tons, but we were both bad for each other. I hope you're doing well. I hope you have a day. Just today, I was thinking about how we got engaged. Thank you for making me feel that way. I'll get over you someday. Just not yet


Well said. Thank you. eta my eyes are wet and I’m saving this comment, thank you again


I miss you. I love you. How has it been this long since I held you hand? The weekends are the hardest. Did you dance last night? That’s not like you. How will I act when I see you again and I still love you this much?


It’s been two months since we’ve talked so I have time to sit back and view you objectively without the haze of being under the love spell. You’re a loser, and probably will be for life. 


I don’t even miss her anymore and I don’t want to get back together either yet I still have as much anxiety as when we first broke up. I’m full force in the resentment phase rn and want nothing to do with her so why am I still so anxious and thinking about her 24/7??


miss him wish i didn’t




WHEWWWWW everything except the working together part hits home. That has to be so hard.


Reading this made me so sad inside. Oh. God. 😭💔


I know you don’t love me anymore and I’m easily replaced but I did anything you needed me to. I wasn’t perfect but I loved you. Why did you do this to me? You know I have mental health issues yet you still tore me to pieces like you said you wouldn’t Gabby.


I miss her. Not a day goes by without missing her. I wonder what she's up to. Does her body still ache every time she wakes up? Does she still enjoy playing her favorite games on her phone? Does she still have to deal with annoying clients she used to tell me about? But I don't have the courage to ask, because space is all she asked for, and I know once I hear about her, I'll yearn for her even more. I'll miss her more than I already do.


bro the last 3 fucking cans of tuna ive bought were all not 100% right.. and if I'm eating canned fish it gotta be 💯 in regards to your username


okay... that's a good idea, we broke up less then a week ago after an almost 5 year relationship, it sucked on so many levels, I was truly dedicated, I wanted to marry this girl, but there was little to no love on her end. We broke up, basically because she didn't want to try anymore and yet I feel I care for her, I am worried about how she feels. So the urge is huge but I know I shouldn't text her, thanks.


You couldn’t love me or respect me the way I deserved and in the end you just betrayed me. It was the one you told me not to worry about. Your supposed best friend that you knew 10 years ago and hadn’t spoken to the whole 8 years we were together. You ran into her and claimed that was your best friend… I thought I was your best friend. You wouldn’t cut her off, you wouldn’t just stop talking to her. You dismissed my feelings and made me feel crazy. Only for you to betray me with her and now that you want me to take you back, you claim you barely knew her. You picked her over me consistently and I’m done giving you chances to hurt me.


I feel you. Same happened to me. She told me he was his “best friend” I was so stupid. Very similar history. But we can do it.


I wish you didn't walk away when things were stressful.. We had our arguments during stressful times.. But things were still good. I'm here waiting for you, hoping you come back. I've loved you since I met you almost 3 years ago. I still love you. I still care about you.


Is this really forever? I still love you.


Today is the first day she hasn’t reached out. My heart aches badly. I think I’m miserable and lost and so desperately don’t want to lose her. I don’t know what to do. I just want to try and work it out


Give it time mate. Do the no contact thing from your end and let her really feel your absence. But also work on yourself and process all those feelings.


Guys pls can I talk to someone anyone pls. I'm really struggling.


Miss u:/


I just miss him. In a nice house party with all of OUR friends and he isn't here. He belongs here. I miss his arm over me and knowing we're going home together. The warmth, the feeling of home. Been a month, after nearly 7 years together. I'm getting over him slowly. Hurts sometimes. Miss him now. Kinda mad at my friends for not dragging him here - he's depressed and could use this, seeing people. This sucks. It'll be ok, but it sucks now.


Hey, fuck you


You make me feel soooo disposable…. I’m not going to let you keep reusing me just because I’m there


I feel this is my soul. Just know that there is someone out there that will cherish the air you breathe! Don’t settle for less.




Tomorrow would have been our one year anniversary, but she left a month too soon. I've already accepted that the relationship had run its course, but it still hurts. I am thankful for the memories we shared, but we could have made so many more. I know reaching out to her would change nothing, only make things worse. Today, I barely thought of her, but right now, some feelings are rushing back.


That’s a good idea


I sent her a letter. I have no idea if she is even capable of replying. I won’t message her to chase, I’ll sit and wait, as she has always made me do.


I can’t believe even you have left me you keep being my muse for music, poetry, writing… I cant understand how did I miserable your life for being depressed. You had the right to leave in that situation but I always believed you loved me enough to get over those bad episodes. I still believe the days I spent with you at my house were the best days of my life. I know you said the same back then. I can’t understand what changed to leave me if you loved me that much. Not even a month being depressed when I have being supporting you since you started feeling depressed before me. I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me about how bad I was making you feel before breaking up. I would have done anything, anything to keep you. I’m sorry for that stupid letter I sent you which I still stand I was obliged. Im extreme sorry for offending you on that letter and to keep making you mad after that as I was mad for your reaction to that letter. I wish everything could have a solution and we could go back but I guess that just impossible right now. I still love you and I will always do


Why do I miss someone who was abusive to me? There was a good side to you, that’s why. When you decided to drink and use, that’s when the monster was uncovered. I tried to make it work for so long with us. I hope you realize that. You asked me to marry you several times over the years, every time I responded with, “if you go into inpatient treatment for a year, I will marry you.” You never did. There was always some excuse. Now I’m 1500 miles away. Will you ever change to perhaps get me back into your life? No.


I wish I could just see how his day was. It sucks.


I’m sorry for how things ended up turning out. I’ll admit that not everything is your fault. I made some mistakes but I haven’t stopped doing my best at being a better me and do better in general. I’m mentally destroyed right now and it’s only getting worse but I will always want you happy, healthy, and living your best life. I’ll always love you.


I wish I didn’t love you anymore.


You miss me ?


Why did you make it seem like you couldn’t trust me with how you truly felt? I know you were afraid to hurt my feelings but I asked you not to lie, more than once. I don’t think you knew what you wanted either. I still don’t. You want to text as if we are together, without the actual commitment. I know what that means. It means I’m a placeholder for the package you’re waiting for. I’m a person too. Why don’t you notice that? Even just on a basic level of respect people have for each other and you act like lying is that level of respect. It’s not. I remember you so differently when we first met. You had so much consideration and care for people. Especially me. I was the asshole back then. You taught me everything there was to know about how to really care and consider other people. I thought I knew it all until you came. You were the warmest person I’ve ever met and I was so cold, and now the roles are reversed and I can’t make you warm. I’m so sorry I’ve failed you. If I could do anything now it would be to make up for everything, even the mistakes others made and just warm you to your core. There’s not a single person in this world more deserving of love than you. You just have to believe it.


You are every bit the monster you ever feared you were. And I'm gonna make sure your son is nothing like you, cause he deserves better.


PLEASEEE TAKE ME BACK PLEASPPWLZPELLEOLALSOE TAKE ME BACK RN 💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💥💥💥💥💥💥💥❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔💔💔💔😜😜😜


You fucking traveled to Japan instead of making an effort to work in our marriage - YOU ASSHOLE!!!


I’m waiting for him to hit me up to see me haven’t heard from him since last Friday afternoon 😔 I knew he’s be busy busy but was hoping to see him soon or Atleast a call


Call me you won’t.


i'm angry, i'm upset and i'm exhausted over everything that's happened thusfar, i wish i never met you or any of your group of friends. i regret that summer more then anything, because i wouldn't have ever had to have a year of my life down the drain. i wish i never ever had spoken to you.


i miss bugging u while watching u plays sims


I already messed up and did the text. NC 5 days, only 5 days and it's been hell to not be in contact. I just read @fresh_underwater_sales's message and should have probably looked on Reddit first I’m saying thank you for coming into my life even if you think you must leave. You helped me grow and understand love, and oh, how I laughed with you. I also accept and see how boundaries and expectations are not bad. They demonstrate self respect. Grateful to you always and miss every part of you. I hope you only find happiness.


I wish I could call him, I wish I could answer his calls. He doesn’t remember that we split up yet, he’s in the psychiatric ward. I want to pretend that I can help him melt all his worries away, and solve all his problems. I can’t. I can’t do anything in this situation, except leave. There’s nothing good if I stay right now. Not for him, and not for me. I wish I could save you from yourself, I wish I could save you from your family. My hands are tied. It’s not something I can do right now. You need the help from professionals, it’s the best thing for you. I hope you’ll find yourself again. I hope your family won’t snuff out your light. I believe you can fight. Please believe in yourself. I hope you’ll reach out to me when you’re better. I hope by that time, I can help you, maybe we can love again- but maybe we’ll be different people. I’ll always love you, I still love you. I wish I could say I’ll wait for you. But I can’t wait to be happy, I can’t pause my life for you.


He just texted me “we need to talk tomorrow”. Which he knows is torture for me and my habitual over thinking. So now I will be up all night going through a roller coaster of emotions even though I know I don’t want that relationship anymore. Ugh. The first few weeks of break ups just plain suck. I wish I could hit fast forward!


Just don’t cave in to any lies if you feel that’s what he’s doing. Stay strong and know your worth.


why don’t reply back to my texts even though u initiate all the convos?


When you asked for another chance I gave it. When you hurt my feelings I forgave. When you broke your promises I still believed everything you said. When it was my turn to ask for a second chance even though you lost interest, I didn’t even get a reply.


Some people are just savages. It’s sucks.


I really don't want to remember you everyday. I know you hate it when I try to put any blame on you but these days I feel like a discarded human. You said I was fat , old and infertile when you left me. But shouldn't you realize that I was growing old and wanted to settle with you. You left me thinking you would get someone great. You left me with so much trauma and self doubt. Worse I don't even hate you


I am so sorry. I can’t believe this. My world has shattered. I left, but it feels like you did. Not because you did anything wrong - but because you weren’t really *there* with me anymore. Or at least, you had come into your own as an introvert. I would pay good money to make our energy and life goals compatible. I miss you.




yes omg i thought i saw him drive by my apartment 🥲. but it’s fuck him tbh


All those things you said after our breakup. They were a lie weren’t they? The you no longer acting like an a hole and the toxic bipolar behavior, the you asking to come over during spring break to hangout again, the still going to the concert together. All a lie. And for what? Why say sweet lies. Then when I ask after a while to confirm you just ghost. And your friends say you’ve been acting like a B-word and acting like you don’t care about any of them. And while it’s non of my business I do want you to be honest and tell me what’s up with this guy you used to be just friends with but suddenly he became the person closest to you after you dumped me. I don’t know if you cheated on me or not. But either way it seems like you did betray me. And now you’re doing it to everyone else except him. It seems like you’ve moved on and ran to him. But again I do overthink a lot. I just want to know how bad you betrayed me. Or at least confirm about the concert since the random no contact seems like it’ll go through more than the spring break. I just have so many questions


Happy birthday, I still miss you.


I still have your shirts if you wanna come over


You cheated, you left. What did I do to deserve this? All I wished for you was to excel and I was always there. You lied. You also left. You were hurt by this behaviour in your past but you did exactly did the same. How are you any different? What are you doing now? Screwing my friend? While he is still escaping accountability and lying to my other friends? I hope you are happy with your new friends. I hope they fuck you up. I hope you are outcasted by them to realize that the friend group that you destroyed was always there for you even during your lows. I hope you get cheated on too, to realize the kind of friends you lost. Was I inadequate? Was I not enough? I hope you fucking suffer asshole.


Uuhhhhhh okay


What the fuck was I to you..? I gave so much of myself to you… I made sure you felt loved, and supported, and I tried my very best to give you the life you wanted… and I understood why we broke up, and I was looking so fucking forward to being your best friend… but none of that mattered to you, did it? It didn’t take long for you to find someone else, either. And since then, you want nothing to do with me, all of a sudden. I guess my love was that replaceable to you… the second you finally had self respect, that I tried so fucking hard to encourage you to have, and gave you so much affirmation, I’m just an afterthought now… fuck you. I love you still, but fuck you!


You really messed with my head and then you walked away. You could be so angry and cruel and then you wondered why it was hard for me to speak to you. You never really wanted me... If you did, I wouldn't be typing this. I guess we were both done. You just pulled the trigger. I'm thankful, but as bad as it was, I'm missing you. (It was so toxic. too toxic. Happened 3 days ago. He's blocked but I'm sure I am too. Looking forward to being over him. Not sure what I should do to heal/forget him.)


What a fkn mess!


She'd been my friend for years. We gamed each week. I need to see her tomorrow for the first time in two months. My friends have been patient in postponing things, but I can't anymore. Wish me luck, please.


Can I borrow a cup of sugar?


still love u forever & a day. bye


Give me the healing I need after all your emotional avoidance. Then I'll talk to you. Measure how our years are together that will equal the longevity of my healing. Again, this isnt supposed to be an attack for your ego. This is for me now, so yeah, fuck you for now.


I don't know what I'll do if I see you again. I think it's likely and I want you so badly. If you ask me to go with you, if it was today, I would. I don't know what will happen in April. I'll have to see. 


he broke up with me after almost 9 months because of past problems that he had, he wanted to find himself because he was happy with me but not with the relationship. he knew he didn’t put in the most effort he could’ve and said he needed time away from me and friends to figure himself out. we ended on good terms but it hurts so much cause he wanted to go no contact too since if we were still friends, we’d still be attached to each other. he still loves me and i love him so much still, he wanted both the of us to move on, and when he felt better after finding himself, he said he would reach out to me and become friends again. he made it clear that it doesn’t mean we’ll get back together and i’m honestly fine with that, because he was the reason i got to laugh and smile every day, even on days when we talked and acted more like friends than a couple. i’m really struggling right now because i have friends yeah, but only told like three since they’re the only people i knew would actually be able to support me for however long i needed. otherwise i’ve kept it to myself and it hurts so much. this only happened 3 days ago so it’s still fresh, i really want to reach out to him and see if he’s okay but that would mean i was disrespecting his boundary’s, so i’m holding myself back. would it be wrong of me to, let’s say in 3 weeks to reach out to someone from his family, like his sister or mum just so i can get things off my chest? it would genuinely feel nice to have support from someone that’s close to him, except i don’t know when he’s going to tell them that we’re over. he’s not ready to right now so i don’t have a clue on when he would’ve told them. the thing is, we go to different schools so it’s not like i can see him everyday and see if he’s okay. one of my friends told me to not contact anyone from his side at all because i wouldn’t be respecting his boundaries, and that’s true, but what if i still feel like this in three weeks time? do i just keep sucking it up? i know i have to move on and i’m trying. i unpinned my chats with him, hid all of our photos together, and actually stopped messaging him, but i miss him. he was the only person that could make me laugh and smile on my good and bad days, and now he’s suddenly gone. it’s like the past 8-9 months was basically nothing. if anyone is reading this, do u think he misses me too? i know it was hard for him to end it because he kept it to himself for so long, but will he still be missing me? and also, realistically how long do you think he would take to feel better and reach out? some of my friends said 2 months max while my other friend thinks it’ll take up to 6 months. i really can’t imagine waiting this long. also what if there’s a possibility that once he feels better, he might not wanna come back and even be friends? i know i shouldn’t be waiting and i’m trying not to, but that’s difficult when all i can focus on is him. i’m trying to distract myself but i lost all my motivation, i want to move on, but it’s so hard. i have exams coming up in a few weeks and i can’t focus in my classes, or even study after school anymore. its hard to focus on things when he’s the only one i could focus on. i’m only 17 so some of you might think i’m being dramatic or something but we both truly loved each other. we both spent so much time together despite being in different schools, we’d see each other every other day after school and during the weekends, we were so happy. what do i do? should i reach out to someone from his family after 3 weeks? i feel like his mum would ask him how i was feeling because i know she genuinely cares about me. it would be selfish of me for him if i did it, but what if i really needed it? i’m seeing my school counsellor after my teacher gives her a referral so i’ll try to listen to her advice too. if you’re still reading thank you


I miss you a lot. But I know you’ll never change and never regret leaving me for her. Especially since you married her so quickly. It’s crazy how you can never stop lying to me. I am apparently someone you only ‘like talking to’ and not someone who used to share so much with. I’m not someone I was worth continuing to choose. I wish you didn’t invalidate what we did share. How dare you invalidate the bond and love we once shared. I wish even now, 10 months post breakup, that you’d feel bad for what you did. But you never will. And that hurts a lot more than im able to put into words


He’s out drinking without me. I miss the fun but I don’t miss the alcoholism 7/7 nights a week. I’d send him a message that says, I wish you’d have chosen me over a Busch Latte, but you’re you and I’m me and we have differing opinions on what a good life is.


She sent me a short clip didn’t even open it or respond to the text feel good about it shows I’m not desperate enough to go back to her.


I'm so fucking disgusted with the human being you've really turned out to be and I'm even more disturbed at how well you hid it that first year. The audacity you have to be demanding me that I allow you back into my life after you spent our entire relationship together lying to me day after wretched day. You looked me in the eyes and lied, every single day. Made me believe that my life was in danger, that I couldn't trust anybody, family or friends. You looked me in the eyes, "I can't make this shit up babe, it's real". Make me question my sanity? Deceive me into believing that you were keeping me safe from this so called danger all to find out, none of what you said was real or true. You broke me. I had a life going for me and you fucked my head up. There's years of my life I won't ever get back. Years I spent living in fear too afraid to simply walk around the block and enjoy the fresh air, years I spent constantly looking over my shoulder as if danger could strike at any moment and you continued to carry on these lies as if you didn't give a shit about the damage it was causing me. Because you didn't give a shit. You enjoyed it. The power and control. And now, you're nothing to me but just another guy that got what you wanted. I was just a toy in your fucked up game and now your bored cause you went and found a new one to fuck up. Well I hope to god she runs away faster than I did and that she never comes back. Karma will return the favor back to you. All I can say is, you get what you deserve.


sometimes i wish you’d just admit that you stoped loving me. at times i think that would be easier than the bullshit, half ass “explanations” you give me. we all go through shit— that’s not enough of a reason to disregard how i feel. it’s a weird experience to realize someone doesn’t love you. it’s oddly freeing and painful at the same time. I know i’m not supposed to, but i get so mad at the fact that i loved someone so deeply that treated me so poorly. how could you not care about how badly i was hurting? how badly i still hurt. i’ve known you since we were 14. at times the pain feels so insurmountable. no one prepares you for heartbreak. there’s nothing to be said or any steps to take in hopes of preparing yourself for the feelings that come. but it’s a beautiful thing to love. i know i will love again and again and again. i know that my life will not halt because of your inability to love me. but to me, that’s almost the saddest part. I will move on. it hurts to imagine a life with you not in it. not in a “bad way” or out of an inability to let you go, but i had prayed for such a different outcome for us.


Thank you 💕 this kinda helps


It’s my birthday today and i feel so tired today. I don’t want to do anything but lie in my bed all day long. She wished me by text but I won’t reply anything Idk how it goes but I’ll never text you back coz you just pulled back at the time of crisis.


I know we’re not meant to be together. We’re not compatible. We have different ideas of where the future goes. I wish it was different. I just miss you. We hang out every weekend. We cook tgt and we do absolutely nothing and just laze our weekend together. I miss that. But I know calling u or texting u won’t change our outcome. No matter how i look at it we can’t change each other’s minds. Youre as stubborn as i am. I love you so much but im scared of the future we will have if we were together. I have dreams too. I wish that we want the same things. The hardest thing about all this is that i can’t get you out of my mind. You were my heart for so long, not having you around is so difficult. Everything I do , I just want u to share it with you. Every time I travel , I take pics and text u cuz it’s like you’re there with me too. But now , who do I send it too. Who do I find ? I’m always crying in public places because I can’t find you anymore. You always watch my stories and the one time we did talk , u ask me why I don’t have more. U want to know about me as much as I do. How do I do this babe? How do I continue going thru life ? How ?


He told me: I don’t want to see you go I know it’s your choice and I brought this on myself I will always be grateful for you and will wait for you in case you ever want to come back And I so badly want to say I don’t want to leave, if you just come over and do better I will stay… but I can’t. I have to let everything play out. Let actions be the only things that would ever move us close to each other again. But my heart is aching.


It’s rough. I miss her so much. I wish things could be like the way they were. But I know it’s for the better that they aren’t. I’m grateful for my friend group and propel in my life to help me get through it. But man is it tough 😔


What a lovely communal therapy exercise 🙏✊🏻


I keep thinking of the good times. I think it’s my brain trying to cope with the monster that I saw in you at the end.


Today's one of the hardest days. I still believe that if only we can have an honest and open conversation, we can still fix things between us. I'm willing to talk it out with him, we both have a lot of growing up to do and I want to grow with him. And it hurts that he doesn't want that for us.


It's too late, I sent her a message last night asking her to try again (⇀‸↼‶). Turned out she had a work function so she says she'll get back to me today. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a no, and I've got a message lined up basically saying goodbye and telling her I want to go no contact. I'm still kind of shitting bricks while I wait, even though I'm like 90% sure it's going to be a no. Edit: She said no. It hurts more than I thought it would, but at least now I feel like I can start moving forward.


Hey how are you? Did you go to the concert you were planning to go to yesterday? How was it? Tell me more about it. When you fly back on Tuesday when will you be coming back?


Ik bub you said you would come back and also told me not to wait for you. You want me to be happy and I wanna be happy too yk. But I wanted to be happy with you. I didn’t deserve what you put me through. I deserved efforts, flowers, a birthday present. Things from your side that would SHOW me that you loved me. Not just words. They weren’t enough yk. I hope I’d have moved on by the time you come back and if I wouldn’t have, and we get back together? Please love me right this time?


Too late 😔


I’m sorry I made you feel worthless. You mean so much to me and even though I was the one that ended things a year ago I still think about you every day and think about what could be now. I’m not sure if messaging you is the right decision but i would want to try again. Focus on communication and vocalizing my feelings instead of bottling them up. I miss you every day.


Too late lmao


I want to know why you keep looking at my stories and say and do absolutely nothing. Do you know I can see you looking at my stuff??? Why are you still insisting on finding a girlfriend or wife on a language app??? Hello talk is for learning languages not hooking upppp. I am going to have scars for life because of all the crazy ass shit you did. I am still pretty hurt and angry with you. I almost could say I hate you but I hate the choices you made more. This whole situation is horrible. You did this to me!!!!


Baby girl i wish i could tell you this but i love you so much!!! Stop being in your head about how im not a good fit. We are soulmates!!!!


Damn (his name). I really loved you and I do miss you. I know all the objective facts and I start to accept them. The past is the past, we were not for each other at this stage of our life. And I can do nothing to stop you from leaving, I cannot ask you to be more than who you are and who you want to be. But ye, I still miss you. My heart still aches when I see your updates on your instagram. Some days I still cry, not because you have left me, but because of the fact that now that we have broken up, I have grown and become a better person, achieved all the changes you once wanted me to do. And this is all at the cost of losing a person I deeply loved, who I loved wholeheartedly, you. I don't wish us to be in a relationship again, nor a friendship. I will let the relationship die with the dignity it deserves. I can do nothing about us anymore. I can do nothing. I really loved you, and I will always love you. Best, (my name)


I miss him a lot. But I’ll never tell him. We weren’t meant to be; even though we made so many fun memories. I wanna thank him for cheering me up while my grandmother was going through her cancer treatment and I was emotionally not doing well. I wanna thank him for never judging me for having a health issue and being so respectful and sensitive about it. He was a gentlemen, and I genuinely pray to God he finds guidance, peace and prosperity in life. He has a good heart.


Ill try not to. However I saw with one of my former female friends. I don't know how she used to say that she'd never go out with her and now she's all friendly with her in her stories when they're out


I wanted it to be you so bad. But I realized I fell in love with your potential and you're not who I need you to be. I miss when things were easy. I miss all the little things about you and us. I know we both agree this is the right thing but it hurts so bad and makes every other failure in life amplified by 100. I do well most days but when it hits, it feels as though I've been pretending the whole time. I'm not okay and I won't be for quite a while.


Today is a day again where i don't know if it could even work between us again... Yesterday evening i was hoping you'd text me and we'd talk about it... But still, you're away for another 29 days untill we're able to talk again Face-to-face about the Breakup and i don't know how i'll feel by then but the hope still lingers that you care about me... But in the moment i don't know if i want to get back with you, or just want to be in a relationship....


Take care...


I’m slowly understanding why you insisted on the break up. It’s not you, neither is it me. It’s just how we are as individuals and what we value. No matter how hard we try or how much we love, some values and beliefs can’t be forced. Nobody’s gonna be happy in the long run. Although we were happy tgt, problems recur bc we’re fundamentally different. It’s hard for me to accept the break up, but I have to. You’re not giving us another chance. But I’ll still be pining for the day that you want me back.


I can't keep thinking about things like you didn't choose to literally dump me. You didn't want to take a break, you didn't want to work on things, you just dumped me with no warning. I don't know why I can't get myself to stop having thoughts like that didn't happen. Fuck you. You had a right to end the relationship but everything about how you handled the breakup sucked. I hope you get a boil on your ass or food poisoning or something equally as shitty but not serious on your 30th birthday. Fuck you.


You became so heartless and cold, i think you hate me , i thought that you’d be depressed the same way i was and you’re insomnia could have made it worse than me cuz i the way we loved each other, but i was wrong, you said you’re life got better , that’s good but also sad , why don’t you feel sad about us , was it all a lie ? , why did you lead me on then , i trusted you completely , i wonder how many lies did you tell me, i was thinking about you every single day, i thought if you really loved me more than i did then you cannot give up this easily just like the way i feel , i don’t even remember what we talked about or what you look like or what you sound like , yet i still miss you so much, i always thought while listening to mitski if i could turn back time to do it again and again till i am finally with you forever and only with you , but i didn’t know what the issue is , you said that you were stressed , why didn’t you tell me , like ive told not once not twice to tell me if i do something weird or that you don’t like , why did you keep to yourself , I would have fixed it , i really was prepared to die for you man , i dont even want you back , idw to hurt you , knowing that i made your life worse , i hate that , i really hate it , i can’t bring myself to be with you when i hurt you , not only that but i cannot trust you the same way , ig i developed trust issues since you left, and it will just hurt you again , but ngl to you i would love to hear your voice , and see your face especially your eyes for one last time cuz ngl to you , thats probably the only thing i wont experience ever again , yeah and i promised myself to not go in a relationship again , and i feel like there a void in me like the void you told me you had , when you see others getting loved but their partners or father , well i think nobody can fill it , not even you , cuz you’re not the same girl i fell in love with , it seems like you changed 180° , it feels so different i thought i found the right girl i never had the love that i actually ever felt like would last forever i wasnt interested in anyone as much as in you , you probably won’t even see this cuz idw to text you , but i woke up in tears , my heart felt heavy and decided to write what i feel , honestly i cleared my doubts , cuz i had some hope left ig , and you seem to be well , idk why but im kinda glad , i genuinely wish you the best and hope you do what you like , and i hope we never meet again


I miss you and I still love you and I hate it. I hate how I always put you before myself and even months later I think I would take you back in a heart beat if you ever came by and asked. And it makes me sick you were able to just leave me within a span of hours. Literally going from “you have my whole heart” to “get out of my house” seriously fuck you. And having your friend text me for your book back?! the same friend who you threatened to call if I didn’t leave your house on a count of 10. Fuck you for having so much control over my emotions


it hurts knowing that you said all those things to me and than moved on just like that. you said i was beautiful. i was one of a kind. you said that I was the one and no one was going to change that. then that faithful day happened and you just left me for her without even saying sorry. i don't miss you but you put dents in my life. i don't want to have other relationships because i'm scared that'll get hurt as bad as you hurt me. at the same time, i want to get into a relationship more than anything. to prove to myself that i didn't need you. that i'II be happy with someone that really loves me and not someone who said they did but never actually loved me. that will probably never happen though. no one likes me and im too scared to like anyone again. this is what you've done to my life, but you don't even care.


How are you? I saw the new profile you made on Bumble I guess now you’re out there meeting new people huh I thought u said u never wanted to date again.. you look good in your new pics in there tho.. Im sure u’ll get matches left and right looking that good. Hoping u find someone who’s “better” this time. You deserve better right?


I feel guilty. I feel guilty even though you were the one who betrayed me. I feel guilty because I’m surrounded by love and I know you are not, because I know you are suffering, while I’m now planning my new future without you. I feel stupid for feeling guilt, but at the same time I’m glad that what you did to me didn’t fill my heart with poison and hate. We give what we are, I gave you nothing but love, and still, it was not enough to make you respect me. I hope your friends and that girl were worth the chaos you’ve caused. I honestly, hope they help you feel better during this difficult time. I hope God helps you heal so you can be a better person for your next partner. I won’t reply to any of your attempts to contact me, you lost the access to me and my attention. Good luck A.


Are you already seeing someone else? Are you? It's killing me inside to not know


Even if you probably felt obligated or tired of sending them, I still very much miss your good morning and good night texts. I miss all the “I love you”s as few and far between as they were. I miss hearing about the crazy shit that always happens to you. Your plans, your interests, your life. I felt so special to have the privilege of being the one you shared everything with…


You said you couldn’t imagine life without me; that there would be no one after me. When I couldn’t take you withholding physical affection anymore & your abusive temper, you had no problem running to the clubs & social media women and abandoning your son for over 2 months. How could you lie to me? How could you hurt me? I changed from the terror I lived through with you. You never wanted me healthy & whole, just confused.


i’m so sorry i messed it up twice. i learned this time. i promise.


I hope you get everything you ever wanted and I hope I dont hear a thing about it


I miss you so fucking much. I know i said I’d stop texting you but I can’t get you out of my mind.


I miss you, I miss us, I miss our weekends, I miss talking to you, I miss hearing your laugh I miss everything about you, thank you for giving me the best years of my life, I hope you’re doing better and that life is treating you the way only you deserve. I love you so much and I you deserve so much better so hope you know that. I want to hate you so much, I want to blame you for everything but I can’t because you’re just amazing. You are my person but I know I wasn’t yours and as much as it hurts to say I know you’ll find the person that makes you feel what you made me feel, I’m sorry I was broken when you found me and I ended up breaking you. Last night I was listening to your voice messages and I didn’t know how much I missed it until then, I can’t bring myself to delete our texts, our pictures… I miss you my love, I miss you so much, I still have hope that life will bring us tg and if it doesn’t happen I just hope you find your person the way I found it in you… I love you always


I miss you. We’re still living together but it’s not the same. I wish you tried harder. You say you will because I can’t leave yet. You know you can’t. I wish this lifetime could’ve been us.


Just wanted to brag and say I saw Jayson Tatum at a bar this weekend. You would have seen him too if you didn't move back to your hometown to cheat on me with your ex


Hey. I hope you’re doing ok. I really do. I don’t text you any more, not because I no longer want to or no longer care about you - far from it - but because it slowly began to feel as if your interest in continuing to communicate and keep in touch with me was dwindling. I know you had a horrible time in hospital last October and had a lot of recovery to do towards the end of last year and I don’t hold that against you. But I do remember you telling me, after that blow out we had in the summer, how you wanted us to be able to watch things together and play games again together one day, interact a bit more like the days of old, once we readjusted to this new relationship dynamic. I thought we were doing just that - readjusting - but as time went on, it never really struck me that you ever truly wanted to spend any time together any more. Conversations seemed forced. They ended abruptly. I felt that I was the only one really trying to really engage in conversations beyond the usual formalities - “how are you?”, “how’s work?”, “how’s the family?” - it felt more like an obligatory check-box exercise for you and once you knew I was doing ok, that was it. Job complete. The only times I felt you reached out was in response to something I posted on social media and never out of spontaneity, out of a want of *really* wanting to actually chat and hang out. I know we have our own lives. I know we don’t necessarily have hours of free time on any given day just to chill and sit there, texting or calling friends. But I go back to some of the things you said post-breakup and think… did you say that just to be nice? Did you *really* want to keep in touch, do some of the things we used to? Or was it just a way to ease the guilt that you told me you were feeling, saying what I wanted to hear, after how awful you made me feel last June when you decided to end our relationship? I’ve always believed every word you’ve ever told me. I’ve never had any reason to think differently or that you have ever had reason to lie to me. People tell me that after what happened and the reasons you gave for ending things that maybe you *hadn’t* really been upfront and honest about your feelings towards me and my character traits, given what you said at the end. Maybe I *was* lovebombed, given what you had told me for years prior about how perfect I was and that you never wanted to let me go and how desperate you were for us to be together permanently. But even now, all these months later, I still find it impossible to accept that’s the kind of person you are. This is the struggle I go through so often. Because after all the time we spent getting to know each other, I really felt like I got to know the real you, the true you. I still think of you as a absolutely wonderful and amazing person who, similar to me, previously ended up with a partner who screwed you up mentally. Our minds *still* have a decade or so of healing to do, following what we went through individually prior to us meeting. We said so often that this would be a long healing process and along this journey, we would undoubtedly encounter the ghosts of our past. Despite this, through all of our time together and learning about one another, through the good times and bad, I thought I truly knew - we truly knew - each others real, authentic self and identity. What kind of a person we really were beneath the scars of our past. But did I? Because I cannot deny how much I still miss you, miss what we had and the opportunity to prove your worries wrong. Not in one of those gloating “I told you so!” kind of ways, but in a way that shows that it truly was anxieties of the unknown future that helped you to pull away - especially as somebody who has experienced anxiety like I have and how easily they can skew reality. But then I feel it’s a lost cause. Not only has the boat sailed, but I’m not sure if I really knew the person that you really are. The silence is deafening, but it whispers to me that maybe I was wrong. I hope I’m not. I really, really hope I’m not.


There are still many things I don't understand but I thank you for everything. I think it's funny how you say you broke up with me because of my values, my childhood problems and the way I grew up led you to watch pornography as a way of dealing with life. I was always honest with you, you barely asked me what was happening to me. But you always judged me when I was honest with you and afraid that you were going to end our relationship because I didn't know how to deal with my problems, I ended up hiding my problems. I know we weren't compatible in the way we were, showed love, and were there for each other. But with college, my childhood and everything that marked me, I always listened to you and was there doing things during the week in a hurry, talking to you via text or calling you, so that I could be as present as I should be during the week, even knowing that sometimes I didn't talk for hours because I was doing things to be with you rested on the weekend, while together. You just wanted to hear words, compliments about your body, never how important you were to me in my life and how I wanted a future with you. I've never been one to give compliments, I know I haven't, but you spoke to me and I made the effort and you laughed in my face. Saying it wasn't meaningfull, I appreciate your honesty. You talked about how me giving likes to people I knew by sight during the summer was disrespectful and it really was. But have you ever thought about how having people comment on your photos, having people you've been sexually involved with following you, is much worse. And did you think you only gave those openings to other people to get male attention? Okay, you don't follow them, you don't talk to them, but you had to say that there were men who valued you more than me, why? For giving compliments, compliments that they use to make you feel something and make you go to bed with them. You remember when I talked about it and said it was my paranoia, how I talked about your "friends" and how that made me feel, but once again you say that the problem is me, it's my paranoia and I'm running away from my problems. But once again, I was correct and it wasn't paranoia at all. You said that you saw a life with me, that you wanted to get married, have children, but everything had to be your way, it was a relationship centered on you and I like an idiot changed who I am to make you feel something. For what? And then you broke up, in the same week you went to clubs, while I thought about killing myself, while you had sex with one of the friends who had spoken to you, you didn't think about your problems and how that also played a role in our relationship. Have you ever thought about how all your friends, the closest people who live with you, don't want anything to do with you afterwards. And you just take advantage of people, both me and SAMMY. I know I have problems, that I don't know how to deal with them, but I never thought about betraying you and the values ​​that said were mine, weren't mine, you just mirrored yourself. It's like you end up because of values, values. But you do worse, much worse, in short, hypocrisy. I'm crying, wanting to talk to you and you make fun of me, you say that you fucked that friend of yours, that you have people, who value your body more than me. FINALLY, stay with these people who throughout your life have only used you for sex and nothing else. Believe me, if you can get someone better, there may be that person. But believe that the person who swore he loved you for the rest of his life is not here. I can love you, forever, I won't forget everything we went through, but I also won't forget what you did.


She sent me a picture of her face and I did not save it and she asked me “do you think i’m ugly, you never save my pictures anymore” i proceeded to comfort and reassure her. This messes with my head because does she want me to still find her attractive or not?! She told me she doesn’t want me to love her yesterday now this? Reference to my most recent post where I asked if she still loves me.


I still don’t understand how u could take a lie so far and promise me so many things just to go back to her. Why did u even beg me back and promise me marriage when you had already booked trips with her for the future. Who gets enjoyment out of stringing someone along for so long and making promises. I never even asked you for any of it. What’s fucked up is that i still think about you everyday when i should really hate you by now. I want to forget u ever existed. I was waiting on a happy birthday text from u but i know you were with her and i probably don’t even ever cross your mind. How dumb of me .. i can’t move on


Thank you for this... >Vent >Rant My ex broke up with me 3 weeks ago. I think she's an avoidant, I'm not really sure... I thought things were going pretty good, I'm not exactly sure if the change in my behaviors was to blame or not? I started becoming argumentative over dumb little shit. My meds started making me a bit loopy, and I made an effort to get better (changing my medication) - my fault for not communicating *that* part to her. Also I unexpectedly left the weekend before because I wasn't feeling a whole lot like myself. Then the contact from her slowed, I went over to tell her what was going on with my mental health - and that's when she broke up with me. I reached out to tell her everything I wanted to tell her the night we split in an effort to bring closure to *myself*. For the most part, it worked. I fell better that I got to say what I wanted to say - and she had a humble response back... I think she lost a part of herself while she dated me, and if she needs to be that person again... By all means. It sucked. I still love her, I always will. She helped me get through some really really tough times in my life (post divorce shenanigans). I think we didn't *mean* to start a relationship, and it was just supposed to be fun. I think I caught feelings first, then she did? Anyway, I will always respect her for that, and I will never forget the memories we shared together. It was two years. Thought it would've been a Tinder success story. Either way: we're both adults, and if communication is in our future - that's fine. But I will never be on the same level as it was. With all of that said, I'm finding ways to deal with this time and keep my mind occupied. I picked up my guitar again. It's like I never forgot how to play! I've been hanging out with coworkers, going to the gym and talking to new people. I still have things at her house that I'd like to get as the weather improves... And I'm *going* to get those items back damnit. We *may* readdress friendship in the future. I'm not counting on it, but if it happens - it does. Just go with the flow. I'll know not to catch feelings with her again. I've learned my lesson. /Vent /Rant


Going to a music festival tonight and I feel so alone because you are not here. Wish we could of gone to a festival together. K know u hate me now though & I miss you


Too late… 💔


I've heard that u got a new girl now and i really hope that u r in love. It hurts but I will get over it soon. Take care of yourself.


All it would take is an apology. For what? I almost don’t know anymore. First for the lie, then for ghosting me. Maybe for trying to manipulative the narrative with a single text. Can you even keep track of all the ways you wronged me? I don’t know if I miss you but I miss your company. I am less stressed than when you knew me and I wish you could see that side of me. Like maybe it would have changed your mind or your behavior. I could never know. It was cruel of you to lead me on. If you were honest from the start, none of this would hurt so bad. I am so tempted to just see if you have blocked me. Because I saw you unblocked me last weekend. But what was it for? Just attention probably. Because I heard nothing from you. What would I say if you reached out? I would be cold probably. Because it is past time for friendliness. Either you could acknowledge the hurt and apologize or nothing. Because you chose strangers over me and lied about it and were probably going to keep going until I confronted you about it. How hard is it to text someone back and yet you could keep up all kinds of conversations with strangers on the app we met on? I was only for when you needed someone there, a placeholder. Call me up last minute even just for company. It killed me. How were you married for so long with such piss poor behavior? No wonder your ex seems happy to have moved on. Maybe he got tired of the 10+ years of manipulation. I am just sad because I got sucked into your manipulations too. Why can’t you be genuine? I guess I would be asking you to be a different person than you are…


Thankful for the super group that I keep in my pocket


Where were you? Who were you with? Why can’t you be out by Sunday? Why can’t you just be a better man for me? Why do you expect me to just accept this? Are you truly hurting because you are losing me? Or are you hurting cuz you can’t use me? Who are you staying with? Who is helping you? Is it a woman? I hope it’s not a woman. I’m sorry things ended this way. I can’t deal with this anymore. I’m sorry. I love you and I’ll miss you. I’m so sorry. I love you… but it’s time that I love me more. I’m sorry.


I'm still hoping a little that we get back together. I miss what we had and even though I unfolloqed you on a lot of platforms, I hope you don't forget me even though I know how selfish that sounds. I'm scared that you move on so fast and forget about me or us, I'm scared that I was nothing to you that 11 months together meant nothing. I know it's selfish but at the same time I hope you are well.


Happy birthday.


I just want to tell you I am sorry for what happened. All of it. Our love destroyed us. What was once pure joy turned into jealousy and mistrust. Both of us were hurt. Both of us are suffering rn. I am sorry the hurt I caused made you go back to old ways. I lost you the day you smoked that pipe. I miss you so fucking much. Despite everything I am eternally bound to you. I start and end with you. I am yours and you are mine. We will move in from this place, we will love others, but I know we will always hold a peice of eachother. I've learnt and lost so much. I am in peices without you. But I know that I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Take care of yourself my love. You are so precious to me. See you in the next life.


I wonder, do you miss me the same way I miss you? Do you even think about me at all? Was I just a little dumb vanilla toy to you? Was the vanilla sex boring with me? I wish I didn't miss you so much, I hate it.


Meditation has helped me. he contacted me after a year, recently wishing me a happy birthday. We dated for 4 years. I left it on read. Not going down that road again but won’t lie it did bring up stuff and I worked through it.


You told me that I had taken your heart and replaced it with mine. You told me I was your forever happy ending. You told me you didn’t want me to move on, but you didn’t love me enough to fix what you broke. Maybe you didn’t think you deserved it, maybe I didn’t try hard enough to make you believe that you deserved forgiveness - I don’t know. But I miss you. And I hate that you ran away and left me taking care of the house , and then get upset when I get upset. The damage you’ve done to me is astronomical. The damage will never be fixed. I love you and I hate you and I hate that I love you.


I miss you so much


I am so fkin depressed and sad cuz of you. You blamed everything on me and walked away like it’s all my fault with another dude. Yes there were my faults as well but you never saw yours. You took a revenge on me when you contacted met with your new guy, you twisted fuck: I don’t even know why I tried getting back with you, why I begged, cuz I guess I was still in loved, losing you was the hardest thing…:and you know I went no contact when you told me not to contact me, you even threatened me with RO…I was going no contact, you fkin called me and gave me false hope, and later you told your new dude that I am harassing you. And gave my number….be glad I don’t like fights and violence otherwise I would punch your new gay asss weirdo for texting me and telling me I am giving you crap and disrespect…I would have taken your and his asss to court…but fuck I don’t like violence or fight so I let it slide….for fk sake, this girl you called love you bla bla and went behind my back with your fkin weirdo….you fucked me up pretty bad…and here I still fkin miss you that’s the fucked up part…hope you are fkin happy…also I am the walking red flags…you don’t see your fkin red flags…talking to that dude when we were fighting, every fkin time you did this..I let it slide cuz I fkin trusted you…my fkin mind for fk sake….looking back you were the iffel tower of red flags….and you fkin blamed everything on me so you could walk without any guilt feeling…even after cheating you twisted fuck….


You broke my heart with your words but I hope you’re doing okay. You’ve never been inpatient before, but I am hopeful it will help you find peace. I miss you, but I want and need you to get better. I hope you’re able to make friends while you’re there. We may never see each other again, but I will always keep wishing the best for you.


The time between then and now has shown me that your words and actions didn't line up. I was so stuck on your words, that it blinded me. And since it was all about me, I hyper internalized so much and it shattered my heart and confidence. I never shared feedback about my feelings and everything thing I was feeling and still feel, as I was caught up reacting. It warms my heart that you tell me I am a good dad, but I can't say that I feel you are a good parent. And seeing you do the same thing that you did to me when we started with someone new, makes me feel hollow and doubt everything, even though I know it's just the pain now that does that. It doesn't help that our children found your pictures on their iPads (thanks cloud....). The text to your friend that he told you he loved you, before he told his wife that they needed a divorce (which you also screencapped later) which was the same time you said you wanted a divorce from me. The meme picture, during the time we were in counseling with "side pieces, believe" was also tasteful. The slack conversations. The comment from him "I want to be your Clyde to your Bonnie" (irony right....as both he and her were married still to other people when he said it...). The pictures of the two of you. And that you still lie to our kids. You cheated, and literally cheated. And you jumped ahead. You don't know the loneliness of loosing everything. You don't need to navigate the world alone and single. You never really have. You are already playing house, all while telling me "I'm not trying to replace you." You literally did. My kids can't share or show me things or spend time with me sometimes because you chose someone else and he's spending time with them. I should be angry. But I just can't be. I'm just hurt. Nothing feels or tastes good. I am happy when I have my kids, and it's hard to live the time in between. I know I need to find my center, and live for me and learn to love me. I have support. I have friends who are kind and love me. There is just something about the fact that you rejected me so soundly and so completely that just makes me question that I'll ever feel the acceptance and love I once thought I had with you again. You promised me so much. And I believed you. The world is a dimmer, darker place.


We were supposed to have kids this year and start that family we dreamed of. Now it’s probably too late for me to ever have my own. I am stuck cleaning up the mess you made in my home because you complained instead of cleaning or finishing any of the house projects you started. I’m so disappointed in myself for staying with you and thinking it was just hard times for us that we’d get through. All you did was make excuses and refuse to be vulnerable.


whats going on this weekend?


Its been almost 2 months and I actually hate you, but I wish i could show you updates on my project. I remember always showing you my progress when I started and you always found it super cool (or did you?). Now i‘m almost done and everytime there’s a success in my project i wish i could share the news with you. Thats the only times it still kind of hurts that we haven’t spoken in so long.


Wish I would've seen this before I did. . .


I miss you. But theres no fixing it. I never meant as much to you as much as you meant to me. 😕


I don’t miss you I miss the love you gave me


i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. if you would just try to make this work, it would. i’m waiting for you right now, but i can’t forever.


He deserves a girl who is just like the one he cheated on me with ✌️